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Section A – Vendor Profile Details

1. Name of Company/ Firm

2. Constitution of Firm
3. Company Identification Number

5. PAN/TIN/TAN of the company
6. Incorporation Date
7. Contact Number
8. E-Mail ID
9. Additional Contact Number
10.Additional E-Mail ID
11. Bank Details of the company

Section B – Address Details

1. Address Type
2. Flat/Door/Block No.
3. Name
4. Road/Street/Post Office
5. Area/Locality
6. Town/City/District
7. State
8. Pincode
9. Address proof Upload File
Section A – Beneficial ownership
Provide the Beneficial Ownership Declaration. Firm Category Upload File
Please download the template and provide the given format (in pdf) on y OEM
Deemed OEM

Section B – Other Documents

Name of the owner and nationality Upload File
Section C – Details of Items

S. No.

Section D – Details of Products

1. Catalogue/ list of regular items

2. List of made to order/customized items
Upload the catalogue or list of customized items showing product specifications and pictures of products.
3. Annual Manufacturing Capacity (which can be offered in GeM)
Enter in units e.g. Metric Ton, Litre, Kgs, Nos. etc. Units shall match with units used in GeM Catalogue
4. Quality Certification
All the quality certificates applicable for both products and process
5. Any Licence available for products applied
Document of licenses if any
6. Years of business experience
Upload first and last work order till date
7.Details of 1st Government OrderUpload the work orders/ letter of order completion of the first govt. order from the date of incorporation
7(a). Department Name
7(b). Work Order/ Completion letter number
7(c). Authorized Official Name
7(d). Contact Number of the Authorized Official
7(e). E-mail ID of the Authorized Official
7(f).Item supplied
7(g). Quantity suppliedEnter in units e.g. Metric Tons, Litres, Kgs, Nos etc
7(h). Order Value (in Rs.)
8. Whether the company has been Debarred/Blacklist by any government organisation?Undertaking on company letter head
9. Total value of orders executed to government organisations during the last three years (INR)Sum of all the government orders complet
10. Total value of orders executed to private organisations during the last three years (INR)Sum of all the private orders completed in the l
11. What is the annual turnover of the company along with profit/loss statement of last three years?    
Details of top three Private Organsiations orders (value wise) in last 3 years
Upload the work orders/ letter of order completion

1. Organisation Name:
Work order/ Completion letter number:
Authorized Official Name:
Contact Number of the Authorized Official:
E-mail ID of the Authorized Official:
Item supplied
Quantity supplied
Order Value (in Rs.)
n      Test
Category Descripti capacity/      Units Reports
Offer Type Name on month         

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Section - E - Basic Information
1. Does the production of the product takes place at one site?
1(a). How many sites are there?
2. Complete address of the manufacturing site(s)
3. GSTIN of the manufacturing site.
Upload GSTIN Certificate

Section F – Process capability

1. Is process flow diagram available with firm?
Process flow from receiving work order to customer delivery
2. Is specific process flow diagram available of the products which are being manufactured by the firm?
Process flow of all the value adding processes from Input Raw material to Finished good (For each product category)

Section G – Production Capacity

1. List of all the machines involved in the manufacturing process
2. What is firm's monthly manufacturing capacity? Overall production capacity of the firm including production mix
3. What is the monthly utilisation of the capacity against the manufacturing capacity? Upload production logs or production summary repo
4. Is firm's product customised for each customer according to specification given by customer? Upload purchase orders of customised

Section H – Quality
1. Does the firm have Quality Assurance process for the product? Upload document showing quality assurance plan for all the products
2. Does the firm have part wise inspection plan? Upload documents showing part wise inspection plan for all the products

Section I – Territory of Operation

1. What is firm's territory of operation?Upload minimum 4 purchase order for different zones
2. Does the firm have Standard Operating Procedure for transportation to deliever defect free products? Upload document showing

Section J – Suppliers
1. Is a list of approved suppliers maintained? Upload document showing name and address of suppliers along with last quantity supplied and invoices i
2. Does the firm monitor their performance? Upload document to show supplier performance monitoring system/ supplier rating mechanism

Section K – Rejected Material

1. How is the rejected material handled? Procedure deployed by the firm detailing handeling of rejected material during manufacturing process

Section L – Complaints
1. Does the firm have a process to deal with customer complaints? Upload document for procedure detailing handling of customer complaints
2. What is the time taken for resolution of complaints? (in days) Average complaint resolution time for complaints & Upload the complaint logs
Section M – Safety
1. Is there a safety standard operating procedures manual available with the firm? Upload Standard Operating Procedure Manual of safety

Section N – Warranty
1. Does the firm provide warranty/ guarantee or recalling to the product? Upload sample product warranty/document.
2. Is there an obligation for raw material, product development design, product quality, product life time and product sustaina

Section O – Research & Development

1. Is there an in house R&D centre? Upload document and pictures of R & D centre, showcasing the facilities and process within the centre
2. Does the parent company have a R&D centre? Upload document and pictures of R & D centre of parent company, showcasing the facilities and pro
4. Is there Collaboration with premium R&D institutes for product development/new product/quality improvement? Uplod docum
5. Are there any patents published/quality improvement? Upload patent/copyright of products
6. Has any prototype been developed? Upload list and pictures of prototype if any

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