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1. The process by which water continually changes its form and circulates between oceans, atmosphere and
land is known as the ___________.
2. An artificial enclosure for keeping small house plants is referred as ______________.
3. On our earth, the same water that existed centuries ago still exists today.(T/F)
4. The water used to irrigate a field in Haryana may have flowed down the Amazon River a hundred years
5. Name the major sources of fresh water?
6. The ocean bodies and the seas contain fresh water.(T/F)
7. The common table salt that you eat is prepared from__________.
8. Name the chemical name of common table salt that we eat?
9. Salinity is the amount of salt in grams present in __________ grams of water.
10. The average salinity of the oceans is _________ parts per thousand.
11. One-fourth of the earth surface is covered by water.(T/F)
12. Match the distribution of water bodies on the earth:

Water bodies Distribution of water in percentage

Oceans 0.68
Ice-caps 0.0019
Ground water 97.3
Fresh water lakes 02.0
Inland seas and salt lakes 0.0001
Atmosphere 0.009
Rivers 0.009

13. Dead Sea is situated in _______________ and it has salinity of _________ grams per litre of water.
14. Swimmers can float in Dead Sea. Give reason?
15. Why is water important for us?
16. Suggest some ways in which water can be conserved (a) in your home (b) in your school.
17. March 22 is celebrated as __________________ day.
18. Unlike the calm waters of ponds and lakes, ocean water keeps moving continuously.(T/F)
19. The movements that occur in oceans can be broadly categorised as________, _________and ________.
20. When the water on the surface of the ocean rises and falls alternately, they are called ___________.
21. The stronger the wind blows, the bigger the wave becomes.(T/F)
22. An earthquake, a volcanic eruption or underwater landslides can shift large amounts of ocean water. As a
result a huge tidal wave called _______________may be formed.
23. _____________ is a Japanese word that means “Harbour waves”
24. Harbours get destroyed whenever there is ____________.
25. Tsunami waves travel at a speed of more than __________ km. per hour.
26. ____________ in the Andaman and Nicobar islands got submerged after the tsunami.
27. Tsunami struck havoc in the Indian Ocean on the 26 December 2004 was the result of earthquake that
had its epicenter close to the western boundary of _____________.The magnitude of this earthquake was
_________ on the Richter scale. As the Indian plate went under the Burma plate, there was a sudden
movement of the sea floor, causing this earthquake. The ocean floor was displaced by about _______m
and tilted in a downwardly direction.
28. Earthquake warning systems are in place across the Pacific ocean, but not in the Indian Ocean.(T/F)
29. Earthquake cannot be predicted in advance, but it is possible to give a three-hour notice of a potential
tsunami with the help of warning systems places on ocean.(T/F)
30. Tsunamis are rare in the Indian Ocean as the ____________ activity is less as compared to the Pacific.
31. The large damage caused to life and property during the December 2004 Tsunami in Indian coastal
region was primarily due to lack of _______________, __________________ and ____________.
32. The first indication that tsunami is approaching is the rapid withdrawal of water from the coastal region.
33. Define Tide. How are they caused?
34. When water covers much of the shore by rising to its highest level is referred as ____________tide.
35. When water falls to its lowest level and recedes from the shore is referred as ____________tide.
36. The strong gravitational pull exerted by the _________and the ________ on the earth’s surface causes
the tides.
37. During the full moon and new moon days, the sun, the moon and the earth are in the same line and
the tides are lowest.(T/F)
38. When the moon is in its first and last quarter, the ocean waters get drawn in diagonally opposite
directions by the gravitational pull of sun and moon resulting in ________ tides.
39. What are Spring tides?
40. What are Neap tides?
41. Explain how do high tides help in navigation?
42. Mention the uses of high tides.
43. Define Ocean currents.
44. The warm ocean currents originate near the _________ and move towards the ___________.
45. The cold currents carry water from polar or higher latitudes to tropical or lower latitudes.(T/F)
46. The Labrador Ocean current is ________ current.
47. The Gulf Stream is a ________ current.
48. The ocean current influence ______________conditions of the area.
49. Which area provides the best fishing grounds of the world? Give two examples of such area. What
difficulty would be faced in such area?
50. What are the factors affecting the height of the waves?
51. Which factors affect the movement of ocean water?
52. Match the following:

1. Spring tides (а) Between Europe and Africa

2. Gulf stream (b) Cold current
3. Labrador current (c) Low tide
4. Neap tides (d) High tide
5. Mediterranean sea (e) Warm current

53. ______________sea is the largest lake.

54. Tsunami can be caused by underwater landslides.(T/F)
55. Tides help in generating electricity.(T/F)
56. Where the cold is current originated?
a. Equator b. Poles c. Tropic of Cancer d. Tropic of Capricorn
57. Where is the Warm Ocean currents originate near?
a. Tropic of Cancer b. Equator c. Poles d. None of these
58. What are the factors affecting the height of the waves?
a. Winds b. Earthquakes c. Volcanic eruptions d. All of the above
59. Which factors affect the movement of ocean water?
a. Temperature b. Cold currents c. Earth d. All of the above
60. What is the significance of World Water Day?
61. Give one/two line answers for the following.
a. Tsunami b. Water cycle c. Ocean currents d. Ocean movements
e. Evaporation f. Condensation g. precipitation Terrarium

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