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Class 3A of PGMI
Friday, January 21, 2022

A. Pay attention to these active sentences.

1. Did my mother buy some foods in the market last week?
2. My beloved father is not playing foot ball right now.
3. My grandfather has not drunk a cup of coffee one hours ago.
4. Is my handsome brother eating a plate of fried rice this morning?
5. Will my sister read a novel tomorrow?
6. My youngest brother has eaten a chocolate bread in the canteen of his school two
hours ago.
7. Does my dearest father write a letter this morning?
8. The handsome boy did not read some books last week.
9. My mother will clean the house three hours later.
10. Amir is going to submit his assignment this week.
11. Has my sister watered the beautiful flowers last night?
12. My father was reading newspaper two hours ago.
13. He will buy seven books in Gramedia next week.
14. My lovely wife taught English lecture seriously at Ibn Khaldun University last
15. My sister is not reading a story book right now.
16. I do not watch movie every week.
17. Does my brother always play a game every day?
18. The handsome boy will not cut his long hair in Quarto barbershop tomorrow.
19. Fadlan has not read the paper three hours ago.
20. Students must complete this final test honestly.

B. Pay attention to these passive sentences.

1. A cup of tea has been drunk by a beautiful and cute kid five minutes ago.
2. A car driving course was being taken by him this morning.
3. Is vitamin drunk by smart and handsome student every morning?
4. The journal is not being read by Rina and friends this morning.
5. A story book is being read by a smart and beautiful girl right now.
6. A meat is not cooked by them every night.
7. A bowl of spaghetti is not being eaten by them last night.
8. Porridge has not been eaten by an active and adorable baby boy.
9. Bones were not eaten by a cute cat yesterday morning.
10. Was banana being eaten by a good and cute monkey last night?
11. Milk is not being drunk by a beautiful and cute kid this morning.
12. That beach has been visited by many tourists.
13. Have two packages been accepted by Afifah three days ago?
14. Fresh fruits were bought in market by him yesterday.
15. The customer was being asked by the police when the thief came into the store.
16. The cake is baked by me.
17. Rice is not being cooked by a kind and beautiful girl this morning.
18. Will carrot be eaten by a cute white rabbit tomorrow afternoon?
19. Guitar was being played by a handsome boy last night.
20. A heroic story has not been written by Rafa and Siska.

C. Follow these instructions.

1. Choose 10 (ten) actice sentences in part A. Change them into passive, then translate
them into Bahasa Indonesia.
e.g.: Will my sister read a novel tomorrow? (Number 5 has been done)
your answer: Will a novel be read by my sister tomorrow?
(Apakah novel itu akan dibaca oleh saudara saya esok hari?

1. Choose 10 (ten) passive sentences in part B. Change them into active’ then translate
them into Bahasa Indonesia.
e.g.: A meat is not cooked by them every night. (Number 6 has been done)
your answer: They do not cook a meat every night.
(Mereka tidak memasak daging setiap malam)

D. Notes
1. Mulailah dengan basmalah dan berdo’a. Perhatikan perintah dengan seksama. Buka
kembali catatan, file dan tugas-tugas yang telah dipelajari;
2. Total kalimat yang dikerjakan adalah 20. (10 kalimat pasif dan 10 kalimat aktif
beserta terjemahan Bahasa Indonesia yang baik);
3. Diketik di kertas A4, font TNR, size 12. Diberi nama lengkap, kelas dan NPM di
sebelah kiri atas;
4. Dikumpulkan di komti atau PJ mata kuliah dan dikirim dalam 1 Folder (RAZ/ZIP)
maksimal pada jam 11.00 hari ini via WhatsApp (durasi 3 jam);
5. Jika sudah selesai, akhiri dengan hamdalah dan berdoa.

“Tidak ada yang Mampu dan Bisa Selain Allah Mudahkan Segala Urusan Kita”

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