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Master of Business Administration –

MBA Semester 3

Name: Rahul Sharma

Roll No.: 520961340

Subject: Taxation Management

Subject code: MF0003

Learning Centre: 01822

Assignment No: Set 1

and 2

Sign :

Submitted by: Rahul Sharma

Dated : 4th Dec, 2010
Assignment Set- 1
Make a study of various exemptions available under section 10.
Section 10 of income tax act defines that some income are exempted from
income tax means there is no income tax on these income. Some of this
income is fully exempted from income tax and some are some exemption
Like agriculture income is fully exempted from income tax whereas minor
income clubbed with individual has the exemption limit of 1500. So it is
necessary to remember all these exemptions before calculating somebody
income tax.
So i am presenting a full view of section 10 of income tax act with all the
exemptions and exemptions limit of section 10.
Exemption limit, if
Section Nature of Income
10(1) Agricultural income
Share from income of
10(2A) Share of profit from firm
Winnings from races
Casual and non-recurring
10(3) Rs.2500/- other receipts
Receipts from life
Insurance Policy
Scholarships to meet
cost of education
Allowances of MP and For MLA not exceeding
MLA. Rs. 600/- per month
10(17A) Awards and rewards
(i) from awards by
(ii) from approved
awards by others
(iii) Approved rewards
from Central & State
Exemption limit, if
Section Nature of Income
Income of Members of
Only on income arising
scheduled tribes residing
in those areas or
10(26) in certain areas in North
interest on securities or
Eastern States or in the
Ladakh region.
Income of resident of On income arising in
Ladakh Ladakh or outside India
(i) Subsidy from Tea
10(30) Board under approved
scheme of replantation
(ii) Subsidy from
concerned Board under
approved Scheme of
Minors income clubbed
10(32) Upto Rs. 1,500/-
with individual
Dividend from Indian
Companies, Income from
units of Unit Trust of
India and Mutual Funds,
and income from Venture
Capital Company/fund.
Profit of newly
established undertaking
in free trade zones
electronic hardware
technology park on
software technology park
for 10 years (net beyond
10 year from 2000-01)
Profit of 100% export
oriented undertakings
manufacturing articles or
10(B) things or computer
software for 10 years
(not beyond 10 years
from 2000-01)
Profit of newly
established undertaking
10(C) in I.I.D.C or I.G.C. in
North-Eastern Region for
10 years
Income From Interest
10(15)(i)(iib)(iic) Interest, premium on To the extent
redemption or other mentioned in
payments from notified notification
Exemption limit, if
Section Nature of Income
securities, bonds, Capital
investment bonds, Relief
bonds etc.
Income from interest
payable by a Public
10(15)(iv)(h) Sector Company on
notified bonds or
Interest payable by
Government on deposits
made by employees of
Central or State
Government or Public
Sector Company of
money due on retirement
under a notified scheme
Interest on notified Gold
Deposit bonds
Interest on notified bonds
of local authorities
Income from Salary
Not to exceed the
Leave Travel assistance/ amount payable by
concession Central Government to
its employees
Remuneration of
technicians having
specialised knowledge
and experience in
Exemption in respect of
specified fields (not
income in the from of
resident in any of the
10(5B) tax paid by employer
four preceding financial
for a period upto 48
years) whose services
commence after 31.3.93
and tax on whose
remuneration is paid by
the employer
Allowances and
perquisites by the
government to citizens of
India for services abroad
10(8) Remuneration from
foreign governments for
duties in India under
Cooperative technical
assistance programmes.
Exemption is provided
Exemption limit, if
Section Nature of Income
also in respect of any
other income arising
outside India provided
tax on such income is
payable to that
(i) from Government
Amount as per Sub-
(ii) Under payment of
sections (2), (3) and (4)
Gratuity Act 1972
of the Act.
Upto one-half months
(iii) Any other salary for each year of
completed service.
10(10A) Commutation of Pension-
(i) from government,
statutory Corporation
Where gratuity is
payable value of 1/3
(ii) from other
pension. Where gratuity
is not payable value of
1/2 pension
(iii) from fund set up by
LIC u/s 10(23AAB)
Encashment of unutilised
earned leave
(i) from Central or State
Upto an amount equal to
(ii) from other 10 months salary or Rs.
employers 1,35,360/- which ever is
Amount u/s. 25F(b) of
Industrial Dispute Act
Retrenchment 1947 or the amount
compensation notified by the
government, whichever
is less.
10(10C) Amount received on Amount as per the
voluntary retirement or Scheme subject to
termination of service or maximum of Rs. 5 lakh
voluntary separation
under the schemes
Exemption limit, if
Section Nature of Income
prepared as per Rule 2BA
from public sector
companies, statutory
authorities, local
authorities, Indian
Institute of Technology,
specified institutes of
management or under
any scheme of a
company or Co-operative
Payment under Provident
Fund Act 1925 or other
notified funds of Central
Payment under To the extent provided
10(12) recognised provident in rule 8 of Part A of
funds Fourth Schedule
Payment from approved
Superannuation Fund
10(13A) House rent allowance least of-
(i) actual allowance
(ii) actual rent in excess
of 10% of salary
(iii) 50% of salary in
Mumbai, Chennai, Delhi
and Calcutta and 40% in
other places
Prescribed [See Rule 2BB
(1)] special allowances or
benefits specifically
granted to meet To the extent such
10(14) expenses wholly expenses are actually
necessarily and incurred.
exclusively incurred in
the performance of
Pension including family
10(18) pension of recipients of
notified gallantry awards
Exemptions to Non-
citizens only
10(6)(i)(a) and (b) (i) passage money from
employer for the
employee and his family
for home leave outside
Exemption limit, if
Section Nature of Income
(ii) Passage money for
the employee and his
family to Home country
of service in India.
Remuneration of
members of diplomatic
missions in India and
their staff, provided the
members of staff are not
engaged in any business
or profession or another
employment in India.
Remuneration of
employee of foreign
enterprise for services
rendered during his stay
10(6)(vi) in India in specified
circumstances provided
the stay does not exceed
90 days in that previous
Remuneration of foreign
Government employee
on training in certain
establishments in India.
Exemptions to Non-
resident Indians (NRIs)
The units purchased by
them are out of the
amount remitted from
abroad or from their Non-
resident (External)
Exemptions to funds,
institutions, etc.
Section Nature of Income Exemption limit, if any
10(14A) Public Financial
Institution from
exchange risk premium
received from person
borrowing in foreign
currency if the amount of
such premium is credited
Exemption limit, if
Section Nature of Income
to a fund specified in
section 10(23E)
Central Bank of Ceylon
10(15)(iii) from interest on
Securities held by
Welfare Commissioners
Bhopal Gas Victims,
10(15)(v) Bhopal from Interest on
securities held in Reserve
Banks SGL Account No.
(a) Business income
derived from Supply of
water or electricity any
10(20) any local Authority where. Supply of other
commodities or service
within its own
jurisdictional area.
(b) Income from house
property, other sources
and capital gains.
Housing or other
Development authorities
Approved Scientific
Research Association
Notified Sports
Association/ Institution
10(23) for control of cricket,
hockey, football, tennis
or other notified games.
All income except from
house property, interest
Notified professional or dividends on
association/institution investments and
rendering of any
specific services
Regimental fund or Non-
public fund
Fund for welfare of
10(23AAA) employees or their
Fund set up by LIC of
10(23AAB) India under a pension
Exemption limit, if
Section Nature of Income
Public charitable trusts or
registered societies
10(23B) approved by Khadi or
Village Industries
Any authority for
10(23BB) development of khadi or
village industries
Societies for
administration of public,
religious or charitable
trusts or endowments or
of registered religious or
charitable Societies.
European Economic
Community from Income
from interest, dividend or
capital gains
10(23BBC) SAARC Fund
Certain funds for relief,
charitable and
10(23C) promotional purposes,
certain educational or
medical institutions
10(23D) Notified Mutual Funds
Notified Exchange Risk
Administration Funds
Notified Investors
Protection Funds set up
by recognised Stock
Venture capital Fund/
company set up to raise Income from investment
10(23FB) funds for investment in in venture capital
venture Capital undertaking
Income from dividend,
Infrastructure capital interest and long term
10(23G) fund, or infrastructure capital gains from
capital company investment in approved
infrastructure enterprise
Income from house
10(24) Registered Trade Unions property and other
10(25)(i) Provident Funds Interest on securities
Exemption limit, if
Section Nature of Income
and capital gains from
transfer of such
Recognised Provident
Superannuation Funds
10(25)(iv) Approved Gratuity Funds
Deposit linked insurance
Employees State
Insurance Fund
Corporation or any other
body set up or financed
by and government for
welfare of scheduled
10(26B)(26BB) and (27)
caste/ scheduled
tribes/backward classes
or minorities
Income from letting of
10(29) Marketing authorities godown and
Certain Boards such as
10(29A) coffee Board and others
and specified Authorities

What are the deductions available from gross salary income?
1. Entertainment Allowance
2. Tax On Employment
3. Deduction U/S 80c Out Of Gross Total Income
4. Deduction Of Tax From The ‘Salary’
5. Relief in respect of Salary in Arrears, Advance etc.
a. Computation of relief when salary has been received in arrears or
in advance
b. Computation of relief in respect of Gratuity
c. Computation of relief in respect of payment in commutation of


1. Entertainment Allowance [ U/s 16(ii)]

Some employees are required to incur expenditure on the entertainment (
tea etc.) of customers, clients etc. who came to meet them in connection
with their official or business work. In case employee is given a fixed
amount every month to meet this type of expenditure then it is fully added
in salary and out of Gross total Salary , a deduction u/s 16(ii) shall be
allowed only to Govt. employees.
This means that in case this allowance is given to employee working in
private sector, it is fully taxable.
But in case any amount is reimbursed against any expenditure incurred by
employer , it shall be fully exempted.
Deduction u/s 16(ii) admission to govt. employee shall be an amount equal
to least of following :
1. Statutory Limit of Rs.5,000 p.a.
2. 1/5 th of Basic Salary
3. Actual amount of entertainment allowance received during
the previous year.
2. Tax on Employment u/s 16(iii)
In case any amount of professional tax is paid by the employee or by his
employer on his behalf it is fully allowed as deduction.


Savings play a vital role in the fast economic development of nay country .
To encourage savings, an incentive in the form of a deduction out of one’s
taxable income has been allowed . To channelise those savings, various
schemes have been framed and if the assessee deposits those savings in
these approved saving schemes, a deduction shall be allowed.
Section 80C has been inserted from the assessment year 2006-2007
onwards. Section 80C provides deduction i8n respect of specified
qualifying amounts paid deposited by the assessee in the previous year.
The following are the main provisions of the newly inserted Section 80C. :
1. Under Section 80C , deduction would be available from Gross Total
2. Deduction under section 80C is available only to individual or HUF.
3. Deduction is available on the basis of specified qualifying
investments / contributions / deposits / payments made by the
taxpayer during the previous year.
4. The maximum amount deduction under section 80C , 80CCC, and
80CCD can not exceed Rs.1 lakh.
Deduction u/s 80C shall be allowed only to the following assessee :
1. An Individual
2. A Hindu Undivided Family (HUF)
The Deduction is calculated as per the following steps –
Step-1 : Gross qualifying Amount which is the aggregate of the
1. Life Insurance Premium
2. Payment in respect of non-commutable deferred annuity.
3. Any sum deducted form salary payable to Govt. employee for
the purpose of securing him a deferred annuity.
4. Contribution towards Statutory Provident Fund and
Recognised Provident Fund.
5. Contribution towards 15-year Public Provident Fund
6. Contribution towards an Approved Superannuation Fund.
7. Subscription to National Saving Certificates, VIII Issue.
8. Contribution for participating in the Unit-linked Insurance Plan
(ULIP) of UTI.
9. Contribution for participating in the Unit-linked Insurance Plan
(ULIP) of LIC Mutual Fund.
10.Payment to notified annuity plan of LIC
11.Subscription towards notified Units of Mutual Fund or UTI.
12.Contribution to notified Pension Fund set up by Mutual Fund
or UTI.
13.Any sum paid as subscription to Home Loan Account Scheme
of the National Housing Bank.
14.Any sum paid as Tuition Fees for full time education of any 2
children of an individual.
15.Any payment towards the cost of purchase / construction of a
residential Property.
16.Amount invested in approved Debenture of , and equity
shares in, public company engaged in infrastructure.
17.Amount deposited in as Term Deposit for a period of 5 years
or more in accordance with a scheme framed by the
18.Subscription to any notified Bonds of National Bank for
Agriculture and Rural Development ( NABARD)
19.Amount deposited under Senior Citizens Saving Scheme.
20.Amount deposited in 5 Year Time Deposit in Post Office.
Step-2 : Net Qualifying Amount :
Deduction u/s 80C is available on the basis of Net Qualifying Amount which
is determined as under …
1. Gross Qualifying Amount ; or
2. Rs. 1,00,000
Whichever is LESS.
Step-3 : Amount of Deduction :
Amount Deduction u/s 80C is computed as under :
1. Net Qualifying Amount ; or
2. Rs. 1,00,000
Whichever is LESS.
The aggregate deduction u/s 80C, 80CCC, and 80 CCD can not exceed Rs.


The summarized provisions of Sec. 192 are given below :

Who is the taxpayer Employer

Who is the recipient Employee
Payment covered Taxable salary of the employee
At what time tax has to be
At the time of payment
deducted at source
The amount of exemption limit ( i.e.
Maximum amount which can be Rs.1,80,000 /
paid without Tax Deduction Rs.2,25,000/Rs.1,50,000 for the
assessment year 2009-10.)
Normal Rates applicable to an
Rate of tax deducted at source
The employee can make an
Is it possible to get the payment application in Form No.-13 to the
without tax deduction or with Assessing Officer to get a certificate
lower tax deduction of lower tax deduction or no tax

Note: - Rs. 1,80,000 is for Resident Women below 65 years

- Rs. 2,25,000 is for Senior Citizen 65 years or more.

How to deduct Tax When a Person is employed by more than one

Employer :
Where, during the financial year, an assessee is employed simultaneously
under more than one employer, In such case, Tax will be deducted on the
aggregate Salary by one of the employers
( being the employer as the employee may choose, having regard to the
circumstances of his case, by submitting the information in Form No.12B.

Relief U/s 89 :
If the employee furnishes information in Form No- 10E to the employer,
relief under section 89 should be given to the concerned employee while
deducting Tax at Source u/s 192. However, this facility is available only if
the employer is Government or Public Sector undertaking or company , co-
operative society, local authority, University, Institutions or association or
Can the Employer Deduct Tax in Respect of Other Incomes of
Employee :
The Provisions are given below :-
1. The employer may or may not declare his other incomes to the
2. If the employee wants to declare his othe incomes to the employer,
then such information should be given on a plain paper to the
3. The employee may declare details of his other incomes ( including
loss under the head “Income from House Property” but not any
other loss ) and tax deducted thereon by others. If such information
is not submitted by the employee to the employer, then employer
cannot take into consideration other incomes of the employee.
If an individual receives any portion of his salary in arrears or in advance
or receives profit in lieu of salary, he can claim relief in terms of Sec.89
read with rule 2A as under.
A. Computation of relief when salary has been received in arrears
or in advance :
The relief of salary received in arrears or in advance is computed in the
manner laid down as under ..
1. Calculate the tax payable on the total income, including the
additional salary , of the relevant previous year in which the
same is received.
2. Calculate the tax payable on the total income, excluding the
additional salary, of the relevant previous year in which the
additional salary is received.
3. Find out the difference between the tax at (1) and (2)
4. Compute the tax on the total income after including the
additional salary in the previous year to which such salary
5. Compute the tax on the total income after excluding the
additional salary in the previous year to which such salary
6. Find out the difference between tax at (4) and (5)
7. The excess of tax computed at (3) over tax computed at (6) is
the amount of relief admissible u/s 89. No relief is, however,
admissible if tax computed at (3) is less than tax computed at
(6). In such case, the assessee-employee need not apply for
B. Computation of relief in respect of Gratuity :
U/s 89, a relief can be claimed if Gratuity is received in excess of limits
specified in Sec.10(10). However, no relied is admissible if taxable gratuity
is in respect of services rendered for less than 5 years.

Case in which the relief is admissible may be divided into tow categories
namely …
(a) where the Gratuity payable in respect of past service of 15 years
or more, and
(b) Where such period is 5 years or more but less than 15 years. Relief
in a case belonging to the first category is worked out as under :
1. Computer the average rate of tax on the total income including the
gratuity in the year of receipt
2. Find out the tax on gratuity at the average rate of tax computed at
(1) above.
3. Computer the average rate of tax by adding 1/3 rd. of the gratuity
to the other income of each of three preceding years.
4. Find out the average of the three average rates computed in the
manner specified in (3) above and compute the tax on gratuity at
that rate.
5. The difference between the tax on gratuity computed at (2) and that
at (4) will be the relief admissible u/s 89.
C. Computation of relief in respect of payment in commutation of
A relief can be claimed in respect of payment in commutation of Pension
received in excess of the limits specified in Sec. 10(10A). Such relief in
computed in the same manner as if the Gratuity was paid to the employee
in respect of service rendered for a period of 15 years or more.

Q. 3
Find out GAV from the following details
Municipal 8,000 16,00 19,000
Value 0
Fair rent 10,00 18,00 14,000
0 0
Standard 12,00 20,00 15,000
rent 0 0
Rent per 1500 1800 1200
Vacancy 1 2 4

Assignment Set- 2
Mr. Alok is a practicing accountant. He also took 40 lectures in
college at Rs. 100 per lecture.His receipt and payment account is
given below
Rs. Rs.
To bal b/d 9500 By office 25000
Audit fees 160000 Municipal taxes 600
Remuneration lectures 4000 Personal 5000
Examiner’s fees 1500 Membership fees 500
Interest on securities 1550 LI Premium 3000
Rent from LOP 3000 Scooter 45000
Royalty on book 6000 Scooter 6000
Balance c/d 185550
270650 270650
i) Office expenses include Rs. 1000 paid as typing charges for preparing
manuscript of his book.
ii) ½ of the scooter expenses relate to personal use.
iii) Scooter being P& M depreciation is allowed at per rate 15 %
iv) Interest of securities include Rs. 774 being interest on tax free
government securities.

Enumerate at least 10 items which can be included under the head
‘income from other sources’.
Income from other sources
All income other than income from salary, house property, business
and profession or capital gains is covered under ‘Income from other
sources’. Provisions in respect of some important sources of ‘other
income’ are summarised below.
1. Dividends - Dividends on shares of domestic companies or
units of UTI or mutual fund received from a company on or
after 1-4-2003 will not be taxable at the hands of the assessee
[section 10(34) and 10(35)]. [The dividend distribution tax
(DDT) will be payable by company/mutual fund u/s 115-O]
However, deemed dividend as defined in section 2(22) of
Income Tax Act will be considered as ‘income from other
2. Winning from lotteries, races etc. - Winning from lotteries,
card games, horse races are taxable as other income. This is
taxable @ 30.3% without claiming any allowance or
3. Interest on securities, bank deposits and loans - Interest
on bank deposits and loans is treated as ‘other income’, if not
taxable u/s 28.
4. Gifts - Gifts in a year exceeding Rs 50,000, except gifts from
certain relatives and gifts on certain specified occasions will be
taxable [section 56(2)(vi) of Income Tax Act]
5. Income from letting - Income from letting of furniture,
machinery, plant and building which is not separable fro,
composite letting with machineries is taxable as other income.
Current repairs, insurance and depreciation are allowed as
deductions [section 56(2)(ii) and (iii) of Income Tax Act].
6. Any annuity due or commuted value of any annuity paid under
section 280D.
7. Any sum, received by the assessee from his employees as
contributions to any provident fund or Superannuation fund or
any fund set up under the provisions of the Employees State
Insurance Act, 1948 (34 of 1948), or any officer fund for the
welfare of such employees, if such income is not chargeable to
income-tax under the head "Profits and gains of business or
8. Income from machinery, plant or furniture belonging to the
assessee and let on hire, if the income is not chargeable to
income -- tax under the head "Profits and gains of business or
9. Any sum received under a Keyman insurance policy, including
the sum allocated by way of bonus on such policy, if such
income is not chargeable to income tax under the heads
"Profits and gains of business and profession" or under the
head "Salaries". (Keyman insurance policy means a life
insurance policy taken by a person on the life of another
person who is/ was the employee of the 1st mentioned person
or who is/was connected in any manner whatsoever with the
business of the 1st mentioned person.)
10. Income from Welfare Funds
11. Amount Received from Family Pension
12. Salary Income of MPs, MLAs & MoCs.

How is tax liability of a company is computed?
Income Tax Liability
The legal position discussed is as applicable for financial year 2009-10
(Assessment Year 2010-11) unless specified otherwise. Provisions as
applicable for financial year 2008-09 (Assessment Year 2009-10) are also
given, where these are different from provisions applicable to AY 2009-10.
Income tax is levied under Entry No. 82 of List I of Seventh Schedule to
Constitution (Union List), which reads, ‘Tax on income other than agricultural
income’. Entry No. 46 of List II of Seventh Schedule to Constitution (State
List) reads, ‘ Taxes on agricultural income ‘.
Income Tax Act, 1961 imposes tax on income other than agricultural income.
Tax on agricultural income can be imposed only by State Governments.
Section 4 of Income Tax Act, which is the charging section, states that where
any Central Act enacts that income tax shall be charged for any assessment
year at any rate or rates, income tax at that rate or those rates shall be
charged for that year in accordance with, and subject to the provisions
(including provisions for the levy of additional income tax) of this Act (i.e.
Income Tax Act) in respect of the total income of the previous year of every
Income tax Rates fixed under Finance Act every year –
The ‘Central Act’ as referred to in section 4 of Income Tax Act is the ‘Finance
Act’ enacted every year. Income Tax is payable by every assessee at the
rates prescribed by Finance Act every year. The Finance Bill is presented at
the time of presenting Budget, usually on last day of February every year.
The relation between Finance Act and Budget is so close that often people
associate budget only with taxation. Really, taxation is only one of the
aspects of the Budget.
Who is assessee ? –
Assessee means a person by whom any tax or any other sum of money is
payable under Income tax Act. It includes deemed assessee [section 2(7) of
Income Tax Act]
Person –
‘Person’ includes * Individual * HUF * Company * Partnership Firm *
Association of Persons (AOP) or body of individuals whether incorporated or
not * Local Authority like Municipality etc. * Artificial Judicial person not
falling in any of the aforesaid categories e.g. a Hindu deity [section 2(31) of
Income Tax Act]
Previous Year and Assessment Year
One very confusing aspect of Income Tax for a common man is the difference
between Previous Year and Assessment Year.
Assessment year means the period of twelve months commencing on the 1st
day of April every year [section 2(9) of Income Tax Act]
Previous year means the financial year immediately preceding the
assessment year. If a business/profession is newly set up, previous year is
the period from date of setting up that business or profession and ending
with the financial year [section 3 of Income Tax Act]
The Financial Year for income tax purposes (called ‘Previous Year’) is always
the year ending 31st March. The ‘assessment year’ is next to the ‘Financial
Year’ or ‘Previous Year’ e.g. for Financial Year (FY) 2007-08 (1st April 07 to
31st March 2008), the ‘Assessment Year’ (AY) is 2008-09.
It may be noted that an assessee can have separate accounting year for his
own purposes e.g. a Company can close its accounts on any day of the year,
an individual may start his year on Diwali or any other auspicious day.
However, for income tax purposes, the accounts must be closed only on 31st
Residential status
Income tax liability depends on residential status of a person.
A firm, an association of persons, a company and every other person can be
either a resident or a non-resident.
An assessee can have different residential status for different assessment
years. It is possible that a person who is resident in India for income tax
purposes, may be resident in any other country for the same assessment
Residential status of a company –
A company incorporated in India is an Indian company. It will always be
‘resident in India’. A foreign company (i.e. company incorporated abroad), is
resident in India only if, during the previous year, control and management
of its affairs is situated wholly in India. [Sec. 6(3) of Income Tax Act]
1-4 Tax liability depending on residential status
Income can be broadly classified as ‘Indian Income’ and ‘Foreign Income’.
‘Indian income’ is always taxable in India in case of all tax payers, whether
resident or non-resident.
‘Foreign income’ is taxable in India if the assessee is (a) resident (in the case
of a firm, AOP company and every other person) or (b) resident and
ordinarily resident (in the case of an individual or a Hindu undivided family)
in India.
If an individual or a HUF is resident but not ordinarily resident, foreign
income is taxable only if it is (a) business income and business is controlled
from India, or (b) professional income from a profession which is set up in
India. Otherwise, foreign income is not taxable in the hands of resident but
not ordinarily resident taxpayers [section 5(1) of Income Tax Act]
Foreign income is not taxable if the assessee is non-resident in India [section
5(2) of Income Tax Act]
Section 9 of Income Tax Act defines ‘income deemed to accrue or arise in
India’. It will be ‘Indian Income’ and taxable in all the cases.
Different heads of income
All income is classified under following heads of income - * Salaries * Income
from House property * Profits and gains of business or profession * Capital
Gains * Income from other sources (e.g. interest on securities, lotteries,
races) [section 14 of Income Tax Act]
Calculation of income tax - Income from each of these sources is first
calculated. All this income is added to find out total income of the assessee.
Permissible deductions are reduced and then income-tax payable is
calculated at the prescribed rates.
Income from one head can be set off against loss from other head, unless
specifically prohibited. In Rajasthan State Warehousing Corporation v. CIT
2000 AIR SCW 629, it was held that if income is derived from various heads,
assessee is entitled to claim deduction permissible under respective head
whether or not computation under each head results in taxable income. If
income to assessee arises under any of the heads of income but from
different items e.g. different house properties or different securities etc., and
income from one or more items alone is taxable whereas income from the
other item is exempt under the Act, the entire permissible expenditure in
earning the income from that head is deductible. - . - If assessee carries
business in various ventures, entire expenditure incurred on all ventures is
deductible if all ventures constitute one business

Broad mode of computation of Income

Income from salaries, allowances and perquisites
2. Less : Deduction under section 16, entertainment allowance
and professional tax:
3. Taxable income under the head “Salaries” (1-2) .
4. Income from house property - Adjusted net annual value
5. Less : Deductions under section 24
Taxable income under the head Income from house property
7. Profits and gains of business or profession - Profit/loss as per
P&L account after deducting amounts not allowable as
deduction, adding amounts which are allowable as
deduction and adding income taxable under this head,
though not credited/debited to P&L account
8. Less : Incomes which are credited to P & L A/c but are exempt
under sections 10 to 13A or are taxable under other
heads of income
9. Taxable income under the head Profits and gains of business
or profession (7-8)
10. Capital gains
11. Less : Amount exempt under sections 54, 54B, 54D, 54EC,
54ED, 54F, 54G and 54GA
12 Taxable income under the head Capital gains (10-11)
13 Income from other sources
14. Less : Deductions under section 57
15 Taxable income under the head Income from other sources
16. Total Income (3+6+9+12+15)
17 Less : Adjustment on account of set-off and carry forward of
18. Less : Deductions under sections 80C to 80U
19 Total income or net income liable to tax (16-17-18)
20 Income subject to special rate of tax (e.g. capital gains)
21 Balance income subject to normal rate (20+21 = 19)
Computation of tax liability
A1. Tax on net income at special rates
A2 Tax on income at normal rates
Less : Rebate under section 88E in respect of STT (available
for AY 2008-09 but not available for AY 2009-10)
Add : Surcharge
Add: Education cess and secondary and higher education
Less : Rebate under sections 86, 89, 90, 90A and 91
Net Tax payable (A1+A2-B+C+D-E)
Tax paid on self-assessment
Tax deducted or collected at source
Tax paid in advance
Balance Tax payable (F-G-H-I)

Rates of Income Tax

The tax on income is as follows -
In case of domestic company, income tax is @ 30% for assessment year
2008-09, 2009-10 and 2010-11. Surcharge @ 10 per cent of income-tax
[i.e., income-tax after rebate under section 88E], if net income exceeds Rs.
1 crore. Rebate u/s 88E is not available for Assessment Year 2009-10.
In case of foreign company, income tax is @ 40% for assessment year
2008-09, 2009-10 and 2010-11. Surcharge @ 2.5% of income-tax [i.e.,
income-tax after rebate under section 88E], if net income exceeds Rs. 1
crore. Rebate u/s 88E is not available for Assessment Year 2009-10.
Marginal relief is available where net income exceeds Rs. 1 crore. In
addition, Education cess is 2 per cent of income-tax (after rebate under
section 88E) and surcharge. Secondary and higher education cess is 1 per
cent of income-tax (after tax rebate under section 88E) and surcharge.
Dividend Distribution Tax –
A domestic company paying dividend will have to pay dividend distribution
tax u/s 115-O. The rate applicable w.e.f. 1-4-2007 is 15% plus surcharge
@ 1.5% plus education cess @ 2% plus SAH education cess of 1% of
income tax. Total 16.995%.
Dividend distribution tax is payable within 14 days from date of
declaration/distribution/payment of dividend whichever is earlier. The
dividend will be tax free at the hands of assessees.
Mutual funds have to pay dividend distribution tax u/s 115R of Income Tax
Act. The rate as applicable w.e.f. 1-4-2007 is 12.5% on income distributed
to any individual or HUF and 20% on income distributed to any other
person. In addition, surcharge, education cess @ 2% and SAH education
cess @ 1% will be payable. Total is 14.1625% in case of individual or HUF
unit holder and 22.66% in other cases.
In case of money market mutual fund or a liquid fund, rate is 25%.
Including surcharge and education cess, it is 28.325%.
The dividend will be tax free at the hands of assessees.
Income distributed to unit holders of open ended equity oriented funds or
US 64 is exempt from dividend distribution tax.

Minimum Alternate Tax

Many companies charge depreciation in their books on straight line
method. Thus, the profit shown is higher in the accounts maintained for
company law purposes and they can declare dividend. However, for
income tax purposes, they charge depreciation on WDV which is higher.
Thus, for income tax purposes, they may show low profit or even loss,
while in balance sheet prepared for company law purposes, they will show
high profits, which is called ‘book profits. Hence, such companies have to
pay minimum income tax [section 115JB]. This tax is termed as ‘Minimum
Alternate Tax’ (MAT).
In Apollo Tyres v. CIT (2002) 122 Taxman 562 (SC 3 member bench), it was
held that the assessing officer cannot reopen the accounts certified by
auditors and adopted in general meeting. He has limited powers of making
additions and reductions as provided in the section. [In this case, it was
held that assessing officer cannot add back the depreciation for earlier
years provided in accounts].
Rate of minimum alternate tax, as % of book profit is as follows, for
Assessment Year 2010-11 -

If book profit does not If book profit exceeds Rs. 1

exceed Rs. 1 crore crore
IT % EC and Total IT SC EC and Total
Domestic 15 0.3 15.45 15 1.5 0.495 16.995
Foreign 15 0.3 15.45 15 0.375 0.46125 15.83625
Marginal Relief - If book profit of a company exceeds Rs. 1 crore, the
minimum alternate tax cannot exceed the following : (Rs. 15 lakh + Book
profit – Rs. 1 crore) + EC + SAHC.

Rate of minimum alternate tax, as % of book profit were as follows, for

Assessment Year 2008-09 and 2009-10.

If book profit does not exceed If book profit exceeds Rs. 1

Rs. 1 crore crore
IT EC and SAHC Total IT SC EC and Total
% % SAHC
Domestic 10 0.3 10.30 10 1 0.33 11.33
Foreign 10 0.3 10.30 10 0.2 0.3075 10.5575
company 5
Marginal Relief - If book profit of a company for the assessment year 2008-
09 exceeds Rs. 1 crore, the minimum alternate tax cannot exceed the
following : (Rs. 10 lakh + Book profit – Rs. 1 crore) + EC + SAHC.

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