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Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human Person

ESSAY Module 4 - Quarter 2 Meaningful Life 

Name:MARRY JOY HAPIN                                    Section: 12 JOSHUA

Give your own definition to the following terms listed below.
1. Death = death is the moment when a person reach its limit that he/she cannot posses the
essence of life
2. Life =  life is the beginning of everything and everyone
3. Happiness = is feeled when you are in your comfort zone
4. Suffering = is when the moments are turning upside down for you that is never ending
5. Meaningful Life = is when you lived the whole you for the entire moment

Direction: Answer the following questions using your own words: Read and understand carefully 
the questions and answer them. Express your answer with a minimum of 3 sentences.
6. What makes you happy?
There are different kinds of happiness in this world. For me happiness is felt when im with
my favorite person inside my comfort zone with no problem that is being minded
7. What is your perception about real happiness?
It can change you and make you a better person
8. Do you prefer a life without suffering/adversities? Justify your answer
No, because you live in this world with suffering it is the part of the game. Your not living
when you do not experienced suffering
9.  What does living a meaningful life mean to you?
Living with out any regrets 
10.  What objectives do you feel you need to achieve before you can say that you have lived
a meaningful life? Give at least two (2) objectives and justify it.
When you live with no regrets and when you achieve your dreams in a young age this will
reflect to you that you are living a meaningful life
11. What is that one thing that, if taken from you, would take away the meaning of your life?
My family, and my loved ones
12. How would you have turned out as a person if you have not experienced
Self loved
13. What will you become if you have not gone through any suffering in life?
A person who is affraid of everything
14. Have you experienced dealing with the death of a loved one? How did you
cope up with the situation?
15. Why do you think most people are afraid of death?
They cannot accept of losing someone

This time. Interview someone older than you. It could be your parents, teachers,
neighbours, or anyone acquainted with you. Ask the same questions you have asked to
yourself in the previous activity.
16. What makes you happy?
Doing what i loved 

17. What is your perception about real happiness?

 Doing what i loved and having a time of own
18. Do you prefer a life without suffering/adversities? Justify your answer
Yes you can live a stable life without suffering 

Based on what you have learned about happiness, suffering, death, and the meaning of life,
could you give advice to the following people in various situations? Be realistic as much as
19. Your sister is an overachiever. Being on top of the class is what makes her feel fulfilled.
However, she got lower grades than usual for this quarter. She is extremely saddened and
discouraged by this and becomes withdrawn and aloof.
Life is a game sometimes you are in the top sometimes you are in the bottom

20. Your best friend is dating a married man. Despite her family’s disapproval, she does not
want to break up with him. She says that he is the only one who makes her very happy.

You cam only tell what is the right or wrong decision for your self you are already legal
enough to understand what is right and wrong

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