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We are hereby to declare that, this Internship report has been done by Hayat Reshad and Dawit
Desalegn during the internship time in ASTU ICT center. We also confirm that, the report is only
prepared for our academic requirement not for any other purpose. And all sources of materials
used for the Internship Report have been fully acknowledged.

Student Name ID signature

Hayat Reshad tech/0856/10 ----------------

Dawit Desalegn tech/0522/10 -----------------

Place: Hawassa

Date of Submission: Feb 15 2022

This Internship Report has been submitted for examination with my approval as a university

Mentor’s Name: Mr. Behaylu G.

Signature: --------------------------------

Date: --------------------------------------

First and for most we would like to thank department of electrical and computer engineering for
giving us this opportunity of internship to work and equip our self with practical skills on the
areas we have been learning in the past few years .The internship was a great exposure for us to
discover so many skills and update on our area of study. We really appreciate Adama science
and technology ICT center for accepting us as intern coworkers in the software development
team. We are so grateful for being a part of this team which shows us unlimited support and
commitment during the time we work together. We get lots of work experiences, professional
ethics, technical skills and great courage to pursue new advancements in the field of study. There
were some persons who were on our side without whom the successful completion of our work
would be impossible, among them is our mentor Mr. Selam Alemu who did an incredible job in
guiding and helping us with every move of our way with his effort and contribution.

As we have assigned by the department of electrical and computer engineering to work as an
intern in the offices related to our field of study in order to apply our theoretical knowledge, and
skill that we got from our four years of education in our university, we have been working as an
intern in the ASTU ICT Center software development team from October 2, 2021 until February
17, 2022. The overall analysis of our work experience during the internship program is explained
in this Report Paper.

Most engineering students face difficulties on how to convert the theoretical skills they have to
the real world practical skills, so that they can apply the knowledge and skill they get during their
university experience to solve problems and come up with technological advancements. We have
found this internship program very helpful for us to overcome the above problem and to be
qualified for working in companies effectively.

Our internship report paper work is consisted of 4 main parts. In the first part we briefly
introduce our hosting company ASTU ICT center. We described the company’s brief history,
company’s main vision and aim, main customer of the company and over all organization and
workflow of the company. In the second part of the report we have covered about over all
internship experience including; how we get into the company, in which section we have been
working in, the work task we have been executing in the company, and the challenge we faced in
the work place, how we solve the problem and procedure we have used to complete the task. The
third part describes the benefit we get during the internship program in terms of practical skill,
theoretical knowledge, inter-personal communication skill, team playing skill, leader ship skill
and entrepreneurship skill. The fourth part is about the project we assigned to work on which
includes; problem identified and solution proposed, methods and tools used to achieve the
project, system design, final result and codes of the project. And finally conclusion and
recommendation is written.

ASTU --------------------------------------------Adama Science and Technology University

ICT ----------------------------------------------Information Communication Technology

NTC--------------------------------------------- Nazareth Technical College

NCTTE -----------------------------------------Nazareth College of Technical Teacher Education

TVET--------------------------------------------Technical and Vocational Education and Training

PhD ----------------------------------------------Doctor of Philosophy

MA/MSC----------------------------------------Master of Arts/Master of Science

FTI-----------------------------------------------Further Training Institute

GTP---------------------------------------------Growth and Transformation Plan

ICDE--------------------------------------------Institute of Continuing and Distance Education

ER-----------------------------------------------Entity relationship

ICT----------------------------------------------Information communication technology

PHP---------------------------------------------Hypertext pre processor

SRS----------------------------------------------Software requirement specification

GPMS-------------------------------------------Gate Pass Management System

HRM--------------------------------------------Human Resource Manager

HO----------------------------------------------Higher Official

Table of Contents
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY................................................................................................................................iii
LIST OF ACRONYMS.....................................................................................................................................iv
LIST OF FIGURES.........................................................................................................................................vii
LIST OF TABLES............................................................................................................................................ix
CHAPTER ONE..............................................................................................................................................1
1. BACKGROUND OF ASTU...........................................................................................................................1
1.1 Historical Overview of ASTU..............................................................................................................1
1.2 Objective, Mission and Vision of ASTU..............................................................................................3
1.3 Service and products of ASTU............................................................................................................4
1.4 Main customers and end users of ASTU............................................................................................4
1.5 Overall Structure and Work Flow of ASTU.........................................................................................5
CHATER TWO...............................................................................................................................................5
2. OVERALL INTERNSHIP EXPERIENCE..........................................................................................................5
2.1 How I get into the company..............................................................................................................5
2.2 Sections in the company we have been working...............................................................................6
2.3 The workflow in this section looks like..............................................................................................6
2.4 The work piece of tasks we have been executing..............................................................................7
2.5 Procedures we have been using while performing our work tasks....................................................7
2.6 How good we have been in performing our work tasks....................................................................8
2.7 Challenges we face during the internship period..............................................................................9
2.8 Measures we have taken to overcome the challenges......................................................................9
CHAPTER THREE........................................................................................................................................10
3. OVERALL BENEFITS GAINED FROM THE INTERNSHIP.............................................................................10
3.1 Improving practical skills..................................................................................................................10
3.2 Upgrading theoretical knowledge....................................................................................................11
3.3 In terms of Interpersonal Communication Skill...............................................................................11
3.4 In terms of Improving team playing skill..........................................................................................12
3.5 In terms of Leadership skill..............................................................................................................12
3.6 In terms of understanding about work ethics related issues...........................................................12

3.7 In terms of Entrepreneurship skill...................................................................................................13
CHAPTER FOUR..........................................................................................................................................14
4. PROJECT.................................................................................................................................................14
4.1 ABSTRACT........................................................................................................................................14
4.2 INTRODUCTION...............................................................................................................................14
4.3 PROBLEM STATEMENT....................................................................................................................16
4.4 OBJECTIVES......................................................................................................................................16
4.4.1 General Objectives....................................................................................................................16
4.4.2 Specific Objectives....................................................................................................................16
4.5 SCOPE..............................................................................................................................................17
4.6 METHODOLOGY AND TOOLS...........................................................................................................17
4.6.1 Methodology............................................................................................................................17
4.6.2 Tools.........................................................................................................................................20
4.7 System design..................................................................................................................................21
4.7.1 Database design ER diagram.....................................................................................................21
4.7.2 Database table..........................................................................................................................22
4.7.3 Use case diagram......................................................................................................................23
4.7.4 Use case description.................................................................................................................24
4.7.5 Usecase description using table................................................................................................25
4.7.6 Class Diagram............................................................................................................................27
4.7.8 Sequence Diagram....................................................................................................................28
4.8 Result and discussion.......................................................................................................................31
CHAPTER FIVE............................................................................................................................................37
5. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION................................................................................................37
5.1 Conclusion.......................................................................................................................................37
5.2 Recommendation to ASTU ICT center..............................................................................................37
5.3 Recommendation to Hawassa University........................................................................................37

Figure 1: ASTU outside View----------------------------------------------------------------1

Figure 2: Overall Structure---------------------------------------------------------------5

Figure 3: Work Flow of Software Development Team-----------------------7

Figure 4: Logo---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------15

Figure 5: E-R Diagram --------------------------------------------------------------------------20

Figure 6: Database Table-----------------------------------------------------------------------23

Figure 7: Usecase Diagram----------------------------------------------------------------------24

Figure 8: Class Diagram--------------------------------------------------------------------------28

Figure 9: Admin Sequence Diagram----------------------------------------------------------29

Figure 10: Hrm Sequence Diagram ------------------------------------------------------------29

Figure 11: Guard Sequence Diagram --------------------------------------------------------30

Figure 12: Inviter Sequence Diagram -------------------------------------------------------30

Figure 13: Login Page---------------------------------------------------------------------------------31

Figure 14: Guard Homepage-----------------------------------------------------------------------32

Figure 15: Gatepass Waiting To Scan The Barcode-----------------------------------33

Figure 16: Gatepass Scans The Employee Barcode-----------------------------------33

Figure 17: Gatepass Scans Incorrect Barcode----------------------------------------34

Figure 18: Guard Creates Visitor Page-----------------------------------------------------34

Figure 19: Guard View Invitation List------------------------------------------------------35

Figure 20: HRM Views The Gatepass Detail------------------------------------------------35

Figure 21: Inviter Creates Invitation Page---------------------------------------------36

Table 1: use case description for manage account ----------------------------------------25

Table 2: use case description for login----------------------------------25

Table 3: use case description for view report-----------------------------------------26

Table 4: use case description for view guard detail-----------------------------------26

Table 5: use case description for restrict entry------------------------------------------26

Table 6: use case description for entry gate detail-------------------------------------27

Table 7: use case description for Add visitor---------------------------------------27

1.1 Historical Overview of ASTU
Adama Science and Technology University (ASTU) were first established in 1993 as NTC,
offering degree and diploma level education in technology fields. Later, the institution was
renamed as NCTTE, a self-explanatory label that describes what the institution used to train back
then candidates who would become technical teachers for TVET colleges/Schools across the
country. In 2003, a new addition to NCTTE came about introduction of business education.
Nonetheless, the new entries were solely meant for similar purposes these graduates were also
expected to help overcome the existing dearth of educators in vocational institutions.


Although it is an institution with a history of only two decades, ASTU is known for its dynamic
past. It has always been responsive to the realization of national policies: training of
technologists at its early stage, and later shifting to training of technical trainers, as well as
business educators, to fill the gap in TVETs. Following its inauguration in May 2006 as Adama
University, the full-fledged university started opening other academic programs in other areas an
extension to its original mission.

However, it was not until it was nominated by the Ministry of Education as Center of Excellence
in Technology in 2008 that it opened various programs in applied engineering and technology.
For its realization, it became a university modeled after the German paradigm: it not only
became the only technical university in the nation, but also the only one led by a German

Notwithstanding closure of some disciplines as per the new vision and mission, the ensuing
three years saw flourishing of graduate programs, of which some (like a few in the undergraduate
program) were exceptional to our university. The same period saw pioneering of the university in
introducing PhD by Research and MA/MSC by Research programs. Before 2008, the university
was stratified into faculties, and ASTU’s reach was limited to its only campus in Adama town.
The university has now extended its reach to Asella, where two of the total seven schools are
located. The faculties at the main campus include: School of Business, School of Engineering
and Information Technologies, School of Humanities and Law, School of Natural Sciences, and
School of Educational Science and Technology Teachers Education. On the other hand, the two
schools in Asella are the School of Agriculture and School of Health and Hospital.

In addition to its main concern (academics), ASTU is also host of research Institutes and
enterprises. In the main campus, apart from the ICDE, there exist two others: the Further
Training Institute FTI and Adama Institute of Sustainable Energy. The sister town where the two
schools are located, Asella, is also host to the Artificial Insemination Institute and Asella model
Agricultural Enterprise.

Following its renaming by the Council of Ministers as Adama Science and Technology
University in May 2011, the university has started working towards the attainment of becoming a
center of excellence in science and technology, thereby allowing for the realization of goals set
in the GTP. To this end, a South Korean has been appointed as President of the University.
Currently, ASTU is setting up a Research Park, in collaboration with stakeholders and other
concerned bodies: one of a kind in the Ethiopian context. The university is also venturing out to
the wider community and is currently engaged in various joint undertakings.

1.2 Objective, Mission and Vision of ASTU


The mission of ASTU is to provide ethical and competent graduates in applied science and
technology through quality education, demand driven research and community service. ASTU
also provides innovative knowledge to support the socio-economic development of the nation.

• Delivering world class education and training in strategically priority science and technology
disciplines based on national economic demand.
• Conducting problem solving applied research to support the productivity and
competitiveness of industries.
• Serving as a center of knowledge and technological adaption, innovation and transfer

• Building technical and managerial capabilities of industries and

• Becoming a national hub of science and technology


• ASTU aspires to be the first choice in Ethiopia and the premier center of excellence in
applied science and technology in Africa by 2030.

Core Values

Core values of ASTU written below are the operating principles that guide the organizations
internal conduct as well as their Relationship with their customers, partners, and shareholders.

 Originality and Innovativeness

 Academic freedom and integrity

 Sense of belongingness and ownership

 Nurturing diversity

 Transparency and accountability

 Professional ethics

 Responsiveness

1.3 Service and products of ASTU

• E-learning services

• Video conference

• University-industry linkages

• VSAT communication with MOST and AASTU.

• Ethernet service network infrastructure (that connects ASTU to other


• Networking and installation

• Website development

• Data center administration

• Software and hardware maintenance

• Maintenance and assessment of ICT equipment

• Community data center service

1.4 Main customers and end users of ASTU

 Students of the university

 Teachers of the university

 Other university’s community

 The society around the university

1.5 Overall Structure and Work Flow of ASTU

Figure 2: Overall structure

In general, the Internship Program allows us to connect theory and practice, to discover how we
can provide a solution to a real-world problem, and to participate in the advancement of modern
technology. We obtained a lot of expertise and technical abilities in web based system
development, application development, and website design throughout our internship program.
We received a fantastic introduction to the professional environment in our subject of study.

2.1 How I get into the company

We have understanding of database design, software development, and any computer related
activities since we have been studying at Hawassa University School of Electrical and Computer
Engineering in the computer stream. As a result, we looked for organizations that were involved
in similar fields for the internship program. As a result, we submitted an application to the ASTU
ICT CENTER. And they demonstrated their readiness to welcome us by sending us an

acceptance letter. On the planned day of October 2, we appeared at the firm and reported the
letter that our institution had sent us. They accept and encourage us to participate in all duties in
order to make the internship program more realistic and beneficial, as promised on the
confirmation form.

2.2 Sections in the company we have been working

As we have mentioned earlier in the company introduction part there are 6 teams under the
supervision of the ICT center. Each team has its own tasks and working area. Under these teams,
there are volunteers and interns participating in various projects. The main activity performed by
the students on an internship program under the department of Electrical and computer
engineering in computer streams are basically found in software development team. So we were
assigned to work in the software development office under the supervision of our team advisor
who is assigned for us. There are certain general activities performed by software development
team. These are

 Developing application software for the Adama Science and Technology University,
other Universities, governmental companies, non-government companies and also for
individuals as the specification of the customers.

 Website developments for offices in ASTU and other companies.

 Giving technical support on the software design and development for students in the

2.3 The workflow in this section looks like

Figure 3: Workflow of software development team

2.4 The work piece of tasks we have been executing

After joining the software team, we began our contributions by developing a web-based project
management system by asking our advisor and staff members how projects are managed in the
ASTU ICT - center and collecting ideas for the project. However, after gathering the data, our
advisor advised us to change the project's title because it had been done by interns before us, and
they gave us a new title, gate pass management system. Since ASTU has many employees and
visitors they are entering and exiting the gate, the web based Gate Pass Management System was
in a high demand in order to introduce a digitalized system of managing the gate that can save
time and advance the working environment.

2.5 Procedures we have been using while performing our work tasks
Before we started our project, we requested our consultant to advise us on how the team has
handled different software development projects. We began completing the jobs in accordance
with the methods that have been in use by the team for a long time. Using the steps listed below,

we were able to complete our job.We have achieved our project by using the following

 Gathering information: First we gathered information about the project title from
guards, employees, and visitors they are invited for different purposes and they give us
how the gate system is manual and very backward.

 Preparing proposal: We prepared a proposal for the project. Then we presented our
proposal to our adviser. Our adviser gave us useful comments and suggestions on the

 Prepare the software documentation: We have reviewed the proposal by including

improvements guided by our adviser. Then we prepared the software documentation.

 System designing: Then we start system design which includes database design,
Software design,,,

 Server side design and coding: Next we start server side design and coding. We have
instructed to use a Laravel framework for the project. So we start installing WAMP
server, visual studio code editor to write the codes and configuring the framework on our

 Final presentation: Our final works are evaluated by our adviser and lastly we present
the project for the whole team. We have been evaluated and suggested by the developers.
We got so many constructive comments which provide us advanced insight on the area of

2.6 How good we have been in performing our work tasks

We had almost little experience when we started the Internship program. Because of our
limitations in programming skill and practical work experience, it was very difficult for us to
engage and perform the tasks assigned to us by our team leaders on campus. However, after
working hard and spending time with it, we now know how to work and know the most efficient
way to complete tasks. We can say that the internship time aided us in improving our work

We were first concerned that we lacked practical experience because it was our first time
working in such an environment. However, once we got started, we were able to finish the job
and solve the company's problem. We reviewed various user guides and conducted an internet
search for information on new issues that arose during the procedure. We had a wonderful
relationship with our adviser, and he routinely gave us feedback on our work, which we used to
remedy our errors and get positive results.

We also developed our teamwork skills by actively participating in group projects. This
increased our personal confidence in issue solving, as well as our ability to come up with fresh
ideas and gain problem-solving experience while at work. We were also urged to be on time
when completing our tasks. Our proposal was presented to our advisor as well as the software
development team. According to their comments, they praised the effort we put in throughout the
internship and our project's accomplishment.

2.7 Challenges we face during the internship period

During the internship period we face some challenges. The major one is -

 Programming skill: Since we have no sufficient practical programming skill

background in the University, It was not easy for us to get along with the tasks
which basically require high programming language skills. The language and
the framework that we have been working with were latest and we had no
experience before, so it was like starting from the scratch. In addition, we had
to teach our self through Internet and other supportive materials. Learning new
programming language was the biggest challenge we faced during the
internship period.

2.8 Measures we have taken to overcome the challenges

 We read various literatures and watched video tutorials to assist us grasp the Laravel
framework and programming languages such as php. When we ran into problems or
glitches, we went to sites like Stack Overflow and GitHub comments for help. When we
were having trouble finding solutions, we sought advice from our supervisor and other
staff members who were familiar with the PHP and JavaScript languages.

Throughout the four months of our work at Adama Science and Technology University, we
acquired a lot of benefits from the internship experience. This internship program was crucial in
helping us gain confidence. We presented our final project to the entire crew and received
positive feedback. We also inquired about other people's areas of expertise. As a result, we were
able to communicate with a variety of employees. Furthermore, the internship provided us with
the opportunity to communicate with people from all levels of the company's hierarchy, and such
trends have helped us gain significant professional experience.

The overall benefits that we have gained are grouped into different categories. Such as:

 Improving practical skills

 Upgrading theoretical knowledge

 Improving interpersonal communication skills

 Improving team playing skills

 Improving leadership skills

 Understanding about work ethics related issues

 Entrepreneurship skills
3.1 Improving practical skills
Theory is the basement of any activity for information technology. However, it is not
enough by itself to know the real situation. It needs practical skill to carry out every
activity within a project. In our internship program, we have developed our practical
skill in many ways. Some of them are as follow:-

How SRS is prepared for software development.

Detailed database design as the specification in designing a web application.

Coding with different programming language for web application


After all when we join the real world, we will not be new for real world problems and
the internship program was a great opportunity in improving practical skills.

3.2 Upgrading theoretical knowledge

When we worked on our projects, we referred different websites to upgrading our theoretical
knowledge’s or to have more information about what we are going to conduct. In short, we
developed good theoretical skill about software development especially web application during
the internship period. Theoretically we know some about the way of system development by the
concept of database and PHP. But on the field of work we need to understand them to solve the
problem by developing the software.

As a result:-

We have upgraded our theoretical knowledge by reading courses that we have

learned in the previous class to complete our project.
In addition to academic theoretical knowledge, we have gained different
theories in relation to different business related environment.
We have also upgraded our theoretical knowledge on the important steps needed
for designing our project.
3.3 In terms of Interpersonal Communication Skill
The internship has aims of improving interpersonal communication skill, since in the
company there are different employers and labor workers, who interact properly with
others, so that to give the desired end products for the customers, smooth interpersonal
communication skills must be exist. During internship time the first thing would be
communicate with employers and department managers. What we see during
internship was the way of communication to be honest and respectful. To get the
desired response, our communication skill should be persuade others attitude.

After we know the advantages of interpersonal communication, we have begun

communicating with each person who works in the company. But at the beginning of
the internship, we communicated hardly. This does not allow us to get things which we
require to develop academic knowledge. After a certain day we developed our
communication with each person also a good interpersonal communication skills are a

pre requested for many positions in an organization Therefore, the internship improves
the interpersonal communication skills.

3.4 In terms of Improving team playing skill

We have understood that working as a team is very important to have different
ideas and alternatives to achieve better solution. We have learned how different
idea comes in one direction and difference is a best way to do better thing. A
person with good team playing skill will upgrade the following:
To help and co-operate with others.
To share ideas with workers openly.
To give comment to the team and find possible solutions to the problems.
3.5 In terms of Leadership skill
A leadership skill is a critical management skill, which is the ability to motivate a
group of people towards a common goal. During the internship period we develop a
leadership skill by observing the managers, team leader, developer and each section
employers of the company when they do their major tasks.

To develop good leadership ability, the following points are necessary:

 Motivate company workers to do their task.

 Solve the problems which are raised by the customers.

3.6 In terms of understanding about work ethics related issues

Ethics at work is very important. During our stay at ASTU, we have observed how the
team treats customers ethically and how much it is important. Punctuality, honesty,
being responsible for actions that we perform and other related issues needed at
workplace are some of the ethical issues that we adapt. Some of the work ethics are as
follows: -


The office discipline



3.7 In terms of Entrepreneurship skill
Entrepreneurship skills are making certain individuals able to create a new set of ideas
that may help in the technological development.

Entrepreneur is an individual who organizes, manages and operates any enterprise,

specifically business, usually with considerable initiative and taking of finance risk.
Successful entrepreneurs have skill which increases the productivity of the
organization. These skills are:

-Self confidence
-Time management, so that the internship has a great role to improve these
entrepreneur skills.

This study aimed to develop and evaluate an Automated Gate Pass Management System for
ASTU(Adama Science and Technology University) designed to keep track of the employees,
visitors and resources(items) they take passing the campus gate. Under the System Development
Life Cycle (SDLC), we have methodologies used to plan, design, create, deploy, and test the
system. Also, PHP, MySQL, and XAMPP were utilized as software in system development and
implementation. On the other hand, the system was evaluated with a rate of usability and
functionality. The system helps manages in monitoring and facilitating records to anyone who
passes by the university premises. Thus, the system contributes in securing and monitoring the
employees, visitors and resources; thereby generating due and timely feedback to the

Key words: ASTU, Gate Pass, Safety and Security, Monitoring

With the rise of technology in the 21st century, new and creative gadgets and applications were
developed to ease life. Still, university safety is the most significant component to precede
research with advanced technology. Adama Science and Technology University has a pass slip
operation/policy implemented, which aims to secure the employees' safety and record
information, monitor the employees going out of the gate status, and record the visitors' visit.
However, using the manual system of recording, it has been noted that it could lead to losing
files and documents when the administration needs information. Thus, this study aimed to
develop and design an ASTU Automated Gate Pass Management System, centralizing the record
of employees going out, visitors coming to the campus and resources they take.

Traditionally, manual record management required vast amounts of documents to be shipped to

storage facilities only to necessitate retrieval when needed and has resulted in the unnecessary
expense of both time and money. One the other hand, many innovations are now being
developed to fasten its transaction. One of the innovations is the E-Gate pass System, which

aimed to enhance and upgrade the existing system by increasing its efficiency and effectiveness
by reducing the manual work. Further, the software improves the working methods by replacing
the current manual system with the computer-based system. As safety and security is a concern,
it stressed that the consensus arising from the professional security community is that university
administrators should invest in sophisticated technologies that help university staffs to decrease
violence via a multi-staged approach to safety.

It is evident at the cited studies that using a traditional-manual process may lead to inconsistency
of information and difficulty in generating records. ASTU manual gate pass slip has no available
database and system to systematically and conveniently perform transactions. In so far, the
institution has never had an existing system duly integrated with an electronic gate pass slip.
With this, the main challenges faced by the ASTU security guards are the fragmented massive of
paper-based pass slip records of the faculty and staff. Besides, it has been noted that the
concerned personnel consumes time and difficulty in generating records for decision-making of
the administration. Hence, we, having internship experience in ASTU are doing our best and
looks forward to optimizing ASTU’s quality services.

Automated Gate Pass Management System aimed to modernize the manual pass slip system,
which will be considered a technology to address the gap using PHP, XAMPP, and MySQL.
Thus, this study is deemed to address the present situation in the Gate Pass Management Present
System, designed to manage records, particularly in facilitating information for an employee,
visitors and resources they taken passing the school premises. Records are accessed to an
informed decision making of the administration.

Figure 4: LOGO(ASTU GatePass Management System)

There lacks a digital solution for Gate pass and record keeping in most institutions for their
security personnel at the gates which are the entry points of the institutions. Especially at the
point where employees and visitors are increasing, there arises the need for a digital record
keeping system to enable easy monitoring and allow the security personnel to have information
of who is within the institution. Especially for visitors, there is no way of knowing who and
when and by who was invited. Regarding in register does not mean that information is true.
There is no authentication process. With lack of a digital solution, information has to be entered
manually and thus making it easy for data loss.

4.4.1 General Objectives
To develop an Automated Gate Pass Management System designed to monitor and facilitate the
process and information of the employees, visitors and resources they take passing campus gate.

4.4.2 Specific Objectives

ASTU Automated Gate Pass Management System is aimed to achieve the following specific

1. To design and develop a system with the following features and modules: (USER Satisfaction
level, easy inquiry, varies type of service, time efficiency)

a. Gate pass module;

b. End-user module;
c. Admin module;
d. Reports module;
e. Registration module.

2. To integrate and implement ASTU Automated Gate Pass Management System supported with

3. To evaluate the system in terms of usability and functionality.

The introducing system, gate pass management system, which is going to be implemented for
Adama University ICT center will automate the operation of gate pass system of the center. This
web based gate pass management system provides users (HR,HO, guard and administrator) to
get registered on the web platform and gives the access to write gate detail to administrator. It is
supported with a well-designed database. A friendly user interface is provided to facilitate
different services such as login, generate, submit and update report. Although this system is
designed for gate pass security for employee, visitors and resources they take so, we can make it
available to all entry and exit since it is flexible.

Achieving a secure environment is very important for all organizations as it is a matter of

security. Our application would help such university to safeguard their compound from
unwanted personals and it is also safe for different kind of items. The application should
accomplish the following:

• Issue Gate passes to employees within a compass.

• Issue Gate passes to visitors within a compass.
• Issue Gate passes to resources taken by employees and visitors within a compass.


4.6.1 Methodology
Methodology specifies the method and technology used to develop the software system such as,
the methods used to gather data, approach used to design the software system, software and
hardware requirements used to implement the system. We have used the following phases:-

• Data Gathering

Before we start the project we gathered information by interviewing the workers in the
ICT center and security officers of the compass about the problem that they are facing
on not using web based gate pass management system and how the normal gate pass
process held in the company.

• Requirements Analysis

Based on the data we gathered and information that have given to us by our advisor,
we have set certain requirements that our project must meet. These are:-

1. Technical requirements

2. Functional requirements and

3. Non-functional requirements

1. Technical system requirements

What pertains to the technical aspects that a system must fulfill is what is termed as a technical
requirement. The following are the technical requirements for the proposed system:


The system will provide services to users through the gate personnel who will capture their
details in the system. Scalability The system will allow for addition of users.


The system will be secured from unauthorized access by use of a login form as an entry point to
the contents of the system. Only valid login credentials will allow access to the system.


The system will be available for access at any time of the day, every day of the year.


The system can only be accessed by the institution security personnel from the devices it has
been installed in.

2. Functional requirements

Detail description of what the system can do as well as input and Output of the System with
respect to role of the actor. The product consists of the following the functional requirements
based on the role of the actors.

A. Admin: is basically a super user.

- Can add a record of HRM,
- Can add a record of Guard,
- Can add a record of HO (Higher Official)
- Responsible for any error in the system
- Admin should keep tracking each person and different resources entering and exiting
University compound.
B. HRM (Human Resources Manager): is part of an organization who is dealing with
each guard.
- The HRM needs to keep track of guards and areas under his supervision.
- The manager can view entry gate details, Guard details.
- They will see any unwanted activity restrict the entry of a person or vehicle
C. Guard (security officer): Guard is the basic unit of the Gate Pass Management system.
- Guard can view entry gate details, whether a gate pass is approved or not. They
would allow only if the gate pass is approved.
D. They will see any unwanted activity restrict the entry of a person or related resources.
HO (Higher Official): can add a record of visitors.
- prepare invitations.

3. Non-functional requirements

Non-functional requirements are the criteria used to judge the system rather than the system’s
behavior. They include:

Security requirements

Entry to the system is limited only to authorized registered users. The users will also have
restrictions on what content they can edit or delete. The administrator has unlimited access to add
users and content, edit it and even delete accounts and content deemed useless.

Performance requirements

The system user interface is friendly and appealing and accomplishes the minimum required
actions. Reliability

The system can be relied upon to do what it is expected since its underlying architecture is well-
built. Maintainability

The system is coded in php and MySQL for the backend and HTML5, CSS for the frontend.
These programming and markup languages are easy to understand hence ensuring that anyone
competent enough can modify the system accordingly. This is further supported by comments in
the code explaining how complex parts of the code work.

Physical Environment

The system is deployed or installed on the server side script but for more feature we recommend
that the system to deploy on Adama university server that is free from any disaster.

4.6.2 Tools
Hardware Tools

• Personal computer (PC) or laptop: almost all tasks of our project are
performed on computer.
• Flash: required for data movement.

• Ethernet cable: to connect with the internet.

• Barcode reader: to read employee id

Software Tools

• Laravel : PHP framework

• Josh : Laravel template

• Wamp: Web server

• Chrome: Web browser

• VS code: Text editor

• Wondershare EdrawMax: Diagram builder

4.7 System design
System design is a process through which requirement are translated in to
representation of software. Initially the representation provides the general view of
software, subsequent refinement leads to design representation that is very close to
source code .Design is a place where quality assured in the software development .It
provides us with representation of software that can be assessed for quality this is the
only way that can accurately translated the customers’ requirements in to finished
software product.

The approach we used in system design is unified modeling language (UML) in which
it depends on the visual modeling of the system. Visual modeling is the process of
taking the information from the modeling and displaying it graphical using some sort
of standard set of graphical element that includes:-

4.7.1 Database design ER diagram

A basic ER model is composed of entity types and specifies relationship that can exist
between entities.

Figure 5: ER diagram

4.7.2 Database table
A table is a collection of related data held in a table format within a database. It consists
of columns and rows.

In relational databases, and flat file databases, a table is a set of data elements (values) using a
model of vertical columns (identifiable by name) and horizontal rows, the cell being the unit
where a row and column intersect. A table has a specified number of columns, but can have any
number of rows. Each row is identified by one or more values appearing in a particular column
subset. A specific choice of columns which uniquely identify rows is called the primary key.

"Table" is another term for "relation"; although there is the difference in that a table is usually
a multisite (bag) of rows where a relation is a set and does not allow duplicates. Besides the
actual data rows, tables generally have associated with them some metadata, such
as constraints on the table or on the values within particular columns.

Figure 6: Database table

4.7.3 Use case diagram

A use case diagram is a behavioral UML diagram type and frequently used to analyze various
systems. They enable you to visualize the different types of roles in a system and how those roles
interact with the system and also it is a way to summarize details of a system and the users
within that system. It is generally shown as a graphic depiction of interactions among different
elements in a system.

Figure 7: Usecase diagram

4.7.4 Use case description

Use case diagrams consists of actors, Actor in a use case diagram is any entity that performs a
role in one given system. This could be a person, organization or an external system. In order to
create relevant use cases for the gate pass management system, the following actors for the
system have been identified:

 System admin

 Guard

 Manager (HR)

 HO (Inviter)

Use case descriptions included in Get pass management system are

 Log in

 Manage account

 View report

 View guard detail

 Restrict entry

 View entry gate detail

 Add visitor

 Invite visitor

4.7.5 Usecase description using table

Use case name Manage account
Participating actor Admin
Description Allows to provide functionalities to users; add, delete ,update
and edit users .
Entry condition Admin must be login to the system to their own page
Exit condition Every users account and system maintenance manages as
Table 1: use case description for manage account

Use case name Login

Participating actor Admin, Manager(HO),Guard
Description Any user who wants to access the system’s
functionality must be Authenticated and
Authorized and login to the system.
Entry condition The user must be already registered (the user
must have user name, password)
Exit condition The system user logged in to the system.
Table 2: use case description for login

Use case name View report
Participating actor Manager and guard
Description This use case helps Every user to view out a
Entry condition Every user must be login in to the system.
Exit condition When reports are viewed by users
Table 3: use case description for view report

Use case name View guard detail

Participating actor Manager(HO)
Description Helps the manager(HO) to check or control
guard profile (check guard status)
Entry condition The manager have to logged in
Exit condition The required detail of guard viewed
Table 4: use case description for view guard detail

Use case name Restrict entry

Participating actor Manager(HO) and guard
Description The HO and guard restrict (not allow) to get
in the employee and visitor: if the employee
are not registered in the system and for
visitors if they are not invited.
Entry condition If unregistered or un invited user come
Exit condition Restrict the user
Table 5: use case description for restrict entry

Use case name View entry gate detail

Participating actor Guard
Description The guard view who entered and leave the
Entry condition The guard have to logged in
Exit condition View the entry/exit detail

Table 6: use case description for entry gate detail

Use case name Add visitor

Participating actor Guard
Description If the visitor come the guard add the visitor
into the visitor list and give them temporary
Entry condition New visitor have to came
Exit condition The visitor is added
Table 7: use case description for Add visitor

4.7.6 Class Diagram

A class diagram in the Unified Modeling Language (UML) is a type of static structure
diagram that describes the structure of a system by showing the system's classes, their attributes,
operations (or methods), and the relationships among objects.

Class diagram is a static diagram. It represents the static view of an application. Class diagram is
not only used for visualizing, describing, and documenting different aspects of a system but also
for constructing executable code of the software application.

Class diagram describes the attributes and operations of a class and also the constraints imposed
on the system. The class diagrams are widely used in the modeling of object oriented systems
because they are the only UML diagrams, which can be mapped directly with object-oriented

Class diagram shows a collection of classes, interfaces, associations, collaborations, and

constraints. It is also known as a structural diagram.

A class diagram is typically modeled rectangles with three-section:

 The top one indicates the name of the class

 The middle one lists the attributes of the class and
 The third one lists the methods

Figure 8: Class diagram

4.7.8 Sequence Diagram

A sequence diagram is a Unified Modeling Language (UML) diagram that illustrates the
sequence of messages between objects in an interaction. A sequence diagram shows the
sequence of messages passed between objects. Sequence diagrams can also show the control
structures between objects. Sequence diagrams are a great way to validate and flesh out the
logic of use case scenarios and to document the design of the system.

Figure 9: Admin Sequence Diagram

Figure 10: Hrm Sequence Diagram

Figure11: Guard Sequence Diagram

Figure 12: Inviter Sequence Diagram

4.8 Result and discussion
The final result of this project was a system that enables ASTU Gate Pass management
system get registered and login to designed for monitoring and maintaining employee and
visitor records at the time of entry and exists to their respective premises. It is also used for
preparing digital identification card and tracking the overall duration of the entrance and
exits in a web based manner. We have used larval framework to do the project.
Generally It is an online web- based it does not require a big infrastructure. This system
can be run just add it to the main system because our main dealing with Gate Pass
management system is online.
The following figure shows login page which is used to authenticate users:

Figure 13: Login page

The following figure shows Home page for Guard

Figure14: Guard home page

The following figure shows the gatepass waiting to scan the barcode;

Figure15: Gatepass page waiting to scan the barcode
The following figure shows the gatepass scans the employee barcode:

Figure 16: Gatepass scans the employee barcode

The following figure shows when the gatepass scans incorrect barcode;

Figure 17: Gatepass scans incorrect barcode

The following figure shows how the Guard add visitor and give them temporary id

Figure 18: Guard creates visitor account

The following figure shows how the Guard view request and visitor list.

Figure 19: Guard views invitation list
The following figure shows how the HRM view gatepass report.

Figure 20: HRM views the gatepass detail

The following figure shows how the HO (inviter) create invitation

Figure 21: HO create invitation

5.1 Conclusion
Based on the record in the system analysis stage, the manual pass slip's current technical system
was time-consuming for recording the file, inconsistency, and difficulty generating reports.
ASTU Automated Gate Pass Management System is then believed as a very convenient way to
store, manipulate, analyze, retrieve, and track the institution's information on gate pass. It can
generate real-time data as needed and adaptable to new or modified information requirements.
Thus, it is more practical and convenient for the system to be supported on its full
implementation. Lastly, the system conforms to usability and functionality standards, which
provides ease in decision-making among top management

5.2 Recommendation to ASTU ICT center

Based on the record in the system analysis stage, the manual pass slip's current technical system
was time-consuming for recording the file, inconsistency, and difficulty generating reports.
ASTU Automated Gate Pass Management System is then believed as a very convenient way to
store, manipulate, analyze, retrieve, and track the institution's information on gate pass. It can
generate real-time data as needed and adaptable to new or modified information requirements.
Thus, it is more practical and convenient for the system to be supported on its full
implementation. Lastly, the system conforms to usability and functionality standards, which
provides ease in decision-making among top management.

5.3 Recommendation to Hawassa University



namespace App\Http\Controllers\Guard;

use App\Http\Requests;

use App\Http\Requests\CreateGatepassRequest;

use App\Http\Requests\UpdateGatepassRequest;

use App\Repositories\GatepassRepository;

use App\Http\Controllers\AppBaseController as InfyOmBaseController;

use Illuminate\Http\Request;

use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Lang;

use App\Models\Gatepass;

use App\Models\Employee;

use App\Models\Gate;

use Flash;

use Prettus\Repository\Criteria\RequestCriteria;

use Response;

use Auth;

use Sentinel;

class GatepassController extends InfyOmBaseController

/** @var GatepassRepository */

private $gatepassRepository;

public function __construct(GatepassRepository $gatepassRepo)

$this->gatepassRepository = $gatepassRepo;


* Display a listing of the Gatepass.

* @param Request $request

* @return Response


public function index(Request $request)

$this->gatepassRepository->pushCriteria(new RequestCriteria($request));

$gatepasses = $this->gatepassRepository->all();

return view('guard.gatepasses.index')

->with('gatepasses', $gatepasses);


* Show the form for creating a new Gatepass.

* @return Response


public function create()

return view('guard.gatepasses.create');


* Store a newly created Gatepass in storage.

* @param CreateGatepassRequest $request

* @return Response


public function store(CreateGatepassRequest $request)

$request->request->add(['approved_by' => $request->user()->id]);

$input = $request->all();

$gatepass = $this->gatepassRepository->create($input);

Flash::success('Gatepass saved successfully.');

return redirect(route('guard.gatepasses.index'));


* Display the specified Gatepass.

* @param int $id

* @return Response


public function show($id)

$gatepass = $this->gatepassRepository->findWithoutFail($id);

if (empty($gatepass)) {

Flash::error('Gatepass not found');

return redirect(route('gatepasses.index'));

return view('')->with('gatepass', $gatepass);


* Show the form for editing the specified Gatepass.

* @param int $id

* @return Response


public function edit($id)

$gatepass = $this->gatepassRepository->findWithoutFail($id);

if (empty($gatepass)) {

Flash::error('Gatepass not found');

return redirect(route('gatepasses.index'));

return view('guard.gatepasses.edit')->with('gatepass', $gatepass);


* Update the specified Gatepass in storage.

* @param int $id

* @param UpdateGatepassRequest $request

* @return Response


public function update($id, UpdateGatepassRequest $request)

$gatepass = $this->gatepassRepository->findWithoutFail($id);

if (empty($gatepass)) {

Flash::error('Gatepass not found');

return redirect(route('gatepasses.index'));

$gatepass = $this->gatepassRepository->update($request->all(), $id);

Flash::success('Gatepass updated successfully.');

return redirect(route('guard.gatepasses.index'));


* Remove the specified Gatepass from storage.

* @param int $id

* @return Response


public function getModalDelete($id = null)

$error = '';

$model = '';

$confirm_route = route('guard.gatepasses.delete',['id'=>$id]);

return View('guard.layouts/modal_confirmation', compact('error','model',


public function getDelete($id = null)

$sample = Gatepass::destroy($id);

// Redirect to the group management page

return redirect(route('guard.gatepasses.index'))->with('success',

// For Barcode

public function barcodereader(Request $request)

$employee = Employee::where('id_number',$request->barcode)->first();

$date = date('Y/m/d H:i:s');

$today = explode(' ', $date);

$result = "";

if (empty($employee)) {

$result = "<span class='btn btn-danger'>You are <b>Not</b> Employee



$result = "<span class='btn btn-success'> Welcome ".$employee->first_name." ".

$employee->middel_name." ".$employee->last_name." <img
src='http://gpms.local:8089/employees/profile/".$employee->photo."' height='80px'

$logged_user = Sentinel::getUser()->id;

$gate_id = Sentinel::getUser()->gate_id;

$gate = Gate::where('id', $gate_id)->first();

$gatepass = new Gatepass([

'gate_id' => $gate->g__name,

'entry_time' => $today[1],

'emp_id'=> $employee->id,

'date' => $today[0],

'purpose_of_visit' => 'Work',

'state' => 'default',

'status' => 'accepted',

'guard_id' => $logged_user



return response()->json(['employee'=>$result]);


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