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Project name Ứng dụng trí tuệ nhân tạo vào phát hiện tấn công cho các nền
(Vietnamese) tảng mạng tương lai dựa trên SDN
Project name (English) AI-Driven Cyberattacks Detection for Future SDN-based
Sub-committee IT
Group name Tên nhóm

1. Introduction / Giới thiệu tổng quát (Abstract – 300 words)

Project summary: problems, objectives, research methodology (maximum 300 words) /
Giới thiệu tóm tắt về đề tài (nêu vấn đề, mục tiêu và phương pháp nghiên cứu, không quá 300
In recent years, the exponential growth in the number of mobile devices, digital content amount,
and the advent of cloud services have been creating new trends in communication technologies, which
make the networking industries must think about innovations for future networking architectures
Error: Reference source not foundError: Reference source not foundError: Reference source not
foundError: Reference source not foundError: Reference source not found to catch up with this
development. Accordingly, next-generation networking platforms, that are typically Software Defined
Networking (SDN) Error: Reference source not foundError: Reference source not foundError:
Reference source not found and Internet of Things (IoT) Error: Reference source not foundError:
Reference source not foundError: Reference source not found, have been emerging remarkably, and
these new technologies play vital roles in the acceleration of the industrial revolution 4.0. However,
this development also creates severe network security vulnerabilities Error: Reference source not
foundError: Reference source not foundError: Reference source not foundError: Reference source not
found on these new networking platforms. Thereby leading to urgent demands for designing and
developing effective solutions to early detect and promptly prevent cyberattacks on future networking
platforms, and this has become the critical subject of much interest from not only in organisations but
also in national security issues.
Optimizing countermeasures to early detect and quickly prevent cyberattacks is is one of the most
important problems, which has been receiving a lot of attentions not only for scientists but also for
businesses and governments all over the world. Currently, Vietnam is on the way to bring AI’s
benefits to human lives, and AI is considered to be the core technology that businesses and
governments aim to achieve. As a recent statement at the Vietnam Artificial Intelligence Conference
(AI4VN) on August 16th, 2019, Deputy Prime Minister of Vietnam - Vu Duc Dam affirmed that
“Vietnam must go faster in AI”. In an effort to contribute to the development of AI ecosystem, as well
as to ensure security for enterprises and national organisations on the Internet, this research project
aims to develop the effective AI-based countermeasures in order to promptly detect and prevent
emerging cyberattacks which have been more are more sophisticated and dangerous to human lives.
2. Overview of Research situation and the necessity of the project / Tổng quan tình
hình nghiên cứu và sự cần thiết tiến hành nghiên cứu
2.1. Literature review / Tình hình nghiên cứu trong và ngoài nước
Review and discuss related research works by Vietnamese and foreign scientists. / Nêu rõ
những nghiên cứu do các nhà khoa học nước ngoài, trong nước tiến hành theo hướng nghiên
cứu của đề tài và các kết quả đạt được, đồng thời nhận xét về những kết quả đã nêu.
Review the applications of related works in the reality/ Nêu rõ ứng dụng của các nghiên
cứu này trên thực tế.

Timely detection and prevention of cyberattacks become primary concerns in securing the Internet
infrastructure nowadays. The development of emerging networking technologies such as SDN and IoT
has opened a revolution in the field of computer science and communications. Moreover, the rapid
development of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) techniques brings many
innovations in automatic and accurate defeating cyberattacks for future communication networking
platforms. In recent years, scientists around the world have published several studies on leveraging the
flexible network traffic monitoring capability of SDN to propose new security solutions. However,
these solutions still have many shortcomings and have not been optimized for performance detection
of attacks in SDN-based networks. In the following, we summarize current solutions and their
2.2. The necessity of the project / Sự cần thiết tiến hành nghiên cứu
Clearly define the problem or hypothesis to be addressed. / Nêu rõ vấn đề mà đề tài tập
trung giải quyết.
Originality, relevance and scientific significance of the question under investigation. /
Phân tích tính mới, tính thời sự, ý nghĩa khoa học và sự cần thiết của vấn đề cần nghiên cứu.
Over the last couple of years, the concern of ensuring network security, information security on
cyberspace of enterprises, companies and organizations in our country has been facing many
challenges because of the rapid increase of the cyberattacks in scale. According to Kaspersky’s report
in 2017 [16], Vietnam is ranked to be the second in the world for malicious attacks on computer
systems at a rate of 71.4%, ranking 14th in the world in terms of malicious code attacks over the
Internet. An annual survey of the Vietnam Information Security Association (VNISA) reveals that
Vietnam’s information security index in 2018 only reached 45.6%, continuing its substantial drop
compared to 2017 (54.2%), and 2016 (59.9%) [17]. In another survey conducted by Bkav in 12/2018,
the cybercrime caused losses of up to 600 billion USD [18] per year in the world, which is equivalent
to 0.8% of global GDP. Meanwhile, in Vietnam, the damage is estimated at VND 14,900 billion (642
million USD) in 2018, which is an increase of more than 21% compared to 2017 [19]. Although this
level of damage is not high compared to the world, it is recorded as a critical alarm. In the early of this
year, at the 2019 mission deployment conference of the Ministry of Information and Communications,
the Prime Minister instructed to take actions when our country often ranked in the top of the low index
in the security issue. The Prime Minister also emphasized: “Not only technical solutions but the
budget must also be provided to ensure information security, the composition must have a category of
network security” [20].
2.3. Probability of success / Khả năng thành công
Analyze the probability of success of the project (solution found or improvement of
problems/ questions under investigation). / Phân tích khả năng thành công của đề tài (giải
quyết hoặc cải thiện được vấn đề nghiên cứu).
3. Objectives / Mục tiêu của đề tài
Clearly outline the topic's objectives as a basis for determining research content and
implementation plan. / Nêu rõ mục tiêu cần đạt được của đề tài, làm cơ sở xác định nội dung
nghiên cứu và kế hoạch triển khai.
4. Research scope and content / Nội dung nghiên cứu
Clearly define the key study topics and the project' scope. / Nêu rõ những nội dung nghiên
cứu chính, phạm vi bao quát của đề tài.

5. Approach / Cách tiếp cận, phương pháp nghiên cứu
Describe research methodology and techniques appropriate for each issue of the
project. / Mô tả chi tiết cách tiếp cận, phương pháp nghiên cứu, kỹ thuật sử dụng phù hợp với
từng nội dung của đề tài nhằm đạt được mục tiêu của đề tài.
6. Expected results / Dự kiến kết quả đề tài
For example: new theories, methods, applications; scientific significance and potential
application, and plans to apply this research in the reality. / Nêu dự kiến kết quả nghiên cứu
(phát hiện mới, lý thuyết mới, phương pháp mới, ứng dụng mới, …); ý nghĩa khoa học, khả
năng sử dụng kết quả nghiên cứu, và kế hoạch áp dụng nghiên cứu trên thực tế.

7. References
[1]. T. G. Nguyen, T. V. Phan, D. T. Hoang, T. N. Nguyen, and C. So-In, “Efficient SDN-based
traffic monitoring in IoT networks with Double Deep Q-Network,” in International
Conference on Computational Data and Social Networks, pp. 26–38, Springer, 2020.
[2]. T. Qiu, N. Chen, K. Li, M. Atiquzzaman, and W. Zhao, “How can heterogeneous internet of
things build our future: A survey,” IEEE Communications Surveys Tutorials, vol. 20, pp.
2011–2027, 2018.
[3]. J. Lin, W. Yu, N. Zhang, X. Yang, H. Zhang, and W. Zhao, “A survey on Internet of Things:
Architecture, enabling technologies, security and privacy, and applications,” IEEE Internet of
Things Journal, vol. 4, pp. 1125–1142, Oct. 2017.
[4]. Z. Doffman, “Cyberattacks on iot devices surge 300% in 2019, ‘measured in billions’, report
claims.”, Oct. 2020.
[5]. McAfee, “Economic Impact of Cybercrime No Slowing Down,” Report Feb 21st, 2018. URL:
[6]. Bộ thông tin và truyền thông, “Thủ tướng Chính phủ: Việt Nam phải trở thành cường quốc về
an ninh mạng,” Tin tức an ninh mạng, 17/01/2019.
[7]. ...

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