On Man S Creativity

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Talk proposal:

On Man’s Creativity
All written truth is from the Creator.
Written by Stevan Lj. Urošević.
Email address: stevanurosevic@gmail.com
Below is written the essence of the talk. During the talk, some things can be added or/and
subtracted or/and changed, but the truth remains.

Very shortly to introduce myself: My name is Stevan Lj. Urošević, I completed Ph.D. in
electrical engineering at MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) in the USA and there I
acquired additional experiences with discoveries and thought roads to them. I completed Ph.D. in
around three years and two months, and the Ph.D. thesis has the research results for around four
typical Ph.D.s. I was also a student at Harvard University where I chose one course in
Introduction of the talk: I will speak what is a man’s creativity, and how to be creative
and so efficient in any kind of work. All good comes only from the one God, the Creator, the true
Father of us who is in heaven. When a man* is righteous, his mind is clear and he looks on the
things truly, in this way he is efficient in any kind of work, because in nature only the truth
works. Every man should do what his heart truly loves the most, that is his soul purpose, and that
makes sense to his mind. Wisdom is love, love is righteousness, righteousness is the truth, the
truth is logical; all these words are the same in the sense of this sentence. If all people would do
what is their soul purpose, then all works would fit as one, and there would be no lack, just as all
is fitted for example in a man’s body. At the end of the talk, I will pray to the Creator. After that,
you can ask me questions.

1. What is a man’s creativity, and how to be creative and so efficient in any kind of work?
A man’s creativity is as the words are saying, it is the creation of a man, or in other words, it is
what a man makes. Simply put, through the creativity a man comes to something new.
I will explain in different ways what is the creativity, so people with different life
experiences can understand me clearly. The creativity is connecting a man and a woman as one
body, then they are a father and a mother and each variation of one body is a child. Also, each
father and each mother consists of a father and a mother, and so on. So creativity is the result of
fruitfulness, and that is multiplication, at the same time, it is growth, expansion, prosperity. It is
fitting of things into one unity. In order that things are fitted, they need to mutually fit, as puzzle
parts, so then the clear picture can be built, and not by force to merge puzzle parts which do not
mutually fit so that the unclear picture is obtained. When a man uses mind for good things, there
is no effort.
When I talk about a man’s creativity, I talk about something in which all people are
masters in their true nature. People can be creative, which is to fit things, multiple times during
each day in everyday activities; for example, to get to a bus or a meeting on time, to get dressed.
When people dress then they approximately fit a size of clothes with a body size.
For example in engineering, in order to reach the innovation, a man seeks for the efficient
principle as the ultimate result. That principle is more efficient than other known principles at
that point. By seeking he first thinks about parts which in the certain arrangement, or in other
words, the certain connection, produce the mentioned ultimate result. In addition, seeking is
thinking, and that is fitting; for example, there is the question which is missing something, and

*In this writing a man is a male or a female, except in the one sentence on this page in which a man is a father so is a
male and in the one sentence on page 8 in which a man and a woman are in love so there a man is a male as well.
that what is missing is the answer. When a man seeks, that is as seeking for the lost key, so then
looks around to see where the key is. After conceiving, he seeks for physical parts to realize the
ultimate result physically, to work as it worked in a mind. First do the job in a mind and then
express it physically as such. First a man should look what has, and if does not know how to
make something to work with what has, then can seek how to make it to work or to seek for
additional parts. He can seek by thinking, by talking with another man, by reading a book,
scientific paper, looking on the internet. Only thinking can be sufficient. The each part of the
realized ultimate result, and in the same way, the realized ultimate result, are the same as
conceived in a mind, so each of them fits with conceived in a mind. A man can feel a joy during
the each step of the work and at the ultimate result.
For example, an architect can first conceive the design of the building in a mind and then
can draw it on the paper. When is realized in parts, then an architect can see that the complete
building looks physically as conceived in a mind. Thus, a physical, which is expressed from
inside, fits with conceived in a mind.
In the previous two examples can be noticed that first a job is done in a mind, inside, and
then is unchanged physically expressed outside, such that what is expressed outside fits with
what is done in a mind, and that can be a good feeling. Therefore, a fitting can be on different
levels of observation. A mind in a brain area is of spiritual nature, it is a light, a free will is in it,
and decisions are made in it.
The creativity is fitting parts, that is also what a man does while is thinking. In the truth
all fits clearly, only the truth physically works in nature. In order to fit things a man can try, or in
other words, to consider, different combinations. This can be done in a mind as thinking or
during a physical work. For example in science in terms of physical work, this is called an
experimentation, and in the same way this can be done in life but in the righteous way. As a man
has lower doubt that is how the solution can be reached sooner. There is no need to try, a man
can either choose to do good and find the solution in no doubt or choose not to do it.
The problem itself would not exist if does not have the appropriate pair in nature as the
solution. The first thing which should be considered is: is there the problem at all? For example,
many years ago I heard the story that in some institution the device came and after is turned on it
did not work, and maybe people ask different questions about the device why it does not work,
and it was noticed that the device was not plugged into power. Thus, maybe people here were
looking the problem into the device and the problem was not that device was broken. If there is
the problem, then should be understood clearly what the problem is missing, and by adding that
then things can work. Therefore, by seeing clearly and so understanding the problem, the
solution is obvious. Every problem is that the energy does not flow in the good direction, and
every solution is to arrange things by fitting them so to direct the energy to flow in the good
The following are different examples in different professions and all are about creativity,
or in other words, about fitting and so making things. In mathematics, parts of an equation are
fitted so that an equation is satisfied. In a language, a word consists of words, and so new words
can be made, also a word can be described with words. In music, words and tones are fitted into
one unity so that sounds good and makes sense. In painting, shapes and colors are fitted, so that
looks good. And it is the same principle in any profession.
Every word of a man should be only constructive, in the same way a deed, then such a
man always builds things and progresses. Moreover, the constructive is the truth. Therefore, a
man first does things in a mind, or in other words, organizes things in a mind to be efficient, and
as such he expresses them into the physical world. He does this for one by one thing, and each in
organized steps by keeping the focus. In this, he has no tiredness and he is with no fear and with
no paying any attention to tiredness, simply put, he does not know for tiredness, but should be
conscious not to get injured, to be conscious and not to have fear. Only in righteousness can be
consciousness. In not righteousness, a man cannot be conscious, because is deceived and does
not know what is doing.
When a man understands the creativity and applies it practically, then is efficient in any
kind of work; a work goes fluently without braking.

2. All good comes only from the one God, the Creator, the true Father of us who is in
From Him only good comes. He is completely good. In this mentioned good the truth is
included. The truth sets free. The truth is one. In the truth all is fitted. The truth is only
constructive. His son is Jesus Christ, he is completely good, he is our true brother. His name
Jesus means in the sense that the God saves. It is good, liberating feeling, when the name Jesus is
truly spoken.

3. When a man is righteous, his mind is clear and he looks on the things truly, in this way
he is efficient in any kind of work, because in nature only the truth works.
When a man is righteous, there is no nonsense to interfere with his mind, a mind is clear and
looks on things truly, so sees what is. In order to see what is a man should not look in front of the
goal nor behind it, but should look exactly in it, and that is the golden mean. Also, when a man
works in the golden mean, then does not add nor subtract from what is, but he sees what is in the
clarity of mind and acts upon it to change it to be good. Therefore, he seeks and works for the
righteous solution and keeps the word until realization.
The golden mean is one of the general patterns of nature and the following three
examples can show that.
If some plant is watered with more or less water than needed, then can wither.
If a man eats less or more food than needed, then in the first case is hungry and in the
second case can overload organs. In the second case, if he does some brain work as studying,
then can see that he is inefficient as he is not sober. Therefore, a man should eat the needed
amount of healthy food.
While I was keeping private lectures in mathematics, electrical engineering subjects,
physics, and programming languages, I noticed that some people do not solve what is, but what
they think that is and that is not the truth. Thus, they can add or subtract from the problem and
not solve what is. If they solve what is, then the solution is correct.
A man in the consciousness based on his free will can decide what to think about, just
needs to talk inside of himself the good and constructive words, to be active, to act and not to
react in his work. This also can be done with conceiving the good pictures. The word is older
than the picture; the picture consists of the words, also the picture can be described with the
words. To be in the consciousness is also the free will choice.
When a man is righteous his word is the truth, and the truth is only constructive. This
word is good and comes only from the Creator. When a man does something physically he talks
inside of himself, and in this way he controls the physical movements to do the work. All in a
man, for example hands, listen to a man’s word and do what says. Every unrighteous thought is
an impurity, and it is destructive for a man who has it. If you want prosperity, the only way is to
do by the will of the Creator, that you are completely righteous; with Him all is only
constructive. A man in a work should not resist to his true good nature, he should not block
himself, just needs to keep the focus towards the solution and to allow to his natural abilities to
do their job. A man should not have fear, should not worry, and should not waste time and
energy on whom he will destroy or who will destroy him. A man should be righteous, to have
faith and to be with the Creator.
When a man is alone in a room, so there is no other man to influence on him, if he pays
attention to the good thoughts, then can feel good, but if he pays attention to the bad thoughts,
then can feel bad. There is no need at all to pay attention to the bad thoughts, and therefore it is
proposed not to pay attention to the bad thoughts. It is sufficient to pay attention to the good
thoughts and therefore to recognize the man’s true good nature. The Creator created all to be
good, including a man. A man has a free will to choose the good among many goods, but a man
can also use a free will to misuse the good and so to do the evil. For example, a man can choose
today one good to eat strawberries, and tomorrow can choose another good to eat bananas. The
choice of a man is what he chooses for himself, to be good in his life so to feel good, or to be bad
so to feel bad, which is to suffer. That is the same question as what do you choose, to be
righteous so to do by the will of the Creator, or to do by the will of the evil, and there is no third
choice. Only with the good the good can be achieved. To me the choice is simple, I choose
always good for myself, and that can be only if I do good, first I do good in my mind and then
express it outside, so others can accept it if they choose so. As more good I spread, it is more
good for myself. The goal is to spread the good for others, and the good comes back as the echo.
By analogy that is as the more good seed you spread in the earth, the more good fruit there is to
harvest. I choose good and that can be only if I function within my true good nature, so I need to
be good, that is to be completely righteous and so to do by the will of the Creator.
A man should be conscious and know the truth that the Creator is true and good. The evil
can tend to deceive a man that there is no the Creator, so a man can be separated from his own
true nature and from his true Father who is in heaven, the Creator. A man made a chair and made
something much more complex as an airplane, and was enough conscious to fit and so to make
these things. A man is much more complex than an airplane, and is the creation of the conscious
mind, not partly but the completely conscious mind of the Creator. The Creator is completely
conscious, completely good, He is our true Father who is in heaven, He is the spirit, He has only
the good intention towards us, He would love to give to us all good things which we ask and to
be good to us. There are some people who are not completely conscious and even they can have
enough conscious to give the good things to their children, and the Creator is completely
conscious then it can be clear to you that he would give to you completely all good which you
need, so that you have no any lack. The spirit moves and controls a finger of a man, a flower
which opens, a star which travels. Without the Creator a man could not move a finger, he would
not even exist.
All what a man does, he does through the faith; for example, moves a finger or drinks
water. The point of no doubt is the point of realization. When a man drank water, he did that
because did not have any doubt. Also, in each step of drinking water, a man did not have any
doubt and that is why he realized it. In the same way as the big picture is completed, for example
drinking the whole glass of water, that is how the each step is completed. It is as fractal
geometry, which is the repetition of the same pattern on different levels of observation.
Some job, for example studying of the certain field, for someone can go easy and for
someone else can go hard. That is because one can decide clearly to do that job well, so can be
determined, and another can choose not to decide so. Another can choose to be partly determined
so does not do it efficiently or after some time does not complete the job at all, for example did
not complete the college in the certain field. How much a man is determined is how much a man
has faith. Be determined in righteousness with a clear mind, so a work is easy.
While I was a Ph.D. student at MIT, I solved some problems for which some people said
that there are impossible. The only difference between them and me was that I knew that all is
possible, thus the difference was in faith. They could know this as well and that would work for
them in the same way as it worked for me. In problem solving, I sought how it can work and not
how it cannot work. The good knowledge is the light. All good is possible with the Creator.
A man is a being of light. The light shines in the darkness and the darkness has not
overcome it. If a man decides to stop to shine the light then the darkness can overcome him, but
if he chooses to shine the light then the darkness will not overcome him, that is his internal
choice. In the state of fear, which is in the lack of consciousness, he can make the bad choice.
Not righteousness is fear and that is darkness, so a man does not see what is doing. Therefore, a
man should choose not to be in fear; should always shine the light, and that can be done only in
the righteousness because the righteousness is the light. In science, it is said that the light has
electromagnetic vibrations. The vibrations are the movements in the certain frequency, all life
moves, the light is the life and vice versa. Many things in you vibrate in the certain rhythm, in
the certain frequency, as your breath, as your heart, as your, in science called, brain waves.
A man should not plan to say nor to say the smallest lie or any bad word. If he says, that
is the sin and it is destructible for him and proposes the destruction to another man or people. If
he only plans to say the smallest lie or the bad word, that is the sin, but it is less sin than to say it,
so it is less destruction of him. For example, when a man says the lie, then one part of him knows
the truth and another part is inverted in the spirit, that is opposite from the true good nature, and
that part of the spirit controls the mouth which says the words of the lie. In that way a man
separated himself. This is as when people separate into two medieval armies, and before they
were one. A man has a free will to choose whether he will say something or will not; for
example, whether he will answer the question or will not. Also, he has a free will to choose what
will say if chooses to say, but whatever he chooses to say should be the truth.
When a man is fully focused on the work then is one with the work and that is high
efficiency in the work. For example, if someone is good basketball or soccer player, people can
say that he plays as he is one with the ball. In order that a man is fully focused on what he is
doing, he needs to make the decision to only keep the uninterrupted focus on the work and to
ignore all other thoughts which are coming to his mind including the thoughts about emotions
which are bad and also which are good but are not directly connected with the work. That is as
tunneling, as the beam of light in the darkness, where by analogy the mind focus corresponds to
the beam of light and the other unwanted thoughts correspond to the darkness. Then the focus is
rising in a short time, can be on the scale of seconds or minutes, with also no thinking about the
time, and so the focus becomes full, and there are no other thoughts which are not related to the
work. The work sets free. When you are in the state of full focus on the good work, then you are
in the state of complete love, joy, health, energy in you is distributed as should be, the mind is
clear, you are in extreme speed, there is no concept in the mind “I cannot”, you feel very strong
connection with the work, you are one with it, there is no effort, you do not feel that you lose
energy in work so it is not destructive, you feel that you obtain energy the more you work so it is
The same principle which is explained in the previous paragraph is to become free from
nonsense as bad thoughts and bad emotions, because there is no attention to nonsense since the
full attention is at the work, so all bad thoughts and emotions disappear as they have not existed
before. All bad thoughts and emotions come from the evil, do not have anything with them,
ignore them, do not do by them. All bad words which you can hear inside of you and all bad
pictures which you can see inside of you come from the evil spirit, do not pay any attention to
them, have nothing to do with the evil. The evil can make you afraid and the state of fear is the
state of lack of consciousness, so in that state you can pay attention to nonsense. But when you
become conscious about nonsense, then change attention and pay attention to some good work or
some good thoughts. You can choose to be conscious and not to have fear. If you only pay
attention to evil thoughts in lack of consciousness but you do not plan evil and so do not have
bad intention, then you do not sin. That is as when you walk on a street and hear some man is
saying bad words, you can hear them but not accept them, then you do not plan to say them and
have no bad intention. It is proposed that you do not pay any attention to evil thoughts; to do so
is simply your choice and keeping the word about it with no any exception. If you did have the
bad intention and so planned the evil, that is the sin. If you did have the bad intention and so
planned the evil and did the evil, that is the larger sin. In every sin a man is deceived by the evil
and certainly he destroys himself and maybe destroys someone else with the free will or property
of someone else with the free will, that is a destructive work of a man. A man can do either by
the will of the Creator or by the will of the evil, and there is no third choice. The Creator has
nothing to do with the evil. Do not sin, be completely righteous, do only by the will of the
Creator. The Creator’s righteousness is when you have no bad intention, then you do not plan
evil and you do not do evil, but this is how I say it in my own unique way; if you do by this and
this is not your own unique way, maybe you sin because you do not understand clearly the sense
behind these words, you should understand it in your own unique way and maybe you would say
the same sense with other words. Therefore, seek the Creator’s righteousness and His kingdom,
to understand it clearly in your own unique way. Get to know the Creator and get to know
yourself. When a man makes the true decision to be completely righteous then all his sins from
before are forgiven, because the Creator is merciful, He forgives, and a man enters the Creator’s
kingdom, and he is in it while he keeps the word to be completely righteous. I invite you all to
join us, to make the internal decision to be completely righteous and to keep the word always and
always to be in the Creator’s kingdom. If you choose to do this, of course it is not necessary to
inform me or any other man about it, that is your internal choice. Also, of course that if you
choose, you can inform me and any other man about it.
The Creator loves each man completely. He created each man to be complete, with no
lack. All people have the same possibilities to choose any ability. Therefore, in truth, there is no
any man above nor below any man, all people are on the same level. The difference is who chose
what, consciously or unconsciously. If you need any gift from the Creator, ask Him, and believe
that you immediately received when you asked Him, He gives immediately, He is completely
reliable, He is not as some fake man. The point of no doubt in faith is the point of realization.
That is why does not make sense to be jealous of anyone.
A man can train himself to do anything, to have a habit of it; to have a new habit which
did not have before or to replace an old habit with a new one. In training by repeating and
correcting, a man decreases the fear and increases the faith. The point of no doubt is the point of
doing it correctly, so that is the point of realization. For example, when an athlete in basketball
trains a new move which has never known before, then does previously explained. This is the
other way to receive the ability from the Creator.
Whatever is the need of a man, for example, a knowledge, a material thing, he can ask the
Creator and the Creator gives immediately, but a man should accept it with the faith with no
doubt. Does not make sense that a man asks the Creator to give him something and then he does
not accept it. That is as when a man asks some other man to give him something and does not put
a hand in the appropriate position and open a palm, then that can fall down when is given. A man
can ask the Creator only for a good because the Creator has nothing to do with a bad. Ask and
you will receive, seek and you will find, knock and will be open to you.
For example, if a man is in a room and people pass next to him and he needs to drink a
glass of water, he can sit and wait without asking that someone gives him a glass of water.
Maybe it happens that someone gives him a glass of water, but it can happen that he sits and
waits and no one gives him a glass of water, then he can die waiting. Therefore, he can either act
so go and drink a glass of water or ask someone for it. Do not wait in life for good things to
happen, you can act or ask, that is also kind of acting.
When I was trying to make something in a lab to work, I noticed that I first need to be
truthful and so clear with myself, and then with the experiment. Thus, that I can truly see why
the experiment does not work, so that I see what is missing which disables it to work, or in other
words, that I understand the problem. Then I can know what I need to do so that there is no
problem anymore, because the problem alone can show what is missing. In nature only the truth
works. In the truth all fits, so when something, as for example experiment, fits with the truth in
nature, then it works. No one device nor anything what a man makes can work if it is not
consistent with the truth. If two persons agree to meet at the certain time, they can meet at that
time only if both of them are true, so only if both of them keep the word until is realized.
Therefore, in this case there are two free wills so two ends. If only one does not keep the word, if
only one’s word is not the truth, then there is no meeting in the agreed time.
There is only one truth. Different people or one man can describe the same true sense in
different ways, for example through different experiences, different stories, as I described the
creativity. The explained in the previous sentence holds if people are truthful; some of them can
choose not to be truthful, then they are not consistent with the one truth. In truth, all people are
truthful if they choose to be within their true nature.

4. Every man should do what his heart truly loves the most, that is his soul purpose, and
that makes sense to his mind.
That is something certainly good for others and a man who does that. That is what is conceived
in the Creator’s mind and it is consistent with a mind of man, so makes sense to it. The Creator
and everyone on the Creator’s side would love the most that for a man. A man should be who is,
original. He should express himself from spiritual into physical. The heart is the most sensitive
organ in a man’s body on soul vibrations. Soul vibrations are spiritual vibrations.
How the man wrote the first book when has not had other man written book to read? How
an innovator comes to a new concept which he has never experienced in other work of man?
They expressed themselves from spiritual into physical.
Do not be afraid of a spirit, you are a spirit in a body. A spirit is as water, a body is as a
bottle, and a soul is as water shaped by a bottle. There are spirits in bodies and with no bodies.
The words which I speak are the spirits. In breath out I speak them. In the Serbian
language “дах” is “breath” and “дух” is “spirit”. Thoughts are spirits as well.
With emotions a man needs to be careful because can be deceived if does not see clearly
the truth with a mind on the scales of a big picture and its parts. For example, if a man eats as
much as he can his favorite food, then he was paying attention to the good taste in a mouth and
did not check clearly with a mind an amount of eaten food in a stomach and so he did not stop to
eat when was enough. If he eats too much, he can overload organs and that is not healthy and can
be slow in a usage of a brain and a body. A man should eat healthy food in the amount by the
need. In the same way as in the previous example, a man can be deceived from the evil. The evil
can point out to the good thing and a man can pay attention only to it and thus he does not pay
attention to a big picture and its parts, so that he does not see that sins and that he destroys
himself, and that is how the evil can guide a man. Therefore, a man needs to use a mind and to
pay attention to a big picture and its parts, to do things which make sense to his mind and which
his heart loves, and to be righteous.
A mind is before an emotion, because an emotion is from a mind, an emotion would not
exist if there is no mind. A mind is as a man who is in front of the water and his reflection in the
water is as an emotion. Thus, if there is no that man then there is no his reflection as well.
If someone is playing music on a street, people who gathered to listen that kind of music
can be those who are in the resonance with it. Play the music of vibrations of your pure soul, let
it be heard; that is what your heart loves the most and what makes sense to your mind.
A resonance is one of the general patterns of nature. For example, if there is a group of
people and among them one man who has the different name than all of them, then if someone
calls that name, only that man can response. This is fitting the called name with his name, that is
the resonance. A resonance is the same as a golden mean; they can be observed separately or as
one. When they are observed as one, a resonance is a fit of something with something else and
that is a golden mean as well, because it would not be a resonance and also a golden mean if
something is before or after something else.
If you do not know what your heart loves the most and what makes sense to your mind,
seek until you find it. You can ask the Creator or your soul in the heart area. In truth, your good
soul is from the Creator, as all good is. The answer can come in many ways. When you reach the
point of no doubt that you found what your heart loves the most and what makes sense to your
mind, then you truly found it. If you think that you work on it, you can feel completely filled
with love, with joy, with no any lack. If you think about your past, it can be from childhood, then
you can see with a mind that you were interested about it and then you felt joyful.
At the minimum a man should do in life what loves. What a man loves should not love
with any lack, but should love completely. For example, a man can completely love to reach
some destination with a car and not by other means, but would love the most to reach it with the
certain type of car and not with any car. What at the minimum a man loves means that he
completely loves to reach some destination with any type of car. It is proposed to a man to do
what loves the most, but it is also fine to do what at the minimum he loves.
A love is not a mystery, everyone can know what a love is, it is everywhere in everything
what is good. A love is an attractive force. For example, it holds together, so called in science,
“molecules” of the chair, holds together every man. When a man and a woman are in love then
they are attracted to each other. A love is completely good, pure, healthy, so has no pain, no
suffering, has nothing bad. A pain and a suffering are bad, so they cannot be love. The love
should be complete, with no lack, which means with no doubt, which means with no fear, then
there is no space for a possibility that something bad can interfere.
In a work, a man should keep the word until is realized, he should be persevering until
realization. If a man is patient during the period of keeping the word, when the word is realized
then he is saved in the sense that the good job is completed and he felt joyful.
You have a mind to think and a heart to feel, you have everything what you need to see
whether something fits in a mind and in a heart, in your true nature. What fits is the truth, and it
is good, that also can work physically in nature. You can distinguish the good from the evil and
do only the good work; you should do what you love the most or at the minimum what you love,
and what makes sense to your mind.

5. Wisdom is love, love is righteousness, righteousness is the truth, the truth is logical; all
these words are the same in the sense of this sentence.
Wisdom is to do a job simply and clearly and so efficiently. A job can be done with love, in love
all is easy, and so a work is efficient. That is why wisdom is love, and vice versa. A man who is
in wisdom and so is in love does not complicate a job, so he is efficient and so knows a job.
When a man is not in wisdom and so is not in love then he is not efficient and so does not know
a job and so complicates it.
Love is righteousness, and vice versa, because for example, if you love someone, then
you are righteous towards that person.
Righteousness is the truth, and vice versa, because a righteous man is realistic and so is
truthful, his word is the truth, he sees what is a realistic situation and acts righteously in it.
The truth is logical, and vice versa, because in the truth all fits together, it makes sense to
a mind, so it is logical.

6. If all people would do what is their soul purpose, then all works would fit as one, and
there would be no lack, just as all is fitted for example in a man’s body.
The Creator fitted everything to be good, and a man can fit things by the Creator’s will so to fit
things to be good. It is in a man’s true nature to fit things to be good, because that makes sense to
his mind and also then he feels good in his heart. In addition, in the same way everywhere in a
man that makes sense and feels good.

7. The prayer to the Creator

The Creator, forgive all sins to those who sinned, help them to become completely righteous,
help us to be always completely righteous, help us that we do what our hearts love the most and
what makes sense to our minds, and help us that we always do only by Your will with no any
exception. Thank You the Creator for already having done all this, I have no doubt in You.

The above written talk proposal, without the last sentence and without the capital letter Y but
with the small letter y in the sentence before the last sentence, is published in public on
November 10, 2017. The above written talk proposal, only with added the last sentence and with
the changed small letter y into the capital letter Y in the sentence before the last sentence, is
published in public on April 6, 2019.

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