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DATE: MARCH 08, 2022




Fifth President of the Philippines
May 28, 1946-April 15, 1948

Manuel A. Roxas, the third of the Quezon Osmeña triumvirate credited with the struggle for
Philippine independence from the American regime, was born on January 1, 1892 in Capiz, Capiz,
and now it was Roxas City. His parents were Gerardo Roxas and Rosario Acuña Roxas who took up
a law course at the University of the Philippines where he graduated in 1913 and topped the bar
examinations. He became a provincial governor in the days of the Commonwealth, and was later
elected to sit at the House of Representatives. On his first term, he was chosen Speaker of the body.
President Roxas hails from the province of Capiz. He worked for a long time as a lawmaker
and a cabinet member of President Manuel L. Quezon before the Second World War started. President
Roxas was one of those who established the Liberal Party, the political party that was composed of the
former members of the Nacionalista Party in1946.

The newly established Republic, under the leadership of President Roxas, faced big challenges
in being an independent country brought about by neocolonialism.

The programs under the leadership of President Roxas are the Bell Trade Act 1946, Philippine
Rehabilitation Act 1946, Parity Amendment in the 1935 Constitution 1947, and Military Bases
Agreement 1947.

Manuel Roxas, granted amnesty to Filipinos who cooperated with the Japanese, but this did
not include those who were directly involved in the military operations of the Japanese. Another,
accomplishments of Roxas, he formed the Rehabilitation Finance Corporation (RFC) which became
the Development Bank of the Philippines after some time, which implemented loan programs to
financially aid families and businesses to rise up after the war. And the country got to join the United
Nations (UN) and the establishments of diplomatic relations with other nations.

The need for the continued support of the United States and the financial need of the
Philippines to rise from the damages brought about by war were some of the main reasons why those
agreements and amendments were implemented. Because of the political stand and close relations of
the Roxas administration with the United States, Roxas faced the problem of HUK insurgency.

This insurgency served as the biggest peace problem during the years of the Third Republic.
The government was not able to respond to the uprising of the Huks. This was because of the sudden
death of President Roxas due to a heart attack while visiting Clark Air Base in Pampanga. He died on
April 15, 1948.
Sixth President of the Philippines
April 17, 1948 – December 30, 1953

Elpidio Rivera Quirino was a Filipino lawyer and politician who served as the sixth president
of the Philippines from 1948 to 1953. He was born on November 16, 1890 at Vogan, Ilocos Sur. A
lawyer by profession, Quirino entered politics when he became a representative of Ilocos Sur from
1919 to 1925. He took on many positions before he became the vice president of President Roxasin
1946 and he took over as president in 1948.

Aside from this, he was a representative of his province in Congress, a senator, a member of
the Constitutional Convention that created the 1935 Constitution, and a cabinet member of President

He inherited problems from the HUK Movement. The United States continued its support
against the HUK insurgency in Central Luzon. In fact, additional financial aid and military
assistance was provided by the Americans.

President Quirino paid more attention on growing the economy of the country. These include
the agricultural sector and industrialization. There were also programs that focus in improving social
Some of the accomplishments of Quirino administration are he organized the President’s
Action Committee on Social Amelioration (PACSA). He also addressed the needs of the poor. He
helped the victims of war between the government and the HUK rebels. He also established the
Central Bank of the Philippines in 1949 to help banks in the countryside to give loans with low
interest to farmers. Quirino signed the Minimum Wage Law in 1951 and the formation of the Magna
Carta of Labor with the objective of supporting the rights of the laborers.

Despite President Quirino’s accomplishments, there were some issues about the lack of clear
programs that would uplift the lives of the common Filipinos and also the lack of efforts to address
the problems of corruption in the government. President Quirino failed to be re-elected in 1953.
Seventh President of the Philippines
December 30, 1953 – March 17, 1957

Ramon Magsaysay, president of the Philippines (1953–1957). He was born on August 31,
1907 at Iba, Zambales. He is best known for successfully defeating the communist-led Hukbalahap
(Huk) movement. The son of an artisan, Magsaysay was a school teacher in the provincial town of
Iba on the island of Luzon.

He served as the leader of the guerrillas in Zambales against the Japanese. Eventually, he
served as a representative of his province and as a member of President Quirino’s cabinet. He was
appointed as the Secretary of National Defense under Quirino’s government. He led activities that
responded to the challenge of the HUK insurgency from negotiations to launching military campaign
against the said movement.

President Magsaysay was very popular especially to the masses. He changed the way of
campaigning in an election. He interacted directly with the masses, shaking hands and eating with
them. Because of this, he became well-loved by the people.

He proved this by creating the Presidential Complaints and Action Committee (PCAC) with
the objective of making his office open to the people.
During his leadership, the HUK Movement weakened because of effective pacification
mechanisms like allocating agricultural lands in Mindanao under the Economic Development
Corporations (EDCOR) for rebels who surrendered.

Ramon Magsaysay enacted and implemented the Agricultural Tenancy Act (1954) that
establishes good relations between landholders and tenants. This gave extensive protection to
farmers to prevent the abuse of landowners. He also established the Agricultural Credit and
Cooperative Financing Administration (ACCFA) with the objective of lending money to the farmers
to be able to buy equipment for farming. Also created during his term were the Farmer’s
Cooperatives and Marketing Associations (FACOMAS) which aims to stimulate the selling of
products of the farmers.

The Laurel-Langley Agreement in 1955 sets changes in the economic relations of the
Philippines to the United States. Despite this, this extensive control of the Americans still prevailed
resulting in the lack of a clear program in industrialization in the country.

However, the Magsaysay government still had some successful accomplishments. These are
his accomplishments; He held a Manila Conference in1954 that paved the way to the establishments
of Southeast Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO), an organization of countries which aims to fight
the growing influence of communism in Asia in the 1950s. He also paid more attention on towns and
barrios to uplift the lives of people. Magsaysay established the Social Security System (SSS) as a
social insurance for the laborers in the private sector.

Magsaysay’s term ended when the plane he was on crashed on March 17, 1957.

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