Innovative School Visit Introduction

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Ipkro ducéion:

Ou Co unizy Studeot popula.tign
inceasi a a . levelsoactucation7gbt
o be pre-4chos! t o higbe education due to

population explo sion and know le dge. explosion. To

et H6 poblem oh eve inceasing Student ush

n ee Jndia
Achools and
aga number
es are ataJted ve oy yea7. A6 sult o

tunplannecl edpansi on t educaio0

a uhxono
9oth educatib ml, instikutieos .k 4laared
the guality Education peziod pròide dd

ay get diluled.

Thet7Emundous advancement. hat has

taken place in bternte and techro logy Bue

Stientillc and techological ad vance.ment 6 have not

made mach
ipac in ou class wom tll he

sadiional metbod a e acher Slarding in

o F
Suderts and delive zing lergthy fectuse cantinues

Ebe .onlg aids sed b y h e deacher , aae black

board ond chalk

he Cenlury iduca 5no
The oset

accept and
bat the gbé. dme

ioplementi innoyative praclites i Education by

thaé one
demoving thebariersi uhat 6 ever

OU i on'tha uway.* korLh a vie develoP

posrive. altitude touwards educational n nova tions
Pope Con &aining Innovations.
Educabion as a section. ha been made Compulo
9raduate teacher tra'nees a
Tamil nade.
e ducaona orovtions

Educational tnovation

the process
tmprovin9 education by
acdopting Deuer techni gu es

and tralegies
educational objectives, Le aching
leanng me thods and malerials
unctions and
unctional elations Curicalam as cwe[ as
Al ducalional tinno valions ae not wibh
enee to aingle
They may pes ta
diteven aspecls Felucation. Nhen as inno vao"|
allempled anone componeRE Fducation, it
ini le ly e& he othes Conponends too

Need 4
Innovations Educaton
Tberc is
alunys a
oomo uier impaovement
incment a
eveaytbing Cveale d
by man anc

education po ecception to this . In idutation

too inhovations ase
cquired to cepe up uith

aspecls human i
Necessary changes a1e to be
made in ou
ducaiona goal6 tusicula , pproaches anc
programmcs 60
as to suit the
changing heed
socieky and
ecalional theosit5

*Continucus pgradation casicula, n áthools and

Colleges 7equed to
cope up awith Lhe
advance.ment macle tn the Atelds oSciene aocd

Lethrolo 93
ne e he. demand Educatton milas

udent 6 eve-
ht veasing Population and

at the
an 4ime mailain the geuatiy g tucatd
Ppowded Ihovative prucihes ae a l o sé hecessiy.

To ds
y the
changing nee
7 Papils
educallonal annova tions ike providing fo7 £ a n
cwbil. you learo", Edu catien though avening
edu.cauren pros Damms
o c
fe 4 DiAtana
Couise 6 etc, ae zequived

So hat 2ven
poo7 tudents, coala.; fondinue.
the raisinq co6t6 ducaton
h e duca tion and

ndeoia king paot time jobs

Princlple Fducattona Ionoval'ons

innovation lntoducecd Shoul d be
the ams
and goals Fds cation.

The innovations shoul Jerue a an aHernale=

t eath the
n) Measuvable

Evey innovation hauld pave G

aim, which

me asurable.

equisile knowledge Skills
and the

instuctional alecl6 ee detd

bthe deache o pat
he innovation in to poactice avepbe cieay mertioud

innovation should be able to
Impoe the

existing te aching -

leaning. pnoces6
vi)Paloz Dectsion
The innovations houlcd allow us in pioT tb

de cide about the beneit6 thae may ou o

and time
Impeminta tlön Rnanital implicationd involved

aqutedo i o he pracdiced -

vi) _Need
The innovation should esult n
better leazning enviosnmento hucdents
vii Catering Zndivdual Ditjesases
The innovation
should be able o meeb bdividual

Gfe er ts amon9
pùpik i their abilities and

peed earning

Ix)Gtowth and evelopmenE

The innovation to pxomoie 97owlh and
development tn 6tucdenS and deacherS.

ugge6tronsfo7 the_Rzomobions on0vativenad4

Amena 6kudenés
The Sagge stion 6 by To orance t46a) fo

bé havicu deslgned to promole ceati vty a
innevatiencss sludtnts arnd woth practiciog. %eáe
valuable suggastion6 might be imple mnted 4chooßs.

Theq OL

C>ealive Lhin king
Valu e
to enviOThment
Malke. childen. more


Developing Innovaervencdo mong"

Ouggesions fo

The ule q leache vy gnigieaNL
antoducing and implementing ionovative educationa

tice 6
ensue bustained qualitative ipro vemel

Education I innovalions aet


Edacatie Leacher themselvt6 a3e to be inno vative

SC7 hich he
ollouing measurts suggesied wtll be


Peicdical in Sevic taining Shoutd be povrded

o7 the leachrs impart

knowle dge abaue the tcent innovations
that are
atlampLed th Education and enbance theis
motivné icn
eiß - cun{ideme

Semnina ynposians and

work Shops ma
anong d enuy an eahes enouagad to
patieipale in uth gathesings.

*Cental and &lale

govennens should povic
adeguals nancia assis kante exe cuting onovave
po c education

* i n r o vative e achers who Seve wrt devo tlo

Should be identiitd ond ewaredtd with Caeer

and. cas.d 2e mune ation


* Teacher6
should b e encourage d o Tpo r

dd Publish che innovative practlces iLd his


Encouzage manl pulation Objects and fdea[.

Teach bou & tust each idea ds la matcally

DeveloP tolerane
o ne ideas

Be Qware o7 cing a 4e4 patlesn

* Pevelop tole rance new ideas -

Peve lop aC7eatlve Class voom dmospheze,
chil ere o vaue thety czeative
Teach skill6
07 avoiding peer Sanetton

Gtive inormatton ab out the Caeative proce ss -

pspel sens o ave

Enaunagt. 6 initialed le co ning.

CTe ale awatnrs6 % proble ms.

CTeale ecessi go Coeative thinking

9uiet pefods.
provide o7 aclive and

Make ,ou ideas

available 7esources oro07 Ein

habit the
Encouage the worleing out ul

impltcattons otide as

Develop Con&lructive czitrcrsm, not Jut Caitrciemn.

Encourage the acquisittons

Lcno wledge
Vaieb ields
Develop acdventurous Spiritual teache»s

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