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Teacher: Alex de Guzman ID Number: 2208

Subject: AP 2-D Arts and Design Grade: 12

Quarter /Sequence: Q3 / UP2 Duration: January

The Desired Results

Unit Title Essential Question

Big Idea 1: Investigate Materials, Processes, and What informs why, how, and what artists and
Ideas designers make?

Essential Understanding (Unit Summary)

Artists’ and designers’ experiences inform their thinking and making. Those experiences often spark
questions that guide investigations in diverse disciplines. Artists and designers investigate how materials,
processes, and ideas within a work relate to each other, how they relate to interpretations of the work,
to art and design traditions, and to other disciplines. Artists and designers select materials, processes,
and ideas to investigate as potential components for making.

Knowledge and Skills (Unit Objectives)

Document evaluation of art and design. [Skill 1.D]

Works of art and design Using evidence to compare Portfolios are evaluated
can be interpreted work with specific criteria, based on specific criteria
through the process such as the artist’s or stated within the scoring
of evaluation: designer’s goals for making guidelines, involving
the work. relationships (connections)
of materials, processes, and

Strands (standards)

1.A Generate possibilities for investigation (not assessed).

1.B Describe how inquiry guides investigation through art and design (not assessed).
1.C Describe how materials, processes, and ideas in art and design relate to context (not assessed).
1.D Interpret works of art and design based on materials, processes, and ideas used (not assessed).
1.E Investigate materials, processes, and ideas (not assessed).

Assessment as Evidence of the Desired Results

Performance Task (Authentic Outcome) Rubrics

By investigating how viewers interpret art and Investigations of viewer interpretation of art and
design based on materials, processes, and design can be documented by recording questions,
ideas, artists and designers can develop lines of inquiry, and investigative processes and
understanding of how people respond to work, outcomes (i.e., talking with
including work that they make. They can also viewers to learn how they interpret a specific
learn about their own interpretations of art and material used in a
design. sculpture). Documentation becomes a resource for
the artist/
designer. Documentation can be shared with
viewers; it can be
presented as a work and/or as part of a sustained

Self Assessment Other Evidence (Formative & Summative Assessment)

Interpretation is understanding based on Viewers are people who look at a work of art or
personal experiences and perspectives. design (the artist or designer who made the work is
also a viewer).

Weekly Lesson Plans

Week 1 to Week 4

1. Works of art and design can be 2. Carefully and methodically observing the
interpreted through the process of work, identifying materials, processes, and
evaluation: using evidence to compare ideas (components) individually. Components
work with specific criteria, such as the can be pointed out, listed, and discussed
artist’s or designer’s goals for making the using visual evidence from the work of art or
work. Works in AP 2-D Art and Design, AP design.
3-D Art and Design, and AP Drawing
portfolios are evaluated based on
specific criteria stated within the scoring
guidelines, involving relationships
(connections) of materials, processes,
and ideas.

3. Focusing on one component and its 4. Observing and reflecting on individual and
visual connections to other combined effects of components within the
components. For example, identify a work. Considering how connections among
material and a process used within the the components could be strengthened to
work and describe how they are show synthesis: integration or coalescence of
connected visually within the work. materials, processes, and ideas.
Expand the focus, considering the ideas
that were used—how are they visually
related to the materials and processes?
Are the relationships clear and strong?

5. Identifying the use of specific skills within 6. Communication between the

the work. For example, identify how artist/designer and viewers can inform
color is skillfully used to emphasize evaluation of works of art and design.
shapes that are integral to a graphic Evaluative decisions about relationships of
design concept. Considering how visual materials, processes, and ideas of a work,
evidence of the skills used within a work whether made by the artist/designer or a
could be strengthened. viewer, should be supported by visual
evidence within the work.

SLO’s Focus (Select all that apply - left-click a box twice, than right-click to choose the checkmark)

✓ Effective Communicators who:

○ Speak, read, write and use the English language confidently
○ Express thoughts and ideas beneficially in English, art, music and technology
○ Well prepared for career ambitions who:
○ Are broadly prepared for their higher education as well as their career choices
✓ Effective Users of Technology who:
○ Are able to use online and social media programs to their advantage in their career,
business and personal branding and marketing
✓ Knowledgeable in modern business skills, who:
○ Possess the knowledge to incorporate technological business innovations for their
personal, career and business endeavors.
✓ Integrity-based attitude:
○ Exercise integrity in all facets of life
○ Respect diversity in humanity
○ Exercise rights responsibly

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