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Psychology 1115 - Application Assignment 3

Name : Yash Sharma

Student # : 100327394

Instructions : This assignment reviews some of the key topics in Chapters 5 and 6. You will
notice that there are some multiple choice style questions. These questions help you not only
learn definitions of concepts, but also require that you apply the concepts in an example of a
case (similar to some of the types of multiple choice questions you have received on exams).

This assignment is worth 3% of your final grade. Please submit your completed assignment by
the due date either in Pdf or Word format file in Brightspace.
1) Nageeb thought all nurses were young females until a middle aged male nurse took care of him. Nageeb’s
altered conception of a “nurse” illustrates the process of : (1 point)

a. habituation.
b. assimilation.
c. accommodation.
d. conservation.

2) Regis thinks it’s wrong to drive over the speed limit simply because he might get punished for doing so. He is
demonstrating Kohlberg’s ___________ stage of moral development. (1 point)

a. conventional
b. postconventional
c. preconventional
d. preoperational

3) Branden is so apathetic about his occupational future that he has already been fired by four different employers
in two years. According to Erikson, Branden is experiencing a crisis associated with which social development
stage ?
(1 point)
a. Competence vs Inferiority
b. Autonomy vs Shame and Doubt
c. Identity vs Role Confusion
d. Generativity vs Stagnation

4) Morgan constantly clings to her mother in situations when unfamiliar children are around. She does not want to
leave her mother even if there are toys to explore or children to play with. When her mother leaves her for a
few minutes, Morgan cries loudly. However, when her mother returns and picks her up, Morgan cannot calm
down. Based on this information, what type of attachment pattern (according to Ainsworth) would Morgan be
exhibiting ? _________________________________________ (1 point)

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Mary Ainsworth studied the attachment patterns between the mother and the child. She identified two types of
attachment styles: secure attachment and insecure attachment. In this case, Morgan shows resistant-ambivalent
(insecure) attachment type where she cries loudly when her mother leaves her few minutes. But when she
returns, Morgan feels resentful and doubtful of her mother leaving her in the first place. Therefore, she
continues to cry even if she wants to re-establish attachment with her mother.

5) Explain how poor nutrition, stress, and teratogens each pose as risk factors. Identify the impact each has on
development of a person (give an example of how each could impact developmental outcome). (3 points)

Poor nutrition, stress and teratogens are factors that affect prenatal development. Poor nutrition is a metabolic condition
which increases the risk of poor pregnancies. Lack of good quality nutrition is associated with anaemia, foetal
malformation, miscarriages, stillbirths. Birth defects such as spina bifida, neural tube defects and anencephaly are
associated with nutrient deficiency.
Hippocrates has said that the mother’s emotional states and experiences have significant effects on the baby’s
development. He called this ‘maternal impressions’. During stress, the levels of cortisol and epinephrine rise in the body
and this create a toxic foetal environment. Maternal stress along with unhealthy habits such as poor nutrition and sleep
is associated with poor birth outcomes. These can cause premature birth, complication at birth, low birth weight and
infant mortality.
Teratogens are harmful agents in the environment that can harm the growing foetus. Some teratogens include
-Infectious agents such as rubella, genital herpes which can pass to the foetus through the placenta. Rubella can cause
deafness and blindness in the baby while genital herpes cause brain damage, paralysis of limbs etc.
-Prenatal substance abuse refers to the drugs or chemicals ingested during pregnancy. This causes detrimental effects on
the brain and physical growth of the foetus. Caffeine delays foetal growth and therefore pregnant women who ingest
caffeine are likely to give birth to premature babies. Cocaine has highly addictive properties and when taken during
pregnancy causes premature birth and impaired sensory development. Alcohol and smoking are known to cause mental
retardation, foetal alcohol syndrome, decreased birth weight and miscarriages etc. even overdosage of common drugs
such as aspirin cause damage to the baby’s circulatory system.

6) Compare the three stages of prenatal development. Identify at least two facts for each stage that would
differentiate that stage from the others. Which stage is the most crucial for development ? Why ? Support your
answer with at least a couple of facts from your lecture notes. (8 points)

The prenatal period is the stage of development when the fertilised ovum rapidly divides and gets implanted on
the wall of the uterus. Implantation leads to pregnancy. This period begins from conception and extents until
birth. The prenatal period is classified into 3 important stages.
-Germinal Stage: The germinal stage begins when the sperm and egg cell meet during intercourse (fertilisation).
Fertilisation occurs in the fallopian tube and a zygote is formed. The zygote divides into a number of cells (cell
division) as it moves down the fallopian tube. Once the zygote becomes 8-celled, the cells in the zygote
differentiate among themselves to take up different function. The cell division continues until blastocyst is
formed. The blastocyst is a ball of cells which are arranged in 3 layers: endoderm, ectoderm and mesoderm. Each
of these layers develops and form different parts of the body. The blastocyst eventually gets implanted to the
uterus wall.
-Embryo stage: Once blastocyst gets implanted, we now call this as an embryo. The embryo has specific cells that
are differentiated from each other to form specific body parts/organs i.e. the neural tube develops initially which
later develops into the brain and spinal cord. Over the course of 4 weeks from conception, the brain, spinal cord
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and parts of the head develop. The eyes, ears and nose become visible. 8 weeks into conception, the embryo has
all basic structures is ready for maturation and growth. Basic neural connections begin to form during this stage.
So the germinal stage is characterised by differentiation of cells and implantation while the embryo stage focuses
more on the development of the brain, brain structures and the spinal cord.
-Foetal Stage: Once the brain and body structures are formed, we call the embryo a foetus. The foetal stage is
characterised by rapid growth and development of the embryonic structures. This stage extends from 3 months
(9th week) till birth. The foetal stage is characterised by the development in the neural network, reflex actions
(12th weeks) and sex organs (between 12-16th weeks) respectively. Between 16 to 24 weeks, the eyelashes,
finger and toenails, hair develop. Most of the internal body organs are fully developed by 24 weeks.
By the last trimester (25 to 38/40 weeks), the lungs develop, body hair starts to appear, open their eyes. The
foetus has all the reflexes required for independent living, the foetus gains weight etc. All three stages of
prenatal development are most crucial as each of the body parts develop at different stages of prenatal
development. Yet in my opinion, the embryonic stage is the most important one as several rudimentary body
structures are formed during this stage. Exposure to alcohol, cocaine and other harmful drugs at this point can
cause detrimental effects on the brain and spinal cord of the foetus.

7) Jennifer mistakenly believes that her mother would like to receive a toy doll as a Christmas present (because that
is what she would like herself). Johnny, her brother, cries and acts as if his favourite teddy bear doesn’t exist
when he sees Jennifer hide his teddy bear under a blanket. Compare the stage of cognitive development
exhibited by each sibling and explain your reasoning for your conclusion. (4 points)

According to Piaget's Genetic Epistemology, Jennifer is in the Pre-Operational Stage of Cognitive development
because she reflected the state of egocentric behaviour which is the characteristic of pre- operational stage. At
this stage, children are immature in several respect. Egocentrism refers to the inability of the young children to
understand that the Others' opinions or interest may be different than they have. In the given case of
Jennifer, believes that her mother would like to receive a toy doll because she would like herself. She don't seems
to realize that their mother perceive world differently then she do.
Johnny (brother of Jennifer) is in the first stage (sensorimotor stage- Birth to 18 months) of cognitive
development. At the starting Phase of this stage of cognitive development (birth to 6 months) for an infant,
objects exists only when they are physically present. In the case of Johnny, he lack the idea of object
permanence therefore thinks that teddy bear doesn't exist and cries for teddy bear although he sees it to hide
under a blanket.
However, around the the 18 to 24 months of the life, the idea of object permanence fully developed i.e objects
continue to exist even when they are hidden from the view aur continue to exist when they pass from view.

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8) Pat is a student in your class who does not identify as a man nor as a woman and doesn’t want to be categorized
as a man or a woman. Other students comment that Pat should be identified as a woman because Pat has the
features of a woman’s body. However, you counter argue that just because Pat has features of a female body,
doesn’t mean that Pat is supposed to have behaviours and desires associated with society’s view of women.
Support your argument using information from my powerpoint slides. (3 points)

According to WHO dysphoria is a symptom that denotes in the unease in an individuals gender identity if he or she is
forced to be accepted as male or female mental stress results in serious forms of mental illness

The external features cannot simply determine the sex of the individual the mental acceptance of the sex depends on
various other factors including the amount of hormones including hormones like androgens

Organisations inclusing UN and many other countries are now accepting the sex other that male or female,Hence Pat
must be given freedom to choose the sex Pat feels comfortable in the society

9) Transduction occurs in the _Retina of the eye for vision, the Inner ear/Cochea of the ear for audition, and the
_______Terminals of sensory neurons________________ of the skin for pain sensation. (3 points)

10) People who have difficulty seeing things from afar, must bring objects closer to see better, and would benefit
from wearing glasses. Likely these people have a problem with their ______________________. (1 point)

a. retina
b. cornea
c. pupil
d. iris

11) Jeremy became very ill and developed an ear infection which caused his tympanic membrane to become
inflamed. Jeremy most likely experiences __ conductive ___ deafness. (1 point)

12) Compared to low frequency sound waves, high frequency sound waves (of similar height as the low frequency
waves) would be perceived as _______________________. (1 point)
a. high pitched.
b. loud.
c. low pitched.
d. soft.
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13) Nancy, Claudia, and Sue were all sitting together at one table in the cafeteria, so Jane perceived that they were
all friends. This best illustrates the principle of : _________________________. (1 point)

14) A puzzle is missing a single piece, but you still fill in the gap and perceive the picture. This illustrates the principle
of _____ Gestalt____________________. (1 point)

15) As the farmer looked across her field, the parallel rows of young plants appeared to converge and come together
in the distance. This provided her with the distance cue known as __________________________
a. continuity (1 point)
b. elevation.
c. interposition.
d. linear perspective.

16) If two objects cast retinal images of the same size, the object that appears to be closer is perceived as
_______________________ the object that appears to be more distant. (1 point)
a. overlapping
b. smaller than
c. larger than
d. the same size as

17) Which of the following is false ? (1 point)

a. Substance P is a chemical released to convey signals regarding pain.
b. Phantom limb pain occurs when a person still feels as if a missing limb exists.
c. The Gate Control Theory states that endorphins can open a neural gate for pain.
d. The most sensitive area of the human body is the face.

18) Sara knows her dog is just as black in the brilliant sunlight as it is in the dim light of the garage. This illustrates
what is known as _______________________. (1 point)
a. brightness constancy.
b. relative clarity.
c. location constancy.
d. light and shadow.

19) Explain how we use binocular cues to perceive the world in three dimensions. (2 points)

the binocular cues which make use of both the eyes to see the world in 3D are retinal disparity and convergence.

Retinal disparity is based on the fact that both the eyes are some centimeters apart from each other and thus produces
and Project a little picture on the retina. Thus if an object is too close the disparity in the image formed by both the eyes
would be quite large as compared to when the objects are far away

Convergence states that while looking at a close object are eyes sort of converge and angle inwards towards each other.

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20) Contrast sensation and perception. What do you sense and what do you perceive when you see the following
image ? (2 points)

Sensation is any concrete, conscious experience resulting from stimulation of a specific sense organs, sensory nerve or
sensory area in the brain.

Perception involves the organization, interpretation and conscious experience of those sensation.

With the Visual sense I can see a emoji and with my perception I can percive that the emoji is smiling it's a happy emoji.

21) Derek is colourblind. Which cells of his eyes would most likely be responsible for this problem ? Where would
you find the greatest concentration of these cells ?
Color blindness is a genetic condition caused by a difference in how one or more of the light sensitive cells found
in the retina of the eye respond to certain colors. These cells called cones, sense wavelength of light and enable
the retina to distinguish between colors

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