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Tate's Digital Transformation






The Role of Digital at Tate, Target Audiences, and Strategic Objectives

The primary role of digital at Tate Online is to increase public understanding and

enjoyment of British and modern global art. Embracing digital transformation at Tate helps cope

up with the rapid development of digital communications. As a result, Tate can effectively reach

new audiences in the international market and facilitate engagement in new ways. The firm also

targets to sustain, build, and broaden its range of audiences through the digital experience by

developing the current audiences and further building new audiences for the near future. The

digital transformation mainly focuses on attracting a more diverse population of the younger

generation. The strategic objectives of digital at Tate should include the following: first, to

become a leading social media platform for culture. Second, to use innovative ways to engage

current audiences and building new online communities. Tate should also focus on distributing

content to active online audiences, drive traffic toward the sites, integrate social media channels

into marketing campaigns, and build developmental audiences (Kiron et al., 2016).

The Keys to Stack’s Success During Tate’s Digital Transformation

Stack declared that just as digital is rapidly spreading like a virus, Tate is also working

toward initiating processes and standards that are the most efficient for prioritizing projects to

ensure quality and coherence. He ensured that Tate's digital transformation worked on

establishing a networking culture that facilitates team collaboration in delivering both physical

and digital experiences. Everybody in the museum has a stake in the digital transformation and

the sharing of content and reshaping communication strategies to all departments. Stack ensured

the efficient delivery of digitally produced catalogs, thereby increasing the possibilities for

information delivery, including videos and interactive media, making the research process

different. This fact has enabled the transformation and reshaping of the research. The museum

also increased digital awareness to overcome skepticism, embraced new staffing models that

ensure staff empowerment to embrace digital work. Stack also ensured that they understood their

audiences' needs in terms of the digital transformation (Avery, 2017).

Feasibility of Stack’s Vision for Digitization

Stack’s vision to make a digital dimension of Tate’s operations is an appropriate goal as

he focuses on reaching new audiences through the use of digital tools. Structural initiatives and

approaches reflect on the synergistic traditional facets of the museum. The transformation that

will be undergone by the institution will have a significant impact on its audiences. Digital

activity within the organization will enhance the utilization of digital channels and platforms to

provide rich content for both new and existing audiences. The use of digital tools for Tate will

help maximize the museum's revenue opportunities from art audiences. For instance, the use of

mobile tools plays a vital role in informing the institution's direction. To ensure future success,

Stack could consider doing more research to understand the needs of their audiences, focus on

the older generation, and provide further mobilization of the tools to more diverse populations

(Loonam et al., 2018).

Stack’s Monetization Option to Deliver an ROI

Stack developed five options for monetizing Tate's digital assets: e-commerce, marketing

efficiencies, digital philanthropy, pay to play, and grants. The option that is most likely to deliver

a return on investment (ROI) is e-commerce. This method links together Tate's online shop and

its digital content. Also, the online shop supplements the shop for physical gifts in Tate's

galleries. The online shop sells additional items, including books, prints, and products related to

the gallery collection; it allows promotion of the online shop across digital channels, thus

increasing organizational revenue. Tate's products will be promoted via the online shop,

including mobile apps, online courses, and eBooks.

Most and Least Useful Digital KPIs for Measuring ROI

Stack had also developed some digital key performance indicators (KPIs) for the Tate

digital transformation to facilitate the measuring of return on investment for the museum. The

most useful digital KPI for the organization is the conversion that results from the total revenue

accumulated from Tate's e-commerce activities, revenue per visit, and the conversion rate. The

number of visits per day will improve the revenue collection for the museum. The collected

revenue will, in turn, increase Tate's return on investment. Therefore, this makes the KPI the

most useful. The least useful digital KPI is usability that entails the number of positive

comments, the number of satisfied clients, and ease of navigation (Avery, 2017). The budgets for

usability are relatively low, and the ROI is most significant when conversion rates are doubled.

Moreover, the platform's usability may be excellent, but it will never lack users who lodge

complaints against the ease of access and use. Even though usability is a key KPI for making

data-driven decisions, it is not equally significant in measuring the ROI.



Avery, J. (2017). Tate's Digital Transformation.

Kiron, D., Kane, G. C., Palmer, D., Phillips, A. N., & Buckley, N. (2016). Aligning the

organization for its digital future. MIT Sloan Management Review, 58(1).

Loonam, J., Eaves, S., Kumar, V., & Parry, G. (2018). Towards digital transformation: Lessons

learned from traditional organizations. Strategic Change, 27(2), 101-109.

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