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1. How do you define art?

Art is a very divine form, that you can enjoy no matter what skill level you have. It is a form of
defining how you feel and your emotions. You can keep it to yourself, or show it to the world.

Your art defines You. It is your emotions, thoughts and feeling that go into an art piece.

Art, according to me is something I do, to relieve stress and improve my mental state. You
should never do art, just because you ever forced to make one. Forced and rushed art, will never
be good. I repeat Never.

That is art. A peaceful form of tranquility and inner peace, a place where I can confide my
feelings into, express the way I feel and the most understanding person in this world is “paper”.

2. What is art and its purpose?

Like language, art is a form of expression. Its message may be symbolic or religious, historical
or political. But the purpose of art is not simply to communicate a message, but more
importantly, to elicit an emotional response, to ‘move’ us, in some way. Art can be pleasing or
astonishing, informative or perplexing, offensive or inspirational.

Also, the purpose of art is not to produce a product. The purpose of art is to produce thinking.
The secret is not the mechanics or technical skill that create art – but the process of introspection
and different levels of contemplation that generate it. Once you learn to embrace this process,
your creative potential is limitless.

3. Why is art so important?

 Art Is a Universal Language. Art does not need to explain in words how someone feels – it
only shows. Almost anyone can create something that conveys a message on a personal or
public level, whether it is political, social, cultural, historical, religious, or completely void of
any message or purpose. Art becomes a universal language for all of us to tell our stories; it
is the ultimate storyteller.

 Art Allows for Self-Expression. Touching on the above point, art touches the deepest aspects
of being human and allows us to express these deeper aspects when words fail us. Art
becomes like a best friend, giving us the freedom and space to be creative and explore our
talents, gifts, and abilities. It can also help us when we need to express difficult emotions and
feelings or when we need mental clarity – it gives us an outlet.
 Art Keeps Track of History and Culture. We might wonder, why is art important to culture?
As a universal language and an expression of our deepest human nature, art has always been
the go-to to keep track of everyday events, almost like a visual diary. From the geometric
motifs and animals found in early prehistoric cave paintings to portrait paintings from the
Renaissance, every artwork is a small window into the ways of life of people from various
periods in history. Art connects us with our ancestors and lineage.

 Art Assists in Education and Human Development. Art helps with human development in
terms of learning and understanding difficult concepts, as it accesses different parts of the
human brain. It allows people to problem-solve as well as make more complex concepts
easier to understand by providing a visual format instead of just words or numbers.
 Art Adds Beauty for Art’s Sake. Art is versatile. Not only can it help us in terms of more
complex emotional and mental challenges and enhance our well-being, but it can also simply
add beauty to our lives. It can be used in numerous ways to make spaces and areas visually

4. What is art to your life?

I feel Art is the expression of our heart, the expression could be subtle or loud. But, it is the best
way to release and reveal one’s emotions. It could be dancing, writing, painting, singing or
anything. It leaves us feeling fresh, delighted and with a sense of calmness.

5. Why do we enjoy art?

Everyone has a side they don’t show to anyone, a hidden personality per se. This is called
your subconscious. It’s very hard to satisfy that part of your personality, you’re not quite sure
what to do about this hidden part of your personality. This part of your personality is very carnal
and raw, meaning you don’t consciously think about it, it only transmits certain feelings and
thoughts you don’t realize you’re having. Enough of explaining the subconscious, I’m not sure

Well art taps into this part of you very cleverly. Looking at aesthetically appealing things
subconsciously calms you down. Watching an energetic dance routine subconsciously energizes
you. Music uses tones and rhythm to create emotions that you associate with them. Fast tones
subconsciously make you anxious, or energetic. Slow tones can make you feel sad, romantic or
calm. Same with rhythm. Now, if you combine a slow rhythm with a violent tone, an unusual
feeling is produced thus you want to keep listening, to keep feeling that. Poetry is a master at
this. It combines certain words which inherently make you feel something, to evoke emotions
that wouldn’t be normally felt.

So why is art pleasing? Because it combines unusual motifs that weave their way into your
subconscious and alter your mood. It takes you to a different realm. Of course, art is sometimes
enjoyable because people admire the hard work put into it.

6. How art can change the world?


Art influences society by changing opinions, instilling values and translating experiences across
space and time. Research has shown art affects the fundamental sense of self.

Painting, sculpture, music, literature and the other arts are often considered to be the repository
of a society’s collective memory. Art preserves what fact-based historical records cannot: how it
felt to exist in a particular place at a particular time.

Art in this sense is communication; it allows people from different cultures and different times to
communicate with each other via images, sounds and stories. Art is often a vehicle for social
change. It can give voice to the politically or socially disenfranchised. A song, film or novel can
rouse emotions in those who encounter it, inspiring them to rally for change.

Researchers have long been interested in the relationship between art and the human brain. For
example, in 2013, researchers from Newcastle University found that viewing contemporary
visual art had positive effects on the personal lives of nursing home-bound elders.

Art also has utilitarian influences on society. There is a demonstrable, positive correlation
between schoolchildren’s grades in math and literacy, and their involvement with drama or
music activities.

As the National Art Education Association points out, art is beneficial for the artist as an outlet
for work. Art not only fosters the human need for self-expression and fulfillment; it is also
economically viable. The creation, management and distribution of art employs many.

7. What are the 7 elements of art?

 Line- Line is defined as a point moving in space where its length is greater than its width.
Lines can be two or three dimensional, implied or abstract. Different types of lines include
continuous, broken, jagged, vertical, horizontal, or diagonal. Lines are the foundation of
 Color- There are three different components to color, there is hue which is the name we give
the color (red, yellow, blue, etc.), intensity, which refers to the vividness of the color
(intensity can also be referred to as saturation or purity), and value meaning how dark or
light a color is. Color can be used symbolically or to produce a pattern or to show contrast in
a piece.
 Value- Value is the lightness or darkness in color. The lightest value is white and the darkest
value is black. The difference between values is contrast. You can study the use of value in
monochromatic or black and white pieces of art.
 Shape- Shape is the result of closed lines, they are two dimensional and flat. Shapes can be
geometric, such as squares or triangles or they can be organic and not have defined
parameters and are more curved and abstract. Shapes in art can be used to control how the
viewer perceives a piece.
 Form- When shape acquires depth and becomes three dimensional, it takes on form. Three-
dimensional art has an actual form (like in architecture) while two-dimensional pieces can

have the illusion of form when the artist uses perspective or shading. Some common forms
are cones, pyramids, spheres, and cubes.
 Space- Space is any area an artist creates for a specific purpose. Space can be positive or
negative. Positive space is an area occupied by an object or form. Negative space is the area
that runs between, through, and around or within objects. This includes background,
foreground, and middle ground. Space that can be manipulated in art based on how an artist
uses lines, shape, form, and color.
 Texture- Texture is how an object looks or feels. Sometimes texture can actually felt, such
as in sculpture or the texture of work can be implied such as if you were to sketch a sheep’s
wool. Some words to describe texture include soft, hard, rough, brittle, fluffy, or smooth.

8. What makes a good art?

Good art is timeless. It will assume a new relevance to each generation, and to yourself as you
grow. It will connect to the past and feed the future. It has a simple and rigorous beauty that
commands your gaze and thoughts whenever you look at it. The best work will break your heart.
As a collector, you will know it when you see it. It's personal. You will not have to be convinced
by anyone to acquire it; it will be something you simply must have. It is like a good marriage that
completes a feeling inside you, something that lasts forever and grows with time.

9. Is art a reality?

When reality is seen by a self without interfering with it, or lessening it, it is art. Art can be
described as reality seen right by a self seeing right. The possibility reality has of being seen
right, is reality, too; so reality, including its possibility, is art.

It can be put this way: Reality is always reality, for it always has the possibility of being seen
right; but it is not reality for us until it is seen right. At the moment it is seen right, it is art.
Reality, then, needs selves or beings who see, for its completion. Beings who see, or selves, need
reality for their completion. When a person rightly uses reality for his completion, his state of
mind is the art state of mind.

Complete reality and complete art are the same. Every object has a drama within it, and a drama
of relation with all things. The object is not seen as wholly real until the drama within it, and the
drama of relation it has with all things, are wholly seen. Until an object is wholly seen in this
way our selves are not only a means of seeing, but also a means of not seeing; just as the eye is a
means of seeing, but we can use it as a means of not seeing by squinting it in a certain manner, or
closing it.

10. What is the color of art?


Color is the element of art that is produced when light, striking an object, is reflected back to the
eye: that's the objective definition. So for me, the color orange is the color of art because it is
associated with creativity, youthfulness, and enthusiasm, combining the warmth and heat of red
with the playfulness and joy of yellow as a secondary color.

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