HÆ°á NG DẠN Trã NH Bã y Thuyết Minh SẠN Phẩm Ká ThuẠT BẠNG Tiếng Anh

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Single line spacing Title should be centered in

Author A1, Author B1,2,Nguyen Huu Hieu1,2* 14pt Times New Roman,
boldface and all capitalized
The name and address of the authors should be listed
beneath the title on the opening page of the manuscript.
The main contacting authors should be marked with (*)
(Single line spacing)
(The address should be listed after the authors’ names, in bold type, 11pt, centered)
Faculty of Chemical Engineering, HCMUT-VNU, 268 Ly Thuong Kiet Street, District 10, Ho Chi Minh City,
Viet Nam
Key Laboratory of Chemical Engineering and Petroleum Processing (CEPP), HCMUT-VNU,
268 Ly Thuong Kiet Street, District 10, Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam
* Corresponding author: nhhieubk@hcmut.edu.vn
Abstract (font size 11, font Times New Roman, bold, left-aligned, no numbered)

The Abstract is a self-contained synopsis of the report - an informative summary of what you did and

what you found out. A concise and factual abstract is required. The abstract should state briefly the purpose

of the research, the principal results, and major conclusions. An abstract is often presented separately from

the article, so it must be able to stand alone. For this reason, References should be avoided.

Keywords: Immediately after the abstract, provide a maximum of 6 keywords.

1. INTRODUCTION (in 11pt, boldface, left- relevant facts from the scientific literature,
citing the sources to support each statement.
This provides a summary of the analysis to be
undertaken. The purpose of the Introduction is to put ₋ Reason/s why the research was undertaken.
the reader in the picture and place the
₋ Statement of the hypothesis (an idea or concept
research/experiment within a context.
that can be tested by experimentation) if there is
₋ The following may be included in the
₋ An explanation of the different techniques and
₋ Background about the analysis to be carried
why they are used.
₋ A statement of the objective/s - what you hope
₋ A brief review of previous research (relevant
to achieve.
literature) to give a background - paraphrase

₋ The Introduction is the what and why of the Do not keep using the word "then" - the reader

experiment, and should answer the following will understand that the steps were carried out in the

questions: order in which they are written.

₋ What was the purpose or objective of the

experiment/research? The Method must be written in the past tense and

₋ Why was the experiment/research conducted in a the passive voice.

particular manner? The equation should be inserted using the

₋ Why was it important in a broader context? Equation Editor, not as graphics, in the main text.

₋ The Introduction should not include any results Equation (math equations as editable text
or conclusions. and not as images)

2. MATERIALS AND METHODS References should be superscripted and appear

The Materials and Methods, sometimes called before punctuation [1,2].

Experimental, is a description of the materials and Tables

procedures used - what was done and how. Describe Tables can be placed either next to the relevant

the process of preparation of the sample, text in the article, or on separate page(s) at the end.

specifications of the instruments used and Number tables consecutively in accordance with

techniques employed. their appearance in the text and place any table notes

The Method should include such things as sample below the table body. Be sparing in the use of tables

size, apparatus or equipment used, experimental and ensure that the data presented in them do not

conditions, concentrations, times, controls, etc. duplicate results described elsewhere in the article.

While the Method does not need to include Please avoid using vertical rules and shading in table

minute details (e.g. if you followed a set of written cells.

instructions, you may not need to write out the full Table 1. Table Caption. (do not include the table

procedure - state briefly what was done and cite the in a textbox or frame)

manual), there needs to be enough detail so that Head 1 Head 2 Head 3 Head 4 Head 5

someone could repeat the work. Column Column Column Column Column
1 2 3 4 5
Column Column Column Column Column
1 2 3 4 5
Chemical formulas are designed by ChemDraw The figure should be mentioned in the paragraph.

or ChemWin 5.1 programs. For example:

Diagrams must be presented as editable text, not

images. The figure caption is located immediately

below the figure shown to be centered. For large

diagrams, it is possible to display the whole page

layout, no need to divide 2 columns. The diagram

Figure 2: AgNPs colloidal solutions at different
should be mentioned on the paragraph. Raw
materials and products are placed in an oval shape.
The stages are placed in rectangles. In addition, the
The following will be included in your Results:
block diagram can be displayed without an outer
₋ Pictures and spectra;
border.For example:
₋ Tables and graphs whenever practical;
₋ Brief statements of the results in the text (without
repeating the data in the graphs and tables).
If possible give a section of related results and
then comment on them rather than presenting many
pages of unrelated results and then discussing them

at the end. Subheadings can be used to divide this

section so that it is easier to understand.

The Results section should be written in the past

tense and passive voice, avoiding the use of "I" and

The following will be included in your

Figure 1: AgNPs synthesis process Discussion:

The picture caption is just below the figure shown ₋ State your interpretation of your findings,

for centering. For large numbers, it is possible to perhaps comparing or contrasting them with the

layout the whole page, no need to divide 2 columns.

literature. Reflect on your actual data and Acknowledgments (size 11, lowercase, bold, no

observations. numbering)

We acknowledge the support of time and facilities

₋ Explain or rationalise errant data or describe from Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology,

possible sources of error and how they may VNU-HCM for this study. Thank you to Assoc.

have affected the outcome. Prof. Nguyen Huu Hieu, Ph.D and researchers in

₋ The Discussion must answer the question CEPP lab for supporting us to finish the study.

"What do the results mean?" It is an argument References (size 11, lowercase, bold, no numbering)

based on the results. Cited references must have a publisher, references

4. CONCLUSION do not include conferences, thesis, websites and are

This is the summing up of your argument or numbered 1 through n. Citation in articles is

experiment/research, and should relate back to the enclosed in square brackets and ordered from 1-n, on

Introduction. the same row.

The Conclusion should only consist of a few [1] Example for Journal: Author, Coauthor, "Title,"

sentences and should reiterate the findings of your Journal Name, Volume, Issue, Pages, Year.

experiment/research. [2] Example for Book: Author, Title, Publisher,

If appropriate, suggest how to improve the Year.

procedure, and what additional experiments or

research would be helpful.

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