Senior Technology Executive

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Elvir Causevic, D.Sc.

7545 Wellington
St. Louis, MO 63105
Landline: 917-338-6279
Cell phone: 636-399-1925
CTO CEO SVP Division/Program Manager
Inspiring entrepreneur and proven business executive offering 15 years experienc
e with emerging technology startups and Fortune 500 technology companies. Full
P&L, strategy, and management responsibility, reporting to investors, Boards, an
d CEOs. Authentic leader and motivator in very diverse settings, especially in
uncharted, high-risk, and crisis situations. Exceptional soft skills for team d
evelopment, enrollment in vision and culture, and translation into measurable bu
siness processes. Record of successes and business exits, often under extraordi
narily intense time and budget pressures.
* Founded, acquired, divested, and sold several businesses and companies
* Raised over $50 million in premier venture capital, and $1.5 million in govern
ment funding (DoD/NIH)
* Initiated or entered new $1BB markets delicately guided government, regulator
y, and professional stakeholder groups toward consensus and standards, in line w
ith company business models
* Designed and executed dozens of challenging technology projects primarily for
Fortune 500 energy, chemical, pharma, and manufacturing companies, installed cos
t exceeding $100 million
* Invented/co-invented 20+ patents, authored/co-authored key peer-reviewed techn
ical publications
* Developed a parallel academic career in both business and technology, initiall
y at Yale University
* Innovation-process thought leader, invited speaker at company, academic, and c
onference events
2006-2010 BrainScope Company Inc., NYC/DC Founder, President, Director,
recently CTO
Created leading-edge neurological handheld medical device business, with premier
venture capital exceeding $20 million (Revolution Health, ZGI, Alafi, DFJ, priv
ate investors, etc). Built management team, managed $8 million annual budget, p
ersonally recruited top industry CEO (Nov 2008), then served as CTO. Together w
ith team completed feasibility studies, clinical trials at leading hospitals, an
d obtained initial FDA clearance. In coordination with company, independently
founded and ran Inspire d.o.o. Bosnia in 2006, an off-shore 50-strong outsource
turn-key systems integrator, which was acquired by BrainScope in 2008. After s
everal transitions, team now successfully re-focused on military traumatic brain
injury market.
2000-2007 Everest Biomedical Instruments, St. Louis Co-Founder, President/C
EO, Director
Created several related medical device businesses. Built senior management team
, with former Fortune 500 executives, including new CEO. Managed a 30-strong co
rporate team (marketing, sales, clinical, engineering, quality), with a $7 milli
on annual budget. Raised and directed over $30 million in venture capital from
premier institutional investors (CID, Alafi, DFJ, Portage, Prolog, etc). Created
the award-winning AudioScreenerTM infant brain monitor, FDA-cleared and launche
d nationwide, then sold in 2004 to VIASYS/Cardinal Health. Built the BrainScope
E.R. business and then divested into a separate company in 2006. Co-developed
the SNAP IITM anesthesia brain monitor, with additional technology licensed from
Case Western and Yale University spin-offs. FDA-cleared and launched the SNAP
IITM in top U.S. hospitals, then in 2007 sold the entire Everest Biomedical to S
tryker Corporation, a Fortune 500 healthcare company.
1993-2000 Kedly Incorporated, Engineering & Consulting, St. Louis Co-Fou
nder and President
Won and delivered 40 challenging Fortune 500 industrial technology projects wit
h direct responsibility for an installed cost of over $100 million, across the e
ntire U.S., and internationally in the EU, Malaysia, Mexico, Colombia, UAE, etc.
Served as general contractor, project management, and consulting engineering f
irm. Built and led a team of 60+ engineers, designers and installers in turn-ke
y arrangements, on multi-million dollar, harsh-environment projects, in petroche
mical, energy, pharma, and manufacturing industries (Shell, Amoco, Halliburton,
Bayer, Monsanto, P&G, Coca-Cola, Anheurser-Busch, Siemens, etc.)
2007-2010 International MBA Program SGSB, U. of Delaware/Texas A&M/IUS, Sarajevo
, Adjunct Professor, New Venture Creation, Entrepreneurship, Business Consultin
2006-2010 SSST International Program, Buckingham University U.K., Sarajevo, Assi
stant Professor, IS/CS, Advanced Project Management, Innovation Policy, Public-
Private Partnerships
2001-2006 Yale University, J.W. Gibbs Assistant Professor of Applied Mathematics
, (last two years Research Professor) mathematics and biomedical engineering, c
ross-disciplinary research
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Senior Member, publication re
viewer, elected BISP Technical Committee Member (1993-present)
Covidien / Nellcor, Expert witness on major intellectual property matters, U.S.
Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit, and USPTO interference proceedings (20
Stryker Instruments, Strategy development consultant for IP portfolio management
EU Directorate General for Information Society, Brussels, Expert for Innovation
and R&D in ICT Sector, FP7 Research Program participation increase, BiH (2009-20
Energoinvest, d.d., Member of Supervisory Board, 1,000-employee, 60-year, public
, power engineering company (distribution, SmartGrid, PLC, Foresight capacity pl
anning) (2010)
Recognita d.o.o., Board Member, Austrian-founded management consulting company,
focused on pharma and financial industry in Southeast Europe (2009-2010)
BACSEE, Member, Business Advisory Council for South East Europe (2006-2008)
Fermion Inc., Founding investor and Board Member, U.S. nanotechnology company (2
Washington University, St. Louis, D.Sc., Electrical Engineering, with Medical Sc
hool (2001)
Washington University, St. Louis, M.S., Electrical Engineering, with Chemical En
gineering (1999)
Washington University, St. Louis, B.S., Electrical Engineering (1995)
Harvard University School of Law / MIT / Tufts, Mutual Gains Negotiation, Execut
ive Education (2004)
F.C. Moscanica, Founding president, Community Youth Soccer Club, Sarajevo, Bosni
a (2009-2010)
Team for Kids, NY Road Runner Club, NYC Marathon fundraising and volunteer kids
programs (2002-2007)
U.S. National Council for Community and Justice, St. Louis, Board Member (2003-2
Lexa Center, Board Member, St. Louis community development organization (2002-20
St. Louis International Institute - Refugee relocation during and after the Bosn
ian conflict (1992-2000)

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