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Senior High School


(Quantitative Research)

Department of Education - Republic of the Philippines



(Quantitative Research)

Quarter 1 Lesson Exemplar 001

Understanding Practical Research 2 Learning Competencies
Lesson Exemplar 002
Characteristics, Strengths, and Weaknesses of Quantitative Research
Lesson Exemplar 003
Kinds of Quantitative Research
Lesson Exemplar 004
Types of Variables
Lesson Exemplar 005
Research Topic
Lesson Exemplar 006
Background of the Study, Statement of the Problem, and Scope and
Delimitation of the Study
Lesson Exemplar 007
Conceptual Framework, Research Hypotheses, and Definition of Terms
Lesson Exemplar 008
Review of Related Literature

This Lesson Exemplar was written by Menandro M. Merlin, DEM

of Marinduque National High School Senior High School at Boac,
Marinduque. Parents, guardians and other stakeholders are
encouraged to e-mail all their comments and suggestions to

Your comments and suggestions are important to us.

Department of Education - Republic of the Philippines

Practical Research 2
Directions: Select the BEST answer from the choices after each item. Write CAPITAL LETTER
1. It is widely recognized as an important tool for solving man’s various problems and in
making life more colorful and convenient.
A. Inquiry B. Research C. Science D. Technology
2. What type of quantitative research is applied if you will determine factors such as sex and
mathematical ability, marriage and cancer recovery, occupation and life span are related
to each other?
A. Causal-Comparative C. Descriptive
B. Correlational D. Experimental
3. When are quantitative studies replicable?
A. When data area normally gathered using structured research tools such as
B. When data requires large sample size depending on how the characteristic of the
population vary
C. When researchers know in advance what they are looking for
D. When studies can be repeated to verify or confirm the correctness of the results in
another setting
4. Many teachers do action researches because ______________________
A. by doing so, they can addressed education problems systematically and educational
decisions are assured to be sound
B. innovative teaching strategies are product of researches
C. there is a serious need to identify the problems of the deteriorating quality of education
D. A, B, and C are all correct reasons
5. In the field of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM), engineers,
architects, and other builders do research in order to ________
A. develop new materials and procedures so as to further strengthen the structural
materials that can withstand various calamities and disasters
B. help design a new product or service, figuring out what is needed and ensure that the
development of a product is highly targeted toward demand
C. obtain significant information about disease trends and risk factors, results of various
health interventions, patterns of care, and health costs and use
D. provide solutions to the social problems directly felt by people
6. Which of the following BEST defines quantitative research?
A. It is an activity of producing or proving a theorem
B. It is an activity concerned with finding new truths in education
C. It is an exploration associated with libraries, books and journals
D. It is systematic process for obtaining numerical information about the world
For Items 7 to 11, refer to the situation below
Sixty students were randomly divided into two (2) groups as part of a study on the effects
of alcohol on reaction time. Each member of one (1) group consumed a specified amount
of alcohol and members of the other group had a non-alcoholic beverage. The reaction
time of both groups was measured before and after taking the beverage/alcoholic drink.
7. What is the independent variable?
A. amount of alcohol C. reaction time
B. one student D. sixty student
8. What is the dependent variable?
A. amount of alcohol C. reaction time
B. one student D. sixty student
9. What is the experimental unit?
A. amount of alcohol C. reaction time
B. one student D. sixty student
10. Which of the following is/are potential extraneous variable/s in this study?
A. diet prior to test C. weight of the subject
B. tolerance level to alcohol D. all of the above
11. What is the purpose of one (1) group having a non-alcoholic beverage?
A. control group C. experimental group
B. dependent group D. independent group
12. A research topic or problem is an intellectual stimulus calling for an answer in the form of
A. advice of authorities or experts C. prevailing theories or observations
B. friendly conversations D. scientific inquiry
13. It is a complete, concise and accurate description of the content of the research work that
contains words used for easy and accurate indexing.
A. abstract C. research problem
B. introduction D. title
14. What part of the title is referred to by the underlined words, “Life Adjustment of Yolanda
Victims in Tacloban City”?
A. Locale of the study C. Population involved
B. Period of the study D. Subject matter
15. The title should be clear and specifically stated. A brief and concise form of the research
title, “The Teaching of Science in the High Schools of the Province of Abra as Perceived
by the Science Teachers during School Year 2002-2003” is?
A. The Teaching of Science in the High Schools of the Province of Abra
B. The Teaching of Science in the High Schools of the Province of Abra as Perceived by
the Teachers
C. The Teaching of Science in the High Schools of the Province of Abra as Perceived by
Science Teachers
D. The Teaching of Science in the High Schools of the Province of Abra as Perceived by
the Science Teachers during School Year 2002-2003
16. The brief rationale to justify the problem must be provided in ______________?
A. background of the study C. scope and delimitation of the study
B. introduction D. significance of the study
17. Which of the following is included in the background of the study?
A. Concepts and ideas related to the problem including clarification of important
B. Discussion of the existing or present conditions and what is aimed to be in the future
or the gap to be filled – in by the research
C. Discussion of the problem in general and the specific situations as observed and
experienced by the researcher (macro to micro approach)
D. A, B and C are important inclusions of background of the study
18. Which of the following questions the background of the study can address?
A. Is it answerable or possible to be solved or changed?
B. Is the objective or purpose of the study observable, measurable or verifiable?
C. What approaches have been used previously in research of the problem?
D. What are the specific problems that the study aims to answer?
19. In the statement of the problem, sub-problems are stated in ____________ form.
A. declarative B. exclamatory C. infinitive D. interrogatory
20. The goal of the statement of the problem, “The primary objective of this study is to test
the hypothesis that there is a relationship between workplace condition and teaching
performance of faculty members” is to ____________?
A. resolve specific topical question C. specify parameters of research
B. test a given hypothesis D. state purpose/aim of the study

21. Which of the following does NOT belong to the group?

A. investigative question C. sub-problem
B. main problem D. specific question
22. It specifies what is covered in terms of concept, number of subjects or the population
included in the study, as well as the timeline when the study was conducted.
A. Background of the study C. Scope of the study
B. Delimitation of the study D. Significance of the study
23. Which of the following parameters of the delimitation of the study discusses the basic
question on “the topic of investigation and the variables included”?
A. What B. When C. Where D. Why
24. What parameter of the scope and delimitation of the study answers the following
underlined sentence; “The main purpose of the study is to provide information regarding
metro-sexuality and how being a metrosexual affects the lifestyle of the student. The study
considers the student’s personal information such as their name (optional), gender, age,
and section”?
A. What B. When C. Where D. Why
25. This part of the research justifies why pursuing the problem is worthwhile that make
important contribution to new knowledge, assist policy formulation and help improve the
quality of living.
A. Conceptual framework C. Significance of the study
B. Introduction D. Theoretical framework
26. Which of the following phrase could express the importance of the study?
A. It will likely serve… C. It is concerned with…
B. It also involves… D. It includes…
27. The following guidelines are applicable in writing importance or significance of the study
A. Avoid assuming the value of the study, reliability of the instruments, and the population
of the study
B. It must be shown who are the individuals, groups, or communities who may be placed
in a more advantageous position on account of the study
C. Possible contribution to be a fount of knowledge
D. The rationale, timeliness and or relevance of the study to existing conditions must be
explained and discussed
28. It is a summary of past studies that could be connected to the present research in terms
of objectives, materials and methods used, findings and conclusions obtained.
A. conceptual framework C. review of related literature
B. definition of terms D. theoretical framework
29. Which of the following guidelines on effective writing of the literature and review can guide
the researcher?
A. Avoid highly descriptive writing style, not appropriate for a scholarly research
B. Research papers must be written in informal style, which is in first person
C. Use long sentences, elongated and run-on expressions
D. Use passive voice for direct impact and easy understanding
30. When a review considered a form of research that reviews, critiques, and synthesizes
representative literature on a topic in an integrated way such that new frameworks and
perspectives on the topic are generated, a design of review is called ____________?
A. Argumentative C. Integrative
B. Historical D. Methodological
31. Which of the following references is the appropriate referencing format for education and
social science research?
A. APA B. Chicago C. Harvard D. MLA
32. Jeanings, P. 1997. The performance and competitive advantage of small firms: A
management perspective. International small business journal. 15, 2, pp 63-75. Available
from: The University of Western Australia Library Course Material Online. (1 September
2004), is an example of journal article available on CMO is written using ________ format.
A. APA B. Harvard C. MLA D. Vancouver
33. King, M. (2000). Wrestling with the angel: A life of Janet Frame. Auckland, New Zealand:
Viking. The italized words in the aforementioned reference list refer to name of
A. book C. film
B. conference paper D. journal article
34. What should a researcher do when he cites an author within the text of the paper?
A. Insert the complete citation in parenthesis
B. State the first and last names of the author
C. Use an asterisk and a footnote
D. Use the author, date citation method
35. Which of the following is NOT an ethical guideline for conducting research with humans?
A. Getting informed consent of the participant
B. Keeping participants’ identity anonymous
C. Telling participants they are free to withdraw at any time
D. Telling participants they must continue until the study has been completed
36. Which of the following is necessary in obtaining informed consent?
A. A description of the purpose of the research
B. A description of the reliability and validity of test instruments
C. A description of the statistical analyses that will be carried out
D. A list of publications that the researcher had in the last ten years
37. Which of the following is a function of theory?
A. Explaining phenomena
B. Integrating and summarizing current knowledge
C. Making predictions
D. All of the above are important functions of theory
38. Which of the following statements is TRUE about research theory?
I. It answers the “how” and “why” questions.
II. It can be a well-developed explanatory system.
III. It simply means “explanation”.
A. I only C. III only
B. II only D. I, II and III
39. The word approaches is also used to determine the viewpoint or outlook towards the
phenomena and the new way the researcher will handle data. Which of the following is
NOT an example of approaches based on theory?
A. Behavioral approach from behaviorism
B. Historical approach based from history
C. Marxist approach from Marxist theory
D. Systems approach based from systems theory
40. It is a definition of term, which expresses the meaning of the terms as used in a particular
field of study.
A. Authoritative C. Lexical
B. Conceptual D. Operational
41. Which of the following correctly states the guidelines in writing definition of terms?
I. Complicated and lengthy definitions like those required in mathematics and
science, should be place in an appendix
II. Define those terms, which, though common, may have a special specific meaning
or are differently used.
III. If you cannot find an authoritative definition, find one or two such definitions; cite
them and try to create your own definitions as used in research
A. I only C. III only
B. II only D. I, II and III
42. Sampling is the process which involves taking a part of a population, making observation
on these representatives and the generalizing the findings to the bigger population
(Zulueta and Costales, 2003). This definition of terms is an example of ___________
A. conceptual C. logic
B. dictionary D. operational
43. Research hypothesis is ___________________
A. an expected relationship between variables
B. an initial answer to the research question
C. a statement of what one expects to find
D. A, B, and C described research hypothesis
44. If the hypothesis is stated as “There is no significant differences between the growth of
palay plant treated with vermitea and that of control”, a type of quantitative research done
by a researcher is ___________?
A. Assessment C. Experimental
B. Correlational D. Survey
45. Which of the following hypothesis is NOT stated in alternative or operational form?
A. There is significant association between the inductive method and deductive method
of teaching science
B. There is significant difference between the effectiveness of the inductive method and
all of the deductive methods in the teaching of science.
C. There is no significant difference between the effectiveness of the inductive method
and that of the deductive method in teaching of science
D. There is significant relationship between the effectiveness of inductive and deductive
methods in teaching science
GRADE 12 – PRACTICAL RESEARCH 2 for Academic Students
Lesson Exemplar 001
Understanding Practical Research 2 Learning Competencies
Content Standard: Performance Standard:
The learners reflect on the topics to be taken The learners would be able to walkthrough in the
in Practical Research 2 Curriculum Guide for Practical Research 2
Topic: Learning Objectives:
Walkthrough with the Curriculum Guide for 1. To differentiate competencies of Practical
Practical Research 2 Research 2 with Practical Research 1
2. To rate competencies in Practical Research
2 according to difficulties
3. To relate learning competencies of Practical
Research 2 with Statistics, selected English
and Filipino subjects


Research was coined from the French word “cerhier” which means seek and prefix “re”
means to repeat or again (Faltado et al, 2016). This would mean that answers to the queries in
our mind and the knowledge that we are seeking are already existing since the dawn of time. We
are only exploring and rediscovering those missing links to connect the dots of informations and
this can be done through research.

Practical Research 2 is a course which aims to develop critical thinking and problem-
solving skills through Quantitative Research (DepEd Practical Research 2 Curriculum Guide,
2013). Pre-requisite to this course is Statistics and Probability. Hence, a student should have
passed Statistics and Probability course first before taking Practical Research 2. Otherwise,
“saling pusa ka lamang dito”.

By definition, Quantitative Research is an objective, systematic, and empirical

investigation of observable phenomena through the use of computational techniques. It is
concerned with numbers and its relationship with events (Faltado et al, 2016) unlike in Practical
Research 1 which is Qualitative Research.

Welcome to your subject Practical Research 2. From your previous experiences in

studying research subjects, are you still motivated to learn and do research? Whatever your
answer is, well you don't have a choice except to take up this course. So feel relax and enjoy the

Other than research that you have studied in your Junior High School and Practical
Research 1 for the previous year, try to further reflect, think, and then answer the following

1. What significant learning you have learned in Practical Research 1?;

2. What are the learning competencies you have learned in Practical Research 1?; and
3. What are the difficulties you have encountered in learning Practical Research 1 and
how did you address those difficulties?


When something is new to you, one of the first thing you need to do is “getting to know”.
Similar with a person who is new to you, there is a need for you to “know the person and be
acquainted with each other” so that you can easily “get along with each other”. Just like studying
Practical Research 2, there is a need for you to familiarize with what you will deal with. In this
activity, you will learn to assess what you need to study in the aforementioned course or subject.
Activity 1: Pre-Assessing the Expected Learning in Practical Research (PR) 2

1. With reference to Practical Research 2 Curriculum Guide (CG), rate the different Learning
Competencies (LCs) according to the difficulty. Rate five (5) as the very much difficult, four (4)
much difficult, three (3) difficult, two (2) least difficult, and one (1) not difficult.
2. Identify the Top 5 LCs of PR 2 with the highest rating.
3. Compare your findings to at least two (2) of your classmates. Write a short interpretation about

Self-Rating for PR 2 LCs

Rating (Please Check)

PR 2 LC Code
VMD (5) MD (4) D (3) LD (2) ND (1)
VMD – Very Much Difficult, MD – Much Difficult, D – Difficult, LD – Least Difficult, ND – Not Difficult

Process Question:

In general, how will you rate learning competencies of Practical Research 2? Briefly explain your

Let us look back and compare what you have learned in your Practical Research 1 topics
last year with what is expected for you to learn in Practical Research 2. Kindly do the following

Activity 2: Comparing Practical Research 1 and Practical Research 2


1. Given the copy of Practical Research 1 and Practical Research 2 Curriculum Guides, identify
the similarities and differences among the content and learning competencies presented.
2. Identify similar learning competencies found in Practical Research 1 which can also be found
in Practical Research 2.
3. Identify learning competencies which can only be found in Practical Research 2 and not
present in Practical Research 1.
4. Compare your findings to at least two (2) of your classmates. Write a short interpretation about
Comparison between LCs in PR 1 and PR 2

Similar LCs found in PR 1 and PR 2 LCs found in PR 2 but not in PR 1

Note: Write as many observations as you can.

Process Question:

In general, what are the main differences of LC of Practical Research 2 and Practical Research
1? Briefly explain your answer.


In order to see the integration of Practical Research 2 with other courses that you have
taken or you will take, kindly do the next activity.

Activity 3. Relating Practical Research 2 and Other Course Learning


1. Read and examine the given curriculum guides in English and Filipino, identify which learning
competencies are related to and applicable with Practical Research 2.
2. Share your findings to at least two (2) of your classmates. Write a short interpretation about

Process Question:

How will you relate LCs of English and Filipino with Practical Research 2? Briefly explain your


After doing the above activities, make a reflection on the following questions:

1. In this time of pandemic, what is your plan in learning Practical Research 2?

2. What will you do to pass the subject?


Before I end this first lesson, let me share to you these concluding statements:

“Do not wait. The time will never be just right. Start where you stand, and work with
whatever tools you may have at your command, and better tools will be found as you go along.”
– Oliver Napoleon Hill (American author known for his book Think and Grow Rich which is among
the Top 10 best selling self-help book of all time.)

“Kung hindi mo ngayon susubukan, kailan? Baka bukas, kapag handa ka na, ang bukas
naman ang hindi handa sa’yo.” – Leo sa Indie film na Binyag (2008)

DepEd. (December, 2103). K to 12 Senior High School Applied Track Subject – Practical
Research 2

DepEd Curriculum and Instruction Stand. (May, 2020). K to 12 Most Essential Learning
Competencies with Corresponding CG Codes

Faltado III, R.E., Bombita, M.B., Boholano, H.B., and Pogoy, A.M. (2016). Practical
Research 2. Quantitative Research. Manila: Lorimar Publishing

Merlin, M.M. (October, 2017). Introduction to Practical Research 2 – Priming Activities.

PowerPoint Presentation in Practical Research 2. Boac, Marinduque: Marinduque
National High School Senior High School Department

Merlin, M.M. (June, 2019). Understanding Practical Research 2 Learning Competencies.

DLL in Practical Research 2. Boac, Marinduque: Marinduque National High School Senior
High School Department


Most Essential Learning Competencies and Codes of Practical Research 1

1st Quarter

• shares research experiences and knowledge CS_RS11- IIIa-1

• explains the importance of research in daily life CS_RS11- IIIa-2
• describes characteristics, processes, and ethics of research CS_RS11- IIIa-3
• differentiates quantitative from qualitative research CS_RS11- IIIa-4
• provide examples of research in areas of interest CS_RS11- IIIa-5
• describes characteristics, strengths, weaknesses, and kinds of qualitative research
CS_RS11- IIIb-1
• Illustrates the importance of qualitative research across fields CS_RS11- IIIb-2
• designs a research project related to daily life CS_RS11-IIIc- e-1
• writes a research title CS_RS11-IIIc- e-2
• provides the justifications/reasons for conducting the research CS_RS11-IIIc- e-3
• states research question CS_RS11-IIIc- e-4
• indicates scope and delimitation of research CS_RS11-IIIc- e-5
• cites benefits and beneficiaries of research CS_RS11-IIIc- e-6
• presents written statement of the problem CS_RS11-IIIc- e-7
• selects relevant literature CS_RS11-IIIf- j-1
• cites related literature using standard style CS_RS11-IIIf- j-2
• synthesizes information from relevant literature CS_RS11-IIIf- j-3
• writes coherent review of literature CS_RS11-IIIf- j-4
• follows ethical standards in writing related literature CS_RS11-IIIf- j-5
• presents written review of literature CS_RS11-IIIf- j-6

2nd Quarter

• chooses appropriate qualitative research design CS_RS11- IVa-c-1

• describes sampling procedure and sample CS_RS11- IVa-c-2
• plans data collection, data gathering instrument, and analysis procedures CS_RS11- IVa-
• presents written research methodology CS_RS11- IVa-c-4
• collects data through observation and interviews CS_RS11- IVd-f-1
• infers and explain patterns and themes from data CS_RS11- IVd-f-2
• relates the findings with pertinent literature CS_RS11- IVd-f-3
• draws conclusions from patterns and themes CS_RS11- IVg-j-1
• formulates recommendations based on conclusions CS_RS11- IVg-j-2
• lists references CS_RS11- IVg-j-3
Most Essential Learning Competencies and Codes of Practical Research 2

3rd Quarter

• Describes characteristics, strengths, weaknesses, and kinds of quantitative research

• Illustrates the importance of quantitative research across fields CS_RS12-Ia-c-2
• Differentiates kinds of variables and their uses CS_RS12-Ia-c-3
• Designs a research used in daily life CS_RS12-Id-e-1
• Writes a research title CS_RS12-Id-e-2
• Describes background of research CS_RS12-Id-e-3
• States research questions CS_RS12-Id-e-4
• Indicates scope and delimitation of study CS_RS12-Id-e-5
• Presents written statement of the problem CS_RS12-Id-e-7
• Illustrates and explain the conceptual framework CS_RS12-If-j-6
• Defines terms used in study CS_RS12-If-j-7
• Lists research hypothesis (if appropriate) CS_RS12-If-j-8
• Presents written review of related literature and conceptual framework CS_RS12-If-j-9

4th Quarter

• Chooses appropriate quantitative research design CS_RS12-IIa-c-1

• Describes sampling procedure and sample CS_RS12-IIa-c-2
• Constructs an instrument and establishes its validity and reliability CS_RS12-IIa-c-3
• Describes intervention (if applicable) CS_RS12-IIa-c-4
• Plans data collection procedure CS_RS12-IIa-c-5
• Plans data analysis using statistics and hypothesis testing (if appropriate) CS_RS12-IIa-c-6
• Presents written research methodology CS_RS12-IIa-c-7
• Collects data using appropriate instruments CS_RS12-IId-g-1
• Presents and interprets data in tabular or graphical forms CS_RS12-IId-g-2
• Uses statistical techniques to analyze data – study of differences and relationships limited
for bivariate analysis CS_RS12-IId-g-3
• Draws conclusions from research findings CS_RS12-IIh-j-1
• Formulates recommendations CS_RS12-IIh-j-2

Most Essential Learning Competencies and Codes of English for Academic and
Professional Purposes

S1/2 Q1/3

• Differentiates language used in academic texts from various disciplines

• Uses knowledge of text structure to glean the information he/she needs CS_EN11/12A-
EAPP-Ia- c-4
• Uses various techniques in summarizing a variety of academic texts CS_EN11/12A-
EAPP-Ia- c-4
• States the thesis statement of an academic text CS_EN11/12A-EAPP-Ia- c-6
• Outlines reading texts in various disciplines CS_EN11/12A-EAPP-Ia- c-8
• Uses appropriate critical writing a critique such as formalism, feminism, etc.
• Writes an objective/balanced review or critique of a work of art, an event or a program
CS_EN11/12A-EAPP-Id- f-18
• Determines the ways a writer can elucidate on a concept by definition, explication and
clarification CS_EN11/12A-EAPP-Ig- j-20
• Compare and contrast various kinds of concept papers: (a) Art, (b)
Business, (c) Law,
(d) Philosophy, (e) Politics, (f) Religion, (g)
Science, (h) Sports, and (i) TechVoc (Home
Economics, Agri-Fishery, IA, and ICT) 

• Presents a novel concept or project with accompanying visuals/ graphic aids

S1/2 Q2/4

• Analyzes the arguments used by the writer/s in manifestoes CS_EN11/12A-EAPP- IIa-d-

• Defends a stand on an issue by presenting reasonable arguments supported by properly
cited factual evidences CS_EN11/12A-EAPP- IIa-d-4
• Writes various kinds of position papers CS_EN11/12A-EAPP- IIa-d-5
• Determines the objectives and structures of various kinds of reports CS_EN11/12A-
EAPP- IIe-j-6
• Designs, tests and revises survey questionnaires* CS_EN11/12A-EAPP- IIe-j-7
• Conducts surveys, experiments or observations* CS_EN11/12A-EAPP- IIe-j-8
• Gathers information from surveys, experiments, or observations*
• Summarizes findings and executes the report through narrative and visual/graphic forms
CS_EN11/12A-EAPP- IIe-j-11
• Writes various reports CS_EN11/12A-EAPP- IIa-d-5

Most Essential Learning Competencies and Codes of Komunikasyon sa Pananaliksin sa

Wika at Kulturang Pilipino

1st Quarter

• Natutukoy ang mga kahulugan at kabuluhan ng mga konseptong pangwika F11PT – Ia –

• Naiuugnay ang mga konseptong pangwika sa mga napakinggan/napanood na sitwasyong
pang komunikasyon sa radyo, talumpati, mga panayam at telebisyon (Halimbawa: Tonight
with Arnold Clavio, State of the Nation, Mareng Winnie,Word of the Lourd
( F11PN – Ia – 86
• Naiuugnay ang mga konseptong pangwika sa sariling kaalaman, pananaw, at mga
karanasan F11PD – Ib – 86
• Nagagamit ang kaalaman sa modernong teknolohiya (facebook, google, at iba pa) sa pag-
unawa sa mga konseptong pangwika F11EP – Ic – 30
• Nabibigyang kahulugan ang mga komunikatibong gamit ng wika sa lipunan F11PT – Ic –
• Natutukoy ang iba’t ibang gamit ng wika sa lipunan sa pamamagitan ng napanood na
palabas sa telebisyon at pelikula (Halimbawa: Be Careful with My Heart, Got to Believe,
Ekstra, On The Job, Word of the Lourd ( F11PD – Id –
• Naipaliliwanag ang gamit ng wika sa lipunan sa pamamagitan ng mga pagbibigay
halimbawa F11PS – Id – 87
• Nakapagsasaliksik ng mga halimbawang sitwasyon na nagpapakita ng gamit ng wika sa
lipunan F11EP – Ie – 31
• Natutukoy ang mga pinagdaanang pangyayari / kaganapan tungo sa pagkabuo at pag-
unlad ng Wikang Pambansa F11PS – Ig – 88
• Nasusuri ang mga pananaw ng iba’t ibang awtor sa isinulat na kasaysayan ng wika F11PB
– If – 95
• Nakapagbibigay ng opinyon o pananaw kaugnay sa mga napakinggang pagtalakay sa
wikang pambansa F11PN – If – 87
• Nakasusulat ng sanaysay na tumatalunton sa isang partikular na yugto ng kasaysayan ng
Wikang Pambansa F11PU – Ig – 86
• Natitiyak ang mga sanhi at bunga ng mga pangyayaring may kaugnayan sa pag-unlad ng
Wikang Pambansa F11WG – Ih – 86

2nd Quarter

• Natutukoy ang iba’t ibang paggamit ng wika sa mga napakinggang pahayag mula sa mga
panayam at balita sa radyo at telebisyon F11PN – IIa – 88
• Natutukoy ang iba’t ibang paggamit ng wika sa nabasang pahayag mula sa mga blog,
social media posts at iba pa F11PB – IIa – 96
• Nasusuri at naisasaalang-alang ang mga lingguwistiko at kultural na pagkakaiba-iba sa
lipunang Pilipino sa mga pelikula at dulang napanood F11PD – IIb – 88
• Naipapaliwanag nang pasalita ang iba’t ibang dahilan, anyo, at pamaraan ng paggamit ng
wika sa iba’t ibang sitwasyon F11PS – IIb – 89
• Nakasusulat ng mga tekstong nagpapakita ng mga kalagayang pangwika sa kulturang
Pilipino F11PU – IIc – 87
• Natutukoy ang iba’t ibang register at barayti ng wika na ginagamit sa iba’t ibang sitwasyon
(Halimbawa: Medisina, Abogasya, Media, Social Media, Enhinyerya, Negosyo, at iba pa)
sa pamamagitan ng pagtatala ng mga terminong ginamit sa mga larangang ito F11WG–
• Nakagagawa ng pag-aaral gamit ang social media sa pagsusuri at pagsulat ng mga
tekstong nagpapakita ng iba’t ibang sitwasyon ng paggamit sa wika F11EP – IId – 33
• Natutukoy ang mga angkop na salita, pangungusap ayon sa konteksto ng paksang
napakinggan sa mga balita sa radyo at telebisyon F11PN – IId – 89
• Nabibigyang kahulugan ang mga salitang ginamit sa talakayan F11PT – IIe – 87
• Napipili ang angkop na mga salita at paraan ng paggamit nito sa mga usapan o talakayan
batay sa kausap, pinag-uusapan, lugar, panahon, layunin, at grupong kinabibilangan
F11PS –IIe – 90
• Nahihinuha ang layunin ng isang kausap batay sa paggamit ng mga salita at paraan ng
pagsasalita F11WG- IIf – 88
• Nakabubuo ng mga kritikal na sanaysay ukol sa iba’t ibang paraan ng paggamit ng wika
ng iba’t ibang grupong sosyal at kultural sa Pilipinas F11EP – IIf – 34
• Nasusuri ang ilang pananaliksik na pumapaksa sa wika at kulturang Pilipino F11PB – IIg
– 97
• Naiisa-isa ang mga hakbang sa pagbuo ng isang makabuluhang pananaliksik F11PU –
IIg – 88
• Nagagamit ang angkop na mga salita at pangungusap upang mapag-ugnay-ugnay ang
mga ideya sa isang sulatin F11WG – IIh – 89
• Nakasusulat ng isang panimulang pananaliksik sa mga penomenang kultural at
panlipunan sa bansa F11EP – IIij – 35
GRADE 12 – PRACTICAL RESEARCH 2 for Academic Students
Lesson Exemplar 002
Nature of Inquiry and Research
Content Standard: Performance Standard:
The learners demonstrate an The learners shall be able to:
understanding of: decide on suitable quantitative research in
the characteristics, strengths, different areas of interest
weaknesses, and kinds of quantitative
Topics: Learning Competencies and Code:
1. Characteristics of Quantitative Describes characteristics, strengths,
Research weaknesses, and kinds of quantitative research
2. Strengths of Quantitative Research (CS_RS12-Ia-c-1)
3. Weaknesses of Quantitative


Research is an important tool which enable man to solve everyday problems and achieve
things. In human’s eternal search for truth, knowledge, and reality as well as the desire to improve
the quality of life, different inventions and discoveries were made. Through research, information
obtained improve what is already known and expand frontiers of knowledge and understanding
(Alcantara and Espina, 2003).

Research is a natural day-to-day activity of gathering information which is qualitatively and

quantitatively designed. Practical Research 2 course or subject in senior high school dealt with
quantitative approach. After exploring the curriculum guide, you have obtained a perspective of
what is expected to learn as you go over studying this course.

According to Faltado et al. (2016), the characteristics of quantitative research are: (1) It is
objective, (2) It has clearly defined research questions, (3) It has structured research instruments,
(4) It deals with numerical data, (5) It has large sample sizes, (6) It is doing replication, and (7) It
predicts future outcomes.

Relevant to the above characteristics, the strengths and weaknesses of quantitative

research are hereby presented below (Faltado et al., 2016).

Strengths of Quantitative Research

1. It is objective.
2. The use of statistical techniques facilitates sophisticated analyses of data.
3. The numerical data can be analyzed in a quick and easy way.
4. Quantitative studies are replicable.

Weaknesses of Quantitative Research

1. Quantitative research requires number of respondents.

2. It is costly.
3. The information contextual factors to help interpret the results or to explain variations are
usually ignored.
4. Most of the information are difficult to gather using structured research instrument.
5. If not seriously and correctly, data from questionnaires may be incomplete and inaccurate.


Activity 1. I believe

With reference to the above-mentioned characteristics of quantitative research, think and

write one (1) statement explanation for each characteristic using the following prompts:

I believe that quantitative research is objective because ______________.

I believe that quantitative research has clearly defined research questions because

I believe that quantitative research has structured research instruments because


I believe that quantitative research deals with numerical data because ______________.

I believe that quantitative research has large sample sizes because ______________.

I believe that quantitative research is doing replication because ______________.

I believe that quantitative research predicts future outcomes because ______________.

And I, thank you!


Activity 2. Relating an Example

The strengths and weaknesses of quantitative research has its advantages and
disadvantages. With reference to the discussion presented in the introduction, give examples for
each advantages and disadvantages.

Advantage Example

Activity 3: Art Application Characteristics, Strengths and Weaknesses of
Quantitative Research
1. From the different concepts that you have learned, create a poem about the importance of
knowing the topics discussed.
2. Let at least two (2) of your classmates read your poem.
3. Ask your classmates about their comments on the contents of your poem.
4. Write what your classmates learned about your poem.


1. Write your concise learning on the following:

a. characteristics of quantitative research, and
b. strengths and weaknesses of quantitative research.

2. Use in-text citation in your explanation. Cite at least three (3) references. After your
explanation, write those three (3) references below. Kindly use the APA format.

To end this second lesson, let me share to you this concluding statement:

“You must be imaginative, strong-hearted. You must try things that may not work, and you
must not let anyone define your limits because of where you come from. Your only limit is your
soul.” – From the Film Ratatouille


Alcantara, R.D. and Espina, F.P. (2003). Technical Writing for Filipino Students. 2nd ed.
Makati City: Katha Publishing Co., Inc.

Faltado III, R.E., Bombita, M.B., Boholano, H.B., and Pogoy, A.M. (2016). Practical
Research 2. Quantitative Research. Manila: Lorimar Publishing

Merlin, M.M. (June, 2019). Characteristics, Strengths and Weaknesses of Quantitative

Research. DLL in Practical Research 2. Boac, Marinduque: Marinduque National High
School Senior High School Department
GRADE 12 – PRACTICAL RESEARCH 2 for Academic Students
Lesson Exemplar 003
Nature of Inquiry and Research
Content Standard: Performance Standard:
The learners demonstrate an The learners shall be able to:
understanding of: decide on suitable quantitative research in
1. the characteristics, strengths, different areas of interest
weaknesses, and kinds of
quantitative research
2. the importance of quantitative
research across fields
Topics: Learning Competencies and Code:
1. Kinds of Quantitative Research 1. Describes characteristics, strengths,
2. Importance of Quantitative weaknesses, and kinds of quantitative
Research research (CS_RS12-Ia-c-1)
2. Illustrates the importance of quantitative
research across fields (CS_RS12-Ia-c-2)


Research is a systematic, objective, and comprehensive investigation of certain

phenomenon. It involves accurate gathering, recording, and critical analyzing and interpreting of
facts relevant to phenomenon (Alcantara and Espina, 2003).

Different references either local or international presents various kinds of researches.

However, Faltado et al. (2016) mentioned that the kind of research is dependent on the
researcher’s purpose in conducting the study and the extent to which the findings will be used.

You have learned different types of researches in your Practical Research 1 last year.
Ethnography, phenomenology, grounded theory, narratives are some of the examples of
qualitative research. What about in quantitative research?

According to Faltado et al. (2016), the following are the various kinds of quantitative
research that a researcher may employ: (1) Descriptive Research, (2) Correlational Research, (3)
Evaluation Research, (4) Survey Research, (5) Causal-Comparative Research, and (6)
Experimental Research. All these types of research test and evaluate knowledge which are useful
in arriving at possible solutions to problems.

Nowadays, research studies regardless of its’ types are gaining an unprecedented focus
and attention. It is no longer a higher education concern. Even in the basic education, teachers
devote their time in doing research such as action research to improve services to deliver quality,
relevant, and liberating education for all.

And aside from the numerous benefits that research brings to the teaching profession, it
also shows significance to various fields such as those related to senior high school tracks and
strands. These are:

Example 1: In the fields of Academic Science, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM), medical
practitioners may conduct researches to obtain significant information about disease trends and
risk factors, results of various health interventions, patterns of care, and health care costs and
Example 2: In the fields of Academic Accountancy, Business and Management (ABM),
researches can help design a new product or service, figuring out what is needed and ensure that
the development of a product is highly targeted towards demand.

Example 3: In the fields of Humanities and Social Sciences (HumSS), research aims to provide
solutions to the social problems directly felt by people.

Example 4: In the fields of Technical Vocational (TecVoc) strands, researches may be done on
acceptability of innovations in the services being offered and product development.
In general, research helps us understand and assess the things and occurrences around
us. It provides us with rationale and justifications for our decisions and actions. All these add to
the improvement of the quality of life that we are living in.


Activity 1: Fair up

1. The six (6) activity cards below contain situations that coincide with the kinds of quantitative
research mentioned above. Identify what kind of quantitative research can be applied on the
different situations below.
2. Make a table similar with what is shown below and write your answer.
3. Compare your answer with your two (2) classmates.

Card 1. You want to determine: (1) how many Card 4. You want to determine the: (1) child-
hours, senior high school students spend in rearing practices of single parents, (2)
social media, (2) the number of malnourished population control practices of unmarried
students who failed in the achievement test, couples, (3) growth of rice yield in the country,
and (3) how healthy is the food served during and (4) rate of promotion of doctorate degree
recess in the public schools. holders five years after earning the degree.

Card 2. You want to determine: (1) if factors Card 5. You might be interested in
such as sex and mathematical ability, (2) if determining how weight influences stress-
marriage and cancer recovery, and (3) if coping level of adults. The subjects would be
occupation and life span are related. separated into different groups (underweight,
normal weight, overweight).

Card 3. You want to assess the Card 6. A teacher would like to determine if a
implementation of nursing care in a hospital new teaching strategy is effective or not, so
and determine the impact of a new treatment he/she teaches one section using the new
procedure for patients. strategy and teaches another comparable
section without the new strategy. Then an
achievement test was given to the two (2)

Kind of Quantitative
Card Description of Quantitative Research
Research Applied
Activity 2. Reading Activity
Read an attach article on “PH e-commerce gains during COVID-19 lockdown”. Reflect and answer
the following process questions.
Process Questions:
1. What have you learned from your reading? Write a short summary of it.
2. How important is quantitative research as applied on concepts written in the article?
Activity 3: Click it
Submit a picture showing application of quantitative research as applied in the different tracks
and strands of senior high school. Answer the process question below.
Process Question:
How important is quantitative research to the courses related to the different track and stands of
Activity 4. Practical Application – Picture Analysis
One of the destinations driving local tourists to appreciate nature is at Mt. Baliis in Bantay,
Boac, Marinduque. Have you been in that place to experience the wonderful scenery of the sea
of clouds? Let us look at the picture below.

Photo credits: Jessie Hernandez Dela Cruz and Von Mapostrado of Gwapong Marinduqueño (July 16, 2020)

With reference to the above picture, what possible research can be applied using different
kinds of quantitative research listed below? Explain your answer.

1. Descriptive
2. Correlational
3. Evaluative
4. Survey
5. Causal-Comparative
6. Experimental


To end this second lesson, let me share to you this concluding statement:


amazing that we blend in this DIVERSE community… By valuing our STRENGTHS and
recognizing our WEAKNESSES…” - Menandro M. Merlin


Alcantara, R.D. and Espina, F.P. (2003). Technical Writing for Filipino Students. 2nd ed.
Makati City: Katha Publishing Co., Inc.

Faltado III, R.E., Bombita, M.B., Boholano, H.B., and Pogoy, A.M. (2016). Practical
Research 2. Quantitative Research. Manila: Lorimar Publishing
Merlin, M.M. (August, 2019). Kinds and Importance of Quantitative Research.
PowerPoint Presentation in Practical Research 2. Boac, Marinduque: Marinduque
National High School Senior High School Department

Merlin, M.M. (June, 2019). Kinds and Importance of Quantitative Research. DLL in
Practical Research 2. Boac, Marinduque: Marinduque National High School Senior High
School Department


PH e-commerce gains during COVID-19 lockdown

By: Ben O. de Vera @bendeveraINQ - @inquirerdotnet

Inquirer Business / 11:44 AM April 21, 2020

MANILA, Philippines — The COVID-19 global pandemic and the resulting lockdowns to contain
the disease, including in the Philippines, so far inflicted a “brutal blow” on the growing “sharing
economy,” but benefitted the industry of e-commerce in Asean, Malaysian financial giant Maybank

“Lockdowns and quarantines have reduced people mobility, with traffic plunging by as much as
80 percent in Malaysia and the Philippines, and 60 percent in Singapore and Vietnam. Lockdowns
have increased online consumer activity, similar to the SARS episode in 2003, which was a
turning point for China’s e-commerce giants Alibaba and,” Maybank Kim Eng analysts
Lee Ju Ye and Chua Hak Bin said in an April 20 report titled “Consumer Behavior During a
Citing Google’s COVID-19 community mobility reports, usage of retail and recreation facilities
such as restaurants, shopping malls and cinemas plunged 82 percent in the Philippines from Feb.
29 to April 11, compared to the baseline period covering Jan. 3 to Feb. 6.

Also, Filipinos frequented groceries and pharmacies less often, as mobility dropped to 60 percent
during the same period.

Mobility to workplaces declined 67 percent; via transit stations and public transport hubs such as
bus and train stations, down 86 percent; and in parks and beaches, 59 percent.

“Based on data compiled by Google’s COVID-19 community mobile reports, the Philippines and
Malaysia—among the first countries to impose lockdowns—are showing the steepest declines in
people movements,” Maybank said.

Maybank noted that food delivery services had a low penetration rate in Asean—for instance, only
5.5 percent in the Philippines last year, but “with the ban on dine-in services, more food merchants
are signing up with delivery platforms such as GrabFood, Foodpanda and Deliveroo.”

The Philippine government had allowed these food delivery services to continue amid the
enhanced community quarantine imposed in Luzon and other parts of the country, which started
in mid-March and would end by April 30.

The newfound habit of ordering food online or through mobile apps was expected to spill over to
a wider array of goods and services offered on the internet, Maybank said.

“Asean’s e-commerce penetration is relatively low but will likely rise significantly due to COVID-
19. Online sales account for 4 percent in Indonesia and the Philippines, 4.4 percent in Thailand,
4.7 percent in Malaysia and 9 percent in Singapore, based on data from Euromonitor. This is well
below the 30-percent rate in South Korea and China, and 13 percent in the US,” it said.

On the flip side, Maybank said that “the ‘sharing economy’ tech players, after enjoying several
years of generous venture capital funding, will be the worst hit.”

“Bookings on Airbnb have plunged by over 90 percent in some markets, and online searches for
‘Airbnb,’ ‘’ and ‘AirAsia’ have fallen to record lows across Asean. Co-working space
is another major casualty, as tenants halt payments and break leases. Ride hailing platforms face
a plunge in ridership, but drivers are shifting to other types of work such as food delivery and
logistics. Grab and Gojek are burning cash to provide financial support to drivers to maintain their
fleet for the ensuing recovery,” it noted.

On a lighter note, while most Filipinos stayed at home during the ongoing lockdown, consumers
mostly searched for food and entertainment as well as details of the government’s social
amelioration program on Google.

From March 18 to April 16, the top Google searches in the Philippines included “Dalgona coffee,”
“SAC (social amelioration card) form,” “Dalgona Milo,” “Netflix mobile plan,” “Vindale research”
(paid surveys at home), “grocery store,” “Goldilocks Bakeshop,” “Minecraft,” and “recipe,”
Maybank noted.

Searches for “masks” and “thermometers” also climbed across Asean since the pandemic started
during the last week of January.
GRADE 12 – PRACTICAL RESEARCH 2 for Academic Students
Lesson Exemplar 004
Nature of Inquiry and Research
Content Standard: Performance Standard:
The learners demonstrate an The learners shall be able to:
understanding of: decide on suitable quantitative research in
nature of variables different areas of interest
Topics: Learning Competencies and Code:
1. Variables Differentiate kinds of variables and their uses
2. Types of Variables (CS_RS12-Ia-c-3)
a. Continuous and Discrete
b. Dependent and Independent


One of the aspects of research is to describe and explain variable. It is a central concept
of a quantitative research (Faltado et al., 2016). According to Zulueta and Costales, Jr. (2003) a
variable is a characteristic that takes on different values or properties. It is anything that may
assume varied numerical or categorical values to which numerals or values are attached.

According to Kumar (2011), the types of variables can be classified in number of ways.
There are three (3) different ways to classify the variables. These are based on the viewpoint of
(1) causal relationship, (2) study design, and (3) unit of measurement.

For the viewpoint of causal relationship or association, four (4) sets of variables may
operate. These are: (1) change variables or independent variables, (2) outcome/effect variables
or dependent variables, (3) the unmeasured variables affecting the cause-and-effect relationship
are called extraneous variables, and (4) the variable that link a cause-and effect relationship
sometimes called confounding variables or intervening variables.

From the viewpoint of study design, a study that examines association or causation
maybe a controlled/contrived experiment, a quasi-experiment or an ex post facto or non-
experimental study. In controlled experiments the independent (cause) variable may be
introduced or manipulated either by the researcher or by someone else who is providing the

In these situations, there are two (2) sets of variables: (1) active variables – those variables
that can be manipulated, changed or controlled, and (2) attribute variables – those variables that
cannot be manipulated, changed or controlled, and that reflect the study population, for example,
age, gender, education and income.

From the viewpoint of the unit of measurement, there are two (2) ways of categorizing
variables: (1) whether the unit of measurement is categorical (as in nominal and ordinal scales)
or continuous in nature (as in interval and ratio scales); and (2) whether it is qualitative (as in
nominal and ordinal scales) or quantitative (as in interval and ratio scales).

Nominal variable is a variable with no quantitative value. Ordinal variable is a variable

that has two or more categories which can be ranked. Interval variable is a measurement where
the difference between two values does have meaning. Ratio variable possesses the properties
of interval variable and has a clear definition of zero, indication that there is none of that variable.

Moreover, there are also three (3) types of categorical variables. These are: (1) constant
variable – has only one category or value, for example taxi, tree and water; (2) dichotomous
variable – has only two categories as in male/female, yes/no, good/bad; and (3) polytomous
variable – can be divided into more than two categories, for example religion (Roman Catholic,
Born Again Christian, Muslim, Hindu), and political parties (Lakas-CMD, LP, Nationalist Party,
NPC, NUP, PDP-Laban).

TRIVIA – Applying knowledge of content within and across curriculum teaching areas

Due to cross breeding and with the idea of Genetics this led to production of varieties of
plant species. Red rice, brown rice, sticky rice, black rice, angelica, masagana, and
senandomeng are examples of variety of rice. Variety or different kinds are variables. Relevant
to this, there are also variables in Statistics and Research. What do you think now are

Activity 1: Spell It Out (Acrostics)

1. Using the letters in the word variables, think and write related terms that will form the word
2. Explain each terms or words written which will be related to the word VARIABLES.

Letter Word or Term Explanation


Activity 2: Venn Diagram
Using a Venn diagram, write similarities and differences between the following types of variables:

1. Continuous and Discrete

2. Dependent and Independent

Process Question:

What is the importance of classifying data according to its type?

Activity 3: Identification
Activity 3.1: Write N if the variable is nominal, O if ordinal, I if interval, and R if ratio. You can
have more than one (1) answer for this activity.

a. Military title
b. Temperature in degree Celsius
c. Birthplace
d. Year level
e. Favorite type of music
f. Clothing such as hat, shirt, shoes
g. A score in five (5) – item quiz in Math
h. Feeling for today
i. Means of transportation to school
j. How internet is used at home
Activity 3.2: Identify the Independent and Dependent Variables
a. Organizational commitment and teaching performance of elementary teachers in the
district of Pililla, Rizal
b. Conceptual, interpersonal, and technical skills of bank managers: Their relationship to
operational efficiency
c. Increasing mathematics achievement through contextualized and localized materials
d. Impact of blended learning on student achievement in Social Studies Effectiveness of
exposing students in classical music on reading comprehension


Survey is one of the methods used in conducting research. The very common instrument
used in gathering research data through survey is questionnaire. A questionnaire may contain
the following data:

1. Gender – Male and Female

2. Political Affiliations – LP, LDP, Lakas
3. Religious Groupings – Christian and non-Christian
4. Dichotomous Response – Yes or No
5. Five (5) Point Likert Scale Response – Outstanding, Very Satisfactory, Satisfactory, Fair,
6. Intelligence Test Result
7. BMI based on your weight and height

Process Question:

Based on the data you may collect as shown above, which will give you nominal, ordinal,
interval, and ratio data?


To end this fourth lesson, let me share to you these concluding statements:

“Our similarities bring us to a common ground; our differences allow us to be fascinated

by each other.” – Tom Robbins

“It is not our differences that divide us. It is our inability to recognize, acceptance celebrate
those differences.” – Audre Lorde


Faltado III, R.E., Bombita, M.B., Boholano, H.B., and Pogoy, A.M. (2016). Practical
Research 2. Quantitative Research. Manila: Lorimar Publishing

Kumar, R. (2011). Research Methodology a Step-by-Step Guide for Beginners. 3rd ed.
London: SAGE Publications Inc.

Merlin, M.M. (June, 2019). Different Kinds of Variables. DLL in Practical Research 2.
Boac, Marinduque: Marinduque National High School Senior High School Department

Merlin, M.M. (August, 2019). Types of Variables. PowerPoint Presentation in Practical

Research 2. Boac, Marinduque: Marinduque National High School Senior High School

Zulueta, F.M. and Costales Jr, N.E.B. (2003). Methods of Research and Applied Statistics.
Navotas: National Book Store
Practical Research 2
Chapter Test (Chapter 1)

Directions: Select the BEST answer from the choices after each item. Write CAPITAL LETTER
For Items 1 to 4, refer to the following characteristics of research.
A. Large Sample Size C. Objective
B. Numerical Data D. Replication
1. Data are in the form of Statistics.
2. It is not based on guesswork.
3. It is needed to arrive at a more reliable data analysis.
4. It is done to check the correctness and verify the findings of the study.
For Items 5 to 9, classify whether the following tells the (A) STRENGTH and (B)
WEAKNESS of quantitative research. Write a letter of the choices only.
5. Since it requires numerical data, it can’t be easily misinterpreted.
6. Researches must be on the looked-out on respondents who are just guessing in
answering the instrument.
7. Since there are more respondents compared to qualitative research, the expenses will be
greater in reaching out to these people and in reproducing the questionnaire.
8. By employing statistically valid random models, findings can be generalized to the
population about which information is necessary.
9. Standardized approaches allow the study to be replicated in different areas or over time
with the formulation of comparable findings.

For Items 10 to 15, refer to the following kinds of quantitative research.

A. Causal-Comparative C. Descriptive E. Experimental
B. Correlational D. Evaluation F. Survey
10. The researcher determines if pre-board examination results can be used to predict
performance in the Licensure Examination for Teacher (LET).
11. The study explored the use of social media as a tool in enhancing student’s learning
experiences by using online instruction as a supplementary to face-to-face general
education course such as biological sciences.
12. The purpose of the study was to assess the effectiveness of the use of bilingual teaching
and learning methodology for Vietnamese postgraduate students from 2011-2012.
13. The paper presents student’s perception of diversity in an international classroom in one
international university in Thailand.
14. The different teaching strategies using 5E learning model was used in determining if there
are changes in the perception in the learning environment and conceptual understanding
in Chemistry of Grade 9 students in MMNHS.
15. The study determines the effectiveness on the use of blended collaborative teaching in
learning General Chemistry 2 subjects among STEM students of MNHS.
For Items 16 to 19, determine whether the following statements on the importance of
quantitative research are (A) TRUE and (B) FALSE. Write a letter of the choices only.
16. Today, not only faculty members in higher education but also teachers in basic education
are engrossed in conducting researches to improve educational practices that may lead
to more quality learning among students
17. Social science researches lead to the understanding of social interactions that may lead
to the formulation of new theories and practices that contribute to societal development
and welfare.
18. In the field of ABM, new materials and procedures may be developed so as to further
strengthen the structural materials that can withstand various calamities and disasters.
19. Researches in STEM help a small business decide if a procedure or strategy should be
changed to meet the requirements of the customer base.

For Items 20 to 25, identify whether the underlined phrases are (A) CORRECT and (B)
INCORRECT regarding the importance of quantitative research. Write a letter of the
choices only.
As a whole research can
20. help us understand and assess the things and occurrences around us. It
21. provides us with rationale and justifications for our decisions and actions. It
22. gives us the opportunity to discover various means of identifying problems, to
23. find new ways of dealing with life’s challenges, and to
24. come up with innovative materials and mechanisms that can improve the quality of our

For Items 25 to 30, refer to the following fields where quantitative research is applied and
felt important.
B. Arts and Design D. Sports F. TecVoc

25. Researches help in determining the effectiveness and even side effect of drugs and
therapies in different population.
26. Researches in this field deal more on societal behaviors and social issues such as stress,
worker ethics, organizational commitment, leadership style, child labor, teenage
pregnancy, human trafficking, drug addiction and other forms of criminality.
27. Taste testing, surveys to improve packaging and approval ratings are some of the steps
done through research to improve products and services being offered relevant to this
28. Cinematographic and drown shots are now used in making pre-nuptial and same day edit
(SDE) videos for the newlyweds.
29. Conducting researches can help a business determine whether now is the proper time to
open another branch or whether it needs to apply for a new loan.
30. Yoga and proper breathing exercises are already incorporated during the physical and
mental conditioning before and after strenuous activities of an individual or a team.

For Items 31 to 34, refer to the following variable.

A. Interval B. Nominal C. Ordinal D. Ratio
31. It can be ordered.
32. It has an absolute zero value.
33. Its sub-type is dichotomous variable.
34. It can be measured along a continuum.
For Items 35 to 39, refer to the following variable.
A. Interval B. Nominal C. Ordinal D. Ratio
The questionnaire given to you requires the following data:
35. BMI (Body Mass Index)
36. Dichotomous Response
37. Gender
38. Intelligence Test Result
39. Nine (9) Point Hedonic Scale Rating

For Items 40 to 43, refer to the situation below.

Sixty students were randomly divided into two (2) groups as part of a study on the effects
of alcohol on reaction time. Each member of one (1) group consumed a specified amount
of alcohol and members of the other group had a non-alcoholic beverage. The reaction
time of both groups was measured before and after taking the beverage/alcoholic drink.
40. What is the independent variable?
A. amount of alcohol C. reaction time
B. one student D. sixty student
41. What is the dependent variable?
A. amount of alcohol C. reaction time
B. one student D. sixty student
42. What is the experimental unit?
A. amount of alcohol C. reaction time
B. one student D. sixty student
43. Which of the following is/are potential extraneous variable/s in this study?
A. diet prior to test C. weight of the subject
B. tolerance level to alcohol D. all the above

For Items 44 to 45, refer to the title of a research below.

The Use of Internet-Based Social Media as a Tool in Enhancing Student’s Learning

Experiences in Biological Sciences

44. What variable is being referred to by the phase in the research title written in BOLD
A. Control B. Dependent C. Extraneous D. Independent
45. What variable is being referred to by the phase in the research title with UNDERLINE?
A. Control B. Dependent C. Extraneous D. Independent

That marks the end of our Chapter 1. I hope you learn something from our activities and
discussions. Thank you very much!
GRADE 12 – PRACTICAL RESEARCH 2 for Academic Students
Lesson Exemplar 005
Identifying the Inquiry and Stating the Problem
Content Standard: Performance Standard:
The learners demonstrate an The learners shall be able to:
understanding of: Clearly formulate the statement of research
the range of research topics in inquiry problem
Topics: Learning Competencies and Code:
Research Topic 1. Designs a research useful in daily life
1. Sources of Research Topics or (CS_RS12-Id-e-1)
Problems 2. Writes a research title (CS_RS12-Id-e-2)
2. Selecting the Research Topic
3. Selected Guidelines in the
Formulation of a Research Title
4. Characteristics of a Good Title

We never run out of problems because life never stops teaching us lessons. These
problems come in different complexities. The positive thinkers’ sense this as an opportunity to
learn more, to do research, create business, and even set a new market trend.

When we are still young, there are a lot of questions in our mind. Our inquisitiveness is
very high that we question whatever pops in our mind. However, as we grow older it seems that
our being inquisitive is lessened. Why is that so? Is it because we are already preoccupied by a
lot of different activities that hampers our learning process and that we also loosen our inspiration
to learn more?
Doing research puts us to a lot of challenges. The first challenge of any researcher is the
identification of a research topic. A research topic or problem is an intellectual stimulus calling
for an answer in the form of scientific inquiry. Topics or problems are general questions about
relations among variables, or characteristics of the phenomenon which a researcher needs to
undertake (Birionet, 2005, p.7 as cited by Faltado, 2016). For this reason, some novice
researchers says, “My problem is a problem”.


Activity 1: Reading and Collaborative learning through small group discussions

Read the attached lecture and answer the following questions.
Wrapping-up Questions:

1. How do sources of research topics important in determining research problem?

2. Why the criteria in selecting research topic classified as technical or personal?
3. Why consider criteria in formulating a research title?

Activity 2: Identification: Get a whole sheet of paper and make a table with five (5) columns
similar below. Identify the elements of a research title in the following research title below.

a. the subject matter or research problem;

b. the setting or locale of the study;
c. the respondents or participants involved in the study; and
d. the time or period when the study was conducted

1. Higher Order Thinking Skills in Reading of Freshmen in University of Northern Philippines,

Academic Year 2015-2016
2. Pinay Single Mom: Paghanga o Pagkutya? A Multicase Study on the Lives and Expereinces
of the Solo Parents in Zamboanga City
3. Abakada o Aba Kita…: A Multicase Study on Child Labor in the Selected Towns of the
Province of Laguna
4. Magkapatid na Parang Aso’t Pusa: Magkasundo pa Kaya? A Multicase Study on Siblings
with Rivalry in San Jose, Mindoro Occidental
5. Establishment of Jackfruit Tea Processing Plant in Barangay Bantayan, Tabaco, Albay
6. Level of Acceptability of Worksheets for Film-Clippings by the Teachers of English in
University of Antique, Academic Year 2015-2016
7. Life Adjustment of Yolanda Victimes in Tacloban City
8. Awareness on Traffic Rules and Regulations of Tricycle Operators and Drivers Association in
Brgy. Culiat, Quezon City, Calendar Year 2015
9. Health Practices of Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in Music, Arts, Physical Education
and Health (MAPEH) at University of Rizal System Pililia and Angono Academic Year 2015-
10. Level of Acceptability of the Tracing Guide for Children with Cerebral Palsy by the Special
Education Teachers in the Division of Pampanga, School Year 2015-2016

Respondents or
Setting or Time or period
Subject matter or participants
Research locale of the when the study was
research problem involved in the
study conducted


Activity 3: Video Analysis

1. Look for the video MATH TEACHER (Mark Angel Comedy Episode 118) in a Youtube. Study
that video found in .
2. Identify at least two (2) problems, write a research topic and a possible quantitative research
title with two variables.
3. Compare your answer to your groupmates.

Research Topic Relevant

Identified Problem Work in Progress Title
to Identified Problem


Note: The idea of this activity was based on Labay (2009) lectures on research.

Activity 4: Mini Write shop on Proposed Research Title

Remember that research title can be derived from a possible research topic of yours. And
that part is a work in progress. For this activity, have a group consultation with your selected
research group. And with reference to the following example, write and propose quantitative
research title that you will research on. Please consider two (2) variables that will be tested or

Abregana (1996) Style of Identifying Research Problem

According to Abregana (1996) a potential research problem arises when these three (3)
conditions exist:
1. A perceived discrepancy between what is and what should be
2. A question about why the discrepancy
3. At least two (2) or more possible and plausible answers to the question that could be obtained
from readings, interviews, etc.


Problematic Situation: The Tres Reyes Island has been found out with “good” areas of corals
that support its diverse marine resources, preferably fish. But for the last five (5) months, it
showed that the people in the area had no fish to catch.

Discrepancy: The fisherman of the islands should have fish to catch, but all had no to fish catch.

Problem Question: What are the factors responsible for the absence of fish catch?

Plausible Answer:

1. The people may overfish the area.

2. The status of the coral reefs maybe “poor “condition due to cyanide fishing.
3. The coral area is affected by the spillage of mine tailings.

Note that out of the plausible answers given, the researcher can be easily guided in making the
researchable problems. The following researchable problems or research titles can be deduced:

1. An analysis of the attitudes and activities of the people residing in Tres Reyes Islands
2. Chemical analysis of the heavy metals in the waters of Tres Reyes Islands
3. Assessment of the present status of corals in Tres Reyes Islands


To end this fifth lesson, let me share to you this concluding statement:

“The only joy in the word is to begin.” – Cesare Pavese

Faltado III, R.E., Bombita, M.B., Boholano, H.B., and Pogoy, A.M. (2016). Practical
Research 2. Quantitative Research. Manila: Lorimar Publishing

Labay, P.M. (2009). Introduction to Research. Unpublished manuscript. Marinduque

State College Research Service Unit Project QuEST: Boac, Marinduque

Merlin, M.M. (July, 2019). Research Title. DLL in Practical Research 2. Boac,
Marinduque: Marinduque National High School Senior High School Department

Merlin, M.M. (July, 2019). Research Topic. PowerPoint Presentation in Practical

Research 2. Boac, Marinduque: Marinduque National High School Senior High School

The following lecture were lifted from Faltado, (2016) Practical Research 2 Quantitative
Research book pages 14 to 17.
Sources of Research Topics or Problems

The following are the things that may be considered before starting the research activity:
1. Prevailing theories or philosophy
2. Observations, intuitions, or a combination of both
3. Different subjects taken and from them identify a problem that interests a student-
researcher most
4. Fields of interest or specialization or event from related fields
5. Existing problems in the classroom/school/campus/university which one may want to
solve are good sources of research problems
6. Existing needs of the community or society
7. Repetition or extension of investigations already conducted or may be an offshoot of
studies underway (Angeles, 1966 p. 86)
8. Related studies and literature
9. Advice of authorities or experts from funding agencies
10. Offshoots of friendly conversations
11. Incidental from interesting topics of professors during the course meeting/session
Selecting the Research Topic
In choosing a research problem. Be guided by the following criteria:

1. It should be something new or different from what has already been written about.
2. It must be original.
3. It should be significant to the field of study or discipline.
4. It must necessarily arouse intellectual curiosity.
5. It should be of researcher’s interest and researcher must be with the topic.
6. It should be a modest one for a beginner to be carried on within a limited period.
7. It should be clear, not ambiguous.
8. It should be specific, not general.
9. It should consider the training and personal qualifications of the researcher.
10. It should consider the availability of data involved in the study and the methods and
techniques to be employed in gathering them.
11. It should consider the availability of effective instruments for gathering the data and their
12. It should consider the financial capacity of the researcher to support the project.
13. It should consider the time factor involved in the undertaking.
The researcher must settle first the problem of selecting the problem to research on. The
following may be considered as basis for selecting the problem: technical and personal.

Technical Criteria Personal Criteria

• significant to the chosen field/advancement of • interest
science or specialization • training
• pioneering or novel • expertise
• originality • financial capacity
• arouse intellectual curiosity • time factor involved in the project
• relevance to degree
• availability or manageability of data
• availability of instrument

Selected Guidelines in the Formulation of Research Title

1. The title must contain the following elements:

a. the subject matter or research problem;
b. the setting or locale of the study;
c. the respondents or participants involved in the study; and
d. the time or period when the study was conducted (Note: If the title becomes too long
because of these elements, the time frame or period may be omitted except in
evaluation studies.)
2. The title must be broad enough to include all aspects of the study but should be brief and
concise as possible.
3. The use of terms as “Analysis of”, “A Study of”, “An Investigation of” and the like should
be avoided. All these are understood to have been done in a research.
4. If the title contains more than one line, it should be written in inverted pyramid.
5. When typed or encoded in the title page, all words in the title should be in capital letters.
6. If possible, the title should not be longer than 15 substantive words.
7. Avoid a long, detailed title that gives too much information.
8. To shorten the title, delete the terms “assessment” or “evaluation” if these are already
emphasized in the text.
Characteristics of a Good Title
1. A title should give readers information about the contents of the research and is preferable
to one that is vague or general.
2. Titles do not need to be stuffy or dull, but they should generally give readers some idea at
the outset of what the research paper will contain.
3. Choose a title that is a phrase rather than a complete sentence.
4. Select a straightforward title over other kinds.
5. Use no punctuation at the end of a title.
6. Do not underline the title of research or enclose it in quotation marks. Instead, use a word
processing program or printer that permits italics. Use them in place of underlining.
GRADE 12 – PRACTICAL RESEARCH 2 for Academic Students
Lesson Exemplar 006
Identifying the Inquiry and Stating the Problem
Content Standard: Performance Standard:
The learners demonstrate an The learners shall be able to:
understanding of: Clearly formulate the statement of research
1. the value of research in interest, problem
2. the specificity and feasibility of the
problem posed
Topics: Learning Competencies and Code:
1. Background of the Study 1. Describe background of research (CS_RS12-
2. Research Questions Id-e-3)
3. Statement of the Problem 2. States research questions (CS_RS12-Id-e-4)
4. Scope and Delimitation of the 3. Presents written statement of the problem
Study (CS_RS12-Id-e-7)
4. Indicates scope and delimitation of study


Different learning and research institutions have different titles and part of Chapter 1 of a
research paper. For some, the title of Chapter 1 is “The Problem”. While for others it is “The
Problem and It’s Background”. And for some it is “Introduction and Review of Related Literature”.
Thus, in this Practical Research 2 subject, you will simply entitle it as “Introduction”.

Chapter 1 includes parts such as Background of the Study, Statement of the Problem,
Theoretical Framework, Conceptual Framework, Significance of the Study, Research Hypothesis,
and Scope and Delimitation of the Study. In relation to the suggested competencies of the Most
Essential Learning Competencies (MELCs) of the Department of Education (DepEd), this lesson
exemplar presents lecture and activities relevant to Background of the Study, Statement of the
Problem, and Scope and Delimitation of the Study.

It is an accepted fact that the starting point of any research paper is considered as the
most challenging part. Novice writer cannot easily decipher what is to be written at the very start
of writing his/her research paper. The most difficult part among these starts with the identification
and definition of the research problem. While there are some guidelines in the selection and
narrowing down of problem, often, these are only based on interest, skills or workability.

The Background of the Study is a brief rationale to justify the problem. It presents
statement of knowledge regarding the problem. It answers the questions such as: What facets
of the problem (phenomenon) are known and what needs further investigation? What approaches
have been used previously in research to answer the problem?

According to Faltado, et al. (2016), the background includes:

1. discussion of the problem in general and the specific situations as observed and
experienced by the researcher (macro to micro approach);
2. concepts and ideas related to the problem including clarification of important
terminologies; and
3. discussion of the existing or present conditions and what is aimed to be in the future or
the gap to be filled-in by the research.

While, the Statement of the Problem refers to the basic difficulty, the issue, the area of
concern, and the circumstances that exist, then, and how they ought to be. It tells what is done
to make the situation exists more like what it should be. It exposes anything that is wrong with
the situation, condition or circumstance which is being described.

There are two (2) main parts of statement of the problem. These include the main
problem and the specific or sub-problems. The main problem usually tells problem situation
and the objective of the study. This is usually stated in declarative form. While the specific
problems present research question or investigative problem. These are stated in interrogative
form. These are specific questions which are to be answered in the study. The answer to these
research questions may lead to the solution of the research problem.

Furthermore, in writing Scope and Delimitation of the Study one should start with scope
first before limitations. The scope describes the coverage of the study. It specifies what is
covered in terms of concepts, number of subjects or the population included in the study, as well
as the timeline when the study was conducted. While, delimitation cites the factors or variables
that are not to be included and the boundary in terms of time frame, number of subjects,
participants or respondents who are excluded. It specifies which will not be dealt within the study.

Faltado, et al. (2016) cited that this section discusses the parameters of the research in
paragraph. It answers the basic questions:

1. What – the topic of investigation and the variables included;

2. Where – the venue or the setting of the research;
3. When – the time frame by which the study was conducted;
4. Why – the general objectives of the research;
5. Who – the subject of the study, the population and sampling; and
6. How – the methodology of the research which may include the research design,
methodology and the research instrument
Activity 1: Think and Reflect
1. Try to reflect and assess your experiences based on the following process questions:
• What are the problems you have encountered in writing introduction or background of the
study, research question or investigative problem (statement of the problem), and scope
and delimitation of the study?
• What are the things you have done (solutions) to solve the cited problems?
• What are the possible recommendations you may suggest relevant to the problems and
2. Present your answer in tabular form similar with the table shown below.
3. Compare your answer with your two (2) classmates and analyzed based on similarities
and differences.
Problems Encountered in Writing Solutions Done Recommendations
Introduction or Background of the Study
Statement of the Problem
Scope and Delimitation of the Study

Activity 2: Team Up

Find a partner. Analyzed the attached example of introduction or background of the study,
statement of the problem, and scope and delimitation of the study in this lesson exemplar.
Wrapping-up Questions:

1. With reference to an example, how introduction or background of the study, statement of the
problem, and scope and delimitation of the study were written or presented? Try to comment
on the overall presentation, organization, and the technical aspect of the specific parts of the
research paper.

2. What useful tips and rules you should follow in writing introduction or background of the study,
statement of the problem, scope and delimitation of the study, and significance of the study?
Comment on the Presentation Rules in Writing
Introduction or Background of the Study Introduction or Background of the Study

Statement of the Problem Statement of the Problem

Scope and Delimitation of the Study Scope and Delimitation of the Study
Note: Write in-text citation and literature cited of your reference for your cited rules in writing
introduction or background of the study, statement of the problem, and scope and delimitation of
the study. Please follow the APA format.

Activity 3 – Differentiated Activities
Using the rules that you have written in Activity 2, contact two (2) of your classmates. Perform
and submit the following outputs:

Output 1 – Make a rap telling tips in writing introduction.

Output 2 – Create a “my day message” telling tips in writing statement of the problem. Use a
hashtag in writing your “my day”.
Output 3 – Write a “Maalaala Mo Kaya” or “Magpakaylanman” letter entitled Ang mga Paalala ni
Lolo/Lola, or Ang mga Paalala ni Fader/Mader telling tips in writing scope and limitation
of the study
Note: You may decide who among the members of your group will work on specific output.
Submit all your outputs.
Activity 4 – Mini Write shop on Chapter 1

1. With reference to the presented rules and example, write and submit the following:
a. introduction,
b. statement of the problem, and
c. scope and delimitation of your research.

2. Ask your other two (2) classmates to read and put constructive comments and suggestions to
improve those parts of your research paper.

To end this sixth lesson, let me share to you these concluding statements:
“It’s a terrible thing, I think, in life to wait until you’re ready, I have this feeling now that
actually no one is ever ready to do anything. There is almost no such thing as ready. There is
only NOW.” – James Hugh Calum Laurie
“The time is right, right now stop waiting and start doing.” -
“Almost all good writing begins with terrible first efforts. You need to start somewhere” –
Anne Lamott (American novelist and non-fiction writer. Author of Bird by Bird: Some Instructions
on Writing and Life)
“I write at eighty-five for the same reason that impelled me to write at forty-five; I was born
with a passionate desire to communicate, to organize experience, to tell tales that dramatize the
adventures which readers might have had. I have been that ancient man who sat by the campfire
at night and regaled the hunters with imaginative recitations about their prowess. The job of an
apple tree is to bear apples. The job of a storyteller is to tell stories, and I have concentrated on
that obligation.” - James Michner (The World is My Home cited in the Stainless Longganisa by
Bob Ong, 2005 page 43)

Faltado III, R.E., Bombita, M.B., Boholano, H.B., and Pogoy, A.M. (2016). Practical
Research 2. Quantitative Research. Manila: Lorimar Publishing

Merlin, M.M. (July, 2019). Background of Research, Research Question, Scope and
Delimitation of the Study, Benefits and Boundaries of the Study, and Statement of the
Problem. DLL in Practical Research 2. Boac, Marinduque: Marinduque National High
School Senior High School Department
Merlin, M.M. (October, 2017). Identifying the Inquiry and Stating the Problem.
PowerPoint Presentation in Practical Research 2. Boac, Marinduque: Marinduque
National High School Senior High School Department

Merlin, M.M., Rubi, M.M., Dizon, E.B., and Bitudan, B.O. (May, 2018). Consumers’
Perception and Acceptability on Packaging of Dried Green Mussels (Pera viridis) in the
Local Wet Markets of the Coastal Communities of Cavite. A dummy paper output
presented during the National Training of Trainers of SHS Teachers on School-based
Research at Tanza, Cavite

Ong, B. (2005). Stainless Longanisa. Manila: National BookStore


Note: This research was not actually conducted. It is only presented here for the sake of providing
example for students’ guide in writing.



Menandro M. Merlin, Mely M. Rubi, Elizabeth B. Dizon, and Brigitte O. Bitudan

ABM – Management Group

A dummy paper output presented during the National Training of Trainers for SHS Teachers on
School-based Research at Tanza, Cavite
May 17 – 23, 2018

Background of the Study

Cavite is a province in the Philippines located on the southern shores of Manila Bay in the
CALABARZON Region on Luzon Island. It is situated just 21 km south of Manila with seven (7)
component cities, 16 municipalities and 829 barangays situated in its’ seven (7) districts (General
Information Archived of Cavite, 2012).

According to Physical and Natural Resources Archived of Cavite (2011), the shoreline of
Cavite stretches about 123 km. Communities located along the coast of Cavite City, Bacoor,
Kawit, Noveleta, Rosario, Tanza, Naic, Maragondon,Tarnate and Binakayan are coastal
resources. These are the major producers of shrimp, bangus, oyster and green mussels locally
known as tahong (Perna viridis) in Cavite. Thus, fishing industry contributes to the economic
activity of the city and the province.

Marketing of green mussels generates employment in the coastal-producing areas as in

Cavite. Albert (2015) reported that, a high demand on tahong as a source of low-cost protein,
high nutritional and medicinal value lead to a problem in increasing the shelf-life of fresh tahong
which can live three (3) to four (4) days only after harvesting by continuous wetting with seawater.
Hence, drying of tahong as one of the post-harvest technologies in fishing industry prolong shelf-
life and palatability of the said food (Balachandran et al, 1998).

Furthermore, dried tahong has quickly gain market penetration. Yarbes (2014) mentioned
that it has implemented a unique and effective competitive advantage of having a product
selection that caters to diverse market segments, and supporting the product selection with
excellent customer service, allowing customers from different demographic to feel equally and get
the new idea of creating such product.

Dried tahongs are being sold in the local wet markets along coastal communities of the
aforementioned city and municipalities of Cavite. However, existing problems on proper handling
of the dried tahong specifically on packaging is obviously observed. This may affect the consumer
acceptability of the said product which is the concern of the current study. Thus, the relationship
on the consumer’s perception and acceptability on packaging of dried tahong in the major local
wet markets in a city and eight (8) municipalities of Cavite is being investigated in this research.
Statement of the Problem

The main objective of the study is to determine consumer’s perception and acceptability
on packaging of dried green mussels locally known as tahong (Perna viridis) in the major local
wet markets along the nine (9) coastal communities found in a city and eight (8) municipalities of
Cavite, Region IVA (CALABARZON).

Specifically, this sought to answer the following questions:

1. What is the consumers’ perception on the packaging of dried green mussels in the
local markets of Cavite?
2. What is the consumers’ acceptability on the packaging of dried green muscles in the
local markets of Cavite?
3. Is there any significant relationship between the consumer’s perception and
acceptability on packaging of dried green mussels in the local markets of Cavite?

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

The study primarily focuses on testing any significant relationship between consumer’s
perception and acceptability on packaging of dried green mussels or tahong (Perna viridis) from
the major local wet markets in the nine (9) coastal communities of Cavite. These communities
are found in Cavite City, Bacoor, Kawit, Noveleta, Rosario, Tanza, Naic, Maragondon, and
Tarnate only. This study, however, does not aim in determining vendor’s perception,
acceptability, productivity, and profitability levels on dried tahong.

In addition, the 180 consumers whose age ranges from 25 to 75 years from the local wet
markets of the city and municipalities of Cavite buying dried green mussels or tahong served as
the respondents of this study. The gender and educational qualifications of the respondents were
not considered in this research.

Quota sampling was applied in this research. Hence, the result of the analysis is limited
and true only to the determined sample size in this study and will never be generalized to the
entire population

The data from this research were also based from the respondents’ answers to a
researcher-made survey questionnaire instrument only. These quantitative data were gathered
during February 14 to May 14, 2018 and subjected to statistical treatment.
Practical Research 2
Chapter Test (Chapter 2)

Directions: Select the BEST answer from the choices after each item. Write CAPITAL LETTER

1. A research topic or problem is an intellectual stimulus calling for an answer in the form of
A. advice of authorities or experts C. prevailing theories or observations
B. friendly conversations D. scientific inquiry
2. John Dewey believed that “students learn more when they experience what they have to
learn”. This is an example of what source of research topic or problem?
A. Advice of authorities or experts from funding institution
B. Existing problems in the classroom/ school/ campus/ university
C. Prevailing theory or philosophy
D. Related studies and literature
3. Why you should consider the availability of research instruments for gathering the data
and their treatment in selecting research topic?
A. Because it should be something new or different from what has already been written.
B. Because it should consider the time factor involved in the undertaking.
C. Because it be significant to the field of study or discipline of a researcher.
D. Because it should consider the financial capacity of the researcher to support the
4. It is a complete, concise, and accurate description of the content of the research work that
contains words used for easy and accurate indexing.
A. research topic C. research problem
B. research title D. research abstract
5. Which is the least important element of research title and can be deleted except for
evaluation studies?
A. Respondents or participants involved in the study
B. Setting or locale of the study
C. Subject matter or research problem
D. Time or period when the study was conducted
6. What part of the title is referred to by the underlined words, “Life Adjustment of Yolanda
Victims in Tacloban City”?
A. Locale of the study C. Population involved
B. Period of the study D. Subject matter
7. The title should be clear and specifically stated. A brief and concise form of the research
title, “The Teaching of Science in the High Schools of the Province of Abra as Perceived
by the Science Teachers during School Year 2002-2003” is?
A. The Teaching of Science in the High Schools of the Province of Abra
B. The Teaching of Science in the High Schools of the Province of Abra as Perceived by
the Teachers
C. The Teaching of Science in the High Schools of the Province of Abra as Perceived by
Science Teachers
D. The Teaching of Science in the High Schools of the Province of Abra as Perceived by
the Science Teachers during School Year 2002-2003
8. Which of the following characteristics of a good research title is violated by the research
A. Titles do not need to be stuffy and dull, but they should generally give readers some
idea at the outset of what the research paper will contain
B. Select a straightforward title over other kinds
C. Do not underline the title of research or enclose it in quotation marks, instead use a
word processing program or printer that permits italics
D. Choose a title that is phrase rather than a complete sentence
9. Why you should delete the terms “assessment” or “evaluation” in the research title?
A. Because the title should not be longer than 15 substantive words.
B. Because these are understood to have been done in research.
C. Because all words in the title should be in capital letter.
D. Because it should be written in inverted pyramid.
10. The brief rationale to justify the problem must be provided in ______________?
A. background of the study C. scope and delimitation of the study
B. introduction D. significance of the study
11. Which of the following is included in the background of the study?
A. Concepts and ideas related to the problem including clarification of important
B. Discussion of the existing or present conditions and what is aimed to be in the future
or the gap to be filled – in by the research
C. Discussion of the problem in general and the specific situations as observed and
experienced by the researcher (macro to micro approach)
D. A, B and C are important inclusions of background of the study
12. Which of the following questions the background of the study can address?
A. Is it answerable or possible to be solved or changed?
B. Is the objective or purpose of the study observable, measurable or verifiable?
C. What approaches have been used previously in research of the problem?
D. What are the data that can be statistically analyzed in the problem?
13. The specific questions that are to be answered in the study are called _____?
A. Discrepancy C. Problematic situation
B. Plausible answer D. Research question
For Items 14 to 15, refer to the following choices.
A. declarative B. exclamatory C. infinitive D. interrogatory
14. In the statement of the problem, main problem is stated in _____ form.
15. While, the sub-problems are stated in _____form.
16. Which of the following does NOT belong to the group?
A. investigative question C. sub-problem
B. main problem D. specific question
17. The goal of the statement of the problem, “The primary objective of this study is to test
the hypothesis that there is a relationship between workplace condition and teaching
performance of faculty members” is to ____________?
A. resolve specific topical question C. specify parameters of research
B. test a given hypothesis D. state purpose/aim of the study
18. Why you should enumerate or specify sub-problems?
A. To state method of the study.
B. To identify the instrument to be used in the study.
C. To resolve objective or test the research hypothesis
D. To specify the respondents for a particular research study.
For Items 19 to 20, refer to the following choices.
A. Background of the study C. Scope of the study
B. Delimitation of the study D. Significance of the study
19. It specifies what is covered in terms of concept, number of subjects or the population
included in the study, as well as the timeline when the study was conducted.
20. It refers to the factors or variables that are not to be included and the boundary in terms
of time frame, number of subjects, participants or respondents who are excluded in the
For Items 21 to 22, refer to the following choices.
A. What B. When C. Where D. Why
21. Which of the above delimitation of the study parameters discusses “the venue or the
setting of the research”?
22. Which of the above delimitation of the study parameters discusses the basic question on
“the topic of investigation and the variables included”?
23. What parameter of the scope and delimitation of the study answers the following
underlined sentence?
The main purpose of the study is to provide information regarding metro-sexuality
and how being a metrosexual affects the lifestyle of the student. The study considers the
student’s personal information such as their name (optional), gender, age, and section.
A. What B. When C. Where D. Why
24. The last statement in a paragraph refers to what parameter of the scope and delimitation
of the study?
The researchers limited the study to 80 males and female secondary education
students enrolled in the second semester of school year 2015-2016 of Technological
Institute of the Philippines. Each of the respondents was given a questionnaire to answer.
The students selected came from four different sections to prevent bias and get objective
A. When B. Why C. Who D. How
25. This part of the research justifies why pursuing the problem is worthwhile that make
important contribution to new knowledge, assist policy formulation, and help improve the
quality of living.
A. Conceptual framework C. Significance of the study
B. Introduction D. Theoretical framework
26. Which of the following phrase could express the importance of the study?
A. It will likely serve… C. It is concerned with…
B. It also involves… D. It includes…
27. Why you should write significance of the study?
A. To define who will benefit out of the findings of the study
B. To investigate any contribution of the study to the field of specialization or discipline
C. To describe how the problem will be solved and specifically pinpoints who will benefit
from such findings or results
D. A, B, and C are essential reasons
For Items 28 to 30, refer to the following choices.
28. The participants in the study must be stated in the statement of the problem.
29. When the statement of the problem change, other parts of research will not be affected.
30. The specific statement of the problem specifies the research variables of the research

We will now leave another chapter of this course. I do hope you will not easily forget what
you have learned from our activities and discussions in this chapter.
GRADE 12 – PRACTICAL RESEARCH 2 for Academic Students
Lesson Exemplar 006
Identifying the Inquiry and Stating the Problem
Content Standard: Performance Standard:
The learners demonstrate an The learners shall be able to:
understanding of: formulate clearly conceptual framework,
1. the formulation of conceptual research hypotheses (if appropriate), and
framework, define terms used in study
2. the research hypotheses (if
appropriate), and
3. the definition of terms as used in
the study
Topics: Learning Competencies and Code:
1. Conceptual Framework 1. Illustrates and explain conceptual
2. Research Hypotheses framework (CS_RS12-If-j-6)
3. Definition of Terms 2. Lists research hypotheses (if appropriate)
3. Define terms used in study (CS_RS12-If-


There are three (3) different topics which were covered by this lesson exemplar. This
includes discussions on conceptual framework, research hypothesis, and definition of terms. All
of these were combined in one presentation as there is common connection which can be
perceived as you go over learning about all these topics.

In the journalistic style of writing Chapter 1, it incorporates both theoretical and

conceptual frameworks presentations. This is presented after writing an introduction or
background of the study in a research paper.

A theoretical framework can be thought as a map or travel plan (Sinclair, 200 as cited
by Faltado, et al., 2016). Different theories supporting the current research study are presented
in theoretical framework. It provides a general representation of relationships between things in
each phenomenon.

The conceptual framework on the other hand provides an idea on how the research
problem will have to be explored. It embodies the detailed and specific direction by which the
research will have to be undertaken. The operationalization of variables to be observed in the
current study, the concepts defined in a way the researcher wants to study, the visible indicators,
and the scheme of measuring such variables are presented in a conceptual framework (Zulueta
and Costales, Jr., 2003).

Research paradigm is a diagrammatic representation of a conceptual framework. It

depicts a more vivid way of what the conceptual framework wants to convey. A model is being
followed on the construction of a paradigm. It is a construction of variables and their relationships
used to represent reality. It provides a picture of what the phenomena would be like.
Zulueta and Costales, Jr. (2003) presented four (4) different models in the construction of
a research paradigm. These include the following:
(1) Context Input Process Product (CIPP) Model – This approach to evaluation is rooted
in its definition of evaluation as the process of delimiting, obtaining and providing
useful information for judging decision alternatives

(2) Inputs-Process/Throughputs-Outputs (IPO) Model – This model guides anybody in

looking at outputs or key results, and from this perspective examine the required
inputs and necessary process or throughputs. Now this IPO model was added with
Feedback hence this time, it is called the IPOF model.
(3) Combined Variables (CV) Model – This guides the reader to determine the causes-
relationships-effects of the research. A more direct and simpler model can be
derived from this. This is now called the Independent Variable Dependent Variable
or the IVDV model.

(4) Interactional System (IS) Model – This picture the organization as an interactional
system in the research or study.
The common symbols used in drawing out research paradigm are the following:

1. Box – It contains the variables which normally answers the questions in the
statement of the problem which needs descriptive analysis.

2. One-headed arrow – It illustrates the influence of one variable to the other.

3. Two-headed arrow – It represents association or relationship between the variables

4. Connector line – It connects with one variable with another but does not necessarily
mean that the variables will be subjected to statistical procedure.

In this subject, we will disregard writing theoretical framework and focus more on writing
conceptual framework and its paradigm based on the presented MELCs for PR 2. Examples will
be given as attachment in this lesson exemplar.

After the presentation of conceptual framework is the statement of the problem which was
discussed in the previous lesson exemplar. It is preceded by the presentation of research
hypothesis which is dependent on the statement of the problem.

A research hypothesis is a statement of one expects to find; a statement to be proven;

an initial answer to the research questions; a common sense statement; an expected relationship
between variables; an explanation of the phenomenon; and a statement of patterns of behavior
(Zulueta and Costales, Jr., 2003). These are commonly written in two (2) forms such as null and
alternative hypotheses. A null hypothesis (HO) is stated in negative form while, the alternative
hypothesis (Ha) is stated in affirmative or positive form. An alternative hypothesis can be stated
in a way that the direction of relationship either direct or inverse is expressed (directional form) or
not expressed (non-directional form).

And lastly the definition of terms which is included in this discussion is presented after
the review of related literature. This section of research includes important or key terms that
should be substantially and clearly defines to how they are used in the study in order to facilitate
understanding of the problem and avoid ambiguous meaning to terms which can be otherwise
interpreted in different ways.

There are different ways to define terms. Two (2) of the common categories are definition
by (1) operational and (2) conceptual or lexical. Operational definition express the meaning of the
terms as used in a particular field or study while conceptual definition is usually taken from the
dictionary. It carries a universal meaning easily understood by people. But among this two, the
most used and expressed are the operational definition of terms.

The terms defined should be arranged in alphabetical order and acronyms should always
be spelled out fully, especially if it is not commonly known or if used for the first time.

Activity 1. Mind Mapping
(Collaborative Brainstorming Activity to Enhance Vocabulary)

1. Drop everything in your mind. Draw a mind map by drawing illustrations, writing words or
phrases associated with the given terms (, conceptual framework, research paradigm,
conceptual model) to arrive into your own meaning or operational definition of terms.
2. Compare your mind map to your other two (2) classmates.
Process Questions:

1. What similar concepts that you have read from the mind map of your classmate?
2. What new concepts that you have learned from the mind map your classmate?
3. Based on the drawn mind maps, give operational definition of conceptual framework, research
paradigm, and conceptual model?


Activity 2. Mind Blowing

(Framework Analysis to develop Conceptual Understanding)

With reference to the K to 12 conceptual frameworks (Music and Art, Science, English), identify
the variables, theories supporting the framework, input, process, output, and the conceptual
framework model.
Activity 2.1 Please refer to the K to 12 Music and Art Curriculum Conceptual Model below:

Source: K to 12 – Curriculum Guide – version as January 31, 2012 page 5

Process Question:

Which part shows dependent and independent variable? What conceptual model was followed
by the curriculum? Explain your answer in a sentence.

Activity 2.2 Please refer to the K to 12 Science Curriculum Model below:

Source: K to 12 Curriculum Guide Science August 2016 page 3

Process Question:

What are the theories that support the framework? Which parts are Input, Process, and Output?
What conceptual model was followed by the curriculum? Explain your answer in a sentence.

Activity 2.3 Please refer to the K to 12 English Curriculum Model below:

Source: K to 12 English Curriculum Guide December 2003 page 2

Process Question:

What theories support the framework? Which is the Process, and Output? What is the
importance of Feedback in the model? What conceptual model was followed by the curriculum?
Explain your answer in a sentence.


Activity 3. Mind Over Matter

(Picture Analysis Applying both Factual and Conceptual Understanding)

1. With reference to the pictures below, write the following:

a. possible research problem,
b. research variable out of the problem,
c. research hypothesis,
d. simple conceptual framework (Note: Kindly present it in a drawing.), and
e. operational definition of at least two (2) terms.

2. Compare your answer to your classmate.

Picture A Picture B

Picture C Picture D

Photo Credits: (A) Bohol Bee Farm. Panglao Island Tour – WOW Philippines Travel Agency, (B) Banawe Photo: Ifugao going to plant the rice on the terraces VictoireBerlin. March
2015, (C) The 60 Must-Have Tech Gifts on Every Gadget Geeks Wishlist (June 25, 2020) by Sophia, (D) Pinoy bread favorites from the humble panaderia February 17, 2014/ Slouching


Activity 4 – Mini Write shop for Conceptual Framework, Research Hypothesis and
Definition of Terms

1. Draw and explain a conceptual framework of your research following an IPOF (Input-
Process-Output-Feedback) Model. (Note: Please refer to the example provided in the
2. With reference to your statement of the problem, write null hypothesis of your research study.
3. Present operational definition of terms of your research study.

To end this seventh lesson, let me share to you these concluding statements:

“Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve” – Napoleon Hills

“High achievement always takes place in the framework of high expectations” – Charles
F. Kettering (American inventor, engineer, businessman, and holder of 186 patents. He is a
founder of Delco, the company who brought automobiles into the Age of Electricity.)

“My conceptual framework, which basically emphasizes the importance of

misconceptions, makes me extremely critical of my own decisions. I know that I am bound to be
wrong, and therefore am more likely to correct my own mistakes” – George Soros (Hungarian-
American inventor, business magnate, philanthropist, and author. Ranking among the 30 richest
people in the world.)

Faltado III, R.E., Bombita, M.B., Boholano, H.B., and Pogoy, A.M. (2016). Practical
Research 2. Quantitative Research. Manila: Lorimar Publishing

Merlin, M.M. (2017). Intercorrelation Among Beliefs on the Nature of Science, Nature of
School Science, and Constructivist Pedagogies of the High School Science Teachers in
the Division Schools in the Province of Marinduque. DEM Dissertation. Polytechnic
University of the Philippines - Manila

Merlin, M.M. (August, 2019). Learning from Others and Reviewing the Literature
(Theoretical Framework, Conceptual Framework, and Research Hypothesis. PowerPoint
Presentation in Practical Research 2. Boac, Marinduque: Marinduque National High
School Senior High School Department

Merlin, M.M. (July, 2019). Theoretical Framework, Conceptual Framework, and

Research Hypotheses. DLL in Practical Research 2. Boac, Marinduque: Marinduque
National High School Senior High School Department

Merlin, M.M., Rubi, M.M., Dizon, E.B., and Bitudan, B.O. (May, 2018). Consumers’
Perception and Acceptability on Packaging of Dried Green Mussels (Pera viridis) in the
Local Wet Markets of the Coastal Communities of Cavite. A dummy paper output
presented during the National Training of Trainers of SHS Teachers on School-based
Research at Tanza, Cavite

Zulueta, F.M. and Costales Jr, N.E.B. (2003). Methods of Research and Applied
Statistics. Navotas: National Book Store


Example of Conceptual Framework Presentation

Conceptual Framework*

This research study follows the Combined Variable Model (CVM) specifically the
Independent Variable (IV) – Dependent Variable (DV) Model. According to Zulueta and Costales,
Jr (2003), this model guides the researcher to determine the relationships of the research study.
Figure 1 shows the paradigm of the current research.

Consumer’s perception on Consumer’s acceptability on

packaging of dried tahong packaging of dried tahong

Figure 1. Research paradigm

It is shown in Figure 1 above that the independent variable of the study is the consumer’s
perception on packaging of the dried tahong. This independent variable is correlated to the
dependent variable as to the consumer’s acceptability on packaging of dried tahong.

Other Examples of Research Paradigm Presentation

IPOF Model example

Interactional System Model example

Note: The research paradigm figures presented above were lifted from Merlin, M.M. (2017). Intercorrelation Among
Beliefs on the Nature of Science, Nature of School Science, and Constructivist Pedagogies of the High School Science
Teachers in the Division Schools in the Province of Marinduque. DEM Dissertation. Polytechnic University of the
Philippines - Manila
Guidelines in the Formulation of Explicit Hypothesis
(Zulueta and Costales, Jr., 2003, page 48)

1. In experimental investigation, hypothesis must be explicit; they must be expressed. They

must be expressed in comparative and correlational studies.
2. In descriptive and historical investigation, hypothesis is seldom expressed if not entirely
absent. No research is conducted without any hypothesis at all.
3. Hypotheses are usually stated in null form because testing null hypothesis is easier than in
operational/alternative form.
4. Hypotheses are formulated from the specific questions upon which they are based.

How to Formulate Research Hypothesis Example

From the Statement of the Problem*

Is there any significant relationship between the consumer’s perception and acceptability
on packaging of dried green mussels in the local markets of Cavite?

Null Hypothesis (HO)

There is no significant relationship between the consumer’s perception and acceptability

on packaging of dried green mussels in the local markets of Cavite.

Alternative Hypothesis (Ha)

There is significant relationship between the consumer’s perception and acceptability on

packaging of dried green mussels in the local markets of Cavite.

*Lifted from: Merlin, M.M., Rubi, M.M., Dizon, E.B., and Bitudan, B.O. (May, 2018). Consumers’ Perception and
Acceptability on Packaging of Dried Green Mussels (Pera viridis) in the Loal Wet Markets of the Coastal Communities
of Cavite. A dummy paper output presented during the National Training of Trainers of SHS Teachers on School-based
Research at Tanza, Cavite

Guidelines in Writing Definition of Terms

(Zulueta and Costales, Jr., 2003, page 60)

1. Define those terms though common may have a special, specific meaning or are differently
2. Define some special terms or languages created by some disciplines. This applies as well as
terms familiar in one discipline and borrowed or transformed by another discipline.
3. Define only what is necessary and do so precisely by using an authoritative document.
4. If you cannot find an authoritative definition, find one or two such definitions; cite them and try
to create your own definitions as used in research.
5. Complicated and lengthy definitions like those acquired in mathematics or science, should be
places in an appendix.
GRADE 12 – PRACTICAL RESEARCH 2 for Academic Students
Lesson Exemplar 008
Identifying the Inquiry and Stating the Problem
Content Standard: Performance Standard:
The learners demonstrate an The learners shall be able to:
understanding of: present objectively written review of related
the formulation of conceptual framework literature and conceptual framework
Topics: Learning Competencies and Code:
Reviewing the Literature Presents written review of related literature
1. Types of Literature Reviews and conceptual framework (CS_RS12-If-j-9)
2. Purpose of Literature Review
3. Functions Literature Review
4. How to Come up with Effective
Research Review?
5. Body of Review of Literature
6. Some Important Points to Consider
in Writing Literature Review
7. Characteristics of Materials Cited


Chapter 2 of a research paper in Practical Research 2 is simply entitled “Review of Related

Literature” whereas in some it is “Review of Related Literature and Studies” or “Theoretical
Framework”. A review of literature is an “account of what has been published on a topic by
accredited scholars and researchers” (Taylor, n.d.). It is a “means of demonstrating authors’
knowledge about a particular study/problem” (Randolph, 2009). It serves as framework for
relating new findings to previous findings. And “it is a legitimate and publishable scholarly
document” (LeCompte, et al., 2003).
A researcher needs to review the write-ups, readings, and studies related to the present
study in order to determine the similarities and differences of the findings between the past and
present studies (Zulueta and Costales, Jr., 2003). According to Philippine Social Science Council
(PSSC, 2005) as cited by Labay (2014), reviewing literatures help in identifying the research
problem, help in identifying and refining the research problem, help in avoiding unnecessary
duplication of previous works, help in searching for a range of theoretical and conceptual
frameworks and issues, help in providing more information about the variables to be looked into,
allow the researcher to foresee significant issues, and suggest how the planned research work
can contribute to knowledge.
Functions of Review of Literature
According to Faltado, et al. (2016) literature review functions include the following:

1. To provide justification of the study,

2. To identify gaps, problems and needs of related studies,
3. To provide rationale of the study as well as the reasons of conducting the study, and
4. To have basis that will be used to support findings of the study.
How to come up with effective research review?
Copper (1988) suggests that a good research review must have the following
1. Focus – It is concentrated on four (4) foci: research theories, methods, outcomes, and
practices and applications. First, theories help in looking at the relationships between
the variables and concepts being studied with than of the present ones. Second,
methods help in finding the best methodology and the variables investigated. Third,
outcomes help in identifying the gaps of information. And fourth, application and
practices are more on the implication of the findings to policy, people, knowledge,
education, etc.
2. Goal – It is useful in integrating, resolving, bridging, and generalizing the theories and
concepts under study. It explicates the arguments.
3. Coverage – It looks on how wide the study must be by looking at sample /population
(central and representative), how exhaustive the sampling was and how they were
4. Organization or Format – It helps in designing the presentation of the literature review.
This can be historical in format (presentation is based on development of related
concepts, theories or findings), conceptual in format (presentation is about the
relationship of concepts that the researcher is looking into), and methodological in
format (presentation is more focused on the research methods applied).
5. Audience – It always consider that your research work is intended to fellow
researchers, academicians, and professionals, thus avoid writing it for public or for
Body of Review of Literature
Labay (2014) cited that under the APA format, the structure of the literature review must
be “continuous in the flow of thought” – that is the different paragraphs or sections must be linked
to one another. They may reinforce the previous entries or contradict them. Do not categorize
the entries into local, national, or international.

It can be composed of the following: introduction, body, and conclusion or if it is

composed of different sections, the same introduction, body, and conclusion arrangement must
be followed. Under the conclusion part, establish your reason or point of view about the literature
or study, compare and contrast them first and come up with your own point of view why you have
included the concept, theory or findings of the reviewed literature.

In reviewing and writing literature, consider 5C’s. These are Cite, Compare, Contrast,
Critique, and Connect.
To cite is by keeping on the primary focus on the literature,
To compare the various arguments, theories, methodologies, approaches, and/ or
findings expressed in the literature. (What did the authors agree on? Who employed
similar approaches? What are their findings?),
To contrast the various arguments, themes, methodologies, approaches, and
controversies expressed in the literature. (What are the areas of major disagreement,
controversy, or debate?),
To critique the literature. Pay attention to the verbs you use to describe on what the author
says or does. (Which argument is more persuasive and why? Which approach, finding or
methodology seem the most reliable, valid, or appropriate and why?), and
To connect the literature to your own research area. (How does your own work draw on
or depart from the reviewed literature?)

Bottom Line: Review of related literature is a discursive prose and not simply describing and
summarizing what has been read and written.

Some Important Points to Consider in Writing Literature Review (Labay, 2014)

Important Points Golden Rule

Take a Reader’s View Write for your audience not for yourself.
Direct your research but keep a clear focus in the paper and
Tell a Story
present results related to it.
Be Yourself Write like you are speaking, then revise, and proofread.
Make it Simple Use simple examples to explain complex methodology.
Make it Concrete Use concrete words and strong verbs. Avoid ambiguous words.
Make it Short Avoid redundancy and over-explanation.
Take Responsibility Make clear distinction between your work and that of others
Make Strong Statements Ex. “It can be concluded….” instead of “We concluded…”
Consider uncertainty of conclusions and their implications.
Be Self-critical
Acknowledge others work.
Characteristics of the Materials Cited

Sarno (2010) as cited by Faltado, et al. (2016) enumerated the different characteristics of
the literature and studies to be cited in the present study:

1. The materials must be as recent as possible, may be 10 years later.

2. Materials must be as objective and unbiased as possible.
3. Material must be relevant to the study.
4. Coherence principle must be observed in writing literature review.


Pre-Activity: Music Appreciation

Let us exercise your Musical Intelligence. Go to YouTube website and look for the videoke song
entitled “The Past” by Ray Parker.

Process Questions:

1. What is the message of the song?

2. One part of the song mentioned that “Cause there’s no sense of going over and over the same
things as before so let’s not bring the past up anymore”. How will you relate that to research?

Activity 1. Finding Error, Correcting Error and Self Reflection

A sample part of literature review is shown below. Examine and analyze this literature by
identifying the error and revise through applying necessary corrections.

Part of review of literature to be analyzed:

In general, rice is known to be a staple food in Taiwan. The Taiwan Council of Agriculture states
that there were originally no indigenous species of rice from Taiwan. Rice cultivation and
technology was brought into Taiwan before the Qing Era. Shortly after, the Indica rice became
the most productive and efficiently grown rice grain, especially because of the ample construction
of water reservoirs near rice fields during the Japanese colonial period.

Process Questions:

1. What is your general impression about the presented review of literature example?
2. What needs to be corrected in the above literature?
3. What is your rationale for correcting the cited error in an example literature review?
4. Did you experience similar errors or mistakes when you write review of related literature
for the first time? What did you do then?

Note: The above example is full of unjustified claims and brings up several questions like how
did the author know all this? And where was the information taken from? Remember, no matter
what the claim and information, you must cite the reference. No reference for information like the
example above means it may be considered as plagiarism.


Activity 2. Match Making

(Checking Factual Knowledge through Collaborative Group Discussion)

1. Match the different types of literature review to its description shown below.
2. Compare your answer to your other classmates.

Choices: Argumentative Review, Historical Review, Integrative Review, Methodological Review,

Systematic Review, and Theoretical Review
Type 1. This form examines literature selectively in order to support or refute an argument, deeply
imbedded assumption, or philosophical problem already established in the literature. The
purpose is to develop a body of literature that establishes opposite perspective. Given the value-
laden nature of some social science research (e.g. educational reform; immigration control),
argumentative approaches to analyzing the literature can be legitimate and important form of

Type 2. The purpose is to systematically examine past events to give an account of what has
happened in the past. It is not a mere accumulation of facts and dates or even a description of
past events. It is a flowing, dynamic account of past events which involves an interpretation of
these events in an attempt to recapture the nuances, personalities, and ideas that influenced
these events. The main focus on this is to communicate an understanding of past events.
Type 3. This is considered a form of research that reviews, critiques, and synthesizes
representative literature on a topic in an integrated way such that new frameworks and
perspectives on the topic are generated. The body of literature includes all studies that address
related or identical hypotheses or research problems. A well-done integrative review meets the
same standards as primary research in regard to clarity, rigor, and replication. This is the most
common form of review in the social sciences.
Type 4. A review does not always focus on what someone said but how they came about (method
of analysis). Reviewing methods of analysis provides a framework of understanding at different
levels (i.e. those of theory, substantive fields, research approaches, and data collection and
analysis techniques), how researchers draw upon a wide variety of knowledge ranging from the
conceptual level to practical documents for use in fieldwork in the areas of ontological and
epistemological consideration, quantitative and qualitative integration, sampling, interviewing,
data collection, and data analysis. This approach helps highlight ethical issues which you should
be aware of and consider as you go through your own study.
Type 5. The purpose is to attain conclusion regarding the chosen topic. This form consists of an
overview of existing evidence pertinent to a clearly formulated research question, which uses pre-
specified and standardized methods to identify and critically appraise relevant research, and to
collect, report, and analyze data from the studies that are included in the review.
Type 6. The purpose is to attain conclusion regarding the chosen topic. This form consists of an
overview of existing evidence pertinent to a clearly formulated research question, which uses pre-
specified and standardized methods to identify and critically appraise relevant research, and to
collect, report, and analyze data from the studies that are included in the review.
Type 7. The purpose of this form is to examine the body of theory that has accumulated about
an issue, concept, theory, phenomena. This review helps to establish what theories already exist,
the relationships between them, to what degree the existing theories have been investigated, and
to develop new hypotheses to be tested. Often this form is used to help establish a lack of
appropriate theories or reveal that the current theories are inadequate for explaining new or
emerging research problems. The unit of analysis can focus on a theoretical concept or a whole
theory or framework.
Process Questions:

1. What text clues from the definition that you read, led you to classify the type of literature?
2. Are text clues important in finding related literature for your research? Why?


Activity 3. Associate Me
(Developing Conceptual Understanding and Collaborative Group Discussion)

1.Think of a word and a symbolic representation to associate the following words.

Word 1 – CITE
Word 2 – COMPARE
Word 5 – CONNECT
2.Write your answer by following the thread of the presentation shown in an example below.
Example: According to _____, CITE is associated with _____. It can be represented by a
symbol _____ because _____. And in review of related literature to cite is to _____.
3.Share your answer with your other classmates.


Activity 4 – Mini Write shop on Review of Literature

1. Examine the attached examples of literature review. With reference to those examples,
construct your own Review of Related Literature about your proposed research study.

2. Ask your other two (2) classmates to read and put constructive comments and suggestions
to improve your review of literature.


To end this eighth lesson, let me share to you these concluding statements:

“The difficulty of literature is not to write, but to write what you mean; not to affect your
reader, but to affect him precisely as you wish” – Robert Louis Stevenson (1850-1894) (Scottish
novelist, poet, essayist and travel writer. His famous works are Treasure Island, Child’s Garden
of Verse, Catriona, and The Black Arrow)

“The man who doesn’t read good books has no advantage over the man who can’t read
them” – Mark Twain (1835-1910) (Mark Twain is a penname for Samuel Langhorne Clemens. He
is an American writer, humorist, entrepreneur, publisher and lecturer. Among his novel are The
Adventure of Tom Sawyer, 1876 and its sequel The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn,1885)


Faltado III, R.E., Bombita, M.B., Boholano, H.B., and Pogoy, A.M. (2016). Practical
Research 2. Quantitative Research. Manila: Lorimar Publishing

Labay, P.M. (May, 2014). Review of Related Literature. Concepts in Writing Chapter –
Two. PowerPoint Presentation in Research. Boac, Marinduque: Marinduque State College

Labay, P.M. (2005). The social history of a hobby that turned into a livelihood strategy: The
case of butterfly livelihood in rural Philippines. Master’s Thesis. Wageningen
University & Research Centrum, The Netherlands

Merlin, M.M. (September, 2017). Learning from Others and Reviewing the Literature –
Part 2. PowerPoint Presentation in Practical Research 2. Boac, Marinduque: Marinduque
National High School Senior High School Department

Merlin, M.M. (July, 2019). Review of Related Literature. DLL in Practical Research 2.
Boac, Marinduque: Marinduque National High School Senior High School Department

Merlin, M.M., Rubi, M.M., Dizon, E.B., and Bitudan, B.O. (May, 2018). Consumers’
Perception and Acceptability on Packaging of Dried Green Mussels (Pera viridis) in the
Local Wet Markets of the Coastal Communities of Cavite. A dummy paper output
presented during the National Training of Trainers of SHS Teachers on School-based
Research at Tanza, Cavite

Zulueta, F.M. and Costales Jr, N.E.B. (2003). Methods of Research and Applied
Statistics. Navotas: National Book Store

Review of Related Literature Example 1

Note: This research was not actually conducted. It is only presented here for the sake of providing
example for students’ guide in writing.



Menandro M. Merlin, Mely M. Rubi, Elizabeth B. Dizon, and Brigitte O. Bitudan

ABM – Management Group

A dummy paper output presented during the National Training of Trainers for SHS Teachers on
School-based Research at Tanza, Cavite
May 17 – 23, 2018

Review of Related Literature

There were two (2) significant and relevant topics which were discussed in this paper.
These includes the following:
Consumers Perception on Packaging and Acceptability of Dried Green Mussels
Before 1955, farmers considered oysters and mussels as pests. However, Andalecio
(2007) cited that a well-documented article that oyster and mussel are good substitute for meat
products. Oyster and mussel contain antiviral properties and bioactive components (e.g., proteins,
lipids, carbohydrates) beneficial for the development of functional foods. Furthermore, Andalecio
study stated health benefits of the fresh mussels specifically of green species that abound
abundantly in the towns of Cavite City, Bacoor, Kawit, Noveleta, Rosario, Tanza, Naic,
Maragondon and Tarnate.
The green mussels locally known as tahong (Perna viridis) are also being dried and are
now popularly known as good “pasalubong” of tourist visiting the nine (9) towns mentioned earlier.
In a similar research conducted by Doncillo (2007) on the development of preserved meatloaf,
sausage and dried green mussel, it was found that among the three (3) products, the dried green
mussel garnered the highest acceptability rating of 8.3 or "liked very much" by respondents’
whose age ranged from 26 to 45. It was identified as best for “pulutan” or a healthy substitute
for crackers and that the shelf life at normal temperature may range from seven and a half (7.5)
to five (5) months and has high iron content.
Similarly, in the study of (Safak Ulusoy, 2011) results showed that according to sensory
results, it has been determined that the control samples kept until the 11th day, while the MAP1
and the MAP2 groups kept until the 13th day. Of the chemical indices determined, the TVB-N
values of MAP1 and MAP2 remained lower than the proposed acceptability limits of 20 mg N/100
g, up to 13 days of storage. Microbiological analysis results did not find any differences between
the groups. It was found that the shelf life of air and MAP1-MAP2 packaged samples were seven
(7) and 11 days, respectively.
As part of the post-harvest technology in both agriculture and fishing industry, packaging
of dried goods as seafood has emerged from year to year. In the study of Azanza (2005) on the
different methods of heat shocking for green mussels, heat treatment of the said product at 60 OC
and 100OC either in a hot water bath, in water‐saturated air or in dry heat are evaluated. Result
of the study were able to establish that relaxation of the adductor muscles facilitated shucking
and was quickest for the hot water bath treatment at both test temperatures. This treatment
caused 100% of the mussels to be open at either 60 or 100°C in three (3) to five (5) and 0.33 to
one (1) minute exposure times, respectively. The result of the study is further supported by the
Department of Technology and Industry (2010) study on Modified Atmosphere Packaging (MAP)
which was used for extending the shelf-life period of fresh or minimally processed foods. It has
been demonstrated that MAP retarded the microbial growth and the enzymatic deterioration. The
shelf life of fish and its’ by-products can be extended by using MAP. Microbial growth in fish and
fisheries products using MAP was retarded, leading to the delayed spoilage as well as decreased
deteriorative compounds.
In 2011, Allen's Fisheries Ltd (AFL) has been involved in researching process
development for automating vacuum and modified atmosphere packaging (MAP) whole in-shell
mussels for more than two years. AFL had initially worked with equipment suppliers to develop a
vertical weighing and packaging system and after several months of investigation it was
determined the process would be risky and likely unsuccessful. AFL's Project team then focused
their attention on process development using a horizontal roll stock packaging system.
In viewing the equipment, the technical team made these observations and reviewed as
part of the installation at AFL. Findings revealed that all new packaging materials will need to be
verified to ensure proper construction for MAP and vacuum packed cooked frozen whole mussels.
The full process will need to be tested (cooking, cooling, freezing) and integrity verified. The type
of packaging materials used for mussels is special and more costly than other packaging for fresh
or frozen seafood.

In the study of Haamer (2002), a method and device for cooking and vacuum packing
mussels with their shell and other foodstuffs by microwave heating so that they can be stored as
chilled or frozen goods for an extended period. In his study, he further cited that when mussels
are vacuum packed, many of the shells often break, and moreover the subsequent cooking in
water is too slow for the mussel meat to coagulate satisfactorily.
Thus, the invention solves this problem by packing the product to be preserved, in the
first-place mussels, in a somewhat flexible plastic container which is sealed. On the topside of the
container there is a venting hole which permits the escape of steam during boiling, but which is
sealed immediately as microwave heating ceases, whereupon a vacuum arises inside the
container as the steam condenses. A vacuum-packed and pasteurized product is thus obtained
in one and the same operation
However, it has been a practice in the coastal towns of Cavite that the dried green mussels
are just displayed in the local wet markets without good packaging. These are bought by the kilo
wrapped in an old newspaper or in an ordinary plastic. As researchers, the need to feel and hear
the consumer’s perception and acceptability on packaging of dried green mussels or tahong
(Perna viridis) is deemed necessary considering the impact of technology development on
packaging to the marketing of the product.

Green Mussels (Perna viridis) in the Market of Cavite

The main theme this research deals on the relationship of consumer’s perception and
acceptability on packaging of dried green mussels or tahong (Perna viridis) from the major local
wet markets of Cavite. Situated at the entrance of Manila Bay, Cavite is characterized by rolling
hinterlands punctuated by hills; shoreline fronting Manila Bay at sea level; and rugged portion at
the boundary with Batangas where the Dos Picos mountains are located.

Argamni (2016) mentioned that in the Philippines abounds the, Perna viridis or tahong
which is considered as one of the seven (7) major aquaculture species. Moreover, Aquaculture
of tahong can be traced back to 1955 which was initiated by the Philippine Bureau of Fisheries
and Aquatic Resources in Binakayan, Cavite (Food and Agricultural Organization, 2006; Yap,

Drawing from the article of Yap (1999), the farming of mussels started 20 years after, in
1955 when the Bureau of Fisheries oyster farming station in Binakayan, Kawit, Cavite established
a 300 m2 demonstration mussel farm. Prior to this the green mussels (Perna viridis) which were
regarded by the oyster farmers as pests was realized by fisheries personnel as potentials species,
a primary crop and decided to put up the demonstration farm. With a ready market in Manila it did
not take long for the green mussel industry to grow.

During the late 1960s, Mr. Santos B. Rasalan then Commissioner of the Phillippine
Fisheries Commission (as the Bureau of Fisheries became known at the time) reported of buying
green mussel stocks from Thailand and replanted these in the fisheries demonstration farm.
Therefore, it can be noted on the context of research setting, the place of Cavite is a potential
venue to conduct the study since the place has sources of green mussels.
In the light of foregoing review on related literature and studies on green mussels (Perna
viridis), it was found out that there were already research studies on the culture, acceptability, and
development of the said product. These were concentrated on areas of Cavite which even
extended to the areas in Western Visayas where culturing of green muscles and product
development is being done. However, no research study on the perception and acceptability
specifically on the packaging of the products and by-products of green muscles concentrating on
consumers’ point of view were not established. Hence, the concern of the current research that
will specifically focus on the possible relationship on perception and acceptability that in the long
run will eventually affect the marketing of dried tahong product.

Review of Related Literature Example 2

This part of Literature Review was lifted from: Labay, P.M. (2005). The social history of a hobby
that turned into a livelihood strategy: The case of butterfly livelihood in rural Philippines.
Master’s Thesis: Wageningen University & Research Centrum, The Netherlands

3.1 The rural livelihood approach

Since the main theme of my research is on the workings of agency,

specifically on actors involved in the development of butterfly livelihood INTRODUCTION
in rural Philippines, it is worth mentioning the principles and
frameworks of rural livelihood from where I derived some concepts and
ideas in drawing up the theoretical framework.
A lot of discussions on issues of livelihoods, e.g. approaches, have
been discussed in various texts, especially on the issues of sustainable
development (Chambers & Conway, 1992).

Drawing on Chambers’ & Conway’s (1992) definition and as cited by

Carney (1998) and Scoones (1998): “A livelihood comprises the
Cite the concept or
capabilities, assets [both material and social resources] and activities
required for a means of living. A livelihood is sustainable when it can
cope with and recover from stresses and shocks maintain or enhance
its capabilities and assets, while not undermining the natural resource
The IDS sustainable rural livelihoods’ framework cited in the paper of
Scoones (1998) and Carney (1998), they mention the following key
terms: … “Given with particular context [e.g. policy setting, politics,
history, agro ecology and socio-economic conditions], what Cite other concepts
combination of livelihood resources result in the ability to follow what
combination of livelihood strategies [e.g. agricultural intensification /
intensification and livelihood diversification] with what outcomes [e.g.
income, security, well-being, sustainable use of resources and other
productive and reproductive goals].? Of particular interest in this
framework are the institutional processes [embedded in a matrix of
formal and informal institutions and organizations] which mediate the
ability to carry out such strategies and achieve (or not) such

Therefore, it can be noted that the context, which includes the

structures and processes (laws, policies, institutions, norms, and Critique the
values) constitute also the trends, shocks and stresses that affect concepts
individuals’ decisions and actions, positively and negatively.

In addition, Ellis (1998) says that, “A livelihood encompasses the

income generating activities pursued by individuals and their
households, and the social institutions, intra-household relations, and
mechanisms of access to resources through the livelihood’s life cycle.”

In contrast, the Wageningen approach to rural development focuses

on the actors’ ability and skills as important dimensions for livelihood
development—the human ingenuity to adapt to stress and shock refers Contrast the
to his ‘agency’. concepts

This approach is known as the actor-oriented approach of Norman

Long. Central to this approach is ‘agency’, which refers to “attributes
of individual actor, his capacity to process social experiences and to
devise ways of coping with life, even under the most extreme forms of
coercion” (Long & Long (1992).

Furthermore, Long (2002) states that, “values and meanings are

culturally constructed by actors as they follow and practice their Contrast the
individual choices [vis-a-vis chosen livelihood activities], thereby concepts
generating ‘new cultural standards’.

It is emphasized therefore that whatever the case is, it is the ‘agency’

that serves as the hinge between actors, within a group, household,
community, market, and structure. Come-up with your
Haan (2000) further defines structure as “the shell in which the five
capitals (human, social, natural, physical and financial capital) are
embedded. The structure has three parts: A social that consists of the Cite further in
rules that govern common norms and values, an economic that is support to your
defined by the forces of supply and demand, and a political part that is stand
expressed by power relations.” He further states that “though structure
often determines the direction of the outcome, structure may also
change through agency.”

As such, Long’s actor-oriented approach for rural livelihood

development is more useful in the analysis of this study. Based from
previous information, though optimistic, the butterfly livelihood in Connect the
Marinduque was told as an outcome of actors’ interests and ingenuity concepts to your
[e.g. Romeo Lumawig’s interest to discover new specimens named research work
after him, Angelito and Grelando’s perseverance to improve the
breeding techniques introduced to them by Nishiyama], despite the
limits of capital assets [e.g. financial, physical, human (preferably
education), etc.], uncertainty [e.g. market, social relations, etc.] and CONCLUSION
other constraints [e.g. village people’s pressure, state intervention,
etc.]. The actors, like the Layron brothers are not stopped by these
limitations, they are continuously strategizing to solve problems,
intervene in social events and observe how others react to their
Practical Research 2
Chapter Test (Chapter 3)

Directions: Select the BEST answer from the choices after each item. Write CAPITAL LETTER

1. It is a summary of past studies that could be connected to the present research in terms
of objectives, materials and methods used, findings and conclusions obtained.
A. conceptual framework C. review of related literature
B. definition of terms D. theoretical framework
2. Which of the following guidelines on effective writing of the literature and review can guide
the researcher?
A. Avoid highly descriptive writing style, not appropriate for a scholarly research
B. Research papers must be written in informal style, which is in first person
C. Use long sentences, elongated and run-on expressions
D. Use passive voice for direct impact and easy understanding
3. When a review considered a form of research that reviews, critiques, and synthesizes
representative literature on a topic in an integrated way such that new frameworks and
perspectives on the topic are generated, a design of review is called ____________?
A. Argumentative C. Integrative
B. Historical D. Methodological
4. Which does not belong to the group?
A. APA B. CMoS C. MLA D. Turabian
5. Jeanings, P. 1997. The performance and competitive advantage of small firms: A
management perspective. International small business journal. 15, 2, pp 63-75. Available
from: The University of Western Australia Library Course Material Online. (1 September
2004), is an example of journal article available on CMO is written using ________ format.
A. APA B. Harvard C. MLA D. Vancouver
6. King, M. (2000). Wrestling with the angel: A life of Janet Frame. Auckland, New Zealand:
Viking. The italicized words in the reference list refer to name of __________?
A. book C. film
B. conference paper D. journal article
7. Which of the following refers to literature cited?
A. List of all unread references
B. List of all in-text cited references
C. List of all in-text cited and not cited but read references
D. List of all in-text cited, not cited but read, and unread references
8. According to Copper (1988), a good research review looks on how wide the study must
be by looking at sample/population (central and representative), how exhaustive the
sampling was and how they were selected.
These characteristics of effective research review refers to _____.
A. Audience B. Coverage C. Focus D. Goal
9. Which of the following phrase is incorrect? Under the APA format, the structure of the
literature review _____
A. must be continuous in the flow of thought.
B. is that the different paragraphs or sections must be linked to one another.
C. may reinforce the previous entries or contradict them.
D. categorizes all entries into local, national, or international.
10. Which of the following is NOT a Focus in making a good research review?
A. theories B. outcomes C. methods D. format
11. The body of the literature review includes the following EXCEPT.
A. body B. conclusion C. introduction D. synthesis
12. When you write on how does your own work draw on or depart from the reviewed
literature, you are probably doing _____?
A. Cite B. Compare C. Connect D. Critique
13. Yin-Yang is a symbol associated with _____ body of literature review.
A. Critique B. Connect C. Contrast D. Cite
14. What should a researcher do when he cites an author within the text of the paper?
A. Insert the complete citation in parenthesis
B. State the first and last names of the author
C. Use an asterisk and a footnote
D. Use the author, date citation method
15. Which of the following is NOT an ethical guideline for conducting research with humans?
A. Getting informed consent of the participant
B. Keeping participants’ identity anonymous
C. Telling participants, they are free to withdraw at any time
D. Telling participants, they must continue until the study has been completed
16. Which of the following is necessary in obtaining informed consent?
A. A description of the purpose of the research
B. A description of the reliability and validity of test instruments
C. A description of the statistical analyses that will be carried out
D. A list of publications that the researcher had in the last ten years
17. Which of the following is a function of theory?
A. Explaining phenomena
B. Integrating and summarizing current knowledge
C. Making predictions
D. All of the above are important functions of theory
18. It presents specific and well-defined concepts, which are called constructs.
A. Conceptual Framework C. Research Paradigm
B. Conceptual Model D. Theoretical Framework
19. In a causal-comparative type of research, which of the following symbol will you use to
represent association among the variables tested in the study?
A. Box C. One-headed arrow
B. Connector line D. Two-headed arrow
20. Which of the following statements is TRUE about research theory?
I. It answers the “how” and “why” questions.
II. It can be a well-developed explanatory system.
III. It simply means “explanation”.
A. I only C. III only
B. II only D. I, II and III
21. The word approaches is also used to determine the viewpoint or outlook towards the
phenomena and the new way the researcher will handle data. Which of the following is
NOT an example of approaches based on theory?
A. Behavioral approach from behaviorism
B. Historical approach based from history
C. Marxist approach from Marxist theory
D. Systems approach based from systems theory
22. It is a definition of term, which expresses the meaning of the terms as used in a field of
A. Authoritative C. Lexical
B. Conceptual D. Operational
23. Which of the following correctly states the guidelines in writing definition of terms?
I. Complicated and lengthy definitions like those required in mathematics and science,
should be place in an appendix
II. Define those terms, which, though common, may have a special specific meaning or
are differently used
III. If you cannot find an authoritative definition, find one or two such definitions; cite them
and try to create your own definitions as used in research
A. I only C. III only
B. II only D. I, II and III
24. Sampling is the process which involves taking a part of a population, making observation
on these representatives and the generalizing the findings to the bigger population
(Zulueta and Costales, 2003). This definition of terms is an example of ___________
A. conceptual C. logic
B. dictionary D. operational
25. Research hypothesis is ___________________
A. an expected relationship between variables
B. an initial answer to the research question
C. a statement of what one expects to find
D. A, B, and C described research hypothesis
26. If the hypothesis is stated as “There is no significant differences between the growth of
palay plant treated with vermi tea and that of control”, a type of quantitative research done
by a researcher is ___________?
A. Assessment C. Experimental
B. Correlational D. Survey
27. Which of the following hypothesis is NOT stated in alternative or operational form?
A. There is significant association between the inductive method and deductive method
of teaching science
B. There is significant difference between the effectiveness of the inductive method and
all of the deductive methods in the teaching of science.
C. There is no significant difference between the effectiveness of the inductive method
and that of the deductive method in teaching of science
D. There is significant relationship between the effectiveness of inductive and deductive
methods in teaching science
28. In IPO Model, Output also refers to _____.
A. Throughput B. Product C. Interactional D. Context
29. When a theoretical and conceptual framework is integrated in Chapter 1 of a research
paper, it follows _____ style.
A. Conceptual B. Framework C. Journalistic D. Theoretical
30. Which of the following conceptual models commonly used by beginning writers due to its
A. CIPP Model B. CV Model C. IPOF Model D. IS Model

That ends our Chapter 3, the last chapter for first quarter or midterm… Review-review din kapag
may time…

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