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Narrative Text

A. What is narrative text?

A narrative text is a story which the purpose is to entertain the readers
B. Generic structure of narrative text
 Orientation: It is about the opening paragraph where the characters of the story
are introduced.
(Contains an introduction to the characters, the place and time of the story (who or
what, when and where)
 Complication: Where the problems in the story developed.
(Problems arise / begin and develop)
 Resolution: Where the problems in the story is solved.
Problem solved, either "happy ending" or bad "bad ending".
 Coda / reorientation (optional) – lesson from the story.
C. Type of Narrative text
 Real-life drama
 Fantasy
 Adventure
 Science fiction
 Mystery
 Myth
 Legend
 Fable
D. Characteristics of Narrative text
1. The content of the text
 The stories made have a clear chronology or sequence, starting from the
beginning of the story to the end of the story.
 Contains an event, in which there is a conflict.
 Has forming elements, such as theme, setting, setting, time, characters or
characterizations, characters and others
2. Language element
 Past tense (V2) : kill-killed, say-said,
 Using certain nouns as pronouns for certain people, animals and things in the
story. For example: the princess, the girl, the queen, etc.
 Using adjectives that form a noun phrase.
Example: The red riding hood, the poisoned apple, etc.
 Uses Time Connectives and Conjunctions to sequence events.
Example: before, after, then, next, soon, etc.
 Using Adverbs and Adverbial Phrase to indicate the location of events or
Example: on the sea, in the mountain, there, etc
 Direct speech. Kalimat ujaran langsung dalam present tense
Example: Snow White said,”My name is Snow White”

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