The Merciad, April 9, 1987

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VOL 60 NO.


Two MSG Races Fraught With Fraud

By Chris Kovski
Candidates Exonerated, Two Reps Implicated
sources, who witnessed the infractions, election procedures and the role of the * The proposal failed, 13-10. This means that
that two of the election poll workers, CM IS MSG representatives manning the polls, the MSG representatives do not want an in-
In these days of political scandal, it is still representative Gary Rail and Geology with the final conclusion being that MSG vestigation of the election. Kirik declined
surprising to find the student statesmanship representative David Sawicki, were advis- representatives, when working aMhe comment on the implications of the propos-
of Mercy hurst College affected by such prob- ing voters at the election and registration polls, are to be neutral. al's failure, f f
lems. We have a situation where "certain ir- table as to the choices they should make After the discussion, during which it Voting for the two offices took place in a
regularities have been found in the voting in the races in question. This occurred was clarified that the goal of the investiga- special election on Hies., April 7 and Weds.,
procedures, which put the results of the races while the two were registering voters at tion would be to merely make the situa- April 8. Hie winners of these two races will
for president and SAC chairperson in ques- the polls. According to election rules, tion clear to the MSG body; the vote was be announced in the April 23 issue of The
tion. The other races were unaffected, and we solicitating for candidates cannot occur called. The voice vote was undecided, so Merciad, as the results were announced too
have winners in those contests. Joe Arcadi within fifty feet of the ballot box. • a roll call vote was taken. See sidebar for late to make this issue.
won for vice president, Sheila Ragus for |All of the candidates have been ex- results of the roll call vote.
secretary and Paul Cefrick for treasurer," ac- onerated. Kelly stated, "None of the can-
didates were involved. We just decided

cording to Mercy hurst Student Government

President Michael Kelly, j
The MSG voting procedure consists sole-
that there was enough of a doubt to call
the results in these two races into ques-
tion." g* *
Betsy Lantz Remembered
ly of a student list, which the MSG represen-
tatives working the election cross the names
of the students off of before they vote. After
When contacted about this situation,
Sawicki refused to comment. Rail was
Through Scholarship Fund
this registration, the students are given ballots unavailable for comment as of press time, By Jennifer Montanl parents, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer and A. Jessie But-
for the positions. & . due to his being out of the area. When ler Lantz along with various persons involved
The election board, which counts the votes, asked If these representatives were the When Charles DeGaulle died, the people of from the Mercyhurst community, will decide
rules in cases of dispute and announces the two involved, Kelly stated,'"No com- France named an airport after him. When John on the criteria the would-be recipients must
winners, consists of the five MSG officers— ment."* * * *w R Kennedy died, a center for the arts and an meet to receive the scholarship. Areas such as
iKelly, vice president John Widecan, secretary During the MSG meeting of April 5, airporTwere named for him by the citizens of need, grade point "average and whether the
Peggy Hirsch, treasurer Barb Sayers and SAC Special Education representative the United States. For John Lennon, the city of scholarship will be awarded to incoming
chairperson Tracy Wasson—as well as Theresa Kirik submitted a proposal that New York created the park Strawberry Fields, freshmen or upperclassmen are just afewof the
Chemistry representative Candy Tryon and E. a "formal investigation into the election" and Walt Disney left behind an ever growing decisions that need to be made.fe
William Kennedy, director of student services. take place. Kirik gave as her reason for world of magic. "At this'point, we're a little over 6(yof
The Merclad has learned through its suggesting such an investigation that "It When great individuals pass on, it seems only reaching our goal," stated the alumni relations
isn't fair to the student body, because, ba- natural that they be remembered in a way that department's Gary Bukowski. "We have had
sically, we are to be running a democratic epitomized their lives. The goal is not the quan- various donors; some of our alumni have
government, and there is a question of tity of time spent on this earth, it is the quality. already contributed, but we still have that 4(y
Representatives and their votes, whether or not people were swayed in Although Betsy Lantz was taken from us at the to go before we hit the $10,000:' Bukowski went
in order of major: their voting. I think that is a question that young age of 20, her attainable goals live on. on to explain that the plans for the scholarship
should be addressed, and we, as student Not in the form of an airport, she would be the are long term, which means that when the goal
Accounting? Rich Porter X first to laugh; Betsy's memory will live on in is reached, all of the money will be placed in
Art: Mike Haynes X government?representatives, should
know whether or not our constituents are the form of a scholarship, so others can achieve the bank where the interest accrued will be what
Biology: Michael Good No her dream of education and success.. the student receives. Bukowski remarked, "I
Business Admin.:"Tammy Barco No being fairly served."
jjThe ensuing discussion centered on The Mercy hurst Alumni department, with think this is a fitting tribute to Betsy.. .this is
Chemistry: Candy Tryon Yes v a nice way to commemorate and remember her
Communications: Jennifer Conmy Yes the assistance of Peggy Hirsch, Naomi Roman-
Commuter Caroline Robaszkiewicz Yes chok and Dr. Lew Lutton announce the Betsy beyond her graduating class." J Z
L. Lantz Scholarship. The scholarship will be The motto of Mercyhurst College is Carpe
CMI8: Gary Rail X v

Criminal Justice: Kathy Schmidt Yes in the amount of $10,000, and will be awarded Diem: seize the opportunity. A famous writer
Dance: Mary Campbell No to students in the field of liberal arts. Betsy's once said, "I'm not gonna die, I'm gonna go
Dietetics: Sonia Ellis X out like a shooting star!" With a disease like
Elementary Educ: Kathy Dee X Cystic Fibrosis, it's next to impossible to seize
English: Susan Marcy No Editor's Notej f the moment, but Betsy did. She didn't just die,
Fashion Merch.: Karen Davidson No
Freshman: Diane Conley Yes
Freshman: Rebecca Palmer X
. pAC- Easter-time is hopping around the corner
early this year, so there will be no Merciad
next week. Though Friday is officially the first
she went out like a shooting star.
Anyone wishing to offer donations to the Bet-
sy L. Lantz scholarship should contact the
Freshman: Rod Power Yes alumni relations department ASAP by stopp-
Geology: David Sawicki No day of Easter break, you and we know that ing in the office or calling 825-0246.
History: Jim O'Conner X S everyone will be sneaking out of here on
HRM (alternate): Jean Deegan Yes Thursday, so an new issue might be missed
Interior Design: Michelle Hondal No - by those leaving the campus. When you re-
Math: Paul Cefrick Yes.
Marketing: Julie Juenemann X
turn it will be old news, and old news is not
d news, in our opinion.
MISO: Walter Hader No We here at the paper will be eating our
Music: Jerry Anderson No Easter candy in the office as we prepare a pa-
Nursing: Cindy Lynch X per for the week of everyone's return. The
Editorials.^—pg. 4
Political Science: Michael Vincent No issue will "hit the streets" April 23. Look for
Psychology: Dee Regester X
Resident: Greg Latimer No more coverage of the MSG elections and in
coming issues the Forum column will be look-
Forum pg. 5
Secondary Educ: Tom Pari Ha No
ing into the mind of "All Things Considered"
Social Work: Elaine Lewis Yes
Special Educ: Theresa Klrlk Yes
A hastily-made poster announcing new commentator and "Nightiine contributor, the "BHndDate" J
election times tor the races of MSG presi-
Sports Medicine: Norman Gabriel No dent and SAC chairperson. The elections
sarcastic;'tan Shoales, as well as the usual
stuff. Until the 23, "Hoppy Easter" to you all. Review . 1 . . . 4 .pg. 6
had to be redone due to problems at the Ba-bum ching. (Bad improvisation of a drum
X—Denotes rep. absent polls* Photo: L Hafenmaier riff, but what can you do?)
PAGE 2 (Sift JfUrctaft THURSDAY; APRIL 9, 1987

WMCY Moves Tbward FM Station

By Kelley Moore ed arefeeing.Family Stations, Inc. great?amount without ^any in-
has filed for operation on FM 88.1. terference." Ragan said, "We've
Since Sept. 1983, Mercyhurst Mercyhurst College, along with the done everything we can right now.
College has been trying to attain an Martin Luther King Centerfiledfor All that's left is to wait." If the waiv-
FM station. Currently, WMCY is operation on FM 88.5. Mercyhurst erHs approved, Mercyhurst could
operating at 880 AM, as it has been and the Martin Luther King Center start building the long anticipated
for a number of years. have requested a waiver asking the FM station. The best estimate would
iDue to many.complications, FCC to waive the rules in their case be another two to three months wait
WMCY's chance of attaining an FM to allow the minimal interference. before a response from the FCC is
station has been dismal in the past, The slight intervention, which will received. Hopefully, by the Summer
but things are beginning to change. occur because of the stations being new construction will begin, and by
They only have one more hurdle to so close on the dial (88.1—88.5) will the 1987-88 school year, Mercyhurst
overcome. ;'*- <5nly affect 6% of the population. students, as well as the surrounding
On Monday, March 23, Mer- Mr. Richard Ragan, head of the Erie area, will have a new music
cyhurstfileda settlement statement Communications Department source. f
believes, "We might have a chance WMCY Heavy Metal DJ Brian Maiden cranks up the volume to
with the FCC which simply covers listeners of his "Metal Matinee" Photo: L Hafenmaier
the problem the three parties involv- because 94% of the population is a
Phonathon Winners Announced
As \EventNears $60,000 Goal
By Ann Johnson gift of parents. This $7,000 mark is In that second place position was
high above previous contributions HSMA (Hotel Sales Marketing
This year's annual Mercyhurst from parents which typically only Association) which raised $5,000
Alumni Phonathon has already rais- reached the $2,000 mark, the alum- for the phonathon. HSMA was
ed over $52,000 of its goaljjof ni total also has already exceeded awarded $100 for its participation.
$60,000, according to Associate the previous high mark of $40,000. The third place effort came from
Alumni Director Tom Dore; the This year, in order to attract more the office of the Circle K club,
goal is still within reach. Many student volunteer phone callers, the which is a service organization af-
more alumni remain to be con- alumni office offered prize incen- filiated with the Kiwanis associa-
tacted, so the prospects look good. tives to different clubs and groups tion. The alumni association gave
The $52,000 raised so far was who would make the calls. Three Circle K $50 for raising over $4000.
gathered by 174 volunteers during a cash amounts were offered to the top Although*every volunteer was
From the outside, die tracks of the bulldozers show the way the gravel week span in March. These three groups which participated. awarded a 60th anniversary mug for
volunteers included faculty, ad- The top team, Phi Eta Sigma, was their help, Dore wishes to give add-
was taken into the Blue Room which... I ministration, alumni and students, awarded $200. Phi Eta Sigma, Mer- ed thanks. He said, "I can't thank
and their contacts included not on- cyhurst's freshman honor society, enough the students, faculty, ad-
ly alumni, but also parents of raised over $9,000. Dore contends, ministration, and alumni who
students presently attendingJM^ "I was very impressed with them. helped out. Because of themf-we^
cyhurst. Of the $52,000 raised, They were driven to win." Their were successful."
$45,000 is the contribution of alum- total was $4,000 more than the sec- Dore points out the importance of
ni, while the remaining $7,000 is the ond place team. (See "Phonathon'*4page 3)

Lack Of Reps, Prevent Vote At MSG Meeting

By Margaret Coffey 1 displays such as the ode outside of subject to the discretion of the body
the Student Government Office. for the next academic year." The
A proposal which would have There has been a proposal to change purpose of this change is to allow for
allowed MSG's budget to be Article 9, concerning the budget, of overbudgeting, underbudgeting and
published every fall in The Merciad the Student Government Constitu- sudden expenses. This would allow
was not voted on because their tion. They would like to change the the budget to be more flexible.
weren't enough representatives at line, "... this budget will cover all
. . . raised the floor up five feet to the level of the staircase. Overthe last MSG meeting. Student Government expenditures 'Student Government meetings
900 tons of gravel was used for the job to fill the space* and then the This proposal was not voted on for the next academic year," to read, will be held in 214 Zurn instead of
cement was poured. It will be then covered with a vinyl flooring, new because two-thirds of the represen- "this budget will cover proposed 114 for the remainder of Spring
lighting, and glass block windows. Photos: L Hafenmaier tatives were not present. The pro- Student Government expenditures Term. * ft*
posal must be accepted by a
two-thirds majority to be passed.
The proposal would have enabled
students to know what their $60 Stu-
Attention Freshmen
87-88 MSG dent Government fees were being
used for. The proposal inyolves in-
serting the line, "The Student
Government shall request that the
and Sophomores
Merciad, in the first publication of
Fall Term, contain a copy of the pro-

Representative Elections visional budget." Incidentally, at the

second meeting of Spring Term,
President Mike Kelly announced
that elections for student represen-
Have you applied to ALL possible sources of finan-
tatives would be held on April 21 cial aid for next semester, or have you tapped only
and 22. Letters of Intentforstudent government money. If so, you have probably skipped
21 22 reps, are due on April 10.
April is Living Organ Month.
over one, two or several of the more obscure
PRIVATE sources of financial aid that are just waiting
The purpose of the month is to
remove fears and reservations con- to be used. Thousands of dollars in scholarship
cerning organ donation. The need money are available now and? our company
Zurn Lobby for organ donors increases by 15 %
every year. One person could con-
specializes in locating them for you.
ceivably, save ten to twelve.lives. Scholarship Fund Locating Service
Organs are generally taken from
people aeeeased under the age of 55. 'A P.O. Box 2578, Bloomfield/NJ 07003
Living Organ Donor Cards will be (201) 483-5360 <
available around campus in special
THURSDAY, APRIL 9, 1987 Qttie fHertiaii PAGE 3

Mercy Terrace Complex

Dedicated At Ceremony
By Brian Sheridan who wouldn't find housing complex and the ideals that went in-
anywhere else." The building has 64 to building it, as "a great addition
The Mercy Terrace Apartments, apartments,i 12 are two bedroom to our community."
senior citizen apartment complex units and fourjwhich are for the The ceremony was capped by the
that stands on the hill over the Mer- physically handicapped, and are for blessing of the building's cor-
cyhurst College campus was formal- It. • ' • i *
those senior citizens who do not nerstone, which reads "His mercy
p Mercy Apartments Dedication ceremony with, from left to right, ly dedicated in a ceremony held at qualify for subsidized housing. To endures forever," by the Bishop and
Msgr. Wilfrid Nash, Bishop Michael /. Murphy, Sister Carolyn Herr- the complex on Sunday, April 5, then the blessing of the apartments.
Superior of the Sisters of Mercy get the structure built was not an
mann, Msgr. Richard Stack, Mayor Louis I. Tullio. Photo: L Hafenmaier easy task for the Sisters of Mercy. Residents of the apartments will
Sister Carolyn Herrmann, Mayor be encouraged to take part in the
Louis J. Tullio, County Executive As TYill io pointed, out in his remarks
made at the dedication, "Everybody cultural and sporting activities of the
Judith Lynch, Msgr. Wilfrid J. college and a glass-covered archway
Briggs Avenue Parties Make Nash, Sister Maria O' Conner, and
Msgr. Richard J. Stack were on
until they
In fact
out its
connects the structure
Sister of Mercy Motherhouse and
with the

'Hurst Look Like A' 'Ghetto'' hand as the Most Rev. Michael J.
Murphy, Bishop of Erie, dedicated
and blessed the new structure.
was circulated
prevent the
the area to
of which
plenty of
"When they came to me (an East activities.
By Matthew J. Clark niture may not be put out on the In her opening remarks, Sr. Herr- Grandview resident), I told them I The well-attended ceremony was
lawns, c) Kegs are still forbidden. mann talked about how the Sisters by invitation only, but the Mercy
"The place looked like 18th The memo noted that infractions of Mercy had "discussed building was in favor of the apartments
because, though it was an election Terrace Apartments will be open for
Street!' \ That is how E? William of these rules would result in stern such a place on our own grounds for public view this coming Sunday,
measures bong taken, and remind- a long time. We built it for the peo- year, I was getting to that age where
Kennedy, Director of Student Ser- 1 might be moving in here." Serious- April 25.
vices, summed up the appearance ed students that being housed at ple we love and for those elderly
Mercyhurst " is a privilege, not a ly, Tullio praised the apartment
of the Mercyhurst campus after a
recent party at the Briggs Ave. right". £ 1 I
apartments left furniture scattered The memo also made reference
outside the building and onto the to administration .receiving "a _-*T* - „ —_H

street. A, A phone call about the place looking

Gasoline Alley, Mercyhurst like a ghetto'', and told students to
style? 'have some pride in yourselves
The party reportedly got out of and your surroundings and keep the PHONATHON
hand, with students taking furniture area decent looking". (Continued from page 2)
outside and playing loud music. In a letter sent to these residents the participation level in these
'This, allegedly, made the campus on Sept. 18,1986 by Kennedy, he phonathons. He believes the level of
look bad as well as disturbed the warned that' 'The college will press participation can? serve Kas a
peace in the neighborhoods sur- charges both internally and exter- barometer for Mercy hurst's ability
rounding the Briggs fApts. nally through the criminal justice to raise money elsewhere. It shows
Because of^these activities, a system,'' regarding loud music and that Mercy hurst's graduates are not
memo from Phyllis Aiello, Direc- keg parties, and he said in an in- only satisfied with their education,
tor of Housing and Safety, was sent terview last week that "the ad- but that they are also doing well
to all - Briggs, Townhouse, and ministration's position regarding enough to be able to make a con-
Mercy Apt. residents, reminding parties on campus has not chang- tribution. According to Dore, the
them of the laws that were ed." | * percentage of participation helps the
established last fall regarding par- * 'Of Icourse we cannot do school get funds from corporations
ties on campus. anything about parties we don't who see how much the graduates
The rules given in the March, know about," he said, "but those Speakers blaring music and kegs are a common sight during parties wish to continue to be a part of the
24th memo are as follows: a) who make themselves known to us at the Briggs Ave. apartments. Administration, however, is tryingschool. to
So far this year, 32% of
Stereos may not be played loudly will be dealt with." alumni donated, far surpassing the
make that a thing of the past Photo: L. Hafenmaier.
or put in your windows, b) Fur- national average of 20 %.

The Merciad Asks: If you could choose anyone ?

who would you want as the new* Dean?


Lisa Durni, Business/Education: "Swamp," Criminal Justice:;. •*

Brad Beshaw, Art: "David Byrne, the leader of the "Talking "Vanna White because oflher|fine
Tom Kaspick, Undecided: "I would have said Andy Warhol but he's Heads," because I feel that he would bring managerial skills that she demonstrates on
"jean Marc Baier because he has a world dead. No one else.
some life into this school." "The Wheel of Fortune." Turning letters is a
of knowledge and has been many places. He's
hard job. She also makes a beautiful playmate
very good at organizing people."
in "Playboy." :
PAGE 4 She iflcrcinft THURSDAY, APRIL 9. 1987

Students Deserve Explanation

And Action From Student Govt. Reasons For Revote
By Brian Sheridan ficers and representatives who want call for an investigation into the By Mike Kelly, regularities. The other positions
to push this incident under the rug situation and an official statement MSG President L were shown not to be affected!
"If it ain't broke don't fixfit" are to be held responsible. Kelly can from MSG. Just what is this—the A group of seven and the election
might be a saying that applies to do very little without the support of South with Huey Long? Do the Most of you have witnessed an committee reviewed the facts and
many things, but not to elections of his staff. You have to trust the peo- MSGreps. think they<are not usual event at Mercyhurst in the past decided in the interest of fairness to
government officials, be theyforour ple you work with and only hope answerable to the people? This does week. On Tuesday and Wednesday have new elections for two posi-
school or our national represen- they will carry out their? respon- not apply to the 10 that wanted to be MSG electionsforthe positions of tions. We counted the votesforthe
tatives. The problems that have oc- sibilities as well as you want them open about the matter. president and SAC chairperson were other positions, which were unaf-
curred in the MSG elections might to. Asforthe way the voting is done, Is MSG here solely to be an elite reheld. Ifeltthe need to explain our fected, in a way that gave no clue as
just have been waiting to happen, it has been done that wayfora while group, to cover for themselves, and point of view.
without incident, though I think an to the outcome of the elections for
but now that it has we deserve some not to protect the rights of the \y} On Wednesday of the first elec- president and SAC chairperson. The
explantion. underlying concern that this some- students? This matter was unfair for tion, stories began to come to me of decision to revote was made before
The'current system of voting, day might happen has always those in the presidential and SAC certain irregularities in the election the ballot box was opened. That is
relying on MSG officials to super- existed. race that have worked hard and who procedure. These allegations were the official position.
vise the students voting at the polls, Like President Reagan should will now get no satisfaction because substantiated and were determined I Let me give you some of my
has been in effectforthefouryears have done in the beginning of the MSG chooses to ignore the prob- to be against the election rules as reasons for taking the position
I have been here. It's a shame that Iran arms scandal, MSG has to. lem. It is also unfair to the students outlined in the MSG Constitution. which I took. I have heard of other
the bubble finally had to be burst by make this "ballotgate" public. This here who had faith in MSG to be I had also witnessed some infrac- elections in which this practice took
a few people who thought it might might deter itjrfrom happening open, honest and Mr, like a govern- tions and knew that something had place. The fact that it was ignored
be cute to influence students voting again, since people would be aware ment should be. Suddenly, the to be done. At this point I wish to did not set any precedent. I am
for a particular candidate. Here you that a poll worker suggesting to a blame is no longer on just a couple state that NONE of the candidates charged .with upholding the MSG
have a situation that teeters on voter who to voteforis wrong. As representatives but on all of MSG. were implicated in these ir-
disaster. Students who want to do for reprimands against those involv- • (See "Revote" page 7)
their part and vote, but do not know ed, volunteer organizations always
what the candidates standfor,can be have the problem of dealing out
easily persuaded by peer pressure?! punishment, because whatever you
Then they meet; representatives do, it's usually symbolic. Banning
from MSG who are supposed to be them from meetings or dinners or By Chris Kovski f. ly, how much smarts does it take to groups of individuals.
informed and trustworthy, since they whatever only gives you less people punch a reporter that bothers you?), ' Now, for Mercyhurst College to
make many decisions about our how to work with. Though if the people America. Land of the free, home so could any spineless or stupid be responsive to the needs of the
are money is spent. If they suggest you're working with behave in this of the brave and alhof that other creature. M $ t community, new locker rooms must
to the student who to vote for, they kind of manner, everyone might be stuff. It also appears to be the land When these people lose then* will take precedence over a new
might take that suggestion, believ- best served without them. The MSG of warped values. Instead of aiding to read, they must necessarily find bookstore. After all, who needs
ing it is a voteforthe best candidate, Constitution cannot be ignored just the homeless and starving of our another activity to occupy books anyway?
notforsomeone's buddy. because "it's late in the year." own homeland,.we send* $100 themselves. Since sports require no Well, for starters, every student
The current MSG president, million and more to a group of peo- reading, they are a natural choice. on campus, as well as every instruc-
MSG has chosen to ignore the ple called the "Contras." From what Once sports assume such a vital tor. Who needs a new locker room?
Mike Kelly, cannot be held accoun- problem. "A vote taken at the
tableforthe immature actions of his I've seen, they don't appear to be role in the lives of a group of in- Approximately 300 j (if that)
meeting on Sunday showed that they starving or homeless; they just seem dividuals, the community must get members of the Mercyhurst com-
underlings or the inherent faults in can ignore their Constitution. We
the voting system. The MSG of- to be interested in the best deal on involved, in the, true spirit of munity. Compare that to the 1800
a Swedish-made UZI automatic democracy. The people are the com- students and over 100 members of
pistol. munity, so the community must be the faculty. = f
I?": When we could be spending a fewresponsive to the* needs of large g f (See "Kovski" page 7)
billion on improving our environ- THE FAR SIDE
ment, we are cranking out hundreds By GARY LARSON
Sttre Mttcxab of billions of dollars to find ways to
demolish our planet.!Look what
happens next: Ray Charles does a
Brian Sheridan, Editor i duet with Billy Joel. Vanna White,
Chris Kovskl, Managing Editor the Ail-American Girl, poses nude
Jennifer Conmy, Sports Editor (or semi-nude) for a men's
Matthew J. Clark, News Editor magazine.
Leslie Hafenmaler, Photo Editor We allow Oral Roberts to extort
Paula Bruno, Calendar Editor money from poor elderly people,
Frank Pawlowskl, Circulation Manager we allow Ronald Reagan, the Great
Communicator, to get away with
VOL. 60 NO. 18 THURSDAY, APRIL 9,1987 trying the good old Soviet disinfor-
mation ploy. While Madonna could
have married almost anyone she
Reporters wanted, she chose Sean Perm, who
Julia Cherlco Ann Johnson is two inches shorter than her, and
argaret Coffey Jennifer Montanl at least 10 points less attractive, to
Chuck Fleet Kelley Moore boot. Now, I know that that sentence
about Madonna appears to be a non
sequitur, but I think that there is a
Typists connection there somewhere.
Bridget Pre&uttl, Karen Casclo I think that the Madonna/Penn
nuptials had a greater effect on
world affairs than anyone could have
E. William Kennedy, Adviser realized.
For example, once you connect
two people like Madonna and Perm,
The Merclad is the student-edited newspaper of Mercyhurst College, 501 East a large number of people lose their In the early days, living in their squalid apartment,
38th Street, Erie, PA 16546. The Merclad office is located in the basement will to be intellectuals. After all, if all three shared dreams af success. In the end,
of Baldwin Hall, phone 825-0376. Penn could catch a woman with his however, Bob the Spoon and Ernie theforkwound
lack of charisma and intellect (real - up in an old silverware drawer and only Mac
went on to fame and fortune.
®he HHerciab PAGE 5

C o m i c Scripter Harvey Pekar Describes Life O n " Letterman

By Harvey Pekar
> *

Through the good offices of John would be too polite to reply in kind. 'bubbled": "Aren't they great to- for the Federal Election Commis-
Marshall High grad Steve CTDon- Sitting in the Green Room just gether?" I was held over through an-
Editor's Note: This article by nell, now an Emmy-award-winning sion is quoted as saying that election
prior to going on I knew I had these other guest's segment. At the end of laws prohibited companies from
Harvey Pekar was written before comedy writer, I was invited to ap- advantages: Letterman generally is
Pekar's third appearance on the show Letterman asked me to contributing political action com-
pear Oct. 15,1986 on NBC's "Late cast as an anti-establishment guy, come back.! <&& .«?
'Late Night with David Letter- Night With David Letterman." mittee money secured from
but next to me, the old drugstore **

I really enjoyed working with

• i *

employees by "the use of physical

man" which occurred a few weeks THEME TWO: In December cowboy, he'd look like a bank presi-
ago. He wasflownto New \brk Ci- 1985 the General Electric Co. ac- Dave. At one point he looked at me , force, job discrimination or finan-
dent. If I played my cards right I'd almost pleading and said, "Harvey, cial reprisal or die threat of physical
ty by the show to appear at the last quired RCA, which owned NBC, have the crowd rooting for me, the
minute, filling in for an unnam- which owned "Late Night With I like you." It was a really nice thing force, job discrimination or finan-
underdog, the man of the people. to do, and although me aggressive cial reprisal." .
ed guest, . „ David Letterman." This unfor- Also, I have no reservations about
i THEME ONE: You probably yapping continued, Ifeltmuch more Wright, who had previously
tunately went unnoticed by the vast being rude or obnoxious, especial-
wouldn't know who I was if you saw majority of Americans. Both GE comfortable. There were points dur- angered NBC employees by order-
ly on a show that's lightweight and ing the show when I felt he was set- ing 5 % across-the-board budget cuts
my name on an American Express and RCA are defense contractors, over-rated. And, it's always good to
card, but I've been on the David ting up jokes for me,,adopting a and flaying off a\ number of
together they figured to get a nice subvert the cult of celebrity. A fast straight man's role. On the way back employees, despite NBC's
Letterman show—twice. I earn my chunk of change from Uncle Sam.
living as a file clerk at the Wade "escalating profits," seeming excep-
It doesn't seem right for a huge cor- tionallyfoolishand callous to me.
Park VA Hospital here in Cleveland, poration like GE, involved in trying How could he, a lawyer, issue the
where I've worked since 1966. For to push a mess of goods on the blustering PAC memorandum in
me it's a good secure job; the pay's federal government, to own a major which he threatened to violate
OK; the fringe benefits are fine; the media arm like NBC. And GE's past federal election laws? I'll bet even
hours are right; my coworkers are history isn't exactly reassuring. Peter doesn't know how widely his
good, interesting people. It sure In 1961 some GE executives were Peter Principle—people advance to
beats being a janitor or working in convicted in a massive price-fixing their level of incompetence—is ap-
factories and stockrooms, which is scandal and sentenced to prison. plicable.
some of what I did back in the late During that year the Justice Depart-
'50s and early '60s. But I guess my I Now I'll repeat—"Late Night" is
ment pointed out that GE "had been an NBC show. However, a couple of
main claim to fame is as an author. found guilty in 29 antitrust actions weeks before I went back on TV I
I began doing articles and reviews in the last 50 years," Looking was pleased to see Wright parodied
for nationally distributed publica- through recentireditions of the on it as a dull-witted, used car
tions when I was 19. Back in 1972 Reader's Guide to Periodical salesman-type. If Letterman could
started writing autobiographical Literature, I notice articles with get away with it, maybe I could hit
comic book* stories that werel il- tiUeyjke""Arr Force Will Withhold Wright with a much heavier, and
lustrated by a variety of people in- General Electric Payments Because more direct attack. It was worth
cluding Robert Crumb, one of the of Discrepancies (Airplane Engine looking into. Why try to trash Dave
world's greatest cartoonists. Contract)," "Defense Department as shallow again? l i e fault wasn't
(Crumb's an old friend of mine-—I Disqualifies General Electric From with him; it was with his ignorant
met him in 1962 just before he began New Work," "General Electric •
audience. If he didn't take the
workingforAmerican Greetings on Pleads Guilty to False Claims, millions bucks a year to play to
the West Side.) Since 1976 I've self- Statements," "Foul Play on a Artist R. Crumb's illustration of comic book writer Harvey Pekar, from them, someone else would and pro-
published stories in a comic book Megamerger?(Inside Traders and the anthology "American Splendor". B | fm bably do a worse job at it.
called "American Splendor." It lost the GE-RCA Deal)," and loud-talking guy like me can to Cleveland I was on top of the Presented straight, the informa-
money year after year, but got a lot When GE gobbled up NBC, was mess up Letterman by pushing and world. tion about GE and NBC, however
it like putting the fox in the chicken interrupting him, botching up his

of critical praise. In 19831 was the My next appearance on "Late alarming, wouldn't interest Letter-
subject of a cover story in the coop? Well, they bear watching timing. But would the techniques I'd Night" occurred on Jan. 6. About man's audience. But I could make it
Village Voice. Finally, in 1986, anyway. honed for 40 years in schoolyards a month earlier I'd read an article in funny. I could talk about poor
Doubleday issued a trade paperback OK, so now it's Oct. 15, and I'm and on street corners, that had earn- the Cleveland Plain Dealer on George Burens, theformerGE vice
collection of my work. The book about to make my debut on national ed me a certain reputation as a wit Robert Wright, the guy GE had sent president who'd been thrown to the
sold fairly well,land again the TV. There are a couple of things I on Kinsman Ave., work on this au- over in September '86 to be the new lions in 1961, and had to serve 30
reviews were flattering, particular- want to accomplish: (1) I'd like to dience? \i> NBC president. It began, "The days'in jail. Burens, a Clevelander
ly a full page piece in the May 11 president of NBC has urged that the who quit school at the age of 16,
New York Times Book Review. I network start a political action com- began at GE as a laborer and work-
even got my mug on the cover of the
Cleveland Plain Dealer Sunday
j"lf I played my cards right, I'd mittee and that NBC employees who ed his way up through the ranks for
refused to contribute to it 'question 40 years until he reached the vice^
Magazine. *' have the crowd rooting for me." their own dedication to the com-
pany'. .." In a memorandum Wright
presidency. He was reported to have •: j
fought the price-fixing policies of
From this recognitionflowedtalk mentioned, "Employees that earn
show appearances, beginning with his bosses before finally being forc-
afive-minutespot on a small UHF sell my book to supplement the pen- I came on swinging, bludgeoning, their living and support their fami- ed to capitulate to them. But when
sion I expect to get upon retiring in talking about how bad Letterman lies from the profits of our business the price-fixing was discovered, it
station in Chicago ("A lot of peo- must recognize a need to invest
ple'll see you," said the interviewer, eight years and (2) I'm not going to looked, how he wore a toupee (he was Burens, not the president or
allow Letterman to embarrass me. doesn't), etc. A few of my remarks some portions of their earnings to chairman of the board, who went to
"this comes on just before the race ensure that the company is well
results.") Then there were a couple I normally have to get up too early weren't intended to be funny but the slammer—they pleaded in no- ;|
to watch his show, but I figure that they got laughs anyway. Some au- represented in '^Washington, cent and got off scot-free.
of radio appearances on D.C... Employees who elect not to I could point that out to Wright as

he has such aformidablereputation dience. If you used words longer

Philadelphia'shows, including than two syllables, or talked about participate in a giving program of a lesson, tell him on national TV his
"Fresh Air," a prize winning Na- as a cutting wit I'd better scout him. this type should question their own
I watch two of his shows. My take anything halfway serious, you could superiors wouldn't hesitate to sacri-
tional Public Radio program. Radio feel them going to sleep. I knocked dedication to the company and their fice him if they thought it expedient.
and television appearances follow- is this: Though undeniably a clever expectations." NBC employees were "Yeah, Wright" I'd say, "You ain't
fellow, he likes to lay back, take his Letterman for being a phony show-
ed in San Diego, including one on biz phony, for asking lame ques- reported, not unreasonably, to have th e only shark in the ocean, and you
a program hosted byformerCleve- time and pick his spots for his detected "a hint of coercion" in
zingers. Crowd him and he'd have tions, i.e. "How are things in Cleve- 4 * (See "Comic" page 6)
land deejay Jerry G (now Jerry G. land?" I'd do a doubletake and say Wright's statement. It is quite like-
Bishop), during which I walked trouble. Also, though the nature of ly that many NBC people, including
"Wuddya mean, how are things in
away with food from the cooking his show sometimes makes him ap-
Cleveland? What a dumb question!" some who are well-to-do, would not THE CLONE STORE™
demonstration. Oh, didn't I tell pear condescending, he's really a agree with Wright on such issues as APPLE IIC \ I
you—I'm a real zany guy. nice guy. I was impressed with how The audience dug the spunky file
corporate taxation. Did he expect DISK DRIVE 145
genuinely kind he seemed to be to clerk insulting a fat cat TV star. A CLONE STORE
This media exposure was heady
wine for a humblefellowlike me, a nervous young woman country reporter who covered the show
them to join his PAC? XT COMPLETE |fl 995
singer. If pushed, he probably wrote that one staff member Later in the article a spokesman m NOON-6 P.M. - SAT. 10-2
but the best was yet to come. 2127 W.8TH 452-6716
PAGE 6 (Bite fflcrctab THURSDAY, APRIL 9,1987

At: Least Bruno Doesn't Sing..

By Brian Sheridan f underlying theme of man's total a Seagram's Wine Cooler. In a
• 4f9

degeneration, but how Bruce Willis strange twist,? his role more
At first BUND DATE sounds like does in his first main movie role. He resembles Cybill Shepherd's "Mad-
a one joke movie. Walter Davis does just fine. die Hayes", right down to acting ex-
(Bruce Willis) has been fixed up This isn't his first time on the big asperated, and leaves the antics up
with the gorgeous Nadia Gate (Kim screen. He did appear in THE to Basinger. There, Willis seems to
Basinger) and has been warned not VERDICT, PRINCE OF THE CI- have met his match. As the blonde-
to get her drunk. He doesn't heed TY and THE FIRST DEADLY not-brunette knockout, Basinger (in
the advice, lets her drink, and she SIN, but I'll buy a wine cooler for a role originally conceivedforrock
then ruins his entire life. That's anyone who canjremember old star Madonna) acts like a Kansas
about the whole movie. It may Bruno's roles in those movies. Now Twister throughout BLIND DATE.
sound like a one joke movie and it you would have to have been visiting When intoxicated, her transforma-
is one. But its straightforward at- Mars for the last year not to know tion has her reverting to her natural
titude makes it a winning one joke. him as being co-star of the hip, fast- Georgian accent and losing all
BLIND DATE is one date you don't witted T.V. series "Moonlighting." refinement, whirling around, ran-
want to be late for. % BLIND DATE doesn't prove he can domly destroying anything in her
Writer Dale Launer has taken the function o\jt on his own j but mere- path. Mostly it's just Walter's life.
one joke premise and garnished it ly that his charm transfers well on Basinger mixed beauty^ with
shameless slapstick in true Carole
i - s » f c — — - " " •

like a fine meal with off-the-wall the big screen.

slapstick gags, wild performances Luckily, he doesn't sing in Lombard tradition. Her, Willis, and
and tops it off with Blake Edwards BLIND!DATE and plays the role John "Night Court" Larroquette,
playing her psychotic ex-boyfriend
. . . - * '

doing his best directing since VIC- rather straightly. Walter doesn't dif- David Bedford (John Larroquette), Nadia's insanely jealous ex
TOR/VICTORIA. It results in the fer greatly from his David Addison who hilariously tries to kill Willis,
make a winning trio. boyfriend, wages a war of extermination against Walter (Bruce Willis),
most edible movie that isn't French character-
cuisine, but more like fast food in even his sunglasses are the same— BLIND DATE is screwball com- Willis all over town, from pen- after the alcohol wears off, which is
expensive, we 11-decorated but that pigheaded boorishness that edy that's harsh, mean and one that thouses to outhouses, in a drunken exactly what happens to BLIND
wrappers. * i often makes Addison irritating isn't never stops for air. Launer's script frenzy. Like real life, though, the DATE. It's the after-effects of the
Few people will be interested in present. You stillfeel,though, that wrecks havoc on the high class, low consequences of a drunken bac- post-party BLIND DATE that wear
how well Edwards directs or the at any time he's going to whip out class and no class. Basinger drives chanal always are bleak and painful (See "Bruno" page 7)

COMIC If you can't be rude to a boss where

you work, be rude to .one
down GE. He said people would be
fired, sued, and my remarks would
damage. What if GE is again accus- Harvey Pekar's collection of
ed of breaking the law; will NBC comics "American Splendor" is
(Continued from page 5) t
somewhere else.) *• 5? ; % g e t b l e e p e d . ••* « * v * covet the story closely? Think about published by Doubleday and his
ain't the biggest one either. You bet- Yeah, wasn't I clever? I'd make a Well, it had been a long shot. I it. second collection "More
ter watch out because somebody serious point and still get my laughs.didn't want to sacrifice people to I Hmmm.. .fWell,^uh, (Riinng!) American Splendor" is how in
might be sneaking up behind you." If it could only be brought off. I make myself look like a populist Oh, 'scuse me, gotta get this call. bookstores. The Merciad editors
Then I could add, "If you don't talked to a couple of people on the hero. So I reassured the guy and "Hello. . .yeah, ? this's would like to extend thanks to
agree with me, Wright, I'll tell you Letterman staff, and the only objec- went ahead and acted with Letter- him.. .who... Montague, I don't Harvey Pekar, Dr. Mark Gridley
what; m give you equal time on this tions they had concerned my man pretty much the way I had dur- know no Montague!.. .Oh, and Joanna Connors of the Cleve-
station to present your own point of discussing GE too much, so that ing the first show. It was fun, now Donahue.. .Troy Donahue? Oh, land Plain Dealer for their per-
view. Or 111 debate ya, for money, people wouldn't get to know me. But that (I think) we were more famil- Phil, Phil Donahue! From the West mission and help in obtaining and
marbles or chalk." (It's often good when I walked into the studio to do iar with each other. We got a bun- Side, right? Mr. Mario Thomas, reprinting this article. |
to be rude to people in authority, just "Late Night" on Jan. 6, the ex- cha laughs. At one point, during a right?... Naw, naw, just kiddin', I
to keep them humble. Chances are ecutive head of the show—we'll call commercial, he leaned over and said won't call *&! that... Really, I'm 1
they're not particularly competent. him Mr. X—begged me not to put something like, "America is a great the soul of tact. "Nah, I'm not doin' THE CLONE STORE "*
country. Do you believe they pay me nuthin' next Tuesday that I know SEAGATE ST225 20 Meg
mm off wmmsofamm am... for doing this?" I think Dave knows
his show has limitations.
of.. OK—If you guys fly me WITH W/DIG CONTROLLER $ Q 7 f l
up.. .'At's right, you pay f for the ..,- r30 DAYS ONLY i Off V
Now that I had two "Late Nights" ticket!"* IBM CERTIFIED TECHNICIAN
under my belt, people were asking 2127W.8TH 452-6716
me to write about my experiences,
I wanted to, but I wanted to do an
honest job. The fact that Mr. X

didn't want me to talk about GE on
the show would have to be brought
up. I called to ask him how*I could
do it in a way that wouldn't put him
MEUFEM TIMES OFHMMKKAR in a bad light. He'd done'his job,
after all, he'd asked me not to talk
about GE on "Late Night" and I
of Intent
J WEIX, l _ _
hadn't. But Mr. X wouldn't speak to For: all majors open rep
SMff S-SNURK-(*'<MSL **» 160T AUE*&«fcS WDUtD me. His subordinate told me that he
— THAT I'OA 8fc£N Uf>
• #•

i tCOMBf didn't want me to say anything about
GE even in a written article. I ask-
commuter undecided
• ^ l
i n
• ft %M # I - »* • * I

i ••••
It •
XT lu •»
Jr**vw ed why, and he answered that Mr.

X didn't want people to think he was

f% V

v* - \Y

_*-2 x
to tell me what to say. But
there they were not-telling me what
*^r T
Letters due by 4 p.m.

I should, or rather shouldn't, say!


_ The ^ ^ _ _ _ - - i _ — — All of Letterman's staff treated me

his underground comic of the same name. The comic book has got- well, but because of NBC's connec- Friday, April 10th I
ten rave reviews from everyone from the "Village Voice" to "The tion with GE I was told to keep quiet
Catalogue of Cool." The "Los Angeles Herald-Examiner" thinks the about something I think was impor- in the MSG Office,
comic book "as good as first-rate fiction." Pekar's work has also drawn tant. Huge scandals like Watergate
comparisoms to Theodore Dreiser, Dostoevsky and Umny Bruce. Thearen't discovered every day, but lit- 209 Old Main.
book k priced at $6.95 and is published by Doubleday. In Erie, copies tle things that erode freedom are
can be found at Waldenbooks in the Millcreek Mall. "More American common, and an accumulation of
Splendor has just been published. - | them can eventually cause great
THURSDAY, APRIL 9, 1987 3be fflactiab PAGE 7

W H O dU>ir iT ?


A new program is available for WMCY needs D.J.s. Anybody SAC will be holding an airband
college students who have a can sign upforthe training program competition at the Zurn Recital Hall
minimum of 2 years of academic which begins April 22. Call Debbie from 7 to 10 p.m. on Saturday, April
graduate or combination of at 825-0260. 1
undergraduate and graduate work VOLUNTEERS NEEDED
remaining. Graduate work can be ^Students are needed to help with SAC MOVIE
completed and at the same time a this year's Senior Week. Needed are The SAC movie on Sunday, April
commission as an Army Officer ob- two Juniors and two Seniors to help 12 will be "Animal House." The
tained. For more information con- plan and implement the activities for movie will be shown in the Student "Who Dun ItV which features the works of Lisa Palloto, Jude Grant
tact CPT Werner at Gannon May. Please contact Peggy Hirsch at Union. and Liz Shewan, opens Sun., Apr. 12, at 3:00 p.m. in the Cummings
University 456-8376. I 825-3333 is interested in nebine. Gallery.


(Continued from page 6)
(Continued from page 4) (Continued from page 4)
a little thin. ALL OF ME, probably
the finest screwball comedy of the Constitution. I was elected to do I don't see myself as beginning a Oh, well. Thanks, Sean. You cost institution, not an NFL, NHL or
(5last ten years, kept its tender rela- this. Ifeltthat if something is wrong moral crusade. If it is possible that us some money that could have gone NBA team. :. f
tionship between Steve Martin and it's wrong. The outcome could have this will occur again and at that to the new bookstore. Okay, As Patrick Henry once said,
I Lily Tomlin in check until they ex- been affected but this was not my point whoever is in charge will students. It's time to rebel. Let's rise "Give me showers or give me lear-
hausted the slapstick elements. main concern. If elections are seen make their own decision. We did up and demand that Madonna di- ning." (Okay, maybe he didn't say
BLIND DATE vainly attempts to as having been tampered with, the what we thought was right in this vorce that buzzard. Then and only it—but he should have.) The only
complicate its story by allowing credibility of that election and, as a case, I hope you will think so too. then can we have a bookstore up to thing we can learn from a shower is
Larroquette, who's conveniently a result of that, the organization, is af- "Off the Record" is solely the opi- the challenge of changing college that water swirls down the drain.
defense lawyer, to marry Nadia in fected. My concerns about your nion of its writer and does not re- 1 ife. We want a structure that meets Will wonders never cease?
^return for preventing Walter from right to a fair vote and to MSG's flect the view of this publication, the requirements of an educational
going to jailforwhat She did on her credibility were utmost in my mind. its staff or its advertisers. If 4 t * t »!! Wjrf.
drunken spree. BLIND DATE ap-
pears at this point to have exhausted
gits one joke and acts like it has a
» hangover.
Mascot Madness Continues At! Mercyhurst
Head football coach Tbny DeMeo "right" costume is also needed.
By Julie Cherico simply stated, "I think that if it's a Through experience, he knows that
'Hurst? Chapter Of Alpha Upon waiting for approval from
crew member, then it (mascot) will
be a major success because they
it is very expensive to find a cos-
tume which looks high quality and
Phi Sigma Wins Again Dr. Garvey and administration, it is
hoped that Mercyhurst's tnew
mascot will become "The Buc-
(crew team) have the best spirit."
Women's basketball coach Luke
realistic. The Buccaneer, he sug-
gested, will be a difficult and expen-
sive character to create in real life.
The Mercyhurst College Upsilon 100 other chapters eligible, in- Ruppel feels that it's critical to get
caneer." Its acceptance by MSG had the student body involved, especial- The creator's answer to Shreve's
Chapter of Alpha Phi Sigriia, the cluding those which have held na- been based upon a populous vote ly when the events take place on suggestion seems simple. "I would
National Criminal Justice Honor tional offices. from the student body. campus. Ruppel said that the like to see the Buccaneer in the
Society, won the 1986-87 Outstan- This year's success marks the The Athletic Staff at the campus typical Errol Flynn costume,"
ding Established Chapter Award at third Outstanding Award in the cheerleaders and Laker Shakers are
center is thrilled that there is going great as groups, but Mercyhurst also Flecken explained. "A white shirt,
the Alpha Phi Sigma/Academy of chapter's short history. The college to be a mascot who will, hopefully, vest, and cap is what I had in mind,
Criminal Justice Sciences Annual chapter, founded five years ago by needs "an individual" who can get
generate even more spirit and en- the crowd even more enthusiastic. but it doesn't matter." "I don't know
Meeting held in St. Louis, Paul Benekos, had received the thusiasm at the Laker men's, as well what they're going to decide,". he
Missouri, in March.^ Outstanding Award for 1982-83 and Comparing Mercyhurst to a larger
as women's, sports events. Accor- campus, Ruppel stated, "Being a concluded. Being that Mercyhurst's
The awards are based on a scrap- also won the Outstanding Establish- ding to the Athletic Staff members, sports program is enlarging, Leiser-
book of the year's activities entered ed Chapter Award-last year. small school, we^have the oppor-
a mascot representing Mercyhurst tunity to generate a lot of spirit and ing thinks that whoever accepts the
in a national competition with over has been overdue—before it was role as The Buccaneer may be a very
enthusiasm, especially with a
"Crazy Dave," and now it-will be mascot." | busy person. Will The Buccaneer be
"The Buccaneer." it
However, Shreve came up with a found only at the Laker basketball
Eric Flecken created "The Buc- point concerning "The Buccaneer." and football games or can the
caneer"figuringthat it would stand He commented that not only is the mascot be found at a variety of
out in the community's mind. "I Laker events?
"right"jperson needed, but the
wanted it to be something young,
Campus Ministry is different, and vibrant,"-IFlecken
stated, "so that it would get the col-
lege to rally behind it."
accepting applications j Athletic Director John Leisering
commented "The Buccaneer has the
1987-88 Academic potential to increase school spirit
and exhibit a source of identity to
which the fans can relate."
Send In Any Black & White or
Color Picture up to 8"xlO"(No Negatives)
year. \ Both Leisering and Asst. Athletic
Director/Sports Information Direc-
and Have it Enlarged into a
Giant Black & White or Full Color Poster.
tor Bob Shreve agree that the suc-
cess of the Buccaneer is going to Comes in Mailing Tube - No Creasing.
Put Your Name and Address on Back
Application deadline largely depend upon the individual
who will portray the mascot; there
needs to be somebody who will
of Original for Safe Return.
16"x20" $14.99
next Thursday, April "fit" the part. "i
Shreve expanded upon this and 20"x30"
stated, "An individual is needed, but i
2 x3' $19.99
the Buccaneer has to be an in- add .75 Postage and Handling Per Order
dividual who will be funny, ] KRYSTAL KLEER PHOTO CO.
dedicated, and have no fears about P.O. Box 25488, Fort I#uderdale^FL.33320
going out in front of the crowd."
PAGE 8 (ghe fflerciaft THURSDAY, APRIL 9, 1987


April 2 THU at Cleveland State University (2) The last basket was shot, the David Robinson, standing at atten- C rum's Cardinals not being picked
Cleveland. OH 1:00 p.m.
4 SAT at University of Pitt-Johnstown (2) Johnstown, PA 1:00 p.m.
buzzer sounded and Indiana was tion after his final loss, while the as one of the top 64 teams in the
5 SUN at SUNY-Fredonia (2) Fredonia, NY 1:00 p.m. crowned the 1987 National Cham- Navy band christened their flagship. country. We must get the selection
7 TUE at Penn State-Behrend (2) Erie, PA I 1:00 p.m. pions. It was a white knuckler. And who could forget John Chaney, process out of the hands of power
9 THU at Ashland College (2) Ashland, OH 1:00 p.m. I So now the lights can be turned my coach of the year. If the cor- brokers in smoke-filled rooms. An-
11 SAT at Gannon University (2) Erie, PA 1:00 p.m. down, the party's over in the Cres- porate world only had the values and other thing: I feel strange, when I
12 SUN at Point Park College (2) Pittsburgh, PA 1:00 p.m. cent City, and first of all I want to intelligence of John, then we look in the mirror and my conscious
16 THU PENN STATE-BEHREND (2) ERIE, PA 1:00 p.m. say—General j Patton, wouldn't have a deficit trade balance
21 TUE GANNON UNIVERSITY (2) ERIE, PA talks so much about amateurs in
1:00 p.m. with Japan.
25 SAT at Geneva College (2) Beaver Falls, PA 1:00 p.m. Michaelangelo, Con Edison, what- sports, and all.I hear in the back of
28 TUE POINT PARK COLLEGE (2) ERIE, PA 1:00 p.m. ever you want to call him, an Adidas Other memories of this last my mind is cash registers ringing,
30 THU at Edinboro University (2) Edinboro, PA 1:00 p.m. sweater with an Archie Bunker season: Dean Smith, with the trio of commercial endorsements, to the
May 2 SAT at Westminster College (2) New Wilmington, PA 1:00 p.m. waistline, you're the best. Hobson, Wolf, and Kenny Smith bank, to the bank, again. Let's face
3 SUN ASHLAND COLLEGE (2) ERIE, PA 1:00 p.m. showing class in their early swan out it, it's time to be constructive, and
I This time around for Indiana, the
ERIE, PA 1:00 p.m. of the NCAA tourney... Dale not only split the NCAA tournament
whole was definitely better than the
parts, the kids did a magnificent job, Brown doing the miracle of the money between the 290 schools, but
HEAD COACH: Bob Shreve f
ASSISTANT COACH: Dave Cherico and this should be your proudest loaves and fishes again at LSU... do a little charity work for die stu-
moment - even above the Olympic The UCLA Bruins showing they're dent athletes involved as well. To-
back, that the drought has ended... day, it seems, the only people we
Men's Volleyball gold and the two previous cham-
pionship teams, one led by Isiah
Thomas, and the other by Scott May
The Iowa Hawkeyes and their mar-
riage with Dr. TomfDavis that
lock up are the student athletes,
while the rest of us are living high
Now At The! 'Hurst and Quinn Buckner. This one was
all Robert Montgomery Knight. The
should last as long as the Duke of
Windsor and Wally Simpson...
on the hog. It's a sad thing, but
there's so much money in this thing
As of March, there's another first ranked number one in the Western image is a clean program, kids that Tark the Shark having his first it's frightening. f :
at the 'Hurst. Mercyhurst College half of the state." m$ | | | go to class, front and center, get doubts about the time remaining for It's crazy, but when some faculty
lias a Men's Volleyball Club Team. Fleet went on to explain that their degree, and it's a good step for him to win the Kentucky Derby he rep starts talking amateurism, I sud-
The club team came about due to the because of injuries his football ca- the roundball world and in the direc- wants so much... and Ricky Ratino denly feel dirty. What's going on to-
interest of several students who had reer at the "Hurst was ended. That tion the NCAA, the university telling his team "We'll cry later" day has nothing to do with bettering.
played men's power volleyball in is when he decided to help Ruggiero presidents and the NABC want to after his infant's death. More mem-
ories: Lucky, lucky, lucky, David We've completely lost the idea that
high school. The main reason for coach the Women's volleyball team. go, so Coach, congratulations. education is an opportunity, and not
the conception of the team was the In speaking about the new men's Rivers. A crunch time player with
il also think Jim Boeheim has blueblood class lines.«. The heart- just for the elite. | j
hard work of Elaine Ruggiero, the team, Fleet stated, "It's funny finally received the credit he so just- And while we're at it, let's stop
head Women's Volleyball coach and because most of the guys on the ache being over for the freshmen
ly deserves. His production players that were down with Proposition making the band and the
Charles Fleet, a senior at Mer- team were freshmen and were predominately underclassmen, cheerleadersfee!like second-class
sophomores when I played them in 48... The fears and anxieties of the
cyhurst who has been Ruggiero's and the future looks unlimited for graduate assistant coaches, whose citizens. They travel 42 hours by bus
assistant for the past two years. high school. We re a young team; as the upstaters. So Jim, a job well to get to the tournament, while the
a matter of fact, I'm the only sen- jobs were sacrificed in the political
"I've been trying since I was a done, and it's been a long journey, arena*of the .athletic directors rest of the entourage gets there by jet
freshman to get a men's team here ior, and there are two juniors. The but you're finally eyeball to eyeball in an hour and has a limo waiting.
rest are freshmen and sophomores. meeting... iThe sham of charging
and I'vefinallybeen able to get one with Dave Bing. And, in a photo money for seats at the Superdome Meanwhile, I'll stay in my wind-
together," said player/coach Fleet. The Men's team has a record of 1-3. finish, ahead of John Thompson and breaker and cap, and try to give a
"You have to realize that most of the Lou Carnesecca. that would make a mugger look like
"Coach Ruggiero deserves a lot of an alter boy... Two wrongs not marquee to the people who have no
creditforhelping. She was the one players on our team have not played ?Now, he's above the trees, has springboardforexposure, that have
for two years. We are also very small shed the Rodney Dangerfield tag, is making a right, with Memphis State
who got us a ten game schedule, winning the metro and Denny no sounding board.
which is great, especially since we in height compared to most of the his own man, and this game mirrors
didn't have all that much time to get teams we play, but the guys on the the shotfiveyears ago that Michael
organized. I had gone to Tom Bill- team are not going to let that both- Jordan made against the Hoyas of
ingsley with the idea and he helped er them. Even though we've only Georgetown, and let's hope the
to get the ball rolling. Most teams played one game at home and won, same thing happens to you, Jim—
had already had schedules made up, I'd like to start the tradition of never that you win the championship the
so to get ten the first losing on our home court. As for following year. |
season is great." next season, we just have to take
each day and game as it comes. I r While I'm at it, I'd also like to
"A lot of people didn't really hope that the team is here again next congratulate New Orleans. The ci-
realize that men's volleyball even ex- year." ty did a great job in the hospitality
isted until the gold medal men's
team this past Olympics," continued Fleet concluded by stating his
end of things. The championship
game itself was a toss-up: Either
Fleet. "I came from a high school
program that had been ranked in the
gratitude to the Student Government
for providing the funds to start the
team could have won it; it just so
happened to end at a time when In-
would like to make your
top five teams in Pennsylvania for team, which is now trying to raise
money for its own budget.
diana was leading, and I think the
deciding factor was truly Keith
School year more rewarding
the past ten years. During my Jun-
ior year in high school we were Smart having a hot hand at the final by offering an opportunity to
fI'd like to look back now, at peo- earn up^ to $96 cash*a month
ple and things that impressed me.
*First, Tom Jernstedt, the NCAA's
whilei i reading
FRI., MAR. 20 at Behrend (L) 6:00 PM
WED., MAR. 25 Behrend (W) 6:00 PM assistant
to be
thejjhead of
relaxing. »
WED., APR. 1, at Grove City (L) 7:30 PM
NCAA when the great warhorse,
FRI., APR. 3
^MON., APR. 6
at Slippery Rock (L)
at Allegheny (Rescheduled] )
6:30 PM
6:30 PM Walter Byers, cashes in next year. For more information on
TUES., APR. 14
At Gannon i$ H
7:00 PM
PM This man has been No.
Byers,* and I think the job should
2 behind
becoming a plasma donor
WED., APR. 22 GROVE CITY 7:00 PM • stay in-house. You know, we use the
FRI., APR. 24
TUES., APR. 28
6:30 PM
7:00 PM
NCAA as a dartboard lots of times,
but it's an impossible job, in trying
to handle 290 city state Division I
Call 454-0070 or|
COACH: Chuck Fleet
| ADVISOR: Elaine Ruggiero

them into stop in at 111 W. 9th
f Tom Conrad
Kurt Houser
Derrick Christy Chuck Fleet Rudy Higgins
Tom Kaspick Eric Kostic Dan Moran
I'm also pleased that Joey Meyer
has popped out of the shadow of his Under new management
Dave Par meter 1 Matt TWola Jim Whitley Bob Young legendary father, and I can't forget

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