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Checklist of Compliance-Related Actions
Under POSH Act
Prevention of Sexual harassment at workplace 
Checklist of Compliance-Related Actions Under POSH Act 

The  checklist  below  can  be used by employers, HR professionals and consultants to quickly check 

whether  an  organization  is  compliant  with Sexual Harassment laws at its Workplace (Prevention, 
Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013. 

List of Actions
No.  Activity  Timeline 
1. Create an Anti-Sexual Harassment policy.  Immediate 
Constitute  an Internal Complaints Committee (ICC) for 
2. Immediate 
each branch or office which has 10 or more workers. 
Annual  report  must  be  sent  by  ICC  to  employer  and 
Annually (for each 
3. district  officer  containing  prescribed  details  of  sexual 
calendar year). 
harassment proceedings.   
Annually, timeline 
is the same as that 
Annual  report  of  the  business  must  include  for the annual 
information  about  pending  and  resolved  sexual  report of the 
harassment cases.  company – i.e. 30 
  days from the date 
of the AGM 
Confirm  that  sexual  harassment is specified as a form 
of  misconduct  under  the  employment  contract  or 
5. Immediate 
applicable service rules.  
Display  notices  at  prominent  places  in  the 
organization’s  premises  which  inform  employees 
6. about  the  organization’s  consequences of engaging in  Immediate 
conduct  which  amounts  to  sexual  harassment,  and 
information about the members of the ICC. 
Sensitization and capacity building 
Conduct  periodic  workshops  and  seminars  to 
7. Periodic 
sensitise employees about their rights. 
Conduct  an  orientation  programme  for  the  members 
of  the  ICC,  capacity  and  skill-building  workshops  for 
the  members  of  the  ICC,  provide  necessary  facilities 
8. Periodic 
to  the  ICC  for  dealing  with  sexual  harassment 
Other obligations 
As needed 
Where  necessary,  assist  the  harassed  employee  to 
9. (it is important to 
make a criminal complaint in the police station. 
have the necessary 

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Prevention of Sexual harassment at workplace 
Checklist of Compliance-Related Actions Under POSH Act 

systems in place 
for this purpose) 
Monitor functioning and performance of the ICC 
10.   (For  example,  check  whether  complaints  are  being  On a periodic basis 
decided  within  prescribed  time  limits,  whether  necessary 
procedures are being followed, etc.) 
Implement  gender-neutral  versions  and  protect  male 
11.   Optional 
employees from sexual harassment (optional) 
Considerations for substantive compliance
We  have  provided  additional  pointers  below  so  for  ensuring  that  your  compliance  actions 
are sufficiently detailed.

Policies and Employment Contract

❏ Have  you  prepared  and  implemented  an  internal  Anti-Sexual  Harassment  Policy  in 
your organization? 

❏ Is  sexual  harassment  specified  as  a  form  of  misconduct  under  the  employment 
contract  or  service  rules,  or  the  standing  orders (if standing orders are applicable to 
your business)? 

Creation of ICCs
❏ Have  you  created  an  Internal  Complaints  Committee  (ICC)  for  each  branch  or  office 
as per the Anti-Sexual Harassment Act, 2013?  

(*applies for each branch or office with 10 or more staff) 

❏ Do  you  have  the  required  number  of  members  in  your  ICCs  as  per  the  conditions 
laid down in the Anti-Sexual Harassment Act, 2013? 

❏ Have you conducted an orientation programme for the members of the ICC? 

❏ Do  you  conduct  capacity  and  skill  building  workshops  for  the  members  of  the  ICC? 
Specifically, are ICC members trained on the following: 

❏ How to take cognizance of a complaint 
❏ Inquiry and decision-making process and powers 
❏ Finalization of settlement agreements  
❏ Natural justice requirements 
❏ Maintenance of confidentiality 
❏ Disciplinary remedies they can award 
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Prevention of Sexual harassment at workplace 
Checklist of Compliance-Related Actions Under POSH Act 

❏ Initiation of proceedings for false complaints 

❏ Maintenance of adequate documentation 
❏ Drafting of various notices, summons, decisions, record of daily proceedings
and recommendations to employers

❏ Do  you  provide  necessary  facilities  to  the  ICC  for  dealing  with  sexual  harassment 

❏ Have  you  displayed  sufficient  notices  informing  employees  about  your 
organization’s  stance  on  sexual  harassment  and  the  consequences  of  indulging  in 
such acts? 

(*these  could  be  on  notice  boards,  outside  the  entry,  at  the  reception,  in  the canteen, on 
the  local  intranet  of  your  company,  or  similar  locations  that  can  be  appropriately 
identified by the employer) 

❏ Are these notices present in multiple locations?  

❏ Are they in the local language? 

❏ Are  there  any  pictorial  illustrations  in  the  notices?  (while  this  is  not  mandatory,  it 
may be helpful)  

❏ Have  you  provided  sufficient  information  about  the  members  of  the  ICC  in 
prominent places in the organization, so that employees and staff can reach them? 

(*these  could  be  on  notice  boards,  outside  the  entry,  at  the  reception,  in  the canteen, on 
the  local  intranet  of  your  company,  or  similar  locations  that  can  be  appropriately 
identified by the employer)

Employee awareness and assistance

❏ Do  you  conduct  periodic  workshops  or  seminars  to  sensitise  employees  about  the 
stance  of  your  organization  on  sexual  harassment  and  about  the  consequences  of 
engaging in any conduct that amounts to sexual harassment? 

❏ Have you made efforts to make employees aware about their rights under the Act? 

❏ Is there any system or process of providing assistance to an employee who has been 
sexually  harassed,  in  approaching  complaints  committees  and  in  dealing  with 
psychological and other effects of sexual harassment?  

❏ Does  the  organization  provide  assistance  to  the  harassed  employee  to  make  a 
criminal complaint in the police station? Have employees been made aware of this? 

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Prevention of Sexual harassment at workplace 
Checklist of Compliance-Related Actions Under POSH Act 

Compliance with ICC recommendations

❏ Have  you  followed  the  recommendations  of  the  Local  Complaints  Committee  /  ICC 
(as applicable) regarding the interim measures? 

❏ Have  you  implemented  the  Local  Complaints  Committee  /  ICC’s  recommendations 

as per the final award? 

❏ Do  you  monitor  the  functioning  and  performance  of  the  ICC  at  a  broad  level?  For 
example,  do you know whether complaints are being decided within prescribed time 
limits, whether necessary procedures are being followed, etc.? 

❏ Does  the  ICC  forward  an  annual  report  containing  the  necessary  details  of  sexual 
harassment proceedings? 

❏ Do  you  include  information  about pending and resolved sexual harassment cases in 

the annual report of your company?

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shall attract suitable action under applicable law. 

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