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Grace college of education, padanthalumoodu

Contemporary India and Education

Presented by,
1st yr B. Ed preservice teacher,
Herlin Berjil. W
Department of English.
Elimination of social inequities through
Ensuring equality of opportunity in education:
• International legal obligations is a determinent factor in
achieving the right to education
• To implement the right to education- international
instruments must be incorporated into domestic legal order
• The effective enforcement of the right to education depend
upon the National Legal System
• The fundamental principles of equality of educational
opportunities and universal access to education without
discrimmination or exclusion
• Normative action should strengthen the foundations of the
right to education as a fundamental human rights in “ National
legal system “

• Constitutional and legislative bases of the right to education are

vitually necessary.
• Education laws must be further modernized in order to overcome the
growing disparities in universal access to basic education
• EDUCATION must be accessible to all, without discrimmination –
most vulnerable groups ( laws and facts) .
• “ Educational institutions and programmes “have to be accessible
to everyone, without discrimmination , within the jurisdiction of the
state party.
• Education as a human rights was also Reaffirmed by the
international community in its collective commitments made at
WORLD CONFERENCE OF Education. In 1990,(thailand).
• The EFA goals clearly correspond to various provisions for the
right to education that are detailed in well known international
human rights treaties
• Commitments by Government to education related Millennium
Development Goals ( MDGs) must be seen in relation to
international obligations for the right to education as a
fundamental human right.
• This is reflected in the resolution on the right to education
adopted by the Human rights Council.
1. The Resolution 20/7 on the right to education
adapted in June 2021 gives expression to “ The
role that the full realization of the right to
education plays in helping to achieve Melliennium
Development Goals “.

2. The Resolution 23/4 on the right to education

adopted in June 2013,” The needs to ensure that
the right to education is central in the contest of
the post – 2015 agenda “ .
Equality of opportunity in education :

• Equality of opportunity in education both in law and fact is a

continueing challenge of all states
• Normative action must be intensified for giving full effect in the
funadamental principle of non discrimination and equality of
opportunity in education
• The application of the principle of equality of opportunity in
education calls for greater emphasis upon the fulfillment of state
As the report to UNESCO, of the international commission on
education for the 21st C,

• “Learning the treasure within”-(UNESCO 1996) states--------” Education is a

human right and an essential tool for achieving the goals of equality ,
development, and peace “.
• The recommendations of the commission advance the concept – “ Basic
education is the first step in attempting to attenuate the enormous disparities
affecting many groups – Woman, rural population, the urban poor, marginalized
ethnic minorities and the millions of children not attending school and working”.
• A strong regularity Framework for public and private education system
grounded in the principle of Equality of opportunity Provides the essential basis
for the establishment of an entire range of programmes and policies , guided by
equitable approaches in favour of the marginalized.
• Universal state obligation to provide universal
primary education – access for higher and
secondary education through all appropriate
means, education is not fully accessible for many
people around the world.
• The promotion is of paramount importance for
the full realization of the right to education.
• Understanding and removing obstacles that
impede the universal enjoyment of the right to
education are urgent challenges for the entire
international community.
• Developing countries face particularly acute
challenges with regard to social and economic
inequalities, but developed countries also face
encounter challenges when attempting to ensure
equal educational opportunities for all.
• Equality of opportunity in education are
understood as relating both to guaranteeing
equal opportunities in access to different levels of
education as established by human rights norms.

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