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Activity 1 in Assessment in Learning 2

March 8, 2022

I. Multiple Choice. Choose the letter of the correct and best answer in every item.

1. Which is a way in establishing test reliability?

a. The test is examined if free from errors and properly administered.
b. Scores in a test with different versions are correlated to test if they are in parallel.
c. The components or factors of the test contain items that are strongly uncorrelated.
d. Two or more measures are correlated to show the same characteristics of the

2. What is being established if items in the test are consistently answered by the
a. Internal consistency c. Test-retest
b. Inter-rater reliability d. Split-half

3. Which type of validity was established if the components or factors of a test are
hypothesized to have a negative correlation?
a. Construct validity c. Content validity
b. Predictive validity d. Divergent validity

4. Which is used when the scores of the two variables measured by a test taken at two
different times by the same participants are correlated?
a. Pearson r correlation c. Significance of the correlation
b. Linear regression d. Positive and negative correlation

5. . A teacher constructs a test blueprint prior to writing test items for a test, to ensure
test ____.
a. validity b. scorability c. reliability d. fairness

6. Which of the following actions contributes to enhancing a test’s validity?

a. Comparing the scores of students with different demographic characteristics.
b. Re-administering the test to the same examinees of at at least two weeks apart
c. Comparing scores on the same examinees before and after instruction
d. Having the other people examine the items to make sure there is nothing offensive

7. Which of the following actions contributes to the improvement of test reliability?

a. Increase the number of items and score points on the test.
b. Decrease the number of inferences or decisions based on the results.
c. Increase the number of objectives measured by the test.
d. Decrease the number of different types of item formats used.
8. Which of the following statements best defines content standard?
a. When students should accomplish the content standards
b. The rate at which students should accomplish the content standards
c. How well students should accomplish the content standards
d. What students should know and be able to do

9. Which one brings down the reliability of test item?

a. Ambiguous test item c. Combining objective and essay test
b. Long test d. easy mere recall items

10. When you asked questions to lead students to discover or create new connections,
generalizations and patterns, or combine ideas to form new whole you ask students to
a. Analyse b. evaluate c. comprehend d. synthesized

II. Article Review.

Find a journal article about a study that developed a measure or conducted a validity or
reliability study. You may download the article using the database in the library. You may also
download from any of the following open sources:
 Google scholar
 Directory of open access journals
 Multidisciplinary open access journals
 Allied academies journals

Your task is to write a short report focusing on important information on how the authors
conducted and established test validity and reliability. Provide the following information in your
1. Title and author of the article
2. Purpose of the study
3. Describe the instrument with its underlying factors (e.g. in terms of content and
4. Validity techniques used in the study and analysis they used
5. Reliability techniques used in the study and analysis they used
6. Results of the tests validity and reliability

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