Non-Sentences and Sentences

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Non- Sentences and Sentences

In this section, you will learn to:
 Answer simple questions (who, what, where, why) about dialog
listened to
 Note important details while listening to a dialog

Listen carefully as I read the dialog.

Meeting a New Friend in School

Dialog 1
Nicole: Hi! What is your name?
Tintin: My name is Tintin. How about you?
Nicole: I’m Nicole. How are you?
Tintin: I’m fine. Thank you. What grade are you in?
Nicole: I’m in Grade 1. How about you?
Tintin: I’m in Grade 2. Where do you live?
Nicole: I live at number 1 Rosal Street. How about you?
Tintin: I live at number 8 Daisy Street. Oh! Our school bus is already here. I have
to go now. Good-bye, Nicole!
Nicole: Good-bye, Tintin. It is nice to meet you!

Answer each question. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. Who are talking in the dialogs?
a. Tita and Nicole
b. Tintin and Nicole
2. Who is in grade 1?
a. Nicole
b. Tintin
3. Where does Nicole live?
a. 8 Daisy Street
b. 1 Rosal Street
4. Where does Tintin live?
a. 8 Daisy Street
b. 1 Rosal Street
5. Why did Nicole and Tintin stop talking?
a. Their parents came to fetch them
b. Their school bus has arrived


In this section, you will learn to:

 identify non-sentences and sentences
 differentiate non-sentences from sentences
 capitalize the first of the beginning word in a sentence
 use correct punctuation marks
 form good sentences out of a given set of words
 make sentences using the correct word order

Learning How to Distinguish Non- Sentences from Sentences

In the dialogs that your teacher read, you heard these group of words:
1. My name is Tintin. 1. My name
2. I live at 8 Daisy Street. 2. at 8 Daisy Street
3. I’m in Grade 1. 3. grade 1

Observe that the three groups of words in column A express complete

thoughts. You can fully understand what they mean. These are called
sentences. A sentence expresses a complete thought or idea.
In column B, the groups of words do not express a complete thought or
idea. These are called non-sentences.

A sentence is a group of words that expresses a complete thought or idea.
This group of words is arranged in good order. It begins with a capital
letter. It ends with a period (.) or a question mark (?). Sometimes a
sentence may also end with an exclamation point (!). Example: Sheila
sweeps the floor.
How do you know that a sentence is in good order?
Answer the following questions
 Who sweeps the floor? Answer: Sheila
 What does Sheila do? Answer: She sweeps the floor.
The sentence having a complete thought will then be:
Sheila sweeps the floor.
A group of words that does not express a complete thought or idea is
called a nonsentence.

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