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Resistance (also known as ohmic

resistance or electrical resistance) is a
measure of the opposition to current flow
in an electrical circuit. Resistance is
measured in ohms, symbolized by the
Greek letter omega (Ω).


To verify the ohm’s law and hence determine the

unknown resistance of the given material of the

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2 1

Resistors Digital Multimeter

3 4

DC power supply Breadboard

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1- Connect the circuit to measure the value

of current and) V)

2- Use Ohm’s law to find the value of (R)

Use ohmmeter to measure the value of -3

.given resistance

Use the table (1) to find the value of -4

.resistance by using color code number

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In this practical experiment, we learned from it the

method of measuring the electrical resistance of
the three specified methods, but the experiment
showed us that there may be a very slight
difference between the value resulting from Ohm’s
law, and the measurement with an ohmmeter
device.  And that there is a difference between
these two methods, and between the color code
method that is set industrially, and the reason for
.this is due to the Resistive loss
This effect (Resistive loss) is useful in some
applications such as incandescent lighting and
electric heating, but is undesirable in power
transmission. Common ways to combat resistive
loss include using thicker wire and higher
voltages. Superconducting wire is used in special

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Find the resistance value by:

1- Ohm’s law R
2- Ohmmeter
3- Color code

Table( 1 )

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Introduction 1

Aim 2

Apparatus 3

Procedure 4

Calculation 5

Discussion 6
Name: Ahmed bahri omar
Experimental number (3 )
Date: 2021/3/31
Subject: Electricity and

Measurement the Value

Electric Resistance

Mr issa Mahdi

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