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University of Gujrat

Department : Management and Administrative sciences

Roll no ; 18540920-021
Subject Consumer Behaviour
Assignment no 2
Submitted by
Maria Ahmed
Submitted to ,
Dr Umer
Semester vii

Discuss a product and design the strategy how it gather the

attention , exposure and interpretation .
Product name
Product type
The product is exposed to the customer as it is touchable and it can be tasted and taste is so adorable that can consumer can easily get influenced by the
chocolate .its packaging is so attractive and unique
The product get the attention through its unique design and utility to fullfill the
need and taste of the consumer .the size and colour of the chocolate is unique and
its packaging is catchy .the chocolate is presented in the market with personality
endorsement to gather the attention of the consumer or to grap the attention of the
consumer . cost leadership is also interpreted in order to grab the more market
share and to establish the competitive edge in the market .

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