Cookery Salad & Dressing

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A. Content Standards: The learners demonstrate an understanding of the
knowledge, skills, and attitudes required in preparing salad
and salad dressing

B. Performance The learners independently prepare salad and salad dressing

C. Learning LO 2. Prepare a variety of salads and dressings
Competencies/ 2.6 prepare salad dressings
Objectives: 2.7 follow workplace safety procedures
a. Identify structure of salad;
b. Prepare and present variety of salad and salad
c. Follow workplace safety and sanitary procedure
II. CONTENT 1. Structure of salad
2. Kinds of salad dressing and their ingredients
A.REFERENCES: Photos used are teacher’s own-taken pictures
1.Teacher’s Guide Pages TLE_HECK9-12PA-Ic-3
2. Learner’s Materials LM Cookery Module 1
Pages p.119-131

3.Textbook Pages
4.Additional Materials from
Learning Resource (LR)
B. Other Learning Slide presentation
Resources Retrieved 10/12/18>.drhillteach

A. Review/Motivation 1.Daily Routines
a. Opening Prayer
b. Class Greeting
c. Class Attendance
d. Review
Count Me In
 Let the learners go to their respective group;
 Each group is given opportunity to answer questions
on previous lesson;
 Let each group say “Count me in” or “Count us in” or
“count our group in” when you click the letter of the
correct answer.
 When the group is already in, let the leader name
group members who are in and group members who
are absent;
 Continue until all groups are in the class.

4 Pics one Concept

The teacher will present set of pictures and ask the class’
concept about the pictures being presented.

B. Presentation of the 1. Unlocking of difficulties

Lesson a. Physical changes- alters the form of a substance, but does
not change it to another substance.
 It change shape or size
 It dissolves
 It change phase ( freezes, boils, evaporate and
b. Chemical changes-are changes that undergoes when it
becomes new or different matter.
 It burns
 Temperature without heating/cooling
 It bubbles
 It change color
2. Development of the lesson
Video Clip Presentation:
The teacher will present a video on how to make salad
dressing/mayonnaise dressing. (teacher’s own video will
be used)

C. Learning Activities Round robin

 In this activity everyone gets a chance to participate;
 Each group of learners will be given 5 minutes to
share their ideas on structure of salad and how to
make or to make salad dressing
 After sharing their ideas ;
 They will able to discuss the following:
 Group 1 Base
 Group 2 Body
 Group 3 Dressing
 Group 4 Garnish
 Group 5 Summarize structure of salad

D. Guide Questions 1. What are the structure of salad and its purpose?
2. How do you constitute salad dressing?
3. How does your oil mixture forms into different
4. Why do you need to constitute your salad dressing?
E. Applications of Practice Skills:
Concepts and Skills The students will be tasked to do the following:
1. Perform mise-en-place;
2. Use tools properly;
3. Prepare salad dressing;
4. Follow Workplace safety and hygienic procedure;
5. Follow the procedure properly;
6. Finish the task based on the allotted time.

Students will be rated on their practical test based on the
following criteria:
Use tools properly..…………………………..………... 5
Prepare salad dressing……………….. …………….…5
Followed Workplace safety and hygienic
procedure. ………….………........................................5
Follow the procedure properly…..……………….…….5
Finish the task based on the allotted time……..……..5
F. Generalizations and 3 H Matrix
Abstractions about the
Lesson Head Heart Hand
What Concept What values How will I apply my
did I learn? did I gain? learning in real life?

G. Evaluation Direction: Identify what is being described in each item. Write

the letter of the correct answer on your answer sheet.
1. What component of a salad is an edible decorative
item that gives eye appeal and add flavor to the food?
a. Body c. Dressing
b. Base d. Garnish
2. What is the term used to a seasoned liquid or semi
liquid that gives flavor to salad?
a. Body c. Dressing
b. Base d. Garnish
3. Which of the following ingredients is used as salad
a. Lettuce c. Mayonnaise
b. Carrot d. Celery
4. Which of the following structure of salad is the main
part of the salad?
a. Body c. Dressing
b. Base d. Garnish
5. Which of the following dressing is considered as
emulsified dressing?
a. Mayonnaise c. Condensed milk
b. Creams d. Ketchup

Key to Correction:
1. D
2. C
3. A
4. A
5. A
H. Additional Activities for Enhancement Activity
Reinforcement/ Packaging and Labeling
Enhancement Directions: Prepare and label your mayonnaise. The following
must appear to your label :
 Name of the product
 Label design
 List of ingredients
 Nutritional fact
 Date manufactured and expiry date
 Instruction for storing

VI. REFLECTION 40/40 learners obtained the following scores:

5 = 19
4 = 21
Mean Score 4.475
SD 0.50

Prepared by:

Teacher III

Checked by:

Head Teacher III

Evaluated by:

ABIS LR Coordinator/Master Teacher II, English

Approved by:

Principal III

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