Mole Concept Assignment

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C-1 Calculated charge on 1 mole electron.

C-2 Calculate charge in Faraday (a) 1 mol Na+ ion (b) 0.2 mol Mg+2 ion (c) 1.5 mol Al+3 (d) 0.3 mol SO4–2
C-3 Calculate mass of 1 mol electron
C-4 How many moles of electron will weight of 1 kg.
C-5 How many moles of proton will weight 200 g.
C-6 Calculate number of gram atom and number of atom of following (a) 1 mg hydrogen (b) 40 kg Neon (c) 71 µg of Cl
(d) 22.4 g of Fe (e) 600 kg of carbon
C-7 Atomic weight of two element A and B is 20 and 40 respectively if x gram of A contain Y atom then calculate the number
of atom in 2x gram of B.
C-8 Weight of 50 atoms in an element is 3000 amu. Calculate no. of atom in 240 g of the elements.
C-9 Calculate the molecularity of the following
(i) C12 H 22 O11
(ii) Mohr’s salt (FeSO 4 ⋅ (NH 4 ) 2 SO 4 ⋅ 6H 2 O)
(iii) KMnO4
(iv) Potash alum (K 2SO 4 ⋅ Al2 (SO 4 )3 ⋅ 24H 2 O)
(v) H 2 C 2 O 4 ⋅ 2NaHC 2 O 4 ⋅ 3K 2 C 2 O 4

Compound Molecular mass Gram molecular mass Atomicity

NH2CONH2 (urea)
Mohr’s salt
C12H22O11 (sucrose)
C-11 Calculate the number of moles in the following
(i) 9 gm of H2O (ii) 31.6 gm of KMnO4 (iii) 12.8 mg of SO2 (iv) 8 µg of CH4 (v) 29.4 gm of K2Cr2O7 (vi) 45 g of H2C2O4
C-12 Given 200 gm of CaCO3. (a) Calculate no. of moles and molecules (b) Calculate no. of Ca, C, O atom (c) Calculate total no.
of electron, proton and neutron.
C-13 Calculate no. of electron in 1.6 gm of CH4
C-14 Calculate no. of atoms of C/H/O in 6.84 mg of sucrose.
C-15 What weight of CH4 should be taken which contain 2.4 × 1024 atom of hydrogen.
C-16 Calculate mass of glucose required to contain 7.2 × 1026 atom of oxygen.
C-17 Calculate total no. of O-atom in a container which contains 110 gm of CO2, 96 gm of O3, 90 gm of H2O, 160 gm of SO3 and
342 gm of sucrose.
C-18 Calculate weight of P4 required which contain same no. of P4 atoms as in a sample containing 98 gm of H3PO4, 68 gm of
PH3 and 568 gm of P4O10.
C-19 From 22 gm of CO2 3 × 1022 molecules of CO2 are removed. Calculate mass and moles of remaining CO2.
C-20 From 48 gm of He sample 6 × 1023 atoms of He are removed find out moles of He left and also calculate mass of C which
contains same no. of atom as left over in the sample.
C-21 Calculate mass of Glouber’s salt (Na 2SO 4 ⋅10H 2 O) required which contains 90 gm of water of crystallization.
C-22 Boron contains two isotopes B10 and B11 if their respective percentage is 20 and 80 then calculate average atomic mass.
C-23 Chlorine contains two isotopes Cl35 and Cl37 if their respective percentage is 75 and 25 then calculate average atomic
C-24 Average atomic mass of a substance having two isotopes atomic masses 470 and 600 amu respectively is 496 amu.
Calculate percentage of both isotopes in the sample.
C-25 Calculate average molecular mass of (a) Equal moles of H2 and CH4 (b) Equal mass of H2 and CH4.
C-26 Calculate average molecular mass of a mixture containing 2 moles of O2 3 moles of CO2 and 5 moles of SO2
C-27 Average molecular mass of ozonised oxygen is 36. Calculate percentage of O2 in the mixture.
C-28 Average molar mass of sample containing CO and CO2 is 32. Calculate percentage of CO in the sample.
C-29 If two gases have same moles at S.T.P. than their volume will also be same.
C-30 Calculate the volume at S.T.P. of (a) 80 g oxygen (b) 2.2 mg of CO2 (c) 640 kg of SO2.
C-31 Calculate no. of O-atom in CO2 gas which occupies 112 L at S.T.P.
C-32 From 162 gm of SO2 1.2 × 1024 molecules of SO2 are removed. Calculate volume in litre at S.T.P. of remaining SO2 gas.
C-33 672 mL of ozonised oxygen at N.T.P. were found to weigh 1 gm. Calculate volume of ozone in the ozonised oxygen.
C-34 1.8 gm of a certain metal burnt in oxygen giving 3 gm of its oxide 1.5 gm of the same metal heated in steam giving 2.5 gm
of its oxide show that this results illustrate law of constant proportion.
C-35 Calculate vapour density of SO2 gas.
C-36 Calculate vapour density of sample containing 5 moles of O2 and 5 moles of N2 with respect to helium gas.
C-37 16 gm of an unknown gas occupies 5.6 L at S.T.P. calculate vapor density of the gas.
C-38 Calculate percentage of Ca, C and oxygen in CaCO3.
C-39 Calculate percentage of water of crystallization in FeSO4 . 7H2O.
C-40 Calculate percentage of water crystallization of Glouber’s salt.
C-41 16.5 gm of a metal combines with oxygen and form 35.6% of its oxide. Calculate percentage of oxygen in the metal oxide.
C-42 A compound of a nitrogen contain 0.07% of nitrogen calculate minimum molar mass of the compound.
C-43 Insulin 0.0016% of S calculate minimum molar mass of insulin.
C-44 Hemoglobin (blood carry oxygen → iron). Contain 0.25% of iron if molar mass of hemoglobin is 89600 than calculate no.
of Fe atoms present per molecule of hemoglobin.

Compound Empirical Formula n

C-46 A hydro carbon contain 80% carbon if molecular formula mass of hydrocarbon in 30 than calculate its molecular formula
and empirical formula.
C-47 A compound of C, H, O contain 52.2% of C and 13% of hydrogen determine empirical formula of compound.
C-48 A compound of K, Cr, O contains 26.6% of K and 38% of oxygen. If molar mass of compound is 294 than calculate its
molecular formula and empirical formula.
C-49 A compound of C, H and N contains this element in the wt of ration 9 : 1 : 3.5 respectively if molecular formula mass is
1.8 than calculate molecular formula of compound.
C-50 Two oxides of metal contain 50% and 40% of metal respectively if formula of 1st oxide is MO then determine the formula
of 2nd oxide.
C-51 Calculate moles of KCl and O2 produced when 367.5 gm of KClO3 are heated. KClO3 → KCl + O 2 .

C-52 Calculate volume of CO2 produced at S.T.P. by heating 25 gm of CaCO3. CaCO3  → CaO + O 2 .
C-53 Calculate weight of solid residue obtain when 55.29 of Ag2CO3 is heated also calculate to total volume of gases evolved at
C-54 What weight of calcium bicarbonate Ca(HCO3 ) 2 require to obtain 2.4 × 1023 molecules of CO2.
Ca(HCO3 ) 2 → CaCO3 + H 2 O + CO 2
C-55 Calculate weight of hydrogen gas produced when 85 gm of NH3 is heated. NH 3 → N 2 + H 2
C-56 Calculate weight of HCl require to neutral 80 gm of NaOH. NaOH + HCl → NaCl + H 2 O
C-57 Calculate mass of H2SO4 required to neutralize 11.2 gm of KOH. KOH + H 2SO 4 → K 2SO 4 + H 2 O
C-58 Calculate mass of oxygen required to burn completely 54 gm of Al. Al + O 2 → Al2 O3
C-59 Calculate mass of oxalic acid (H2C2O4) which is require to react completely with 31.6 gm KMnO4.
KMnO 4 + H 2 C2 OH → Mn + K 2 O + CO 2 + H 2 O
C-60 Find limiting reagent A + 2 B → C .
5mol 8mol

C-61 Find the weight of water form when 10 H2 reacts with 96 gm O2.
C-62 5 moles of SO2 and 5 moles of O2 are reacting with each other to form SO3. Determine limiting reagent weight of
empirical reagent left and amount of SO3 formed

Determine Limiting reagent in C-63 to C-65

C-63 BaCl2 + Na 3 PO 4 → Ba 3 (PO 4 ) 2 + 6NaCl

0.5mol 0.2mol

C-64 FeS2 + O 2 → Fe 2 O3 + SO 2
600g 800g

C-65 Mg + N 2 → Mg 3 N 2
72g 56g

C-66 58.8 gm of K2Cr2O7 is reacting with 7.3 gm of HCl. Determine volume of Cl2 gas at S.T.P.
K 2 Cr2 O7 + HCl → KCl + CrCl3 + Cl2 + H 2 O
C-67 Equal weight of zinc and iodine react with each other and formed Zn and I2. Calculate fraction of excess reagent left.
Zn + I 2 → ZnI 2
C-68 Calculate weight of polyethylene which can be produced by 1 kg of calcium carbide.
CaC2 + 2H 2 O → Ca(OH) 2 + C2 H 2
C2 H 2 + H 2 → C2 H 4
nC2 H 4 → (C2 H 4 )n
C-69 CxHy + O 2 → CO 2 + H 2 O apply POAC on carbon, hydrogen and oxygen
C-70 1 gm of Ca is burnt in excess of oxygen determine CaO formed.
C-71 31 gm phosphorous reacts with excess of oxygen to produced P4O10 which further reacts with excess of BaCl2 to produce
x mole of Ba3(PO4)2 find the moles of x.
C-72 1 gm of dry green algae absorbs 4.7 × 10–3 moles of CO2 per hour by photosynthesis. If the fixed no. of carbon atoms
after photosynthesis is stored in the form of starch (C6H10O5)n. Calculate how much time will it take dry green algae to
double its on weight.
C-73 3 gm of C reacts completely with 5 gm of oxygen. Calculate percentage of CO in the product.
C-74 200 gm sample of HCl having 73% purity is given calculate weight of NaOH is required to neutralize the sample.
C-75 50 gm sample of CaCO3 on heating gives 17.6 gm of CO2 calculate percentage purity of sample.
C-76 3A 
60% yield
→ 5B find the moles of B formed.

C-77 3A 
60% yield
→ 5B find the moles of E if initially 2 moles of A were taken.
2B 
70% yield
→ 7C + 2D
5C 
50% yield
→ 3E + 9F

C-78 3A 
60% yield
→ 5B find the value of x if initially 2 moles of A were taken and 2 moles of E were produced.
2B 
65% yield
→ 7C + 2D
5C  
x % yield
→ 3E + 9F
C-79 Cl2 + 2KOH  → KCl + KClO + H 2 O for the production of 100 gm of KClO4 determine weight of Cl2 used.

3KClO 
→ KClO3 + 2KCl
4KClO3 
→ 3KClO 4 + KCl

C-80 N 2 + 3H 2 
→ 2NH 3 for the production of 4 gm O2 find the weight of H2 required
4NH 3 + 5O 2 
→ 4NO + 6H 2 O
2NO 
→ N 2 + O2
C-81 Parallel reaction C + O 2 → CO + CO 2 find the moles of O2 used

C-82 When 12 gm of carbon reacts with 20 gm of O2 then CO and CO2 are formed determine the weight of CO and CO2
C-83 5 moles of N2 reacts with excess of hydrogen to produced 8 moles of ammonia. Find the percent yield of reaction.
C-84 16.8 gm Magnesium carbonate on heating gives 0.2 moles of CO2 if percent yield of reaction is 75% then find the volume
of practical yield of CO2 at S.T.P.
C-85 12.8 gm of SO2 reacts with 3.2 gm of oxygen to form SO3 if 6 gm of SO3 are produced than calculate percentage yield of
C-86 10 moles of a mixture of HCl and H2SO4 requires 16 moles of NaOH for complete neutralization calculate percent of HCl in
the mixture.
C-87 14.2 gm mixture of MgCO3 and CaCO3 on heating gives 3.36 L of CO2 gas at S.T.P. Calcuclate percentage of MgCO3 in the
C-88 2 gm mixture of Na2CO3 and NaHCO3 on heating gives 0.44 gm of CO2 gas calculate percent of Na2CO3 in the sample.
C-89 One gram mixture of Cu2O, CuO on heating gives 0.88 gm of copper. Calculate percent of CuO in the mixture.
C-90 30 mL is mixed with 45 mL of H2O determine percent v/v of ethanol.
C-91 How many mL of solute should be added in 300 mL of water to obtain a solution containing 80% by volume of solvent.
C-92 An aqueous solution contain 30% w/v of urea. What weight of urea will be present in 5 mL solution.
C-93 5 moles of glucose is dissolved in 1.1 kg of water if density of solution is 1.25 gm per mL determine percent w/v of
C-94 30 gram of urea is dissolved in sufficient water to produce 200 mL of solution. Calculate w/v and molarity.
C-95 Calculate weight of H2SO4 present in 200 mL of decimolar solution.
C-96 Calculate molarity of following (a) 18 gm glucose in 1 L water (b) 2 milli moles in 200 mL (c) 5 moles in 200 mL (d) 100 mL
of 0.2 M of HCl solution + 3.65 gm HCl.
C-97 Calculate volume in litre of semimolar NaO solution to neutralize 200 mL of decimolar H2SO4 solution.
C-98 Calculate volume in litre of ammonia gas produced at S.T.P. when 500 mL of 0.2 M ammonium sulphate solution reacts
with 0.6 M NaOH solution (NH 4 ) 2 SO 4 + NaOH → Na 2SO 4 + NH 3 + H 2 O
C-99 An aqueous solution contain 30% weight by urea what does it mean? Calculate weight of solute and solvent in 7.5 g of
C-100 0.2 mole of glucose dissolved in 64 g of water calculate percent w/w of glucose in the solution.
C-101 30 gm of urea is mixed with 45 gm of water determine percent w/w of urea and mole fraction of urea.
C-102 360 gram of glucose are added in sufficient water to produce 1.36 kg of solution calculate molality and ppm of solution.

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