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Lesson plan

Title: Present perfect tense Teacher:Namazbekova Malika

Grade (level): 8 Time duration: 45 minutes

Learning objectives: students will be able to:

1.speak and formulate sentence in the present perfect tense
Introduce students with new grammatical topic «Present Perfect»
1. Present Perfect Timeline Diagram:
2.Blank cards, paper, pens, color markers
3 . Perfect printable worksheet (15 copies for home assignment)
4. Video — Difference Between Present Perfect and Simple Past + Adverbs:
Procedure: Details:
T: Good morning (pick 1 student)how are you today?
S: I'm fine thank you and you?
T: Thank you, I’m fine.Who is on duty today?
S: I’m on duty today.
T: Open your copybooks and write down the date.

T: Today we are going to speak about your vacation activities and

Presentation: habits using Present Perfect (PP). Then we’ll try to work out a rule for
this tensey.hy do we use “Present Perfect” [FUNCTION]
  ‐We use the present perfect to talk about an experience in the past
  ‐When it happened is not important
‐ That experience can have some connection to the present

How do we use “Present Perfect” [FORM]

10 minute
  [ Subject + have/has + past participle verb ]
  I       +    have    +   eaten    +  sushi before.
   They   +    have    +   seen      + that movie.
    He    +    has      +   been     + to Japan.
    [ Subject + haven’t/hasn’t + past participle verb ]
   I    +       haven’t      +       eaten      +   sushi before
      They   +       haven’t      +        seen       +   that movie.
       He    +       hasn’t        +        been       +   to Japan.

[ Have/Has + subject + ever + past participle ]
Have   +   you    + ever +   eaten   +   sushi before?
 Have   +   they   + ever +    seen    +   that movie?
     Has   +     he    + ever +    been    +   to Japan?
1)T:Grammar Exercise ‐ Write the question for the answer provided.
Practice: [1]        ________________________                
      ‐ Yes, I have gone snowboarding.
[2]      _________________________                  
‐ No, I haven’t been to the dentist this year.
[3]        _________________________                
  ‐ Sure, I have traveled in America many times.
[4]         _________________________               
      ‐ Nope, I have never ridden in a helicopter.

T:Fill the blanks

Production :

15 minutes

Home work WB Ex:2-3pg.15

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