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Name: SYED Aamir

Student ID: AIA200311

Course Name and Code: BSB51918 Diploma of Leadership and Management

UNIT: BSBADM502 Manage meetings

Assessment Task 1
1. Provide an explanation of each of the following meeting terminology:
a. Quorum- the minimum essential meeting members that need to come in every meeting.
b. Procedural motion- type of motion related with procedural matters only along with that they are
not designed for producing any type of substantive decision.
c. Proxy- is the authority of representing on someone’s behalf
d. Conflict of interest- time when a person is considered unreliable due to some disagreement
between interests of persons, responsibility or professional duty.

2. Outline a meeting structure for a formal meeting.


1. Agenda- setting goals for meeting

2. Minutes- formally recording minutes
3. Motion- proposal in meeting
4. Chairperson- proceed meeting as spokesperson

3. Outline a meeting structure for an informal meeting.


1. Agenda- setting goals for meeting

2. Minutes- formally recording minutes
3. Notes by attendees

4. Outline at least three key arrangements that need to be made for a meeting.

1. Meeting schedule
2. Agenda
3. Minutes

5. Outline two responsibilities of a chairperson prior to a meeting.


1. Make agenda
2. Discuss meeting structure with secretary (Mulvenon, 2018)

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Name: SYED Aamir
Student ID: AIA200311

6. Outline three important aspects of a chairperson’s job during a meeting.


1. Making agenda
2. Leading the meeting
3. Ensure equality in the meeting

7. Explain why it is important for a chairperson to monitor the participation of all those involved in a
Answer- to make sure that very attendee makes his contribution in the meeting as well as ensure that they had
proper freedom of speech during the meeting (Aryani et al., 2017). The contribution of every attendee and
respectful hearing for them will lead the chair into maximizing opportunities which are offered by meeting for
making best decisions possible. This will support the purpose of the meeting.

8. Explain how, in the role of a chairperson, you would manage someone who is dominating the meeting.
Answer- chairman needs to make boundaries and ensure that other attendees contribute in the meeting. Secondly
confronting with the colleagues will also help. The dominating members in a meeting should not be given any
opportunity to escalate the matter unnecessarily. They should be heard of their opinions but if they are speaking
nonsense and not letting others speak then they should be told off and everyone should move on from them.
Getting into unnecessary arguments with them will lead to their purpose being successful.

9. Explain how in the role of a chairperson you would manage someone who is too shy to contribute to a
Answer- in this situation chairman needs to be attentive to them and often ask them for their feedback. Appointing
them at the job of assistance might loosen them up. The shy members should be made to feel that they are an
integral part of the meeting and their opinions matter as much as others. Their feedbacks should also be worked
upon properly. They should be given the opportunities of speaking out their minds openly without fear of being

10. Explain how in the role of a chairperson you would manage two people having a private conversation
within a meeting.
Answer- standing right next to them during the meeting, calling one person out of them or calling them out for such
behaviour (Kanadlı et al., 2020). The people involved in private conversation within meeting should be pointed out
with their names along with asking what they are talking about in the business meeting. They should be reminded
of the meeting protocols that they are liable to follow. They should be served with warnings & punishments if they
still continue.

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Name: SYED Aamir
Student ID: AIA200311

11. Describe two ways of conducting meetings.


1. Starting and ending the meeting punctually - The meeting should be started on the decided time and date
in the meeting minutes. Every member's time is important and it should be respected. The ending of the
meeting should also be punctual.
2. Setting clear agenda - A clear agenda should be set with properly defined purpose of the meeting. The
meeting should revolve around clear agenda only. The agenda should be clear to all members and they
should be explained about it thoroughly.

12. Describe three advantages of face-to-face meetings and give an example of a workplace situation
where this type of meeting may be used.

1. Less chance of technical problems - There are less chances of technical problems as all the members are
present in the meeting face to face. All the technical issues that could happen in virtual meetings are
2. Good for addressing sensitive topics - Sensitive topics can be addressed in a better manner in face to face
meeting. The members can pay concentrated attention better in face-to-face meeting.
3. Fast feedback - Feedbacks can be achieved fast since there are no technical aspects of virtual meeting
like delayed networks etc.
Face-to-face meeting can be conducted when new policy is being constructed (McConnell et al., 2013). Face-to-
face meeting is necessary while some new policies are being constructed as such policies need to be explained
and talked about attentively.

13. Describe three advantages of meetings held by teleconference or web conferencing and give an
example of a workplace situation where this type of meeting may be used.

1. Saves travelling time

2. Attendance is better
3. Saves cost of travelling
These can be held for discussing proposal with international client. Conference and web conferencing has been in
the trend since the internet has been introduced in the world and there have been many benefits of conducting
teleconference or web conference meetings first and foremost advantage of conducting these meetings is that it
saves a lot of time travelling from one place to another as both the persons can meet each other through internet
by the use of internet. Along with this another advantage that come together is that it saves the cost and money
that is required for travelling. The advantage of his meeting with that the attendance in online meeting is more
effective and attentive in comparison to other foams of meetings.

The conference on web conferencing meeting type is best suitable at the time of discussing any proposal of the
company with the International clients that are far km away.

14. Describe the use of webcams for meetings, including a brief description of how to use a web cam.
Answer- webcam helps in meeting international stakeholders face-to-face. The use of webcams is exclusively for
conducting meetings with stakeholders that reside at international boundaries. The stakeholders are invited for
meetings through webcams which has facility of face to face discussions with the help of camera that supports

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Name: SYED Aamir
Student ID: AIA200311

Steps to operate webcam

1. Press start or windows key

2. Search camera in search box of window
3. Select camera option
4. Webcam starts
15. Explain the purpose of an agenda and identify five items that should be included in an agenda.
Answer- helps in preparing for meeting with right order and time also helps in addressing all important topics.

Items to include in agenda

1. Welcome and the introduction’s

2. Overview
3. Update of the status
4. Action items
5. Presentation
Agenda of the meeting was made for highlighting the main topics as well as the activities that needs to be
discussed in the meeting. Agenda is helpful in providing the main purpose of the meeting it also gives the outline
what's going to happen during the meeting. It also give the information about which persons is responsible for
which task and the time that each step will it take.

16. Explain the purpose of meeting minutes and list five items that should be included in meeting minutes.
Answer- The meeting minutes are very important for a business meeting. These are the basic summary of the
meeting which is going to be conducted having a clear agenda. meeting minutes serve several purposes for the
board and committee:

 Historic purpose - Historical purposes serves in getting a brief of what was the primary agenda of previous
 Record purpose - Recording purposes helps for further meetings.
 Legal purpose - Legal purpose serves as the basis of taking actions while some mishappening or
incompliance occurs and legal action is needed.

Items that need to be included

1. Time
2. Date
3. Attendee’s name
4. Previous meeting minutes
5. Outcome

17. Explain the difference between informal meeting minutes and formal meeting minutes.
Answer- formal meeting minutes are more detailed in comparison to the informal meeting minutes. Informal
meeting minutes are concentrated on meeting minutes on the other side formal meeting minutes needs to record
more information. One of the biggest differences between both of these minutes is the detailing level. The informal
meeting minutes' primary focus is the notes from meeting while the formal meeting minutes are required to record
more of the information. Since informal meetings are less structured the meeting minutes related to such meetings
are also less structured.

18. Access the Corporations Act 2001 from the Internet and identify the information from the Act that
relates to notices of meetings. Now answer the following questions:
a. To whom must a notice of meeting be provided?

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Name: SYED Aamir
Student ID: AIA200311

Answer- each committee member

b. How must the notice of the meeting be provided? Indicate at least two ways.
1. send notice to 1 member in the joint membership
2. written notice to members who vote as well as director


1. Prepare for meeting

Grow Management Consultants
Meeting Agenda

Meeting Date: 28 January 2022

Meeting Time/duration: 2:00 PM, 60 minutes

Meeting Location: 4th-floor conference room NO.- 5 office building block B

Every manager, Marketing Manager, Senior Management consultant, CEO,
Administration/project officer

Please bring &/or read: Meeting notes provided

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Name: SYED Aamir
Student ID: AIA200311

Agenda Items Time Allocated

1. Winning by the use of correct leadership 8 minutes

2. Discuss the importance of leadership 12 minutes

3. Leading the introverts 9 minutes
4. Ways to be a leader from a manager 14 minutes
5. Discuss the various effects of good leadership 10 minutes
6. Using leadership as a tool to improve creativity and innovation 7 minutes

2. Identify Leadership topic

Topic: Strategic Leadership Style
Creativity leadership
Problem-Solving leader

Topic: Team Leadership and Effect of it.

Creative leadership is going to help in creating and maintaining innovation in the company.
This style of leadership is going to increase the creative level in the company (Sohmen, 2015).
This will help in building the next level of decision-making power in the employees. With the help of
such a style of leadership in a situation like a pandemic, the productivity of the employees and
company can be managed.
Problem-solving leadership is a must for every organization in the current time where a pandemic has
hit on another level and the communication gap has increased between the management and
employees. In the current situation, managers or a higher authority cannot be available all the time to
advise juniors (Carmeliet al. , 2013). Therefore, it is going to make them solve their problems by
Improved creativity
Improved innovation
Better decision making
Increased productivity
Better decision-making

Topic: Leadership Topics That Will Engage Your Team in Development

1. Managing the diversity in the team
2. Helping employees in developing self-leadership
3. Implementing leadership skills in managing
4. Building leadership skills in the managers
5. Teaching management skills to employees
6. Building accountability in every employee
7. Build self-management skills

3. Send Notice of the meeting


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Name: SYED Aamir
Student ID: AIA200311

To: Staff
From: Operation Manager
Subject: Meeting information
Date: 29 January 2022

Hi Staff Members,
Hope you all are doing well.
The leadership conference 202X is going to be held on 2 February 2022 at 2:00 PM the meeting is going to be of
60 minutes and the agenda of the meeting is discussing 21st- century changes along with the ideas and techniques
for making effective leadership.
Policy and Procedures
WHS Policy of the company is going to be followed in the meeting. The legislation requirements of corporative
industry and government will be followed.
Code of conduct should be maintained
Punctuality needs to be maintained
Everyone should contribute to the meeting and need to attend the meeting
Hygiene should be maintained with Covid-19
Operation Manager

4. Conduct meeting

Roleplay Conversation or details meeting summery from how its start and how its end.
Chairperson- Good afternoon, everyone
Employees- Good Afternoon
Chairperson- Welcome everyone, it is nice to everyone here and we appreciate your hard work throughout the
year. Is becoming a self-leader for themselves and contributing to the company is one of the best thoughts for
working with you guys. The main theme of this year's conference is leading the 21st century. The tools and
technique that needs to be used in the current situation will be discussed at the conference.
Chairperson- Good leadership is going to become the success key for the company along with the development of
team members. With the use of the correct leadership style, everything can be handled and effectiveness in the
company can be increased. It is important for a leader in the company as they are responsible for lighting the way
of the company's success. Especially during the time is like pandemic it is essential for a company to have a good
leader and self-leadership skills in every employee.
A good leader is a person who helps every team member in building self-leadership within themself. Accountability
is the most important skill in the current and future World. Since it is in front of everyone that the endemic is getting
worse over time it is important for every person to have the situation handling skills in themselves. In a pandemic
situation where a leader or manager cannot be present everywhere, it is important that every employee should
have leadership skills built-in themselves as work from home is going to continue for some time.
What are the barriers that you are facing in leadership?
Operation Manager- diversity in the employees is a factor that becomes a barrier in leading and communicating
with the team.
Chairperson- yes, diversity is a big factor and a potential barrier in communication, but it could be developed into
strengths by the use of proper techniques. Diversity if used properly then it is going to help is improving
productivity and innovation. By the use of ethics and respecting culture with a proper leadership style these issues
can be resolved.
Manager- this requires a proper session of training with the team and resources

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Name: SYED Aamir
Student ID: AIA200311

Chairperson- the training programs that are required for developing and increasing the efficiency of employees will
be organized
Directors- monitoring and reporting are required. Updates are essential and should be given to higher-level. A
counter for feedback needs to develop.
Chairperson- everyone’s suggestion is important for the company and will be used and improvements will be
Everyone- Thank you

5. Meeting minutes

Meeting Minutes:

Date: 28 January 2022

Time: 2:00 PM

Place: 4th-floor conference room NO.- 5 office building block B

Every manager, Marketing Manager, Senior Management consultant, CEO,
Administration/project officer
Apologies: N/A

Item Description
Development of feedback counter in 2 weeks and it is the responsibility of HR

2 Training and development programs in 6 weeks by the administration manager

3 Collection of the required resources in 4 weeks by the operation manager

4 Compatibility in the event organizing 15 days by manager

Next meeting: This Will be held after the conference.

5 Time: 1:00 PM
Date: 4 February 2022
Place: 4th-floor conference room NO.- 5 office building block B

Minute taker: Mr. Jonathan

Mrs. Olivia

Date: 30 January 2022

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Name: SYED Aamir
Student ID: AIA200311

6. Draft Conference Program

Please update Draft Conference Program according to meeting outcome.
This document is Draft Conference Program.

It is part of the supporting assessment resources for Assessment Task 2 of BSBADM502.

Grow Management Consultants

Leadership Conference 2022: Leading in the twenty-first century

29 January 2022

9.30 am to 5.00 pm

9 – 9.30 am: Conference welcome

General Welcome – CEO, Grow Management Consultants

Welcome to Country – Traditional Custodian


Keynote Speaker: CEO of Grow Management Consultant

11.00 – 11: 30 am Morning Tea and networking opportunity


Presenter: TBC

12.30 to 1.30: Lunch


Presenter: TBC

3 – 3.30 pm: Afternoon Tea and Networking opportunity


7. Screenshot of Files and Folder

Answer: Please take a screenshort of file folder to show how orginased you are….

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Name: SYED Aamir
Student ID: AIA200311

8. Draft Email to Staff

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Name: SYED Aamir
Student ID: AIA200311

To: staff
From: operation manager
Subject: Information about the outcomes of the meeting
Date: 4 February 2022

Hi Staff Members,
Hope you all are doing well.
The meeting was organized for discussing leadership as well as the importance of leadership. In the meeting,
numerous points were discussed, and the conclusion is

1. Adding creativity in leadership

2. Adding diversity in leadership
3. Adding skills of problem-solving
4. Organizing training and developing a program
5. Implementing ethics to the operations

The related documents have been attached to the mail

 Meeting Minutes
 Revised Conference Program
 Screenshot



11 of 23
Name: SYED Aamir
Student ID: AIA200311


1. Develop a meeting agenda


This document is Meeting Agenda Template.

It is part of the supporting assessment resources for Assessment Task 2 of BSBADM502.

Meeting Agenda

Meeting Date: 28 January 2022

Meeting Time/duration: 11:00 AM , 30 minutes

Meeting Location: Registered Building

Attendees: Sally Smith, Bob Downs, Jack Steel

Chair: Mr. Adams

Please bring &/or read: -

Agenda Items Time Allocated

1 Welcome and apologies 2 minutes

10 minutes
Developing new policies and procedures for the orders

10 minutes
Discussing current status of company

4 Making a training program

10 minutes

2. Prepare a draft of an email to be sent to the staff

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Name: SYED Aamir
Student ID: AIA200311

To: staff

From: operation manager

Subject: meeting Agenda

Date: 26 January 2022

Hi Staff Members,

Hope you all are doing well.

Respected employees

This email is containing the information about the agenda of next meeting and the related information about the
meeting such as time, date, minutes. All the members need to attend the meeting and make contribution in the


Operation Manager

Attachment: Meeting Agenda

3. Conduct the meeting


Conduct Meeting

Chairperson- Good morning, everyone

Employees- Good morning

Chairperson- It is nice to see you all todayand we arevery thankful for the contribution you guys have been
making in the company. Your teamwork, leadership and problem-solving ability has been the strength of the
company. The agenda for this meeting as you all must have read the e-mail. We have gathered for making new
policies as well as the current status of company.

What is your point of view on the agenda?

Employees 1- yes sir, since the new changes have been made in the company it has been hard to adapt for
everyone and there is a requirement of organizing a training program.

Employees 2- yes sir along with training organizing some social activity in the company is going to increase the
innovation, creativity and adaptability level in the employees.

Chairperson- the suggestion that have been provided by every employee will be presented to the higher authority
and acknowledgement will be given to your feedback since it will be helpful in increasing the productivity of the

Employees- thank you, sir

Chairperson- thank you all for attending the meeting and providing valuable feedbacks

4. Prepare a draft an email to be sent to your team


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Name: SYED Aamir
Student ID: AIA200311


Subject: Draft feedback and scheduled information

Date: 27 January 2022

Hi Staff Members,

Hope you all are doing well.

This is to inform about the final outcome of the meeting, all the suggestion that were provided by each and every
one of you have been acknowledged by the management, an event will be organized on 5 February, 2022.

Some social activities that are included:

1. Board games
2. Cooking challenge
3. Brainstorm
4. Discussion
5. Network session
6. Speech session
7. Personality games
These games are selected for the event. If you have any suggestion regarding the event make sure you share it.
We will be happy to have your contribution or feedback and it will be respected. The revised mail after your
feedback will be sent soon.


Aamir Syed


5. Prepare a draft revised an email to be sent to your assessor.



Subject: outcome of the meeting


Hi Staff Members,

Hope you all are doing well.

This is to inform about the outcome of the meeting, all the suggestion that were provided by each one of you have
been acknowledged by the management, an event will be organized on 5 February 2022.

Some social activities that are included:

1. Board games
2. Cooking challenge
3. Brainstorm
4. Discussion
5. Network session
6. Speech session
7. Personality games
8. Pool/lunch party
9. Tennis tournament

14 of 23
Name: SYED Aamir
Student ID: AIA200311

As per your suggestions these are the final activities hat will be organized. Make sure every one is contributing and
attending the event. Points on punctuality and performance will be added to annual performance along with


Aamir Syed

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