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From free to paid: Customer expertise and customer satisfaction on

knowledge payment platforms☆
Jin Zhanga, Jilong Zhanga, Mingyue Zhangb,*
School of Business, Renmin University of China, Beijing 100872, China
International Business School, Beijing Foreign Studies University, Beijing 100089, China


Keywords: In this study, we investigate what factors are influential to customer satisfaction of paid knowledge, especially
Knowledge payment among different customer segments, by integrating user activities on both free and paid platforms. Considering
Customer expertise the complexity of knowledge acquisition, we first propose a novel measurement of “customer expertise” based on
Customer satisfaction text mining, as a criterion for customer segmentation. Drawing upon the value-percept diversity theory, we then
postulate a conceptual model proposing that customers with different expertise would react differently to the
Customer segmentation
price of knowledge and historical knowledge-consuming transactions, in terms of customer satisfaction. We test
the model empirically through the hierarchical OLS regression with data collected from Zhihu and Zhihu Live.
Distinguishing expert and novice customers, we have findings that (1) expert customers are less sensitive to
price; (2) historical price positively influences the satisfaction of novice customers, but negatively for expert
customers; (3) expert customers are less influenced by historical satisfaction, which have important implications
for market targeting and knowledge pricing strategy.

1. Introduction emphasizes the pre-purchase behavior of customers [1,3-5]. However,

due to the intangibility and inaccessibility of information goods before
Capitalizing on the popularity, some free knowledge sharing plat- purchasing, customers have to take high perceived risk with limited
forms recently have attempted to charge their users for accessing some pre-purchase knowledge [6], which further affects customer satisfac-
elaborate knowledge [1], which has fractured users into two groups: tion. Therefore, besides the pre-purchase behavior, the post-purchasing
knowledge providers and knowledge customers. For example, satisfaction of knowledge customers also plays an important role for
<ce:italic>Zhihu</ce:italic> which used to be a free question & revealing valuable content and dedicated knowledge providers in
answer community, launched a pay-for-listening service, namely, knowledge consumption. This leaves a gap in our understanding of
<ce:italic>Zhihu Live</ce:italic> soon after, through which users what factors influence customer satisfaction of knowledge consump-
can join live talks on specific topics given by experts for an entrance fee. tion. Knowledge is quite different from tangible goods in the following
The knowledge monetization industry significantly encourages profes- ways: (1) knowledge quality is hard to guarantee without traditional
sionals to provide more domain knowledge and helps customers to get gate-keeping on the side of knowledge production; (2) As a result of (1),
high quality knowledge as a result [2]. By utilizing the benefit of large knowledge quality can not be easily evaluated before consuming [7];
number of accumulated users on free knowledge sharing platforms, the (3) the perception of knowledge quality is related to the backgrounds
knowledge payment mode has gained a big success with its estimated and expertise levels of customers, and is considerably subjective [8].
economy scale over 30 billion CNY in 2017 [1]. These raise challenges when exploring the influential factors of cus-
The core of maintaining the prosperity of a knowledge payment tomer satisfaction of knowledge consumption.
platform is to stimulate its members to spontaneously provide knowl- Factors explored from paid knowledge payment platforms provide
edge with high quality and thus to guarantee high satisfaction of basic clues for this research issue. Among the limited information on
knowledge customers, which remains neglected and obscure in existing knowledge payment platforms, the price of knowledge is usually re-
literature yet. Limited researches about knowledge payment platforms garded as a significant indicator of a buyer's cost [3,4], but rarely a
mostly focus on maximizing the profit or sales of each Live, which potential signal of knowledge quality [9]. Generally, customer

The work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (71772177/71402186/71802024/71402187/71331007).
Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (J. Zhang), (J. Zhang), (M. Zhang).
Received 19 March 2019; Received in revised form 18 August 2019; Accepted 18 August 2019
0167-9236/ © 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Please cite this article as: Jin Zhang, Jilong Zhang and Mingyue Zhang, Decision Support Systems,
J. Zhang, et al. Decision Support Systems xxx (xxxx) xxxx

satisfaction would be lower with higher price and lower quality from service themselves, such as lectures and tutorials, for one-to-many
the cost-benefit theory view [10]. Moreover, from a dynamic perspec- promotion. For the customer-driven mode, customers raise questions
tive, customers' past knowledge consumption behavior may also play a with rewards, and then invite professionals or celebrities to give one-to-
role towards their current satisfaction since they tend to be “sticky” to one consultation. Most of existing literature focuses on the provider-
some internal reference points [11], such as historical prices and his- driven mode [1-3,5,21], in which this study can be also positioned.
torical satisfaction. In the provider-driven mode, some studies focused on revenue
However, lacking customer depiction, those factors seem in- maximization for a single provider or knowledge product, considering
sufficient to explain the individual difference in satisfaction, which sales [1], customers' willingness-to-pay (WTP) [5] and payment deci-
requires comprehensive customer profiles with rich data. To cope with sion [4]. Some other researchers investigated the influence of trust [21]
that, we explored the data from a free knowledge sharing platform or monetary incentive [2] on free knowledge contribution. However,
(Zhihu) and a paid knowledge payment platform (Zhihu Live) in this none of these studies put effort on customer satisfaction to paid
study, which share the same user base from free to paid. Those data on knowledge, which was found to further affect repeat sales, word of
free knowledge platforms imply the interest and expertise of each mouth, customer loyalty, and overall firm performance in other do-
customer, which contribute to explaining individual heterogeneity in mains [22]. Customer satisfaction reflects the perceived knowledge
perceived quality of purchased knowledge and thus customer satisfac- benefit gained by customers on knowledge payment platforms, which
tion. Accordingly, this motivates our research questions: On knowledge further promotes repurchase and encourages high-qualified knowledge
payment platforms, how knowledge price and customer historical products from providers. Thus, the gap of customer satisfaction of on-
consumption behavior influence customer satisfaction about the paid line knowledge consumption highly motivates our study to explore its
knowledge? Do such influences differ among customers with different influencing factors for different customer segments.
levels of knowledge expertise? How to objectively measure customer
expertise towards specific knowledge? 2.3. Customer expertise
Our study focuses on the role of expertise in customer satisfaction
on knowledge payment platforms, aiming to answer the above research Customer expertise can be defined as the ability of customers to
questions. To the best of our knowledge, no prior work has been de- perform product/service-related tasks successfully and their under-
voted to this specific research topic. Therefore, we propose a text- standing of knowledge about various attributes in a product/service
mining method to measure customer expertise towards specific category [8]. Expertise was generally discussed in technical or highly-
knowledge by utilizing the switching process of customers from free to customized service, such as finance [23], DIY retailing [8] and legal
paid knowledge platforms. Secondly, we build three hypotheses about service [24]. The impact of customer expertise on perceived technical/
customer satisfaction, moderated by customer expertise. The model is functional service quality has been explored [23], which further influ-
then empirically tested using the hierarchical OLS regression with data ences trust [23], loyalty [8] and satisfaction [8,24]. Similar to studies
of Zhihu and Zhihu Live. Our findings reveal that (1) customers with on customer expertise, other studies on online shopping revealed the
higher level knowledge expertise are less sensitive to price; (2) histor- moderate effect of customer product knowledge on satisfaction [25]
ical price has positive influence on satisfaction of novice customers, but and purchase decision-making process [26]. However, the influence of
negative influence on satisfaction of expert customers; (3) customers customer expertise in knowledge consumption scenario has rarely been
with higher level knowledge expertise are less influenced by historical studied. For the measurement of customer expertise, most behavioral
satisfaction. studies mainly depended on survey data (self-reported expertise [8,24],
or several simple questions [23,26]). Instead, we measured it through
2. Literature review text mining based on the historical knowledge activities of each user in
this study. Such measurement is inspired by expert finding studies in
2.1. Online knowledge sharing knowledge management [27,28]. The task of finding experts is defined
as follows: given a collection of crawled documents, a list of expert
Online knowledge sharing refers to the voluntary behavior of candidates and a set of topics, find the experts for each of these topics.
sharing knowledge for free on knowledge sharing platforms. Existing The most popular approach for expert finding is called the candidate-
studies can be broadly divided into two streams: behavioral research based approach which estimates the expertise scores by textual simi-
and recommendation research. In behavioral research, scholars majorly larities between the topics and candidates' profiles. For instance, Balog
focused on the motivation and the influencing factors of knowledge et al. [27] first created a textual representation of the individuals'
sharing behavior [12], including individual cognition [13,14], inter- knowledge according to the documents with which they were asso-
personal interaction [15,16], and organizational context [17]. Specifi- ciated, and then defined expertise as its similarity with the textual re-
cally, from the perspective of social exchange, researchers [12,14] ex- presentation of the given topic. Ha-Thuc et al. [28] computed the ex-
plained what motivated individuals to share. Other studies discussed pertise score for a (member, skill) pair (m, s) using the inner product of
the role of environment based on social capital theory [15,18] and the latent factor vectors sms = xmT ys , where xm represents the member
organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) [17]. However, these studies and ys represents the skill. And they finally got a vector representing the
paid little attention to the knowledge content itself, let alone the dif- expertise scores for different skills ( x mT ys1, x mT ys2 , …, x mT ysn ).
ference between knowledge content and its impact on customer beha-
vior. The recommendation research can be categorized as answer re- 3. Hypothesis development
trieval and expert recommendation, where researchers conducted text
mining to extract semantic information lurking in questions or answers. The research model is proposed as Fig. 1. The customer expertise is
Answer retrieval is to achieve related answers to a given question [19], extracted from free knowledge sharing platforms and then applied to
while expert recommendation aims to suggest potential responders knowledge payment platforms. The current price, historical price and
based on semantic association between responders and questions [20]. historical satisfaction are collected from transactions on knowledge
payment platforms. The hypothesis development in Fig. 1 is elaborated
2.2. Online knowledge consumption as follows.

Online knowledge consumption can be driven by either knowledge 3.1. Customer expertise
providers (expert users) or knowledge customers (general users). For
the provider-driven mode, expert users design knowledge product/ Knowledge is a special case of service with its own unique

J. Zhang, et al. Decision Support Systems xxx (xxxx) xxxx

3.3. Historical price

Historical price represents the deal prices of previous transactions.

According to the view of Helson's adaptation level theory, individual
would possess a corresponding average adaptation level based on sti-
muli in prior experience [32]. Therefore, historical price, as an explicit
stimulus, would form the adaptation level and serve as a foundation
when estimating further stimuli. Several researchers have also sug-
gested some form of past prices as an appropriate price standard, such
as Mayhew and Winer [33], Kalwani et al. [34] and Lichtenstein and
Bearden [35]. This indicates that historical price would serve as re-
ference price [36], which can be defined as “an internal standard
against which observed prices are compared” [37]. In this regard,
Fig. 1. Conceptual model of the moderate effect of expertise. customers would compare the historical price of similar knowledge to
the current encounter, which further influences their purchase
choices [38]. Apparently, higher historical price leads to the perception
characteristics. The intangibility and non-standardization of service
of relatively lower current price since price perception is rather relative
lead to the uncertainty in customer satisfaction [29], which is further
than absolute [39]. This further improves satisfaction because of lower
amplified by the nature of “knowledge”. For general service, such as
perceived cost, in line with the cost-benefit theory.
delivery service, there are relatively predictable outcomes and clear
Given that historical price has a positive impact on customer sa-
rules to evaluate, while knowledge seems more difficult to evaluate. For
tisfaction through the formation of reference price, the magnitude of its
paid knowledge, the variance of perceived quality is attributed to cus-
impact may be moderated by the customer's expertise to the specific
tomer expertise, such that individual heterogeneity in expertise may
knowledge. Prior literature has found that there are distinguishing
form different performance assessments [24,30]. For example, common
features of expert decision making [40]. Experts are more able to select
folks are always confused with impressionist paintings by Vincent van
information on the grounds of its relevance to the task at hand [41] and
Gogh, which is regarded as treasure by artists, owing to the varying
show a much stronger preference for effectual logic in decision making.
perceived quality.
Novices, on the other hand, use less complex decision rules and eval-
The learning effectiveness of paid knowledge is also largely di-
uate problems more on the “perceptual level” of the input informa-
vergent with different expertise levels for the same knowledge. On
tion [40]. Regarding product evaluation task, expert customers with a
knowledge payment platforms, online learners are easier to get con-
great deal of product knowledge are able to reliably estimate the value
fused due to the lack of face-to-face interaction. The expertise reflects
of an item on the basis of its features [42]. Novice customers are likely
previous knowledge accumulation on certain field, which leads to
to use extrinsic cues, such as price or brand name, to a greater extent
better understanding of similar knowledge. Therefore, expert customers
than experts, due to their inability to analyze intrinsic cues [43]. This
tend to acquire more knowledge with better understanding of knowl-
suggests that the environmental factors including price and historical
edge attributes. In this study, customer expertise can be extracted from
prices may have different influences on expert and novice customers.
free knowledge sharing platforms since there is much more abundant
More specifically, Biswas and Sherrell [43] examined the impact of
behavior information about customers' knowledge interest and demand.
reference prices on customers' final judgment and found that product
knowledge played an important role. Customers having familiarity and
knowledge of the product category are not likely to use reference prices
3.2. Current price
to shift their product evaluation [44,45]. In our context, customers with
high expertise of the paid knowledge are capable assessing the value or
Existing literature has revealed both positive [9] and negative roles
worth of a particular knowledge on the basis of its content, thus the
of price [1,4,5] for online knowledge consumption. According to the
reference price formed by historical prices would has less impact.
cost-benefit theory [31], a rational individual will perform a certain
Hence, we hypothesize:
activity only if the marginal benefits from doing so outweigh the
H2a. On online knowledge payment platform, historical price will
marginal costs [10]. Intuitively, price is regarded as the economic cost
beless positively (or even negatively) influential on customer
for customers to access the knowledge [1]. With the same benefit but
satisfaction for individuals withhigher level knowledge expertise,
more cost, customer satisfaction will decrease [10]. Therefore, current
compared to those with lower level expertise.
price is negatively associated with the customer satisfaction.
Meanwhile, the theory of the value-percept diversity model predicts
that satisfaction is a response to a cognitive-evaluative process [10]. It
3.4. Historical satisfaction
indicates that the value perception is based on mapping the price with
individuals' subjective perception of quality. When the price of service/
Koufteros et al. [46] distinguished the current transaction-specific
product remains the same but the perceived quality increases, custo-
encounter satisfaction and historical satisfaction and studied their re-
mers will feel more satisfied. For the same knowledge, novice customers
lationships. Particularly, historical satisfaction is an evaluation of cu-
may fail to realize or understand the sophisticated knowledge due to
mulative or summary satisfaction relating to all transactions prior to the
limited quality perception [24], while expert customers can gain ad-
current one, which better predicts customers' intentions and behavior
ditional fulfillment, which offsets the corresponding cost to some ex-
[22,47]. Scholars have long recognized the cumulative effect of long-
tent. Therefore, we argue the moderate role of expertise in the negative
term experiences with the product/service on customer judgment [48].
relationship between current price and customer satisfaction, with the
For example, customers with positive previous experiences tend to be
more forgiving and tolerant [49]. The current encounter satisfaction is
H1. On online knowledge payment platforms, current price will be less
derived not only from the current experience, but also from historical
negatively influential on customer satisfaction for individuals with
satisfaction since all human interactions or evaluations develop and
higher level knowledge expertise, compared to those with lower
accumulate over time [47]. This is consistent with the adaptation
level expertise.
theory [32] that historical satisfaction is viewed as the adaptation an-
chor for the consumer's evaluations of the current encounter. Hence,

J. Zhang, et al. Decision Support Systems xxx (xxxx) xxxx

previous studies argue that historical satisfaction has main positive 5.2. Customer expertise
effects as an antecedent to encounter satisfaction by modeling it in an
adaptation theory framework [46]. On knowledge payment platforms, customer expertise means how
Consider next the moderating effects of expertise, in other words, expert a customer is with the knowledge (Live) s/he pays. It has been
whether customers' expertise to the specific knowledge interacts with indicated that expertise crucially depends on the topic [27,28], which
historical satisfaction to determine the encounter satisfaction. As means that “expertise” towards different knowledge can be different for
mentioned above, experts and novices have distinguishing features the same customer. Thus, for the measurement of customer expertise, we
when making decisions, including product evaluation tasks [40,42]. draw on the ideas of previous studies [27,28] measuring expertise with
Compared to novice customers, expert ones are sensitive to the current the similarity between a person and content/skill, to define expertise
quality of knowledge, which leads to fair judgment based on the present for each customer-Live pair by text mining. However, the knowledge in
experience. Novice customers with limited ability to distinguish Live is far less explicit: (1) the title or description of Live is too short to
knowledge quality are more affected by stereotype [40]. Therefore, we provide sufficient information; (2) the content of Live involving audio,
hypothesize: video, pictures and slides, is complex to model jointly and not available
H2b. On online knowledge payment platform, historical satisfaction before the start of Live. Thus, to overcome the problems above, an al-
will beless positively influential on customer satisfaction for ternative method is used in this study to represent the knowledge of
individuals withhigher level knowledge expertise, compared to Live with the knowledge distribution of its speaker. For most speakers,
those with lower level expertise. it is very common that what they talk in Live is related to those they
share on free platforms. For example, an influencer of IT on free plat-
forms would probably provide Live about IT to his/her followers, rather
than Lives about fashion or film. Given the same speaker, we assume
4. Research context
the high correlation between a speaker's free knowledge distribution
and the knowledge in Live. Based on this assumption, we could measure
The research was conducted on Zhihu with a free knowledge sharing
expertise with the similarity between a customer-speaker free knowl-
service Zhihu and a paid knowledge service Zhihu Live. In Zhihu Live,
edge distribution pair instead of a customer-Live pair. Although rea-
there are two distinguishing roles, namely, speaker (knowledge pro-
sonable in most cases, it should be clearly pointed out that such as-
vider) and customer (knowledge consumer). Speakers are encouraged
sumption might raise potential issues for speakers disseminating little
to launch lectures (Lives) through multiple media like texts, images,
knowledge on free platforms or totally different knowledge in Live on
video and audio. To access these Lives, customers should pay certain
paid platforms. In such case, the correlation between a speaker's free
entrance fees, and then are able to leave comments with scores (1 to 5
knowledge distribution and the knowledge in Live will become weak,
stars), which are regarded as an explicit indicator of customer sa-
which could be seen as the limitations of this study.
tisfaction. The vast majority of speakers and customers are also active
In this study, we calculated customer-Live expertise with the simi-
on the free knowledge sharing platform (Zhihu), where they can publish
larity of the knowledge distributions of the customer and the speaker
original articles and answers to share knowledge or vote up others'
generated by doc2vec model. Concretely, for each user, we firstly col-
articles. All the textual information can well reflect the knowledge
lected all the answers and articles s/he created or voted up, and then
domain or interest of certain users.
joined them end to end as the user's characteristic document, as shown
in Fig. 2.
Then, we applied the doc2vec model to generate a vector of each
5. Research method
user, visualized in Fig. 3. Doc2vec is an effective Neural Network-based
unsupervised learning algorithm to learn vector representations for
5.1. Data collection
variable-length pieces of texts [50]. Doc2vec can be seen as an im-
proved version of word2vec [51]. In word2vec, words are mapped into
As of July 2018, there had been 4010 Lives from 1756 speakers on
a numerical high-dimensional vector space by fully incorporating con-
Zhihu Live. We obtained the complete Live list, containing more than
textual and semantic information. Similar to word2vec, doc2vec could
270,000 customers and over 500,000 reviews. From this list, we man-
also transfer texts into high-dimensional vectors, which achieved out-
aged to find a representative sample of customers through the system
standing performance on text processing tasks [50]. Specifically, there
sampling method on reviews, i.e., choosing the first review in every 10
were 10,208 characteristic documents from 10,208 users (1687
reviews. Then, the corresponding reviewers were extracted as the raw
speakers and 8538 frequent customers) in the dataset. As a result, a
customer sample consisted of 41,071 members.
10,208 × 200 matrix was generated as the knowledge distribution
To reduce the bias from infrequent customers, we focused on fre-
matrix where 10,208 refers to the number of users and 200 refers to the
quent customers who had reviewed over 5 Lives. With rich experience,
dimension in doc2vec model.
these customers were more likely to provide reasonable scores. Finally,
Finally, the expertise of customer (Ci) towards a Live by speaker (Sj)
the dataset consisted of 8538 frequent customers. We collected their
was measured as the similarity of knowledge distribution (KD) between
complete activity history between their first day on the site (when they
Ci and Sj, which equals the cosine metric between KDCi and KD Sj as Eq.
registered) and July 2018 from both free and paid platforms.
Consequently, 100,780 reviews on 3911 Lives on Zhihu Live were re-
served. We also collected the speakers' activity history of those lives on
Zhihu (1687 speakers). Table 1 summarizes the data collection. ExpertiseCi, Sj = *
KDCi 2 KD Sj 2 (1)

Table 1
Summary of the dataset.
User base #Speaker #Customer #Create answer #Vote up answer
1687 8538 157,416 3,519,540
Free platform
Paid platform #Live #Review #Create article #Vote up article
3911 100,780 11,435 439,898

J. Zhang, et al. Decision Support Systems xxx (xxxx) xxxx

Fig. 2. Example of generating characteristic document for a user.

where Ci and Sj denote the i-th customer and j-th speaker, and KD is the customers, and are believed as more expert (4.24 > 2.58, t = 3.0952)
vector representing a user's knowledge distribution trained by doc2vec in the domain of anime. Therefore, the proposed measurement consists
model. with human's evaluation of expertise. Similarly, the results of the other
The distinctiveness and advantage of the proposed expertise mea- two topics (i.e., web front-end development and musical composition)
surement is to mitigate the “cold start” problem in the knowledge also show similar conclusions, supporting the rationality of the pro-
payment platform by linking the customer's activities from free to paid posed measurement.
platforms. Generally, the knowledge payment platform is evolved from
the free knowledge sharing platform by capitalizing the popularity, and 5.3. Main variable and summary statistics
customer won’t make a purchase until they have fully experienced the
free content. Hence, as a beginner customer for the paid platform (e.g., 5.3.1. Dependent variable
Zhihu Live), s/he has probably accumulated some activities such as This study mainly explores the influential factors of customer sa-
reading or commenting on the free platform (e.g., Zhihu). We learn his/ tisfaction on knowledge consumption for customers with different de-
her knowledge distribution from those activities in free platform with grees of expertise. In Zhihu Live, customers can rate the Lives after their
doc2vec model. Then an expertise score can be calculated as the simi- participation, along with review texts. Numerical ratings on goods and
larity of knowledge distribution between the customer and the knowl- services are deemed to well reflect the customer's overall satisfaction
edge provider. [52,53]. Therefore, numerical ratings were used to measure the in-
We conducted a user study to demonstrate the rationality of the dividual satisfaction of each customer.
measurement. We firstly chose three different topics, namely web front-
end development, anime and musical composition, from Zhihu Live 5.3.2. Independent variable and control variable
platform. Taking anime for example, we selected 10 most-rated Lives. The independent variables include customer expertise, current Live
For each Live, we ranked all its customers with their expertise, choosing price, customer historical price and historical satisfaction.
the top 10% customers as the high-expertise segment (H) and bottom
10% as the low-expertise segment (L). We then invited 3 raters who Customer expertise. To acquire a relative rather than absolute
were expert in anime according to their self-reports to rate the “ex- value, these expertise scores were further normalized in the final
pertise” of customers in both H and L segments. We expected that the dataset. To eliminate the potential influence of outliers, all the
“expertise” levels for H segment reported by the raters would be sig- standardized scores larger than 3 were set to 3, and scores lower than
nificantly higher than those for L segment. If so, it could be concluded −3 were set to −3. Therefore, we finally got a standardized expertise
that the proposed measurement performed effective to distinguish dif- score in [−3, 3] for each customer-Live pair.
ferent expertise levels. Concretely, since all the contents that the cus-
tomer created or voted up were displayed in his/her homepage, we then Current Live price. Current price is directly displayed to
asked the 3 raters to browse the homepage of each customer in both H
customers in every Live page. The distribution of prices of all the
and L segments. All the homepages were randomly assigned to each
3911 Lives is shown in Table 3. The prices of over 90% Lives are
rater. After spending sufficient time reading the homepage, the 3 raters
between CNY 5 to CNY 40, and more than 99% Lives are between CNY
were asked to provide answers to the following questions on a seven-
5 and CNY 100.
point Likert scale.
Suppose that the customer purchased a Live about anime (Insert Live
name here). (Q1) Is the customer able to understand the knowledge in the Historical price. Since the perception of the current Live price is
rather relative than absolute [39], for frequent customers on Zhihu Live,
Live? (Q2) Is the customer able to evaluate the qualification of the Live?
(Q3) How much is the expertise of the customer on anime? they would unavoidably compare the current Live with other Lives s/he
has participated. Therefore, for every customer, we calculated the
The result of the user study is shown in Table 2. Taking anime for
example, there are 18 customers in segment H and 19 customers in average price of all the Lives s/he had reviewed, as the reference price
segment L.(Some customers closed their accounts, which leads to mis- of the customer, denoted as H_price.
match in sizes between segments H and L.) High-expertise customers
are believed to be able to understand (4.93 > 3.33, t = 3.1356) and Historical satisfaction. To measure the historical satisfaction,
evaluate (4.93 > 3.32, t = 3.2199) the Live better than low-expertise we collected all the evaluation ratings provided by each customer in
previous transactions. Considering the consistency among each rating,

Fig. 3. Knowledge distribution matrix.

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Table 2
Results of t-test between high-expertise and low-expertise groups.
Sample size Mean (S.D.)
Domain H L Question H L Difference t-Value p-Value

Web Q1 3.88 (1.08) 2.67 (1.06) 1.21*** 6.3732 3.30E−09

front-end 63 63 Q2 3.82 (1.06) 2.68 (1.05) 1.14*** 6.0714 1.43E−08
development Q3 3.66 (1.16) 2.56 (1.05) 1.11*** 5.6078 1.27E−07
Q1 4.93 (1.79) 3.33 (1.27) 1.59** 3.1356 3.47E−03
Anime 18 19 Q2 4.93 (1.78) 3.32 (1.23) 1.61** 3.2199 2.77E−03
Q3 4.24 (1.97) 2.58 (1.24) 1.66** 3.0952 3.86E−03
Q1 4.47 (1.41) 3.32 (0.93) 1.15** 3.2064 2.57E−03
Musical composition 22 22 Q2 4.29 (1.51) 3.11 (0.88) 1.18** 3.1826 2.75E−03
Q3 3.73 (1.62) 2.24 (0.71) 1.48*** 3.9364 3.05E−04

Note. The number of customers varies with Live, which leads to the difference of sample size among different domains.

all the ratings given by the same customer would fluctuate around his/ coefficients of control variables, indicating the importance of Live
her rating baseline. Therefore, we measured the historical satisfaction quality and speaker's experience in influencing the customer satisfac-
by the average rating of all the Lives reviewed by every customer, tion. However, due to the complexity of paid knowledge satisfaction,
denoted as H_sat. these factors explain the variation marginally, with a baseline adjusted
We also included some control variables about Live and its speaker. R2 of 0.01479. After adding the independent variables in Model 2, the
We collected 100,780 observations from 8538 customers on 3911 Lives. adjusted R2 increases significantly to 0.3534 (F(14,100765) = 3936,
Table 4 summarizes the descriptive statistics of the main variables as p < 0.001), which supports the direct influence of current price, his-
well as the control variables. torical price, historical satisfaction and customer expertise. Specifically,
the customer expertise has a positive effect on satisfaction
5.4. Model specification (β = 1.32E−02, p < 0.001). Customers expert in the purchased
knowledge tend to achieve higher satisfaction. Besides, the regression
We used the hierarchical OLS regression analysis to test our hy- coefficient for the current Live price was negative and significant
potheses. For better interpretability, all the variables were scaled to z- (β = −3.34E−02, p < 0.001), indicating that higher price reduces the
standardized values (z (x ) = (x x¯)/ sd (x ) ). In Model 1, we only con- customer surplus thus decreasing satisfaction. Specifically, other things
sidered control variables. In Model 2, we tested the main effects of being equal, one unit increase of the Live price (1 CNY) will result in
independent variables, current price, historical price, historical sa- 1.14E−03 decrease of the individual rating by transforming the z-score
tisfaction, and customer expertise. As the primary focus of this study, to original prices. Moreover, historical price has a positive impact on
we further tested the interaction terms of expertise and other three customer satisfaction (β = 9.81E−03, p < 0.001), serving as the evi-
variables in Model 3 as follows: dence that customers tend to treat historical purchasing price as a re-
ference price. Thus, they perceive the current Live price differently and
Ratingi, j= a 0 + a1*Expertise + a2*Current _price + a3*H _price + a4 lead to different levels of satisfaction. Furthermore, historical satisfac-
tion would be positively related to customer satisfaction. The regression
*H _sat
+ a5*Current _price*Expertise + a6*H _price *Expertise coefficient is significant (β = 5.83E−01, p < 0.001). Customers who
are more content with previous experience are more tolerant and easier
+ a7 *H _sat *Expertise + BT *Control + i, j
to satisfy. By transforming the z-score to its original value, 1 score in-
(2) crease of the historical average rating would lead to 0.993 higher scores
where a0 to a7 and B are the parameters to be estimated, Control denotes for the current Live.
the vectors of all control variables and ϵi,j is the error term. The variable In Model 3, we further added the interaction terms to the model,
expertise has already been z-standardized to [−3, 3]. which achieved an improved adjusted R2 of 0.3538 (F
(17,100762) = 3247, p < 0.001). The magnitude of coefficients for the
above main effects do not change much, indicating that the main effects
6. Results and discussion
are robust under different model specifications.
Notably, we actually care more about the interacting effect of ex-
6.1. The influential factors of customer satisfaction on knowledge
pertise with the other three main independent variables, which will be
discussed later.

Table 5 presents the results of the analysis for main effects and in-
teraction terms. The dependent variable is the customer's individual 6.2. The role of expertise
rating, which represents his/her satisfaction for the current Live.
Through VIF (Variance inflation factor) tests, there are no multi- Investigating the interaction effects, we find significant moderate
collinearity problems (2.977 for Model 1, 2.982 for Model 2, 2.982 for role of expertise. H1 predicts a significant interaction between customer
Model 3). expertise and the current Live price in relation to the satisfaction with
According to Table 5, Model 1 provides significant results, F the Live. Specifically, the negative influence of current Live price would
(10,100769) = 151.3, p < 0.001. Model 1 shows significant be smaller for customers with higher expertise, since they perceive the

Table 3
Price distribution.
Price (CNY) [0,5) [5,10) [10,20) [20,30) [30,40) [40,100) [100,∞) Total

Live Count 12 1554 1313 455 229 332 16 3911

Percentage (%) 0.31% 39.73% 33.57% 11.63% 5.86% 8.49% 0.41% 100.00%

J. Zhang, et al. Decision Support Systems xxx (xxxx) xxxx

Table 4
Description of main variables.
Variable type Variable Description Mean S.D. Min Max

Dependent variable Ratingi,j Numerical rating of Livej given by Customeri 4.598 0.773 1.000 5.000

CurrentPricej Price of the Livej 23.700 22.629 0.000 598.000

Independent H_pricei Average price of Lives rated by Customeri 2.369 1.020 0.332 20.334
variable H_sati Average scores rated by Customeri 4.598 0.454 1.000 5.000
CustomerExpertisei,j Similarity of knowledge distribution between Customeri and the Speakerj 0.076 0.153 −0.434 1.000

Durationj Audio duration of Livej (in minute) 84.140 40.412 0.000 357.090
N_Q&Aj Number of Q&A in Livej 33.350 35.096 0.000 374.000
N_Filej Number of files shared in Livej 20.520 24.794 0.000 328.000
N_AudioMessagej Number of audio messages in Livej 93.390 52.690 0.000 625.000
Control N_Livej Number of Lives launched by Speakerj 6.117 5.202 1.000 27.000
variable N_Answerj Number of answers published by Speakerj 251.900 449.072 0.000 4687.000
N_Articlej Number of articles published by Speakerj 60.730 142.990 0.000 1562.000
N_Followerj Number of followers of Speakerj 98,255.000 187,982.300 15.000 1,723,807.000
N_Followeej Number of followees of Speakerj 292.200 523.865 1.000 6066.000
N_Topicj Number of topics followed by Speakerj 50.660 75.726 1.000 767.000

Note. The number of Lives is 3911, the number of customers is 8538 and the number of observations (ratings) is 100,780. Speakerj means the speaker of Live j.

Live quality better. The interaction effect is found to be statistically (β = −6.95E−03, p < 0.01). Considering the positive main effect of
significant (t = 3.927) in Model 3 of Table 5, thus supporting H1. Since historical price, it supports that the positive influence of historical price
expertise is a continuous variable, it's hard to explain the coefficients for is decreased with the increase of expertise, which decreases from 0.032
the interaction term directly (i.e., β = 1.21E−02, p < 0.001). We fur- (expertise = −3) to −0.01 (expertise = 3). These changes can be
ther clarify the overall influence of current price with different levels of found in line 3 of Table 6 and Fig. 4 (b), which agree with the H2a. For
expertise, that is, expertise = −3, −2, −1, 0, 1, 2, 3. It is worth noting customers with lower expertise, they only adapt to high price, leading
that expertise has been standardized and the value of 3 means three to a relative lower price perception and higher satisfaction. However, as
standard deviation away from the mean value. The results are displayed the expertise increases, customers also adapt to high quality, which
in line 2 of Table 6. Concretely, the negative influence of current Live raises higher expectation of current transaction and reduces satisfac-
price is reduced with the increase of expertise, which rises from −0.070 tion. Similarly, the OLS regression results in Table 5 also support the
(expertise = −3) to 0.003 (expertise = 3). When expertise level is 3, interaction effect between expertise and historical satisfaction
the influence of current Live price can be even slightly positive (0.003). (β = −1.73E−02, p < 0.001), which supports H2b. As shown in line 4
The gradual change of coefficients has also been visualized in Fig. 4 (a), in Table 6 and Fig. 4, the positive influence of historical satisfaction is
where high level of expertise (H) refers to expertise = 3, middle (M) reduced with the increase of expertise. In Fig. 4 (c), the slope of the line
refers to expertise = 0, and low (L) refers to expertise = −3. Although for novice customers (slope = 0.634 when expertise = −3) is steeper
novice customers are extensively influenced by current price, the pre- than the line for novice customers (slope = 0.531 when expertise = 3),
cise perception of current quality keeps expert customers away from indicating that historical satisfaction has a greater impact on novice
price influence. customers than on expert customers in terms of the satisfaction to the
In line with H2a, there is a significant interaction effect between current Live.
expertise and historical price, which can be found in Model 3 of Table 5

Table 5
Parameter estimation.
Model 1 Model 2 Model 3

Independent variable
Constant 8.56E−15 (0) 6.19E−05 (0.024) 1.10E−03 (0.43)
Expertise 1.32E−02*** (5.023) 1.45E−02*** (5.512)
Current_Price −3.34E−02*** (−11.689) −3.34E−02*** (−11.677)
H_price 9.81E−03*** (3.372) 1.07E−02*** (3.64)
H_sat 5.83E−01*** (228.906) 5.83E−01*** (228.448)
Current_Price × Expertise 1.21E−02*** (3.927)
H_price × Expertise −6.95E−03* (−2.572)
H_sat × Expertise −1.73E−02*** (−6.605)
Control variable
Duration 6.89E−02*** (16.171) 6.37E−02*** (18.435) 6.34E−02*** (18.339)
N_Q&A −4.66E−02*** (−10.095) −7.59E−03* (−2.025) −7.60E−03* (−2.028)
N_File 2.11E−02*** (5.672) 1.61E−02*** (5.349) 1.63E−02*** (5.421)
N_AudioMessage 5.18E−02*** (9.594) 1.53E−02*** (3.497) 1.55E−02*** (3.553)
N_Live 7.55E−02*** (23.223) 4.13E−02*** (15.37) 4.18E−02*** (15.553)
N_Answer 1.12E−02** (2.97) 4.10E−03 (1.34) 4.30E−03 (1.406)
N_Article −3.03E−02*** (−8.197) −1.85E−02*** (−6.161) −1.91E−02*** (−6.359)
N_Follower 1.78E−02*** (4.736) 3.61E−02*** (11.793) 3.59E−02*** (11.721)
N_Followee 7.63E−03* (2.331) −1.46E−03 (−0.541) 2.30E−04 (0.081)
N_Topic −1.89E−02*** (−5.908) −1.20E−02*** (−4.615) −1.24E−02*** (−4.779)
Adjusted R2 0.0147 0.3534 0.3538

All the variables are standardized to Z scores; t statistics in parentheses.

⋅ p < 0.1; * p < 0.05; ** p < 0.01; *** p < 0.001.

J. Zhang, et al. Decision Support Systems xxx (xxxx) xxxx

Table 6
Overall influence of three factors with different levels of expertise.
Expertise −3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3

Current_price −0.070 −0.058 −0.046 −0.033 −0.021 −0.009 0.003

H_price 0.032 0.025 0.018 0.011 0.004 −0.003 −0.010
H_sat 0.634 0.617 0.600 0.583 0.565 0.548 0.531

Fig. 4. Overall influence of three factors with different levels of expertise.

6.3. Robustness check others, while “create” reflects content written by themselves. Hence, it is
worth considering that the characteristic document of each user could
To validate our results, we conducted further experiments with be built in a single perspective, i.e. “vote up” or “create” separately.
different parameter settings of the text-mining method, alternative Therefore, we then divide the entire documents to “voted-up text”
measurement of expertise and different text representation methods. and “created text” for both speakers and customers. Since the dimen-
sion of doc2vec has no significant influence on results, we still set the
6.3.1. Dimension of doc2vec model dimension to 200. We focus on what the customers are interested in, as
A potential caveat regarding our model estimation is that the ex- well as what the speakers are skilled in. Therefore, we measure ex-
pertise is calculated as the cosine of two doc2vec characteristic vectors pertisesc+av, which refers to the cosine of characteristic vectors of
with a given dimension level (i.e., 200). However, the dimension of speaker's created text and customer's voted-up text.
doc2vec may have an impact on the measurement. To dispel the worry, We then compare the results with overall expertise and ex-
we also tested other settings of dimension, including 10, 50 and 100. pertisesc+av, as shown in the third column of Table 9. According to
Table 7 shows the correlation matrix of these expertise values where Table 9, the results of independent variables and interactive items re-
doc2vec10 means doc2vec model with 10 dimensions. According to main consistent with overall expertise in both direction and significance
Table 7, expertise values calculated from vectors of different dimen- (p < 0.1), which supports that our conclusions are solid with alter-
sions are highly correlated (r > 0.7), which preliminarily suggests the native characteristic documents.
consistency of expertise with different dimension.
We further tested again Model 3 (for main effects and interaction 6.3.3. Different text representation method
effects) with these new expertise values and the results are shown in Since there are some other text representation methods besides
Table 8. For all the main effect and interaction effect of the independent doc2vec model, we also conducted TF-IDF method as a way to model
variables, the direction and significance of coefficients are independent users' knowledge background from the textual information. Afterwards,
of the dimension (p < 0.05), which indicates that the dimension of the expertise of a customer towards a Live is calculated in a similar way
doc2vec has no impact on our conclusions. with that in Section 5. When conducting TF-IDF method, we only used
frequent Chinese words or phrases (which appeared no less than 5
6.3.2. Alternative measurement of expertise times), ignoring number or English letter. Besides, for each character-
As a robustness check, we constructed an alternative measure of istic document, we preserved at most 1000 largest TF-IDF vector
customer expertise and found consistent results. In previous models, we components, and reduced others to 0. As shown in the fourth column of
used all textual information of users (i.e., customers and speakers) from Table 9, the results of independent variables and interactive items re-
free knowledge sharing platforms to represent his/her knowledge ex- main consistent in both direction and significance (p < 0.05) with that
pertise. This included the answers and articles s/he voted up or created. when using doc2vec model. This further validates the robustness of our
However, there is a slight difference between “vote up” and “create” conclusions.
activities. “Vote up” means users agree with the content written by
7. Implication
Table 7
Correlation matrix of expertise with different dimensions in doc2vec model. 7.1. Theoretical and methodological Implications
doc2vec10 doc2vec50 doc2vec100 doc2vec200
Firstly, we contribute to the research in online knowledge con-
doc2vec10 1 sumption, seeking to understand what factors influence customer sa-
doc2vec50 0.76 1
tisfaction to the paid knowledge, especially under the background
doc2vec100 0.73 0.92 1
doc2vec200 0.71 0.89 0.93 1 where users migrate from free to paid platforms. Previous studies
mainly focus on maximizing the profit or sales [1,3-5], while ignoring

J. Zhang, et al. Decision Support Systems xxx (xxxx) xxxx

Table 8
Robustness check for doc2vec dimension.
N = 10 N = 50 N = 100 N = 200

Independent variable
Constant 4.09E−04 (0.161) 9.13E−04 (0.359) 8.79E−04 (0.345) 1.10E−03 (0.430)
Expertise 8.62E−03*** (3.374) 1.25E−02*** (4.860) 1.47E−02*** (5.667) 1.45E−02*** (5.512)
Current_Price −3.34E−02*** (−11.652) −3.33E−02*** (−11.628) −3.35E−02*** (−11.692) −3.34E−02*** (−11.677)
H_price 1.10E−02*** (3.770) 1.11E−02*** (3.785) 1.07E−02*** (3.631) 1.07E−02*** (3.640)
H_sat 5.83E−01*** (228.943) 5.83E−01*** (228.649) 5.83E−01*** (228.493) 5.83E−01*** (228.448)
Current_Price * Expertise 1.09E−02*** (3.619) 7.57E−03* (2.513) 1.28E−02*** (4.190) 1.21E−02*** (3.927)
H_price * Expertise −6.98E−03* (−2.448) −6.22E−03* (−2.277) −6.83E−03* (−2.541) −6.95E−03* (−2.572)
H_sat * Expertise −5.21E−03* (−2.052) −1.45E−02*** (−5.630) −1.50E−02*** (−5.840) −1.73E−02*** (−6.605)
Control variable
Duration 6.39E−02*** (18.477) 6.37E−02*** (18.416) 6.35E−02*** (18.356) 6.34E−02*** (18.339)
N_Q&A −7.77E−03* (−2.071) −7.79E−03* (−2.077) −7.42E−03* (−1.980) −7.60E−03* (−2.028)
N_File 1.61E−02*** (5.339) 1.64E−02*** (5.427) 1.63E−02*** (5.420) 1.63E−02*** (5.421)
N_AudioMessage 1.55E−02*** (3.546) 1.55E−02*** (3.554) 1.54E−02*** (3.521) 1.55E−02*** (3.553)
N_Live 4.16E−02*** (15.511) 4.15E−02*** (15.458) 4.15E−02*** (15.460) 4.18E−02*** (15.553)
N_Answer 4.25E−03 (1.392) 4.44E−03 (1.453) 4.26E−03 (1.393) 4.30E−03 (1.406)
N_Article −1.87E−02*** (−6.224) −1.85E−02*** (−6.170) −1.88E−02*** (−6.275) −1.91E−02*** (−6.359)
N_Follower 3.58E−02*** (11.677) 3.56E−02*** (11.626) 3.58E−02*** (11.689) 3.59E−02*** (11.721)
N_Followee 1.89E−04 (0.068) 8.74E−04 (0.310) −4.60E−05 (−0.016) 2.30E−04 (0.081)
N_Topic −1.26E−02*** (−4.866) −1.26E−02*** (−4.845) −1.24E−02*** (−4.764) −1.24E−02*** (−4.779)
Adjusted R2 0.3534 0.3536 0.3538 0.3538

All the variables are standardized to Z scores; t statistics in parentheses.

the post-purchase behavior. Instead, our study focus on customer sa- theories to online knowledge payment context and found that expert
tisfaction in online knowledge consumption, calling for attention to the customers percept the knowledge quality differently compared to no-
sustainable development of online knowledge payment platforms. vice customers, as well as different adaption levels.
Secondly, we emphasize the role of customer expertise in online Fourthly, our study clarifies the influence of price and historical
knowledge consumption, which contributes to customer segmentation transactions on customer satisfaction in online knowledge consump-
research. In existing literature of knowledge consumption, scholars tion. For example, although researchers have found the dual role of
mainly explore tag-based segmentation of knowledge provider (e.g., current price as both economic cost and quality indicator, it remains
real name authentication [4] and gender [1]) and knowledge content unclear which role takes effect under what situation. We investigated
(e.g., topic [1]), while there are rare criteria for customer segmentation. the interaction effects between expertise and these main factors, and
Given the challenge in knowledge quality perception, we draw our at- find opposite directions for the effects with expert and novice custo-
tention to customer heterogeneity. Specifically, we extend our vision to mers, which provide us with a comprehensive view to understand the
the rich user behavior data on free knowledge sharing platforms, which mechanism of customer satisfaction to paid knowledge.
contributes to depict the interest and specialty of users. We further For the methodological implication, our measurement overcomes
distinguish customers with different levels of expertise towards various the subjective bias and the problem of limited scale of participants in
knowledge. empirical studies with self-reports. Besides, as the traditional mea-
Thirdly, we contribute to value-percept diversity theory and adap- surement is usually targeted at certain product/category, it is im-
tion level theory for revealing the different influence mechanisms under possible to measure the customer expertise towards knowledge of var-
varying expertise levels. In our research, we extend the psychological ious fields simultaneously. Given the diversity of customers and

Table 9
Robustness check for alternative measurement of expertise and text representation method.
Overall sc + av TF-IDF

Independent variable
Constant 1.10E−03 (0.430) 1.23E−03 (0.485) 6.48E−03* (2.426)
Expertise 1.45E−02*** (5.512) 2.26E−02*** (8.728) 7.53E−02*** (8.448)
Current_Price −3.34E−02*** (−11.677) −3.57E−02*** (−12.383) −3.35E−02*** (−10.774)
H_price 1.07E−02*** (3.640) 1.08E−02*** (3.661) 1.00E−02** (3.267)
H_sat 5.83E−01*** (228.448) 5.82E−01*** (228.377) 5.77E−01*** (214.364)
Current_Price * Expertise 1.21E−02*** (3.927) 1.32E−02*** (4.611) 3.05E−02*** (3.407)
H_price * Expertise −6.95E−03* (−2.572) −5.31E−03. (−1.932) −1.81E−02* (−2.368)
H_sat * Expertise −1.73E−02*** (−6.605) −2.41E−02*** (−9.390) −9.08E−02*** (−9.291)
Control variable
Duration 6.34E−02*** (18.339) 6.34E−02*** (18.348) 6.40E−02*** (17.901)
N_Q&A −7.60E−03* (−2.028) −6.97E−03. (−1.860) −8.08E−03* (−2.084)
N_File 1.63E−02*** (5.421) 1.76E−02*** (5.838) 1.67E−02*** (5.343)
N_AudioMessage 1.55E−02*** (3.553) 1.37E−02** (3.122) 1.52E−02*** (3.329)
N_Live 4.18E−02*** (15.553) 4.20E−02*** (15.655) 4.06E−02*** (14.521)
N_Answer 4.30E−03 (1.406) 2.26E−03 (0.738) 1.72E−03 (0.549)
N_Article −1.91E−02*** (−6.359) −1.75E−02*** (−5.820) −1.78E−02*** (−5.759)
N_Follower 3.59E−02*** (11.721) 3.59E−02*** (11.754) 3.63E−02*** (11.610)
N_Followee 2.30E−04 (0.081) 5.29E−04 (0.197) −1.40E−03 (−0.502)
N_Topic −1.24E−02*** (−4.779) −1.28E−02*** (−4.926) −1.43E−02*** (−5.363)
Adjusted R2 0.3538 0.3544 0.3532

All the variables are standardized to Z scores; t statistics in parentheses.

J. Zhang, et al. Decision Support Systems xxx (xxxx) xxxx

knowledge purchased, the proposed measurement could measure the activities with the doc2vec model. Then an expertise score can be cal-
customer expertise separately with the behavioral similarity of knowl- culated and could be used as valid information before his/her purchase.
edge customers and knowledge providers, which is specific to a certain
knowledge domain. 8. Conclusion and limitation

7.2. Practical implications This study mainly investigates the moderate role of customer ex-
pertise in exploring the influential factors of customer satisfaction of
Knowledge sharing platforms become to gain much more profit by paid knowledge. Specifically, we first propose a novel measurement of
developing derivative paid knowledge service. For sustainable devel- customer expertise based on the text-mining method, considering user
opment, both knowledge providers and platforms should guarantee migration from free to paid knowledge platforms and incorporating
customers' satisfaction to the paid knowledge, which requires selling user activity information on these two platforms. By analyzing the data
the right knowledge to the right customers at the right price. collected from Zhihu and Zhihu Live, we find that with higher expertise,
Emphasizing the customer expertise as a new segmentation criterion, the satisfaction of customers is less sensitive to price. Besides, expert
our research distinguishes different reaction to price and historical customers with high average price of historical transactions are more
experience between expert customers and novice customers. Such dif- difficult to satisfy in following transactions, while novice customers
ference would lead to opposite marketing decision to traditional stra- with high historical price are easier to satisfy. Meanwhile, the sa-
tegies. tisfaction of expert customers is less dependent on historical satisfac-
Firstly, traditional pricing strategies tend to reduce price to attract tion.
more customers, since they enjoy the free knowledge and are unwilling The current study can be extended in several directions. Firstly,
to pay high price. Given the same discount, the absolute reductions are some customers may purchase Lives without leaving reviews and rat-
larger for expensive Lives. However, do customers of expensive Lives ings. A possible way to validate our study is to conduct laboratory ex-
really need such reductions? For most customers seeking advanced periments in similar situation, getting a random sample of customers
knowledge in expensive Lives, they are probably quite expert in that and accessing their true perception of satisfaction. Secondly, we re-
domain. According to our findings, they are actually less sensitive to presented the knowledge of Live with the speaker's knowledge dis-
price. Therefore, the large reduction in expensive Live is indeed un- tribution for the measurement of customer expertise. This measurement
necessary for expert customers, which provides a chance for knowledge can be further enhanced by incorporating the content of Live, such as
providers and platforms to expand their profits. audio, video, pictures and slides. Such multimedia content can be
Secondly, traditional treatment for customer with strong purchasing modeled jointly with an advanced deep learning framework, which is
power could benefit from our research findings. Supposing a customer worth a separate study. Thirdly, the social network among users can be
with high historical price, traditionally s/he may be recommended with further incorporated to the model in future work. Finally, building a
Lives of his/her expert domain. According to our findings, the historical predictive model of the personalized ratings and generating knowledge
price would largely improve his/her satisfaction for Lives of other do- recommendations would also be an interesting future direction.
mains, compared to his/her expert domain. Therefore, Lives of di-
versified domains are better choices to take full advantages of his/her References
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