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(A Senior Secondary School Affiliated to CBSE, Delhi)

Holidays Homework (2021-22)
(Class - IX)


 Holidays Homework carries marks in assessment. Hence timely submission of
work is compulsory for all the students.
 Child will be assessed on the basis of handwriting, neatness, originality and
presentation of the work.
 Use your imagination, creativity and knowledge to the assigned task
 Watch English News Channels and read English newspaper daily so that you
can enrich your vocabulary and use the content in writing section.

1. Poetic devices are tools that a poet can use to create rhythm, to enhance a poem’s
meaning or intensify a mood or feeling. Given below is a list of poetic devices. Select
five out of them. Explain them with examples from the poems you have read till now
on A4 size sheet . 5m.
 Simile
 Metaphor
 Repetition
 Personification
 Onomatopoeia
 Hyperbole
 Anaphora

2. Design your own newspaper for English which should have four sections- 10m.

 Amazing facts of English language( any five)

 Creative corner- any poem or story you like the most
 Quotes- by famous poets and authors(any five)
 Entertainment- Jokes, riddles and puzzle (any two)

3.Write the script of conversation between you and your parents in which you ask their
permission for buying a new mobile as it is indispensable for your online classes. 5m.
In your script you should:
 Briefly explain the problems you are facing in your phone while taking
online classes.
 Persuade your parents to buy you a new phone before the examination.
 Discuss about the brand and features you want in mobile.
Start your script:

Me: Mom, I am facing problem with my mobile these days.

Mom: What happened?

Complete the conversation in not more than 50 words.

1.अपने ममत्र को व्यायाम के लाभ बता कर प्रमतमदन व्यायाम करने के मलए प्रेररत करते हुए एक पत्र मलखिए।

2.आपके मपताजी ने आपके जीवन की हर ज़रूरत को पूरा मकया है। इसके मलए आभार प्रकट करते हुए उन्हें एक

धन्यवाद पत्र मलखिए।

3.समाचार पत्र से कोई पााँच लघु कथाएाँ काटकर अपनी कॉपी पर मचपकाइए।

4.आपने मकसी पववतीय स्थल की यात्रा की होगी । अपने अनुभवोों को पोंखि बद्ध कीमजए।

5.नैमतक मूल्ोों का जीवन में महत्व दर्ावते हुए अध्यापक और छात्र के मध्य हुए सोंवाद को मलखिए।

6.मकसी भी व्यखि की पहचान उसके 'कुल से होनी चामहए या उसके कमों से' इस पर अपने मवचार प्रकट कीमजए।

7.समाज में फैली सोंकीर्वताओों को कैसे दू र मकया जा सकता है, बताइए |

8. 'मेरे सोंग की औरतें' पाठ में लेखिका ने अपनी मााँ के व्यखित्व का भी वर्वन मकया है । आप भी अपनी मााँ के

व्यखित्व को र्ब्दबद्ध कीमजए l

9. कबीरदास जी के कोई दो दोहे गाकर ररकॉडव करें ।


1. ,ਉ 150

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1.Prepare a Power point presentation covering the following topics

Distance, Displacement, Speed, Velocity, Uniform motion, Non Uniform motion.


1.Students will prepare one video showing the following concept with the help of
activities according to their roll Nos.( given in brackets)
a) Characteristics of particles of matter, (1to10)

b) Interconvertion of states of matter ,(11to20)

c) Activities based on evaporation, (21to30)

d) The difference between solids, liquids and gases.(31 onwards)


1.Complete the following experiments in Science lab manual

a) to prepare the temporary mount of onion peel.

b) to prepare a temporary slide of human cheek cell.

Explore E-books and Internet and prepare a PPT on COVID-19 covering the following areas:

* Causes

* Impacts

* Vaccination

* Present Scenario ( At National and Global level)



1.Use A-4 size file paper (one side ruled)
2.Cover page must be designed by the student which should reflect the topic.
3. Project must be handwritten
4.The project work should not be of less than 15 pages (including the cover page)


( Roll No.1,4,7,10,13,16,19,22,25,28,31,34,37,40,43)

1.Collect information about different disasters and paste relevant pictures

2.Locate disaster prone areas on world map and on political map of India.

3.Search out mitigation techniques followed to reduce their impact

4.Write a short report on any climatic disaster happened in India in recent times.


(Roll No.2,5,8,11,14,17,20,23,26,29,32,35,38,41,44)
1.Collect basic information about Kerala, Chhattisgarh and Uttarakhand

2.Locate the given states on the map of India and also paste individual state map

3.Write names of districts in each state and also write few lines about each district, major
industry in the district, if any university in the district.


(Roll No.3,6,9,12,15,18,21,24,27,30,33,36,39,42,45)

1.Find out which songs, dances, festivals and special food preparations are associated with
certain seasons in your region.

2.Do they have some commonality with other regions of India?

3.Collect photographs of typical rural houses, and clothing of people from different regions of
India. Examine whether they reflect any relationship with the climatic condition and relief of
the area.


1. Find two rational and two irrational numbers between 3/5 and 1/2
2. Express -1.625 in the form of p/q, where p & q are integers .
3. Express following decimals in the form of p/q, where p and q are integers.
a)1.353535…… b) 4.2333333….. c) 0.415415415…..
4. Find two irrational numbers between and .
5. Find the decimal representation of 1/3 and deduce from it the decimal
representation of 4/3.
6. Show that
7. Simplify each of the following by rationalizing the denominator.
a) b) c)

8. Find the value of a and b : =a -

9. If x=9-4 , find
10. If find the value of
11. Find the value of x: =
12. If then prove that
13. If then prove that abc =1
14. Find the value of + +
15. If a=5+2 and b=1/a, then find
𝐚) a+b b) a-b c) a2-b2

16.Which one of the following is a polynomial?

17. If p (x) = x + 3, then find the value of p(x)+ p (- x).

18. If x + 1 is a factor of the polynomial 2x2 + kx, then the value of k is
19. Solve (x + y)3 – (x - y)3.
20. The coefficient of x in the expansion of (x + 3)3 is

21. Show that p-1 is a factor of p10 -1 and also of p11 -1.
22. Factorise the following.

23. If a + b + c = 9 and ab + bc + ca = 26, find a2 + b2 +c2 .

24. Factorise the following.

25. The polynomial p(x) = x4 - 2x3 + 3x2 -ax+3a-7 when divided by x+1
leaves the remainder 19. Find the values of a. Also, find the
remainder when p(x) is divided by x+ 2.

27. Determine the degree of each of the following polynomials.

29. Without actually calculating the cubes, find the value of

30.What is degree of zero polynomial?

31. What is the abscissa of any point lying on x-axis?
32. What is other name of y co ordinate?
33. What is other name of 2 D plane?
34. What is the perpendicular distance of the point P(4,-3) from x-axis.
35. Plot the following points, join them in order and identify the
figure thus formed: A(1,3), B(1,-1), C(7,-1) and D(7,3). Write the
coordinates of point of intersection of their diagonal.
36. Plot the point P(-3,5) on a graph paper and from it draw
perpendiculars PM and PN to x-axis and y-axis respectively. Write
the coordinates of M and N.
37. Plot the points M(4,3), N(4,0), O(0,0) and P(0,3). Name the figure
obtained by joining MNOP. Also find the perimeter and area of the
figure thus obtained.
38. The point which lies on Y-axis at a distance of 5 units in the
negative direction of Y-axis is

39. If the coordinates of the two points are P(-2, 3) and Q(-3, 5), then
find the value of (Abscissa of P) – (Abscissa of Q).
40. What do we call each part of plane formed by intersection of x axis
and y axis?
PPT: Students will prepare PPT depicting new corona cases found and corona cases
recoveries for the month of May 2021 on the weekly basis in Punjab and Andhra
Students will draw Bar graphs and pie charts for both the states and for both the
situations(new cases and recoveries). Show data per week.
At the end, students will conclude the insights of data in 50-100 words.
Video on Historic background:
Students will prepare a video describing about the historic background of Punjab
and Andhra Pradesh. Students should speak atleast for 2 minutes for each state. Max
video time limit is 5 minutes.

1. To construct a square root spiral that depicts the square root of natural numbers.
2. To verify the algebraic identity (a+b+c)2 = a2+b2+c2+2ab+2bc+2ca
3. To find the hidden figure by plotting and joining the various points with given co-
ordinates in a plane.
B(-1.5,1) C(0,2) D(4,1.5) E(7,1)
F(9,3) G(8.5,1.5) H(8,0) I(8.5,-1.5) J(9,-3)
K(7,-1) L(4,-1.5) M(0,-2) N(-1.5,-1) A(-2,0)
4. To obtain a linear equation and draw a graph which represents the linear
5. To verify that the sum of angles in a triangle is 1800.

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