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The meeting started at 14:20 GMT with an opening prayer by Rev. Anderson who later declared the meeting

Welcome Address
The Chairman, Mr. Felix Nyarko, welcomed each and every one to the meeting and thanked God for His
protection and guidance especially in the time of the Covid – 19 pandemic. He later thanked management for
the effective implementation of the Covid-19 protocols. He further encouraged parents especially those who
lost their jobs and businesses during the pandemic last year not to lose hope but have faith in God.

Heads’ Report
Mrs. Eunice Siaw welcomed all parents especially the new ones to the Rosharon fraternity. She thanked
parents for enrolling their wards in Rosharon despite the equally good schools around. She made the
following submissions:
 Firstly, she thanked parents for preparing and educating their wards on the covid protocols. She,
however pleaded with parents to put extra nose masks in their wards’ bags.
 Secondly, she thanked Mrs. Cynthia Essel for assisting the staff of the school to take the Covid
 Thirdly, she notified parents that the E – learning programme will continue as a supplementary
learning tool at the primary department where links, videos and exercises pertaining to what has or
will be taught in the classroom would be posted on the Google classroom for learners.
 Again, she complained bitterly about the lackadaisical attitude of some learners towards academic
work. She gave the following reasons as the bases for the poor academic work:
i. Learners receiving little or no supervision from their parents because of the work schedule of
some parents.
ii. Parents not signing homework of their wards.
iii. Some parents not interacting with facilitators of their wards to know the academic progress of
their wards.
iv. Too much destruction from the use of gadgets where kids could stay and chat as late as
v. Some parents not picking their wards’ report to discuss their progress with their facilitators.
She later said reports would be sent to parents via e-mails while hard copies would be made
available upon request by parents.
 She also said that management would review the semester and the trimester calendar for next year to
reduce the fatigue on learners, facilitators and parents
 She later gave a detailed breakdown of the 2020 B.E.C.E.
 Finally, she ended her a report by announcing to the house that there would be a slight adjustment to
school fees in January, 2022 bearing in mind the economic situation in the country.
Other Matters / Matter Arising From The Heads’ Report
The P.T.A. executives introduced themselves upon a request by Madam Naomi.
Mr. James Noonoo wanted to know why pupils did better in Mathematics as compared to other subjects
during the 2020 B.E.C.E.
Mr. Justice Ackah, who is the head at the JHS and also the Math teacher said pupils are now given a lot of
objective questions to practice in order to improve upon their performance.
Mrs. Juliana Frimpong disagreed with Mr. Justice Ackah saying that the content should be well taught and
the teacher being an expert in that area. She later said that the objectives would make the kids handicap. She
also proposed more of both the essay and objective type of questions.
Mr. Ackah said every batch had a peculiar problem that was why he adopted the objective question strategy
but he accepted the contribution made by Mrs. Juliana Frimpong.
Mr. James Noonoo complained about some classrooms without fans.
The Director in response said that he made the electrician remove all fans from the classroom due to health
issues. He later promised parents that something positive would be done as soon as possible.
Master Samuel pleaded with parents to liaise with teachers to improve the performance of the kids especially
in R.M.E. and English.
Mr. Gabriel Delah pleaded with management if school could close at 4:00pm instead of the 2:00pm.
Mrs. Eunice Siaw in response said that some parents threatened to report the school should the school close
beyond the 12:00 noon as directed by Ghana Education Service.
Aunty Ama said the official time of closing had always been 3:00 pm but not 4:00pm
Mrs. Comfort Boateng wanted to know whether or not learners were paying for the additional time at the
JHS department.
The Director responded in the affirmative.
Mrs. Comfort also pleaded with parents not to report the school.
Master Lawrence complained about the B.E.C.E. results and wanted to know what management was doing
to improve the performance of pupil during the B.E.C.E.
Madam Doreen wanted to know if the previous year’s performance was better than the 2020 results.
The Director in response agreed to the fact that the results were not good taking into consideration the
standard set by the school. He, however, said that the performance was due to the Covid-19 pandemic, as well
as the negative influence of whatsapp platforms. He was quick to say that though the performance was not
good, it was better than the previous year in terms of percentages. He also said that more teachers have been
employed at the JHS to help in teaching the core subjects (ie Math, English, Science and Social Studies). He
pleaded with parents to play their roles and to assist teachers by working together.
Madam Regina wanted to know if it was wrong for a parent to contract a teacher to teach a subject that he or
she does not teach pupils in the school.
Mr. Ackah in response said it was not wrong if it was done in the school. He, however, said that it would
bring disrespect and undermine the work of the subject teacher if it was done in the school.
Mrs. Comfort Boateng suggested that teachers teaching the same subjects should rotate between classes.
Mr. Addo asked if director could tell parents the percentage increment in school fees.
The Director responded by saying that he could not give any figure because there are a number of factors that
determine the fees. He, however, promised parents that the increment would be fairly moderate because he
was not oblivious of the current economic situation in the country.
Mr. Asiedu wanted to know the school policy with regard to sports.
The Director said that there would be no P.E. and outdoor activities as it is a directive from GES. He later
stated that there was sports after school and encouraged parents to enroll their kids if they wished.
Mr. Justice Ackah told parents not to be worried about the results since the teachers who made the good
grades for the school were still around.
Aunty Ama also admonished parents to spend at least twenty minutes with their wards to read.
The Director pleaded with parents especially those in the final year to have time for their wards. He added
that parents should follow the right channel of communication to address their challenges.
The Chairman introduced new teachers to the house.

In the absence of further deliberation, Mr. Addo moved for the closure of the meeting and it was seconded by
Mr. James Noonoo. The meeting ended at exactly 15:45 GMT with a closing prayer by Mr. Anderson.

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