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563 The rate of growth of the GNP is used as an 10 .

d ld be traced from
· performance of the ex of nuc self-reliance cou
(A) Development The theory of econo
3: (B) Cultural traits (A) Militon Essays
(C) Economy (B) Plato Essays
(D)NOTA (C) Waldo Emerson Essays
564. The low level of figure of Nigeria human dev"'l 0 (D) NOTA . . . Nigeria suffered the uncommon
index (HDI) gives us _ _ __ position o~t P~ent 570.
The British colontahsm in nota
- ble strikes
3 countries in Africa of ::>4 f
consequence o - - - -
(A) 15 (A) 4
(B) 321111 (B) 3
(C) 44th (C) 2
(D) 20th 1 . •
(D) . trik·e in the pre-independent N1gena
565. In meas~g human development the third el 571. The first maJor s
decen_tliVIDg standard is indicated or measure;:ent occurred nd
(A) Life expectancy at birth Y (A) July, 22 1945
(B) Literacy figures nd
(B) June. 22 l 945
(C) Per capital income d
(C) July. 22° 1949
• (D)NOTA nd 194 -
(D) july.22 .:, _ . e ~
566. The human development index (HDI) d . The industrial dispute of 1945 m some good measur
in_tem~tional comparison ofle,vel of h evelopment for the 572.
N1gena HDI is put as uman development contributed to the growth of
(A) 0.442 (A) Socialism
(B) 0.552 (B) Capitalism
(C) 0.222 (C) Nationalism
(D) 0.332 (D) communism
567· The opposite of ec · of self-rehance
. 573. Strike action can also be called the following except
(A) D1.ligence ononuc is
(A) Labour strike
(B) Negative mindset (B) Industrial strike
(C) Dependence (C) Simple strike
(D)NOTA (D) Complex strike
568. !Jie act of relying on oth
IDdividual or a natio . :nrs to make decision for an 574. The latin word of religion is
(A) Dependency n is own as (A) Religia
(B) Self-reliance (B) Religare
(C) Literacy figure (C) Religora

575. The word science comes from the latin word "scientia " .
meaning ca itulat ion of those rights
58 1. _ defined human nghts as a re p d t all time for the
(A) Power h verywherc an a
(B) Learning that accrnc to uman e . differentiated from
fact that they are human bemgs as
(D) NOTA animals
3 ,(A) Ezeanyi
576. The employees who strike in order to protest an unfair
(B) Carrison
labour practice committed by their employer are called
(A) National union strikers (C) Wikipedia
(B) Unfair labour practice strikers (D) Amadi . .
(C) Economics strikers 582. _ defined human rights as inalienable fundamental nghts
(D)NOTA •to which a person is inherently entitled simply because she
577. The following are the various stages of familiarization or he is a human being
except (A) Wikipcdia
{A) Personal stage (B) Carrison
(B) Social 6tage (C) Ezcanyi
(C) Entry stage (D) Amadi
1: (D) Exit stage 583. _ __ defined human rights as that basic standard~
i 578. The cold war can be divided into _ _ _ periods without which people cannot live in dignity
(A) 1
(B) 2 (A) Amadi
(C) 3 (B ) Carrison
(D)4 (C) Wi kipedia
579. The Non-aligned movement (NAM) was formed in what (D)Ezeanya
year? 584 . T he following are characteristics of human rightsexcept
(A) 1961 (A) Human 1ights are inalienable
(B) 1951 (B) Cuman rights are indivisible
(C) 1948 (C) H ti;nan rights are interdependent
(D) 1964 (D) Human rights are divisible .
580. Human rightscan be described as 585. T he term human rights appeared for the first time in the_
(A) Personal rights des Droits de I' Homme et du citoyen
(B) National rights (A) British Declaration
(C) Artificial rights (D) Spanish Declaration
(D) Natural rights (C) Fre nch Declaration
102 103

on the
. listed in Articles - - -
586. United Nation commission on hum:in rights (UNCHR). 592. The politico\ nght~ nrc . . ri hts
3: univcrsnl Declaration ot human g
was established in
(A) 1846 (A) 18 to 19
(B) 1948 (B) I 9 to 21
{C) 1848 (C) 22 to 26
(D) 1946 (D) 18 to 25 . .
3 . . .
587. The International labour Orgamzauon (ILO), was 593. The cultural rights ore listed m ":11cles - - - - on the
established in universal declaration of human nghts
(A) 1919 (A) 27 and 28
(B) 1925 (B) 18 and 19
(C)1960 (C) 15 and 16
(0)1970 . (D) 12 and 13
588. The following are examples of central traits except 594. The first ever strike by Nigeria workers was led by
(A) Shyness (A) Adam Oshiomole
(B) Anxiousness (B) Micheal Imoudu
(C) Honesty (C) Ayuba philibu wabb a
(D) Public speaking anxiety · (D) Abdulwahed Ibrahim Omar
589. _
refers to the behavior of~d er 595. Who is the father of trade union in Nigeria?
(A) Behavior styles (A) Micheal lmoudu
(B) visionary styles
(B) A yuba philibus Wabba
(C) Leadership styles
(C) Adam oshiomolc
590. The tenn human rights appeared for the first time in the (D) NOTA
596. In order of court. compelling the parties either to desist a
French Declaration des Droits de I' Homme et du citoycn
in what year? certai n action or to resume a particular action is class ified
(A) 1789 as
(B) 1879 (A) grievance procedure
(C) 1978 (B) Lock out
(D) 1878 (C) lnj unction
591. The economic and social rights are listed in Articles (D) Strike procedure
on the universal Declaration of Human rights - - 597. The first generation rights are related to
(A) 18 to 19 (A) Equality
(B) 19 to 22 (B) Solidarity right
__ -·· > (C) 22 to.2_6 _-. , .... (C) Liberty
(D) 18to25 · (D)N OTA

. .. _1.0:4 ·... ·.
598. According to business pcrspe1.· tive, employees curry
f .
. h re a rcc1pro
cal relationship
I . 1 of the following is t ~ groups within a cu ltura l
sign language in depicting their concern, regarded as
(104. In w 11c 1 . ng men an
3 (A) Strike and intera ction amo
(B) Picketing frumc work'I·
(C) boycott (A) Society
(D) Impasse boycott . (B) Community
599. An illegal strike which occurs dunngthe term of agree (C) Social group .
3 is classified as (D) NOTA t of alienation into
(A) Wildcat strike 605. Who first introduced the concep
(B) Unfair labour practice strike sociological theory?
(C) Sympathy strike (A) Hegel
(D) economic strike (B) August Comte
600. _ _ _ is increasing leadership rapidly (C) Marx
.."l (D) Herbert spem:er . ht
Who among the follow mg has roug the concept of ID,
(A) Strategy b
(B) Command 606.
Ego and Supe rego?
(C) Control (A) Sigmund Freud
(D) getting others to follow ~ (B) G.H. Mead
60 I. _ _ _ are the approaches to the study of leadership (C) C.H. Cooley
which emphasizes the perso nality of the leader (D) Maciver
I, . . . of
(A) Contingency theories 607. Whose name is associated with the proce~s
(B) group theories socialization?
(C) Trait theories (A) C.H . Cooky
(D) Inspirational theories (B) G.H. Mead
602. Rights which are giving to citizens by the constituti (C) Sigmund Freud
on but (D) 1\ II of the above
which cannot be touched by the state are known as
60S. Freud 's •fD' can best be t.ransl atcd as _ _ __
(A) Lega l rights
(B) Moral rights (A) Reas on
(C) Political rights (B) Host il ity
(D) Fundamental rights
(C) Desire
603. Dependency group are _ _ __ (D) Social conscience
609. Socio logy emerged in
(A) 14 years and younger and 65 years and above
(B) 16 years and below and 6~ years and above (A) Ame rica
(C) 18 years and younger and 60 yea rs (B) Europe
(D)N OTA {C) Asia
(C) /\ fr ica

106 107
6 \ 0. Society emerges out of
3. (A) Community existence
(B) Men ·s existence · was a topic · of study in early
616. Which of the following ·
(C) Problem's existence
(D) Relationship (A) Astrology
611 . Society symbolizes the network of (B) Economics
3 {A) Human relationships (C) Physics
(B) Social relationships (D) History ·
617. Sociology bas been derived from the Latin rd ·sociotuS'
(C) Orientations wo
(D) Inter-connections and 'logos' which mean s .
612. The basis of slave system is always? (A) Friend or companion and science
(B) Society and laws
(A) Political (C) Soci ability and science
(B) Economic (D) Society and science .
(C) Custom 618. One important advantage of socialization 1s that
(D) Social need (A) It makes one out of group life
613. Who among the following authors initially used (B) It makes one leave one' s isolation
the tern1 (C)It makes one a member of political system
·social phy.? ics ' for sociology
(D)It makes one to realize the important of wealth.
(A) Spencer 619. According to _ _ _ _self and society are not .
(B) Comte 1denncal
(A) Cooley
(C) Tonnies (B) Mead
(D) Weber (C) Freud
614. Which of the following best describes sociology (D) Marx
as a
subject? 620. Soci alism is a _ _ __ not a process
(A) Theory
(A) The study of individual behavior
(B) Virtue
(B) The study of culture
(C) biological specialization
(C) The study of society and socia l interaction (D) State of nature
(D) The study of economics 621. At Harare in 1986, the non-alined countries were
615. A socio logist defines society as a group of peop (A) 88
le who
resides in a defined area, share a culture, and who (B) 98
(A) Interact (C) 200
~) 101
(B) work in the same industry
622. Accordin?, to wP.ber, the three types of leadersh
(C) Speak different languages ip are
(t\) Rntionai. feudal and capitalistic
(D) Practice a recognized religion ( b ) Fcud ..d, traditionai. and chatisma tic
(C) Legal, traditi01..1,,\ and charismatic
108 (D)NOTA

3 '?
623. Which among the following is the youngest so-:ial science 'Genocide ·
(A) Sociology 630. Who coined the te':11
(A) Raphael Lcmktn
(8) Political;ciencc (B) Eleanor Roosevelt
(C) Economics (C) Sigmund Freud
(D) Statistics
624. The universal declaration of human rights ( UDHR) was (D) Jefferson d dcr.Article
adopted on 631. Right of education is guarantee un
(A) 14
(A) December I. I 948 (B) 19
(B) December I0.1948 (C) 12-A
(C) December 11 , 1948
(D) December 31, 1948
(0 )21 • ·tteeofred
632. Who was the founder of international comrru
625. Which of the following is not a UN Agency? cross?
{A) UNICEF (A) Henry Dunant
(B) UNESCO (B) F. Lieber
(C) WTO (C) Rousseau
626. Which article of the third Geneva convection of 1949 633. Who among the following propounded the modern
defines the prisoners of war? principles of natural Justice?
(A) Article I (A) Locke
(B) Article I (B) J. S. Mill
(C) Article 3 (C) A V. Dicey
(D) Article 4 (D) John Raw:1b
627. The international cnmina l court (ICC) rcv ic;\\ conference 634. The third milknmum is also referred to <1$
20 IO held at . (A) Modem age
(A) Paris th
(B) 18 century
(B) Kampala (C) 16th century
{C) The Hague (D) NOTA
(D) Rio de Janeiro
635. During the colc.l war. the western was led by
628. Who introduced the concept of third generation human rights? (A) Germany
(A) Tullius cesero ~ ·
(B) Jerrny Bentham (B) Soviet Union
(C) John Finnis (C) United States
(D) Karel Vasak (D) UniteJ Kingdom
629. Which one of the schedules of the constitution given 636. At Belgrade in 1989, tbe non-aligned countries were
below deals with recognized languages? (A) 101
(A ) Schedule 8 (B) 98
(B) Schedule 7 (C) 88
(C) Schedule 12 (D) 102
(D) Schedule 9
110 111
643. _____ i:i the only avenue for development and ca!te the
Jive!! of the working people
3 637. Nigeria first peace keeping miRsion in _____ (A ) Capitalism
criRis - (D) Communi~m
(A) South Africa (C ) Nationalism
(B) Congo (D) Social iHm
(C) Cameroon 644. At Cairo in 1964, the non-aligned countries w<.·w
3 (D) Angola (A ) 25
638. The term cold wur was popularized by (BJ 21
(A) H.B. swope (CJ 47
(B) Andre fontainc (D) 15
645. The division of human righLi; into three generations was
(C) Walter Lippman
first proposal by
(D) Sigmund Freud
(A) Abdul waled Ibrahim Omar
1 639. The United States is example of which economic syRtem
(B) Karel Vasak
(A) Capitalism (CJ Max Weber
(B) Mixed economy (D) Locke=
(C) Communism 646. The; cradle 0f interpersonal relationship is the _ _ _
(D) Socialism 647. The: • prcc;cc<ls other level of interpersonal
640. Extreme love for your country is the definition of relationship
( A) Socialism (AJ School
B) Church
(CJ Family
(C) Fascism (D) NOTA
(D) Nationalism 648. Other levels of interpersonal relationship cannot exist in
641. A strike which involves all the workers in the federation is isolation of the
known as (A) Indefinite strike . (A) University
(B) Particular strike (B) Family
(C) Wildcat strike (C) Church
(D) National strike 649. The following arc the various stages of familiarization
642. Jn mcasurin? human development, three key clements is of except
th~ h~ma~ l1~c have ~ccn found worthy of emphasis as the (A) Entry stage
prrnc1ple indicator of human being except (B) Personal stage
(A ) Longevity (C) Exit stage
(B) knowledge (D) Social stage
(CJ Decent living standards
(D) Unemployment 113


I l
650. The type of leadership style whereby thc l~aders· gdivcs
• w1·th tile group 1s ca11c
order only after consu Itmg 656. The following arc three board stages of development
3 (A) Autocratic stage (A) The individuals
(B) Visionary stage
(B) Economy
(CJ Coaching stage
(C) Social groups
(D) Democratic stage . . hi tyle is (D) Mode of production
651. The communication in democratic leaders p s
typically 657. - - - - is the epicenter of development
3 (A) Society .
(A) Upward only
(B) Downward and upward only (B) Church
(C) Downward only (C) Economy
(D) NOTA d (D) Man
652. The type of the leadership type wh~rcby the lea c:s 658. Maxist scholars originally ties development to the
centralize power and decision making themselves is (A) Socialist and capitalist mode of product
known as (B) Capitalist mode of product
(A) Laissez-faire style (C) Socialist mode of product
(B) Democratic style (D)NOTA
(C) Autocratic styJe 659. In measuring human development, the third element
(D) NOTA decent living standard is measured by
653. Media in Nigeria are in _ _ _ and _ _ _ type (A) Life expectancy at birth
(A) Formal and Infonnal (B) Literacy figures
(B) Mutual and Traditional
(C) Per capital home
(C) Traditional and formal
(D) Modem and Traditional . . .
654. In the traditional economist, development 1s mextn c:1bly 660. The low figure of Nigeria HDI i.e. Human Development
tied to the domain of Index gives us _ _ _ position out of 54 countries in
(A) Marketing th
(A) 15
(B) Business 00
(B) 32
(C) Society (C)44tll
(D) Economic
(D) 20th
655. The liberal perspective approach to the study of
661. The maximization of the growth of GNP shows the level
development was dominated by of
(A) Economic growth (A) Development
(B) Poverty (B) Pcrsonali ty
(C) Unemployment (C) Economic situation
(D) Income-distribution (D) NOTA
..._,._..._.........__ ~

lllWllllllJHitiU- I liii>D»W

662. In measuring humnn development ind~x. rhc second

clement knowledge is measured or 1nd1catcd by
(A) Per capital income
669. The form oi' pyschi energy nwnifc~rcu hy lifo instincts is
(B) Literacy figures enlkd
(C) Life expectancy (A) Ego
(D) NOTA . (8) Supl.!rcgo
663. The employees who strike in order to proll.!Sl an 1mfo1r (C) Scx11nl drive
labour practice committed by the employer are called (D) Libidn .
3 670. The h,1bv's fi rst rontact with rhe w11rld 1s rhrough the
(A) National Union Strikers (A} Eyl.-
(B) Unfair Labor Practice Strikers (B) Fnr
(C) Economic strikers (C) S1om11ch

(D) NOTA . _ .
664. Strikes actions can also be called the fo llowing EXCEPT
Labour strike
(D) Mouth
671. The following arc thl~ generally ncccptcd lcndcrship styles

Industrial strike (A) A utocriltic styli:
Simple strike
Complex strike · (B) Dl'nwcratic sryk
665. .,....,...--=--- is the poorest in the c;_apitalist system (C) L:1 i,;,t•1-l:1in.: sryk
A Peasant (D) S1r:1tt·gir styk
B Bourgeoisie 67'2. The fcillcl\\ ing exist in the sociology of fomily existence
C Proletariat t!XCF P r
D Petty bourgeois . .
666. omprador bourgeo1s1e are found m the following (A) Peer gwups
countries EXCEPT (B) F.11her
(A) Ghana (C) Children
(D) Cameroon (D) f\foth er
(C)Spain 673 . In social 11n1mc or 111n11. interpersonal rt:larionship is to u
(D) Nigeria great extent
667. Nigeria joined the non-aligned group in
(A) 1960 (A) Cordial
(B) 1954 (B) Formal
(C) 1924 (C) M utua l
(D) 1964 (D) Natural
668. Nigeria joined the non-aligned group in conference 67-L An imapcrsonnl rdatiL,nship rlrnr c:-.:i~ts among ncadcmics
(A) Belgrade al rbi: .icademic lcvd \\'lwrd'ly .irackmic ideas 1trl! shnrc is
(B) Lusaka kn1,w11 ·1s
(C) Cairo ( \) Sl1cio-pL)litll·:1I rt·lntil>nship
(H ) Socio-.:co11om1c relationship
116 (C) SL,ci,i-rclig1 on 1~!.11icH1ship
(D) SociL,-:wndcnuc rt'lntionship

r \t t l.1t.1t\' 111 I''~<•. tlw 1w11 11h}:11ru l t11111t11~~ " l' I\'
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p r11l r
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(:\)(\•tt1lic1 ~o. ,~~ ( 11) I hi' I 11•hl 1,1 p l\ll l'
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(ll) ( '1111 111 .tl l lt'.hl ,
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\II lhl' 1111111: "l' 111r 11w1111· 111 111 11111 ,t•h r•, 111111 111 tl\lr
(Pl o~·tl1l•rr :.1. 1u.1, l'll\' (11 \l llllrll l ill'l Pl d ill ►'. IP S 1e11111111I 1'11•11d , .. k11M\.ll 1I,
CJIX>. I 1i~~ J,,,~itin 11 f hu111a11 tti!ht, 1111\1 lllll'l' f'.r 11t•1.1t iP11s wu, ( \) l' 1n l'lhi ll'll' -
J11~1 p1,•1~ i:-t·d t,v 111) l ltll \lll ',\' 11111'-
(,\) ·\l~h,lwuhrtl lli1,1hi fl\ U111m (II) ( \IIN 1\llh
( tl) K.ttd \ ':i ,.,J... (l')Ntl l \
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l \) Ft11111htv (I{) I ~'.ll
cm sl,1,lhrm rtl!ht,·
l( I I I)
t <') 1 il•,•nr (P) NU I\
(D} NOi'·\
Ill II\ II\
(,o~ rl1t• SC'\l111J ~:r11c..•r,111<111 , t~'.hts ,11, • rd,111:d ll1
(:\) Sl1 l1d.ui t\ m•hh ( A )I 1li1du ti n S11pr t l')'.11
cm , 1h:·11\ · ··
(l ') IP
I hr 1111111 1, 1 11'- "rlll' C11l't1·v
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f'IOJ. 11w rlurd l;C'lll'C.lli1,11 tit' h11111.111 11td1t-. ,11 r , l'l.ttl'd 10 (I) ) S11pt' ll'l'.{ I
(:\) Snl tlllMC) 1ighh (( ') Sl'\u,il d11n
( B) 1·qu,tlit_v
(111 I 1\111 h1
, {( ') I il>nry
(P) NPI':\ 121

1. B
34. B 67. D
- 100. B
101. C

2. A 35. A 68. A 170. D
69. C 102. C 136. D
3. D 36. D 137. B 171. C
4. 37. B 70. B 103. D A
B 138. C l 72.
5. 38. C 71. D 104. A D
C 139. A 173 .
39. B 72. C 105. C
6. D 140. D 174. C
3 40. A 73. A 106. B
7. A 141. D 175. D
41. D 74. B 107. D
8. C 142. A 176. A
42. D 75. D 108. D
9. C 143. B 177. C
43. A 76. B 109. A
10. C 144. D 178. B
110. B
11. D 44. C 77. A 145 . C 179. C
111. C
12. A 45. B 78. B 146. D 180. D
- 112. C
13. A 46. B 79. D 147. A 181. C
113. B
14. B 47. C 80. B 148. B 182. B
114. D
15. B 48. D 81. C 149. A 1-83. A
-115. D
16. C 49. C 82. D 150. D 184. D
116. D
17. D 50. B 83. D - 11 7. A 151. D 185. A
18. D 51. A 84. A 152. D 186. D
118. C
19. D 52. C 85. D 153. A 187. A
119. A
20. A 53. B 86. C 154. A 188. B
120. C
21. B 54. C 87. B 121. D 155. B 189. B
22. D 55. D 88. D 122. D 156. C 190. B
23. B 56. C 89. C
24. D 123 . .t!> 157. B 191. D
57. B 90. D
25. C 124. A 158. C 192. B
58. A 91. A 125. C 159. D 193. C
26. C 59. C 92. C
27. B 126. D 160. A 194. A
60. D 93. B
28. D 127. A 161. B 195. D
61. B 94. D
29. A 128. D 162. C 196. D
62. C 95. A
30. C 129. C 163. A 197. D
63. D 96. C
31. B 130. A 164. B 198. C
64. D 97. B
32. D 131. B 165. D 199. D
65. B 98. B
33. A 132. C 166. C 200. D
66. A 99. B 133. D 167. D 20 1. C
~o~. C' _.,--~-. A
") 1
270. A
:1 1. l) ' ..
.... 203, C 'L,7. D ")~,
.,,. ' - .. l) ' .-u~. (.' '7: . 1\
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~B. \C'. JJIJ, \)
205, A :.:.w, C .~ll~, t)
.,-10, A .\ 7.1, ('
:::-H>. 274. R ('
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637. D 668. D 699. C
638. B 669. C 700. A
639. C 670. A 701. D
640. B 67 1. D


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