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COMSATS Model United Nations Society

What is model united nations?

The Model United Nations, popularly referred to as MUN, is an academic simulation of the
United Nations, aimed at educating its participants with key tools of the modern-world. Model
United Nations conferences simulate United Nations, International Organizations, and
governmental bodies such as the Security Council, Social Cultural Humanitarian Committee,
World Health Organization, the African Union, and government cabinets - in which participants
are assigned to represent countries, organizations, or leaders in order to debate pressing
international issues. Over a series of committee sessions, “delegates” or attendees to the
conference, have to work together constructively in order to introduce working papers and
eventually draft resolutions. The sessions end when the committee votes on all the introduced
draft resolutions, generally choosing to adopt a single document that addresses the problem
being discussed. The sessions are moderated by a Chair along with Assistant Chairs, and are
(with the exception of some Specialized Agency committees) run under rules of parliamentary

Concept of model united nations in Pakistan

The concept of Model United Nations was brought to Pakistan in 2004, with the inception of
the Lahore University of Management Sciences Model United Nations. Over the course of the
six years from 2004 to 2010, the number of institutions hosting Model United Nations
conferences will has increased to , as Aitchison College Lahore, Beaconhouse School Margalla
Islamabad, Froebel’s International School Islamabad, Ghulam Ishaq Khan Institute of
Technology & Sciences, Institute of Business Administration Karachi, Karachi Grammar School,
Roots School Rawalpindi, Rotary Club Karachi, Saint Mary’s Academy Rawalpindi, and Shaheed
Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto Institute of Science & Technology have launched Model United Nations

COMSATS Model United Nations Society

programs at their respective institutions, and have contributed towards the promotion of this
form of public-speaking in the country.

Model United Nations benefits to students

• Allows students to practice diplomacy, negotiation, and policy writing.

• Exposes students to global viewpoints that would otherwise remain foreign to them.

• Highlights the benefits of international cooperation and concern for the welfare of humanity
regardless of national borders.

• Educates students to play an active role as community members in finding solutions to the
challenges our world faces.

• Encourages students to become global citizens with a strong commitment to peace.

COMSATS Model United Nations Society

Mission Statement 

The COMSATS Model United Nations Society seeks to bring the students of COMSATS Institute
of Information Technology closer to the United Nations Organization by providing an increased
understanding of international organization’s, multilateral diplomacy and current affairs. 


Model United Nations conferences simulate the workings of different committees of the United
Nations. Students participate as secretariat staff and officials, chairpersons, delegates,
representatives of non-governmental organizations and journalists.  By learning through the

COMSATS Model United Nations Society

discussions and negotiations that take place at these conferences students gain considerable
exposure to global issues of vital importance, and further their understanding of the workings
of multilateral diplomacy. 

The purpose of the Model United Nations Society is to offer students from the university a
opportunity to participate in, inter alia, workshops, simulations and interaction with members
of the academia, in order to study, develop and share their skills. This will enable students new
to the concept of MUNs to have a stage to prepare and practice with peers, and at the same
time will allow more experienced student to hone their skills. 

It is our hope that through these learning process participants strives towards developing their
skills in various areas such as reading and research, formulation and presentation of ideas,
negotiation, debate and oration, and character development.  

We strongly believe that the Model United Nations experience cultivates a strong sense of
awareness and perceptibility, advances educational insight and the development of character.
It is with this rationale and volition that we seek to establish the first ever Model United
Nations Society in COMSATS Institute of information technology.

Executive Team
Founding President

The executive team president would be responsible for sustainability of the entire society as a
whole. Initiate and maintain new policies and agenda. All decisions would be finalized by the
president after voting.

Founding Vice president

COMSATS Model United Nations Society

The executive vice president would help the president in maintaining the affairs of the society
and will finalize decisions in the absence of the president.

Director logistics

The Executive Team Member in charge of logistics will have to plan the year’s agenda - i.e.
determine which conferences the team will be attending and set deadlines for application or
confirmation - while keeping everyone informed of all events and developments relevant to the
year’s conferences, including travel plans, country assignments etc.

Director finance

The Executive Team Member in charge of finance will ensure self sufficiency of the group and
maintain an annual budget, for working of the society and teams participation in various Model
UN conferences by finding appropriate sponsors.

Director legal affairs

The Executive Team Member in charge of legal affairs will establish and update policies about
team meetings, team membership, elections for the executive team, registrations in Model UN
conferences etc.

Director human resource management

The Executive Team Member in charge of human resource will find human resources available
within the university that will support and assist delegates in their preparation and research.
Develop friendly relationships with library and information technology personnel who may
assist beginner delegates in their research or help experienced researchers take their Model UN
preparation one step further. The member will also be a resource person for procedural
matters in the pre-conference training period, such as assistance in position paper drafting and
oratory skill reinforcement.

COMSATS Model United Nations Society

Director media, marketing and publications

The Executive Team Member in charge would be responsible for publicizing the society for an
MUN simulation or developing an overall image in the university to attract members, and the
MUNs circuit.


The members would be the delegates of CMUNS who will be representing the team in MUN
simulations. The members would be accepted through there debating skills and MUN
participation if available

Initial requirements for COMSATS Model

United Nations Society
 Flyers and banners representing the COMSATS Model UN Society, providing information
regarding the orientation date, membership requirements and interview date. A
minimum finance of Eight Thousand would be required.
 Forming a coaching schedule and conducting classes.
 Having executive council meetings whenever necessary.
 Participating in Model United Nations conferences through an official CMUNS team.
 Preparing and conducting INTRA Departmental MUN in February 2011.



COMSATS Model United Nations Society



Zain Ghauri

Hala Mubeen

COMSATS Model United Nations Society

Faizan Shoaib

Ammar Liaqat

Saad Abid

Harris Maqssod

Mohsin saeed

Shuja Ansari

Osama Baig

Sofia Shoaib

Hassan Shaukat

COMSATS Model United Nations Society

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