Studybuzz Circle

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Question: The radius of the circle is so increased that its circumference increased by 5%. The area of the
circle is then increased by?
A. 12.5% B. 10.25% C. 10.5% D. 11.25%

Question: AB is equals to 8 cm and CD is equal 6 CM are two parallel chords on the same side of the centre
of a circle. Radius of circle is 5 cm. Find the distance between two chords.

Question: Find the distance between two parallel chords of length 24 cm each in a circle of diameter 26

Question: A, B and C are the three points on a circle such that the angle subtended at the centre by AB is
90° and AC is 110°. Find the ∠BAC?

Question: If in the figure below angle XYZ is 90° and the length of the arc XZ is 10𝜋 then the area of the
sector XYZ is:
A.10 𝜋 B. 25 𝜋
C. 100 𝜋 D. None of the above

Question: AB is the chord of a circle with Centre O and DOC is a line segment originating from a point D on
a circle and intersecting AB, produced at C such that BC=OD. If ∠BCD is 20° then ∠AOD is?

Question: In the figure below, two circular curves create 60° and 90° angles with their respective centres. If
the length of the bottom curve Y is 10p, find the length of the other curve.

A. 15π/√2. B. 20π√2/3. C. 60π/√2. D. 20π/3. E. 15


Question: Chords AB and CD of a circle intersect externally at point P. If AB is equal 6 cm, CD is equal to 3
cm and PD is = 5 cm then find the length of PB.
Question: Two circles of radius 1 cm touch at point P. A third circle is drawn through the points A, B and C
such that PA is the diameter of the first circle, and BC - perpendicular to AP - is the diameter of the second
circle. The radius of the third circle is
A. 9/5 B. 7/4 C. 5/3 D. _/10/2 E. 2

Question: Chords AB and CD of a circle intersect at E and are perpendicular to each other and AE is equals
6 cm, EB is equals 4 cm and ED = 12 cm. Find the length of diameter of circle.

Question: From point P two tangents PA and PB are drawn to a circle with Centre O. If OP is equal to
diameter of circle then ∠ APB is.

Question: AB is a chord of a circle. The length of AB is 24 cm. P is the midpoint of AB. Perpendiculars from P
on either side of the chord meets the circle at M and N respectively. If PM < PN and PM = 8 cm. then what
will be the length of PN?
A. 17 cm. B. 18 cm. C. 19 cm. D. 20 cm. E. 21 cm.

Question: The radius of a circle with centre O is √50. A and C are two points on the circle, and B is a point
inside the circle. The length of AB is 6 cm, and the length of BC is 2 cm. The angle ABC is a right angle. Find
the square of the distance OB.
A. 26. B. 25. C. 24. D. 23. E. 22.

Question: In a circular field, AOB and COD are two mutually perpendicular diameters having length of 4
meters. X is the mid - point of OA. Y is the point on the circumference such that ∠YOD = 30°. Which of the
following correctly gives the relation among the three alternate paths from X to Y?
A. XOBY : XODY :XADY:: 5.15: 4.50: 5.06
B. XADY: XODY: XOBY:: 6.25: 5.34 : 4.24
C. XODY : XOBY : XADY:: 4.04: 5.35: 5.25
D. XADY: XOBY: XODY:: 5.19: 5.09: 4.04
E. XOBY : XADY: XODY :: 5.06 : 5.15 : 4.50
Question: In a city, there is a circular park. There are four points of entry into the park, namely - P, Q, R
and S. Three paths were constructed which connected the points PQ, RS, and PS. The length of the path PQ
is 10 units, and the length of the path RS is 7 units. Later, the municipal corporation extended the paths PQ
and RS past Q and R respectively, and they meet at a point T on the main road outside the park. The path
from Q to T measures 8 units, and it was found that the angle PTS is 60 . Find the area (in square units)
enclosed by the paths PT, TS, and PS.
A.36 √3 B.54√3 C.72√ 3 D.90√3 E. None of these

Question: At the centre of a city’s municipal park there is a large circular pool. A fish is release in the water
at the edge of the pool. The fish swims north for 300 feet before it hits the edge of the pool. It then turns
east and swims for 400 feet before hitting the edge again. What is the area of the pool?
(A)62500π (B) 125000π (C) 250000π (D) 500000π (E)Cannot be answered

Question: There are two circles C1 and C2 of radii 3 and 8 units respectively. The common internal tangent,
T, touches the circles at points P1 and P2 respectively. The line joining the centers of the circles intersects T
at X. The distance of X from the center of the smaller circle is 5 units. What is the length of the line
segment P1P2 ?
(a) ≤13 (b) >13 and ≤14 (c) >14 and ≤15 (d) >15 and ≤16 (e) >16

Question: A pole has to be erected on the boundary of a circular Park of diameter 13 m in such a way that
the difference of its distances from two diametrically opposite fixed gates A and B on the boundary is 7M.
The distance of the pole from one of the gates is
1. 8 M 2.8.25 m 3. 5 m 4.none of the above.

Question: Let A1 be a square whose side is a meters. Circle C1 circumscribes the square A1 such that all its
vertices are on C1. Another square A2 circumscribe circle C1. Circle C2 circumscribes A2 and A3
circumscribe C2 and so on. If Dn the area between the squares An and circle Cn and where n is a natural
number then the ratio of the sum of all Dn to D1 is
1. 1 2. 2 -1 3. Infinity 4. None of the above

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