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De Bg) Probability and Random Variable Questions Meee aera Ee itt AS lamer el Clue ee LiCl) Pibecis Mock Tests Corsets Brot Download App MCQ Question 1 View this Question Online > The two sides of a fair coin are labeled as 0 and 1. The coin is tossed two times independently. Let M and N denote the labels corresponding to the outcomes of those tosses. For a random variable X, defined as X = min (M, N), the expected value E(X) (rounded off to two decimal places) is Answer (Detailed Solution Below) 0.25 Probability and Random Variable MCQ Question 1 Detailed Solution Concept: IfX be a random variable with a finite number of outcomes x, x2, x3 __ occurring with probabilities p,, Py, Pz....... fespectively, the expectation of X is defined as: E| k D2 Pi = 2Pi + 22P2--- = Application: Itis given that the two sides of a fair coin are labelled as 0 and 1 and the coin is tossed two times independently. + The total possible outcomes can be: O={(1,1), (1,0), (0.1), (.0)} The random variable X is defined as: X=min (M,N) So, X= min {(1,1) X= min ((1,0)}=0 Xz = min {(0,1))=0 Xz = min {(0,0)}=0 The probability of occurrence of '1' will be: PQ)=4 And the probability of occurrence of ‘0’ will be: P()=3 We know that: 3 Ble] = La; P; a Elz]=0x 3+1x2 India's #1 Leaning Platform Start Complete Exam Preparation Pea fees Dea DCS Cierny Corres ev a pao D Download App MCQ Question 2 Two continuous random variables X and Y are related as Y=2X+3 View this Question Online > Let 7x and 7+ denote the variances of X and Y, respectively. The variances are related as 2 — do2 A ae 2 = 22 2 2 502 4 ty x Answer (Detailed Solution Below) 2 2 Option 1: 7% = 47% Probability and Random Variable MCQ Question 2 Detailed Solution Concept: Variance of a random variable ‘y' is given by: Varfy] = Ely7l - E*fyl Properties of me: 1) EIK] = K, Where K is some constant 2) Ele X] = c. E[X], Where c is some constant 3) Ele X + bl= 2 EI] +b, Where 2 and bare constants 4) EX + ¥] = EDX] + ELY] Application: Variance of y = El(2x + 3)4] — (El2x + 3])? = El4x? + 12x +9] - (El2x + 3))? = Efe] + 12E[d] + 9 - (El2x] + E13)? = 4E[i] + 12E[dl + 9 - (2Ebd + 3 = SED] + 12EDxl + 9 - (4E7fx] + 9 + 12EIX]) = 4E[e] + 12E[ + 9 — 4x] - 9 - 12E[X] = 4Efe] - 46x] = Eb] — Phx] This can be written as =4 (variance of x), ie ‘The variance of y = 4 times the variance of x o=402 y z B)important Point a: 1) VIK] = 0, Where K is some constant. 2) VIex] = c? VIX] 3) Vax + b] = a? VIX] 4) ViaX + bY] = a2 VIX] + b2VIY] + 2ab Cov(X,Y) Cov.(X,Y) = E[XY] - E[XLELY] ea rs ean CY Peetu) Start Complete Exam Preparation Ren cocoon on rae rare Cierra CIpseereaens rw Download App MCQ Question 3 View this Question Online > Apower signal x(t) which has Power Spectral Density as a constant K, is applied to a low- pass filter-RC. Mean square value of output will be: 1. 2RC/K 2 K/RC 3. RC/K 4. K/2RC Answer (Detailed Solution Below) Option 4: K/2RC Probability and Random Variable MCQ Question 3 Detailed Solution Analysis: A first-order low pass RC filter is shown below: R X(t) Ce Wit | a | | =_ the 8 RC filter The frequency response of the RC fiiteris: HlO)= st The power spectral density is given as: Syx(w) = K The output power spectral density is related to the input power spectral density by the following relation: Syy (o) = |H (o) PS xx (0) Syy(o) = K Syy(o) Ki lige gm Also, the autocorrelation and the power spectral density form a Fourier transform pair, ie. FT Ryy (0) + Syy (0) Thus, using the relation: FT alt! ta e-altl & 28 wehave inverse Fourier transtorm of Syv (©) as: Ryy(r) =K. jhe Now, the average power 2 [Y?(t)] wit be B[¥2(t)] =Ryy 0) =K. ate “EB [v2(o] = K, eee eo eric Start Complete Exam Preparation SRR RL Ec fans easy oreo Dror Download App MCQ Question 4 View this Question Online > Adigital communication system transmits a block of N bits. The probability of error in decoding a bit is a. The error event of each bit is independent of the error events of the other bits. The received block is declared erroneous if at least one of its bits is decoded wrongly. The probability that the received block is erroneous is 1. N(1-a) 2 oN 3. 1a 4. 1-(1-a)% Answer (Deiailed Solution Below) Option 4:1 - (1 - a) Probability and Random Variable MCQ Question 4 Detailed Solution Concept: Size of the block = N bits al asi N-1 Pee | 2 es Pee FAS Nae N" bit The received block will be erroneous when any one of the bit is wrongly detected. Application: Since all the bits are independent of each other, the probability that all the bits are received correctly (Pc) will be: Po =(1—a), x (1-a), x...(1—a)y. Pe=(1-a)N where ais the probability of error in detection. Now, the probability that the received block is erroneous will be: Pp=1-Pe P.=1-(1-a)N India’s #1 Learning Platform Start Complete Exam Preparation faerie ree eat MCQ Question 5 View this Question Online > Bits 1 and 0 are transmitted with equal probability. At the receiver, the probability density function of the respective received signals for both bit are as shown below Pdf of received signal for bit ‘0’ Pdf of received signal for bit 1’ If the detection threshold is 1, the bit error rate (BER) will be 1 A, = : Answer (Detailed Solution Below) 1 Option 4: +6 Probability and Random Variable MCQ Question 5 Detailed Solution Concept: 0 >| Threshold | —— 9 (if Input level < r) 1 detector J—— 1 (If Input level > r) For 'r’ as threshold level The received signal is said to an error signal if we receive 1 but transmitted signal was 0. or if we receive 0 but transmitted signal was 1. P(e)=P(0)P(d) +PW)P(2) where, P(e) = Probability of error P(0) = Probability of transmission of ‘0° P(1) = Probability of transmission of ‘1’ P(0/1) = Probability of reception of ‘0’ on the transmission of ‘1’ P(1/0) = Probability of reception of ‘1’ on the transmission of ‘0’ The area under the curve of probability density function gives the probability. Application: Pdf of received signal for bit ‘0’ Paf of received signal for bit ‘1 Threshold level = 1 There is no error in the reception of 0’. But there is an error in reception of 1’ 0.25 10 4 4 represent the errors P(e) =P(0)P (5) + PO)P (4) = (2) )+ 4x 11x 025 Pey=ixixi Ple)= 3 Deere ater aeicii) res Slam etel pie) Cle Lied) eed ry DOS cierecy Core eu Download App MCQ Question 6 View this Question Online > x+y) veer fxy(%y) = Two random variables * and * are siptinneds according to 0, otherwise. The probability" + Y<1)jg_ Answer (Detailed Solution Below) 0.33 Probability and Random Variable MCQ Question 6 Detailed Solution (e+y), OSx<1, OSy<1 Concept: fr YI =] g oeheewiiae is given as joint pdf. The probability of the required region can be found by integrating the joint pdf over the given region. {"3” O. In a digital communication system, a symbol S randomly chosen from the set (s1, $2, $3, $4) is transmitted. It is given that s; =-3, sz = -1, $3 = +1 and sq = +2. The received symbol is Y = $+ W. Wis a zero-mean unit-variance Gaussian random variable and is independent of S. Pjis the conditional probability of symbol error for the maximum likelihood (ML) decoding when the transmitted symbol S = s;. The index i for which the conditional symbol error probability P, is the highest is Answer (Detailed Solttion Below) 3 Probability and Random Variable MCQ Question 7 Detailed Solution Concept + Gaussian noise has a zero mean for which maximum likelihood (ML) decoding is used. So the decision boundary between two adjacent signal points will be their Arithmetic mean. + The shaded area indicates the conditional probability of decoding a symbol carrectly. + The symbol which has the least shaded area has the maximum conditional symbol error probability. Calculation: Given, S$) =-3, Sp=1, S3=41,Sa= 42 Received signal (V) = S+W Now, The threshold of signal S; & $2 will be: Vian g=4 =—— The threshold of signal S; & S; will be: adig Vie St =O The threshold of signal S3 & Sq will be: Vy, = 2g2 =15 34 1 2 2 P, =1 - (Shaded Area) For Sz: P= 1 — (Shaded Area) For S3: 3 P= 1 — (Shaded Area) For Sq: P, = 1 — (Shaded Area) By comparing the above graphs, it is clear that P is larger among the four as the shaded area is minimum. eee tae lt B Start Complete Exam Preparation eR ete Pear farsi maa Lr Question Bank Download App aq MCQ Question 8 View this Question Online > Let X € {0,1} and Y € {0,1} be two independent binary random variables. If P(X = 0) = pand P(Y = 0) =q, then P(X + Y) 21 is equal to 1. pq+(1-p)(1-q) 2. pq 3. p(1-a) 4. 1-pq Answer (Detailed Solution Below) Option 4: 1- po Probability and Random Variable MCQ Question 8 Detailed Solution Concept: 1) P(X =0) +P(K=1)=1 2) If Z =X +Y, then pdf (Z) = convolution of paf (x) and pdf (y) Application: Gwen: P(X=0)=p 2P(X=1)=1-p Also Given: P(Y = 0) = q ~P(Y=1)=1-q P(X +¥21)=P (X= 0). P(Y =1)+P(X=1). P(Y=0)+P(X=1). PY=1) =p.(1-q)+(1-p).q+(1-p).(1-q)=1-pq Alternate Method: P(X +¥21)=1-PK+Y<1)=1-P(X=0). P(Y =0)=1-pq a Ps India's #1 Learning Platform Start Complete Exam Preparation ai ies DS tier nay ‘ Paonia jownload Aap MCQ Question 9 View this Question Online > Asinusoidal signal with a random phase is given by x(t) = A sin [n/2 — (2nft + 8)] with the pea ns The spectral density and autocorrelation function of white noise is, respectively; 1. Delta and Uniform 2. Uniform and Delta 3. Gaussian and Uniform 4. Gaussian and Delta EE WOE Oren EOIN) Option 2: Uniform and Delta f&{

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