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Our geological field trip was on (galiye zakho and armshte village ). This
field based with strong emphasis on observation and the development of
generic field skills . Skills developed during field typically include collection
of geologic data, measuring thickness of formations, interpreting geologic
structures, and recognition of geological features of natural outcrops and
how to take notes in the field. In order to become a geologist, you must do
what real geologists do and geology is best done in the field not only
theoretically. It is in the field where you often learn what you already
know. And in the field you can apply knowledge to solving a real problem
the way a professional geologist solves a problem here is where you form
the self-confidence to actually do the geology, however, the rocks,
formations and landscape do not give up solutions easily you have to be
very scrupulous and straight-edge person while you deal with it.

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A fault is a fracture or zone of fractures between two blocks of rock.

Faults allow the blocks to move relative to each other. This
movement may occur rapidly, in the form of an earthquake - or may
occur slowly, in the form of creep. Faults may range in length from a
few millimeters to thousands of kilometers. Most faults produce
repeated displacements over geologic time. During an earthquake,
the rock on one side of the fault suddenly slips with respect to the
other. The fault surface can be horizontal or vertical or some arbitrary
angle in between.Earth scientists use the angle of the fault with
respect to the surface (known as the dip) and the direction of slip
along the fault to classify faults. Faults which move along the
direction of the dip plane are dip-slip faults and described as either
normal or reverse (thrust), depending on their motion. Faults which
move horizontally are known as strike-slip faults and are classified as
either right-lateral or left-lateral. Faults which show both dip-slip and
.strike-slip motion are known as oblique-slip faults
Strike and dips

The strike line of a bed, fault, or other planar feature, is a line representing
the intersection of that feature with a horizontal plane. On a geologic map,
this is represented with a short straight-line segment oriented parallel to the
strike line. Strike (or strike angle) can be given as either a quadrant compass
bearing of the strike line (N25°E for example) or in terms of east or west of
true north or south, a single three digit number representing the azimuth,
where the lower number is usually given (where the example of N25°E would
simply be 025), or the azimuth number followed by the degree sign (example
.of N25°E would be 025°)
The dip gives the steepest angle of descent of a tilted bed or feature relative
to a horizontal plane, and is given by the number (0°-90°) as well as a letter
(N,S,E,W) with rough direction in which the bed is dipping downwards. One
technique is to always take the strike so the dip is 90° to the right of the
strike, in which case the redundant letter following the dip angle is omitted
(right hand rule, or RHR). The map symbol is a short line attached and at right
angles to the strike symbol pointing in the direction which the planar surface
is dipping down. The angle of dip is generally included on a geologic map
without the degree sign. Beds that are dipping vertically are shown with the
dip symbol on both sides of the strike, and beds that are level are shown like
the vertical beds, but with a circle around them. Both vertical and level beds
do not have a number written with them.

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Joints(also termed extensional fractures) are planes of separation on

which no or undetectable shear displacement has taken place. The two
walls of the resulting tiny opening typically remain in tight (matching)
contact. Joints may result from regional tectonics (i.e. The compressive
stresses in front of a mountain belt), folding (due to curvature of
bedding), faulting, or internal stress release during uplift or cooling. They
often form under high fluid pressure (i.e. low effective stress),
perpendicular to the smallest principal stress. The aperture of a joint is the
space between its two walls measured perpendicularly to the mean plane.
Apertures can be open (resulting in permeability enhancement) or
occluded by mineral cement (resulting in permeability reduction). A joint
with a large aperture (> few mm) is a fissure. The mechanical layer
thickness of the deforming rock controls joint growth. If present in
sufficient number, open joints may provide adequate porosity and
permeability such that an otherwise impermeable rock may become a
productive fractured reservoir. In quarrying, the largest block size
depends on joint frequency; abundant fractures are desirable for
quarrying crushed rock and gravel.

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A formation or geological formation is the fundamental unit of

lithostratigraphy. A formation consists of a certain number of rock strata
that have a comparable lithology, facies or other similar properties.
Formations are not defined on the thickness of the rock strata they
consist of and the thickness of different formations can therefore vary
widely. The concept of formally defined layers or strata is central to the
geologic discipline of stratigraphy. A formation can be divided into
.members and are themselves grouped together in groups
Usefulness of formations
Formations allow geologists to correlate geologic strata across wide
distances between outcrops and exposures of rock strata. Formations
were initially described to be the essential geologic time markers based
on relative ages and the law of superposition. The divisions of the
geological time scale were the formations described and put in
chronological order by the geologists and stratigraphy's of the 17th and
18th centuries. Modern revision of the geologic sciences has restricted
Formations to lithology's, because lithological units are formed by
depositional environments, some of which may persist for hundreds of
millions of years and will transgress chronostratigraphic intervals or
fossil-based methods of correlating rocks. For example, the Hamersley
Basin is a Proterozoic sedimentary basin where up to 1200 million years
of sedimentation is preserved within the intact sedimentary stratigraphy,
with up to 300 million years represented by a single lithological unit of
banded iron formation and shale. Geologic formations are usually
sedimentary rock layers, but may also be metamorphic rocks and volcanic
.flows. Igneous intrusive rocks are generally not divided into Formations

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Teaching students for using the geological field instruments -1

practically and showing them the geological features in close
.Determine contact of formations-2
3-Showing, student how to use the compass to measure strike
and dip of beds.

:Material and equipment

note book-3

Hammer compass Note book camera

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Pila Spi Formation-

Lithology: white or milky limestone or dolomitic limestone
.Age: Middle Eocene

-Gercus Formation

Lithology: Red or grey sandstone, clay stone and conglomerate.

Age: Lower Eocene.

Kolosh Formation-

Lithology: Alternation of sandstone and calcareous shale with inter beds of


Age: Paleocene.

Shiranish Formation-

.Lithology: Alternation well bedded bluish white marls and marly limestone

Age: Campanian-Maastrichtian.

Bekhme Formation-

.Lithology: Reefal and lagoonal massive dolomite and dolomitic limestone

Age: Middle Campanian-Turonian.

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Introduction 1

Objective 2

Formation 3

Strike and dips


Fault 6

Conclusion 7
University of zakho
faculty of engineering
department of petroleum engineering

Name : Ahmed bahri

Subject: geology
Date of submitting :2021/11/28
Supervisor : Mr Nazar Mohammed

Field work

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