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Weekly plan: Week 5

Grade 9_Biology (From 31/01/2022 to 04/02/2022)

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The homework is due on
Unit 2: Cells Mid term revision Unit 2: Cells Unit 2: Cells
Class Chapter 06: Meiosis and Chapter 06: Meiosis and Chapter 06: Meiosis and
Mendel Mendel Mendel
work Lesson 3: Mendel and Heredity Lesson 3: Mendel and Heredity Lesson 3: Mendel and Heredity
Pages: 177 - 181 Pages: 177 - 181 Pages: 177 - 181

Biology Mid Term which will be held on Thursday 10 February 2022 (Week 6).
Asses Unit 2: Cells
sment Chapter 5: Cell Growth and Division
1.The Cell Cycle 126 - 129
2.Mitosis and Cytokinesis 130 - 134
3.Regulation of the cell Cycle 136 - 139
Unit 3. Genetics.
Chapter 6: Meiosis and Mendel
1.Chromosomes and Meiosis 158 - 161
2.Process of Meiosis 163 – 166

Chapter 6: Meiosis and Mendel 2.Traits, Genes, and Alleles) 170 – 172

All mateial are in the shared link:

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