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DUE DATE: 02/28/2022

SUBMITTED DATE: 02/27/2022

Answer the following questions:

1. Identify the steps taken in the preparation of a bacterial smear to prevent contamination of the culture
and the preparer of the smear.
 Flame loop
 Remove cap of tube
 Flame tip of tube
 Obtain bacteria from culture tube
 Flame tip of tube
 Replace cap
 Place bacteria on slide
 Reflame loop
2. Summarize the fundamental theory of simple staining. 
 Rapid and effective way of preparing a bacterial smear for viewing. One step procedure which
the stain chemically binds to bacteria cytoplasm when stain is rinsed off
3. Judge the result of placing a large drop of water on the slide instead of a loopful.
 It will take longer to evaporate if using a large drop and also dilute the bacteria as well so it is
better to use the loopful of water
4. Discuss the possible outcomes if an air-dried smear were not heat-fixed before proceeding with the
staining step. 
 It could possible not be a pure culture. It would have things from the airborne bacteria area as
well as from your cultured bacteria, so it would not be a pure culture you are looking at. Not be
fixed to slide washed off easy, and not hold stain as well.
 Bacteria could still be alive, stain could not have been well applied, cells could be washed off
when stained
5. When you observe your stained smear at 1000X, you see two different shaped bacteria; some are rod
shaped while others are spherical. Explain this result considering the original source culture was pure.
 Cross contamination could have occurred because proper aseptic procedure were not taken which
could have cultured another type of bacteria

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