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VOL. 61 NO.


Alliance Students Experience Goin g T o College! Twice

By Kelley Moore SJ The former Alliance College was situated
Merciad staff writer in Cambridge Springs, approximately 30
miles south of Erie. One of the main reasons
for closing the school was because of its lack
of success in recruiting efforts. Alliance was
As freshmen, we all anticipate the new faced with decreasing enrollment, which led
experience of going to college. For many, it to the inevitable. A no ther primary reason was
is the first time to experience new surround- because Alliance was dealing with i some
ings and begin making new friends. The new problems with accredidation. They had no
environment is a welcomed change from the choice but to close the college.
every day life of a hometown. For some, it is
a faster pace; to others, it is a severe right turn
from the big city life. With all these new hap-
penings, one realizes it will only happen the -;• Lisa Slomski, a senior Accounting major,
Cindy Sponsky shown here with Alliance's Librarian who is still working at the college
first fall term they enter into college. After chose Mercyhurst for various reasons. Lisa is
despite it being closed down.
that, they are something to be accustomed to. originally from Erie, so she wanted to stay
close to home. She feels, along with many of
uer, came to Mercyhurst because she seemed to care about Alliance students £*tJ
the Alliance transfers, that the major differ-
would 've lost too many credits at other col- that was a major aspect in her decision.
This year ence between Mercyhurst and Alliance is the
leges; she liked the fact that Mercyhurst trans- Gary York also viewed the differences
people that \ size. *'There are a lot more opportunities at
ferred all of hercredits. * The Philadelphia between Mercyhurst and Alliance, and had
view. Mercyhurst," Lisa said. The class size is
native is a senior Accounting major. Michele basically the same comments. Gary is from
larger at Mercyhurst than at Alliance, which
believes it is harder to meet people here than Cinnaminson, NJ, and said that Mercyhurst
can have benefits and drawbacks. At Alliance
it was at Alliance. This is a common problem has "more to do because of the bigger cam-
With the closing of Alliance College in everyone knew everyone, because of the
with most transfers from any school, espe- pus. Everyone is reallyfriendly,andthat helps
Spring 1987, all the students who attended small community. Mercyhurst is bigger, but
cially when the student is in all senior classes, to make college life easier." The sophomore
there were faced with choosing a new college people arefriendly,and you don't have to be
and not really able to icommunicate with Communications major is a member of
to attend. What they had chosen as the perfect popular to know someone. underclassmen, atleast not as far as classroom Mercyhurst's soccer team and believes that
college for them ended with a halt, and for 10 situations are concerned. Michele has a posi- "Mercyhurst'sfriendlinessis top quality."
former Alliance students, Mercy hurst seemed tive attitude and is anticipating the rest of her As theend of the Fall term approaches, the
to be the right place to continue their educa- senior year. Alliance transfer students are becoming better
tion. Another Alliance transfer, Michele Mess-
ky As a member of the soccer team, Jim acquainted with Mercyhurst and better ad-
WW Scannelli has had an easier time meeting new justed to the changes. It is not easy having to
i people and making friends. He said,' 'It's drop everything at one college, including
been easy adapting because there are more professors and classmates, as well as room-
I ^* •
people, which makes it more comfortable." mates and friends, and start over again at
He also added that he like Mercyhurst's atti- another college, having to meet all new


tude because they take things more seriously people. Unfortunately, these students had to

than at Alliance. The sophomore Graphic doit; some of them had to begin upon enter-
Arts major said that the major difference is ing their senior year. 1 |
mm size, referring to both campus and number of Mercyhurst has done their best at keeping
people. Alliance students well accomodated. They 're
ill I Originating from Denville, NJ, Jim is a no longer considered "Alliance transfers,"
ill long way from home, but said he is used to this but they are, rather, a part of the Mercyhurst
in area and likes it f community.
When asked what herfirstresponse was to
hearing the news of Alliance closing, Cynthia There will be no Merciad
Sponsky said she was shocked. She felt a next week duelto finals. We
great deal of depression because she really
liked Alliance. Cynthia said she was' 'adjust- need to study, too.
ing slowly but surely" to Mercyhurst A Our next issue will appear
junior Communications major from
Ebensburg, PA, Cynthia likes Mercyhurst December 10, following
and said the "campus is beautiful," which Thanksgiving
makes the atmosphere more pleasant
I Cynthia said President Wise of Alliance
Former Alliance student, Cindy Sponsky, who now attends Mercyhurst, stands in front encouraged her to attend Mercyhurst She felt Good luck on finals!
of the main administration building at Alliance in Cambridge Springs, Pa. that the Mercyhurst administration really
PAGE 2 The Merciad NOVEMBER 12.1987

Two 'Hurst Students Make The Grade

Fashion Dept. To Go Behind By Joe Bankovkh
Merciad staff reporter
Classes were heldfromSep. 21 Having completed this class and
to 25 for six-and-a-half hours a day. now being certified, Goode and
Each class consisted of lectures by Gallagher are now working on vari-
The Scenes In The Big Apple Two Mercyhurst students are
now certified to practice crime pre-
different police officers or officials ous crime prevention programs on
who specialized in f each specific campus, under the direction of Bud
vention on a college campus, thus area of crime preventions Dever, Director of Security. %
becoming the first students ever to H jj *I thought that by changing the
Karen Kauffeld of the Depart- cover the historical backgrounds of achieve such a status. Kevin Goode person giving the lecture each day, Goode said, . Ifindit challeng-
ment of Fashion Merchandising has many "new" fashion inspirations. and Erin Loringer-Gallagher, both it made the lectures more interest- ing to be working this close to the
announced an off-campus program The New York Fashion/Merchan- senior Criminal Justice majors here ing,' ' Goode said. % security department"
in New York City for any interested dising Visit is carefully designed to at Mercyhurst College, attended a "All aspects of crime in the
students attending Mercy hurst Col- broaden students' understanding of class on crime prevention at the different age groups were covered 4
lege. The New York visit is sched- past, current and future trends in the Days Inn in MeadvuTe, Pa. back in * 11 is a good opportunity for me
in depth,'' Gallagher added. § and I will gain experience from it,''
uled for May 23-28,1988. industry in which they plan to make September of this year. - Goode and Gallagher were the added Gallagher.
| Participants will get a behind- a career. The class was presented by the only college students in attendance
the-scenes look at a variety of The program is being arranged Pennsylvania Commission on at this class. Everyone else were law
companies in the heart of the U.S. to the group's needs and specifica- Crime and Delinquency and the enforcement officials, which put Dever was pleased with Goode
fashion industry and learn about tions through Campus/New York, a Northwestern Pennsylvania Asso- some pressure^ on the pair from and Gallagher and was very opti-
fashion career opportunities. New York company whose fashion ciation of I Police Chiefs. Both Mercyhurst mistic about the crime prevention
The program iwill include consultant, Florence Lentz, a for- Goode and Gallagher agreed that it ' '(Having law enforcement of- program at Mercyhurst $ §
guided tours of the showrooms and mer fashion editor offSeventeen was a very unique and rewarding ficials there) made it seem tougher
work rooms of apparel and fashion Magazine. For IS years the fashion experience for them. | for me," Goode said. Gallagher 4
'If have high hopes for this
accessories manufacturers. Stu- director for Burlington Industries. ' * It was a great learning experi- added,' * it made itmore challenging crime prevention program here at
dents will'view the latest designs, Mrs. Lentz is now Fashion Place- ence,' ' said Goode. for me! *' ^M Mercyhurst College!''
and hear insiders discuss the devel- ment Director of the Berkeley
opment of the new designs. At such Schools and a member of the F.I.T.
famous department stores as faculty.
Macy's and Bloomingdale's as well During their New York stay,
as trendy boutiques, students twill students will be given ample time .

see at first-hand how new merchan- for sight-seeing and shopping.
v KvS

Iv I
« « *. :
dise is presented in exciting ways to They will also attend evening per- &

potential customers. | formances of two Broadway plays K??3S

m VS: ;
Groups members will visit ex- S-dujin^ thejr v k i t ^ . & i
Cffl -

fr [X. &
t >
m ip •»v s »
agPS> i
tensive fashion collections of the J r Interested students can contact ssSs

m-m EL
Metropolitan Museum r of Art's Karen Kauffeld in her office in 137
W * Xfc
I s.

Costume Institute and at the Fash- Zurn Hall, or call 825-0367 for Hi Wm y_ •

ion Institute of Technology to dis- additional information. .•,-.



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Influenza Advice


.*?r> .•,

debilitating weakness, often neces-

Like the common cold, influ-

enza, or flu, is a viral infection of the sitating bed rest for up to one week. m

upper respiratory tract Colds and Other common symptoms include a

flu have some symptoms in com- dry hacking cough, nausea, diar- $

mon-headache, fever, cough and rhea, vomiting and chest pain.
lethargy - and both usually clear up The prescription drug amanta- ^ *

within a week or two. But flu is an dine (Symmetrel) effectively pre- D3BS

entirely different illness. It's more vents influenza A. If you learn from
serious, more epidemic, more likely news media reports that this type of
to cause significant - sometimes flu has been identified Jin your Things got a Utile shaky for some students who took part in the Rape 11big Clinic on the
community, ask your physician for side of Zurn Hall offered by the ROTC Department of Gannon University
fatal - complications, and much
more likely to debilitate you. this drug - it's safe, even for most
|There are three types off flu, children.
designated A, B, and C. Influenza A A flu shot is the other alternative 1986-87 1987-88
is by far the most serious - it has for. influenza A prevention. The
caused death in -epidemics. Influ- U.S. Public Health Service recom-
mends vaccination every autumn U.S. college
enza B is less serious and more $7,110
coldlike. Influenza C may feel like a fbripeople over 65 and for those $6,581
with chronic illnesses. The vaccine costs increase
mild cold. Students entering college this
Flu appears to be passed largely is considered safe, except for those fall will be faced with higher AVERAGE COLLEGE
by hand-to-hand contact, though with serious allergies to eggs (the tuition and fees than in 1986. T U I T I O N AND FEES
vaccine medium). Pregnant women Estimates for the 1987-88 In dollars: I
doctors say that many cases of trans- school year show students
mission from inhalation of virus- are advised to delay vaccination going to public colleges will be
laden cough and sneeze droplets until after the first trimester. £ paying an average $1,359, up
6 percent from last year. Those
have been documented. • Ifyoucan'tget Symmetrel, or if entering private schools can 9
youtfflu is type B or C, physicians expect to pay an average of $1J285$L?5
A typical case of influenza A is $7,110 for their first year, com-
marked by sudden onset of high advise the same remedies they rec- pared to $6,581 last year.
fever, headache, severe muscle ommend for the cold. Be sure to 4-YEAR PUBLIC 4-YEAR PRIVATE
aches, chills, loss of appetite and drink plenty of fluids for fever. COLLEGES COLLEGES
NOVEMBERS. 1987 The Merciad PAGE 3

Laundry SysteniAnd^Tutoriaher- Dean's List Dinner Honors Excellence

vice Go Through The Wringer By Matthew J. Clark
Merciad Editor
town or have found jobs."
Why does Mercyhurst bother with
year because we're still processing
grades and determining grade-point
a dinner for these students? averages so that we can compile the
By Margaret Coffey lem. As one representative corn- Once again, Mercyhurst gave its The dinner "is just something complete Dean's list''
Merciad Staff Reportei men ted, * 'if the problem is mainly in Dean's List students a "special" special that we decided to do for Palmer said that he was very proud
McAulcy, which now has coin- honor last Thursday by rewarding students who have performed well of the students and thought that they
The problems with the laundry operated machines, why shou Id the them with a Dean's List dinner, a academically," Palmer stated. were all fine representatives of Mer-
machines on campus were dis- rest of the campus be penalized?" tradition at Mercyhurst which is not The dinner dates back to the days cyhurst College. The percentage of
cussed at length at the week's MSG MSG is trying to organize a practiced by any schools in this when Mercyhurst | President Dr. students who attended last
Meeting. t I volunteer tutorial service to help out region. William P. Garvey was Academic Thursday's dinner in relation to the
Phyllis Aiello, Director of with the problems tutorial services "We are the only college-in this Dean in the early 1970's. number who actually made the list
Housing, suggested there be a laun- is having. They will then negotiate region that has a dinner for Dean's What does making the Dean's List was the highest\ ever. What also
dry surcharge attached onto resi- with Dr. Garvey to get more money List students," said Mercyhurst's mean to a student's future? pleased Palmer was the high num-
dents tuition bill. This idea was shot for tutorial services. They are hop- Academic Dean Dr. David Palmer. a
Anytime a student excels, he or ber of faculty and administrators
down because many'resident stu- ing {the volunteer service would '! Other institutions simply print the she has contributed to his or her own who were in attendance at the din-
dents take their laundry home, to only be temporary. list in the paper and that's about it'' well-being. I tliink it'sprobably true ner.
one of the town houses (equipped MSG approved a constitution How has Mercyhurst fared aca- that prospective employers look
withfreelaundry machines) or to a "We were very pleased that there
change concerning the cl ubs fund in demically in the midst of faltering favorably on a student who can say was such a large crowd," said
laundromat the \ MSG I budget. As the education in America? on a resume that he or she has made
Aiello has also suggested the " Last year we had 1199 students their college's Dean's List" Palmer. "I'd like to see the dinner
constitution read before, only Ave held in Sullivan Hall (the new sec-
idea of a central laundrettc. This was clubs could benefit from the fund. make Dean's List, this year we had Some have asked why the dinner tion of the cafeteria) from now on. I
also shot down. As Lynn Sheffeer, With the change, seven clubs could 203 but we have more students this isn't held|at the very end of the just think it's a very pleasant place to
a Biology major, stated, "who benefit a year, so the percentage of students academic year or at the very begin-
wants to lug their laundry across who made the list dropped slightly have a dinner."
Iln other news, SAC will show ning of the academic year. Palmer
campus and back especially during 4< but not significantly.'' | explained that there were a number The dinner was hampered by cold
the movie Club Paradise" this
the winter." According to Palmer, the num- of factors that eliminate both of temperatures and a lack of heat in
Sunday. The limousine raffle tick- the building, but that didn't cool the
Aiello will be invited to the next ets will continue to be sold all this ber of students attending this year's those possibilities. 1
MSG meeting to discuss the prob- dinner was much improved over " At the very beginning of the year spirits of those in attendance, as they
week. were treated to a rather unusual talk
attendance of past dinners. ~ it's just too hectic to have the din-
I' 'Normally, when we have close to ner.' ' he said.' 'At that point, we're by Mercy hurst's own Bob Hoff of
200 students make the list, we have still finalizing a lot of thingsJso the Psychology Department
around 115 who actually show up to what we normally do is wait until "I enjoyed Bob HofFs talk,"
the dinner,'' he said. * 'This is due to the second month to have the din- Palmer commented. "I think it
many students having already ner, -
"wff ' ^ added a really positive dimension to
graduated and who are either out of "We don't have it at the end of the * P

the'evening.*' \ ' ' ?.

By Steve Rush



11/19 - Thursday - 8:30 a.m. to 12 midnight
11/20 - Friday - 8:30 ajn. to 8:00 p.m.
11/21 - Saturday - 9:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
11/22 - Sunday - 2:00 p.m. to 12 midnight
11/23 - Monday - 8:30 a.m. to 12 midnight
11/24 - Tuesday - 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
11/25 - Wednes. -!1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
11/26 - Thursday - CLOSED (THANKSGIVING)
11/27 - Friday - CLOSED
11/28*Saturday -CLOSED
11/29-Sunday -CLOSED
11/30-Monday - 1:00p.m.to4:00p.m.
12/1 - Tuesday - Winter term begins.
Regular scheduled hours.
PAGE 4 The Merciad NOVEMBER 12.1987

Tutorial Dilemma Confuses Many Kovski j

available for the Winter and possi- Act 101 Piogram will get tutoring By Chris Kovski
bly even the Spring Term. This has next term. But, from talking to Bob Merciad Managing Editor
prompted one Mercyhurst student, Pagni, the Director of Freshman
senior math major, Fred Washburn, Studies, I learned that the Act 101 "Happy birthday to you. Happy
who's also a tutor, to begin a cam- students and the rest of the students birthday to you. Happy birthday dear
paign that involves petitioning at Mercyhurst are on two separate
Mercyhurst President Dr. William old person. Happy birthday to you."
tutoring budgets.|Let me explain w$g&&& If you hate birthdays, read on. If
P. Garvey to allocate funds for the that an Act 101 student is one who
tutoring. you don't hate birthdays, read on
meets the financial and educational mzM anyway. You'll learn something.
Washburn assured,.that the criteria of Act 101 which is de- «*****»<

Every year, a collection of our

Freshman! Studies Office, which signed for economically, culturally
and/or educationally disadvantaged
relatives gets together and ! sings
runs the tutorial services, "has 4
'Happy Birthday," making the usual
nothing to do with the petition. It's students. 5 I comments on how old we are getting.
my own personal thing," Wash- 'The tutoring 101 budget gets But isn't that what birthdays are? An event to celebrate the fact that
By Matthew J. Clark bum said. Washburn has been get- supplemented by the state," Pagni we' veavoided death for another year. Big deal. Maybe people in New York
Merciad Editor ting people to sign a petition that explained.! 'The other tutorial serv- should get birthdays every three months, since it's a little harder to stay alive
requests that Garvey look at other ice is supported solely by the school there. !
There seems to be a lot of confu- parts of the school's budget to see budget" Evidently, it is an accomplishment in our society to remain alive for a
sion lately concerning the issue of where he can allocate funds to the According to Pagni, there were long time. If so, are we not ignoring natural selection? In nature, creatures
tutorial services, or the lack of tuto- Freshman Studies OfficeJ two main factors which have led to die when their usefulness has run out. Unfortunately, human beings don't
rial services.* ".*; According to Washbum, the this lack of funding. We, judging take the subtle hints of nature. (' 'Let's give Grandma some more strained
At first glance, it would appear lack of a tutorial service will lead to on the past three or four|years, beets. Yummy!" or "Blink your eyes twice for yes, once for no.")
that the students are being short- many students dropping classes decided to lower the amount budg- There are a large number of people on our planet If those that were
changed. For those who may not who would normally continue, and eted for tutorial services,*' he said. useless were removed, overpopulation would be unheard of. So, without
know, there is the possibility that would also lead to students failing The second factor is the tremen- fipthef ado, J give my list of ^People The World Can Do Without"
there will be no tutorial services for who would normally be able to pass dous ^increase in the number "of £. People who hold road signs for Penndot. Where else can you make
many of Mercyhurst's students af- with some help. j people using tutorial service this $ 15-$30 per hour, while, at the same tune* be allowed to incessantly irritate
ter the end of Fall term. But as I 'I believe an academic institu- year. "Many of these students are motorists?
looked deeper into the situation, I tion should have support services using this service improperly and President Reagan and George Bush. Need I say more?
found that the students themselves for the students they bring in," using the tutor as a replacement for Ed McMahon. All he ever does is tell Johnny Carson that he's
may be the biggest reason for the Washburn said,' 'and that they have class rather than a supplement to "marvelous," and come on in commercials for the Publisher's Clearing
"shortchange". to do something to make sure that class," Pagni noted. | House. Frankly, I'm getting sick of his ugly mug in my mailbox. ^
First, let us look at this from the those services are there." ' Pagni said that he's received Mayor Louis J. Tullio. Evidently, he hasn't spent much time in the
student's perspective. Because of a One complaint of Washburn's some reports from various profes- Mayor's office recently, so let's give him the boot ?
lack of funding for tutorial services, is that only students who came to sors informing him that several of Vegetarians. Anyone who wants to eat rabbit food has to be a little
there could very well be no services Mercyhurst under Pennsylvania's the students taking tutorials from strange to start After all, "you are what you eat" I'm not eatingfruitsor
the service have cut as many as 10 nuts. I 5
classes. So the Freshman Studies James Garner. He hasn't done anything worthwhile since The
Office has toughened up by drop- Rockford Files. We've got to dump the worthless bozo now.
The Merciad ping the service if a student cuts Jodi Foster. I've been waiting for years now for someone to shoot her
classes or misses a tutorial meeting. because they're in love with Ronald Reagan. Obviously, a highly unlikely
Vol. 61 No. 10 November 12,1987
"What we're trying to do is act now. Dump the babe. i
Matthew Clark Editor reward those who are thinking Lawyers. Any profession which advertises in a newspaper that "any
Chris Kovski Managing Editor ahead, and using the service prop- injury you receive can entitle you to compensation for pain and suffering,
Ann Johnson News Editor erly, and we're eliminating those as well as any medical bills'' really doesn* t deserve to exist I guess people
Connie Bis be Sports Editor who wait until midterm or who just can get lower than pond scum. Shakespeare wasright- * 'Kill the lawyers.''
Kelley Moore Business Manager want to use the service instead of L ^ ^ _
Paula Bruno Calendar Editor going to class,'' Pagni said.
Karen Sampson Circulation Manager See "Tutorial next page
John Kupetz Faculty Adviser
Lisa McLellan
Steve Rush
Cartoonist j
MISTER BOFFO by Joe Martin
Julie Med wig Graphics BETWeeN A SWAM ANP MCQB WMrr£ M6AT.
Reporters ID 0£ VOTEP A FUMlN&D ?

Joe Bankovich Carling J. Christensohn

Allan Carpenter Margaret Coffey OFTW£ o o
Karen Caseio Robert Lipton French eoc\&v/ •
Mycal C. Casey Brenda Lowe
Jill Chiccarino Brian Maiden 11

Jennifer Montani
The Merciad is the student-produced newspaper of Mercyhurst College, Box 209,
501 B. 38th St.. Brie, PA 16546 Phone: 825-0376. Material for publication must be IIMF rt«un. IMdB In

submitted by 3:00 p.m. on the Monday before publication. AH It^jfilt H*M**tKl

NOVEMBER 12,1987 The Merciad

A b s e n c e O f Truth! A b o u t A I D S Is Cheating Students

By Gary Bauer A look at those taboo subjects appear to prefer one type of sexual which is to avoid dangerous sexual butit helps us understand the hidden
"Collegiate Times" Columnist mightbe in order. First, few campus practice over another. Yet medical activities associated primarily, but ^agenda of those who all too often
efforts seem to be aimed at promot- research shows that sodomy is not exclusively, with the gay com- control the cultural milieu on cam-
On hundreds of college and ing the most obvious and effective probably the most efficient method munity. pus.
university campuses this year, stu- measure to slow down the AIDS used to transfer the AIDS virus as Students themselves will have
dents have returned not only to be epidemic - abstinence. Yet, as Sur- well as other diseases - for obvious to ponder the paradox! of getting
greeted by the usual panoply of geon General C. Everett Koop has reasons. Writing in National Review advice that denies the wisdom of the
activities and issues, but also by a indicated time and time again, absti- Why | is this information cen- magazine, Jeffrey Hart recently al- ages while a microscopic virus daily
new crusade - safe sex. nence is the only foolproof way to sored on so many campuses?,Does luded to what in literature is called reminds us with its growing list of
Reacting r to the growing na- avoid this disease. Are we to assume it illustrate the growing power of the \' presence of the absence/' Just victims why that wisdom was right
tional preoccupation with the AIDS that highly educated young Ameri- gayjrights activists who not only as the dog that didn't bark helped
epidemic, student groups \ and cans are so enslaved by their pas- want to be tolerated, but want the Sherlock Holmes once solve a case,
school administrators are attempt- sions that they are unable to limit culture at large to affirm and support what is absent in the safe-sex cam-
ing to educate students about how to their n umber of partners or sexual the legitimacy of the gay life-style? paign may be telling us an important
avoid contracting this fatal disease. activities - even if failing to do so bit of information about the cultural
In fact, on many campuses stu- atmosphere on many campuses.
f Not surprisingly, given the risks death? \ dents are surprised to find that no
"open" atmosphere on most cam- i Actually, much research shows one is willing to assert and defend
puses, the safe sex crusade has not that many students do abstain or the moral and religious norms they What is absent is an acknowl-
been constrained by many taboos. establish a mutually faithful rela- learned from their families and edgment of the traditional moral
On some campuses, safe sex pack- tionship with marriage as the long- churches. Even though homosexual values of our society. Even before
ages have been distributed contain- term goal. Why the hesitancy to behavior, if embraced by a sizable AIDS, heterosexuality was prefer-
ing not only the more common build on these healthy tendencies, proportion of the population, would able; stable families were good;
contraceptive implements, but also particularly when the issue is life or result in a dying civilization in a abstinence had a medical as well as
a variety of devices for the aficiona- death? * J generation or so, it is taboo, to de- a mood basis; fidelity in marriage ;ow
dos of more exotic activities. De- vjificftfciion sru L*

Second, many of today's educ

scribe, thisibehavior 'as. socially was a good thing. Hie absence of
spite this/ 'safe sex" campaigns are tional efforts are what could be undesirable, unnatural or deviant these truisms from many campus
not giving studentsjthe full story called "sexually egalitarian." That As a result students are denied the anti-AIDS efforts not only cheats
about AIDS virus. is, they refuse to distinguish or even best medical "advice available *- students of information they need,

Rape Seminar Shows Student Interest

Tutorial Confusion from pg. 5
By Joe Bankovich
Merciad Staff Reporter •
1 agree that those students who So what is the future of tutorial
aren't using the service properly services? The program on "Date Rape"
^ ^ I'm very optimistic that ad-
«4T» and Self-Defense held last Sunday
should not be allowed to continue in the Blue Room here at Mer-
using it and draining funds from it, ministration is looking at this and
will be providing some additional cy hursts was fairly well-attended
while others who may really need it and revealed some student interest
are left out in the cold because of funds, and that we will still have
tutorial services to offer our stu- on the subject of "Date Rape".
them. 4
'There was a good number of
dents in December.
students who attended the pro-
gram,' ' Lisa DiPlacido said. There
So, it appears that administra-
If Mercy hurst's administration were also some people from the
tion is not really the villain in this is smart, they willfindsome way to community!^in attendance, as dale
case. I think the students are guilty continue this service. | think the rape is not just restricted to campus.
of cutting their own throats. But administration realizes the impor- The program began with a wel-
despite that I still feel that some- tance of such a service, and I think come from Erin Loringer-Gal-
thing should be done to make sure myself and many others will be laghcr and then the program was
that this valuable service is indeed surprised if something isn't done. turned over to DiPlacido, who gave
offered for the remainder of this a brief overview of the program.
academic year. Pagni seems to hold She then introduced Angela Porfilio Students were offered a karate demonstration as part of the Rape
the same view. from the Rape Crisis Center, the Seminar at Mercyhurst last Sunday. I
guest speaker at the event
Porfilio J gave an informative from the center were around after sisted in the demonstration.
"It's a very valuable service, talk with true stories for examples. the program for.individual ques- "The demonstration was very
he said, "but itcan also be an abused She explained all aspects of rape. tions. exciting," Gallagher commented.
service. It's a student's responsibil- The floor was opened for questions The second part of the program "The program was a success,"
ity to use the service properly. It's a following her presentation and was a demonstration by die mem- Diplacido and Gallagher agreed.
privilege, not a right" there were many to be asked. bers of the Karate Spa of Erie. They "It would have been nice to have
After answering several ques- demonstrated every form of self- die Blue Room packed, but we were
tions, there was a brief intermission. defense that was taught at the spa. pleased with the turnout*' they
Porfilio and some other counselors DiPlacido, a member of the spa, as- added.?
PAGE 6 The Merciad NOVEMBER 12,1987
New Coordinator Finds Himself A Home At Mercyhurst
New Winter Language By Karen Sampson
Merciad staff reporter
not a phony, I just have a loyalty to more advantage," Hvezda said,
the students I work with." Hvezda "when it comes to the time to seek
felt that while he was in school he permanent employment" Hvezda
Offering Expands 'Hurst the One of the newest members of
Mercyhurst staff is 1 Robert
did not get the individual attention said there are very few disadvan-
that he deserved. He tries to remedy tages to co-ops and internships. "I
Learning Opportunities tive
Hvezda, Coordinator of Coopera-
Education. Originally from
Scranton, Pa., Hvezda attended
this now when he deals with stu- don't know if there is really a disad-
dents. "I'm very committed to the vantage," Hvezda said. The only
students I work with,'' Hvezda said. disadvantage he could find is the
college at Gannon University. After Hvezda's role in the co-op proc- possibility of having to travel away
By Kelley Moore? Polish will be offered, and next
graduating with a degree in Social ess is to supervise the processing of from the Mercyhurst campus in
Merciad staff reporter year, a Polish culture course and Science and Secondary Education, student paperwork, help with the order to take advantage of the best
Polish history along with a Polish he became a graduate assistant and composition of resumes, then, possible placement for the student
Literature will be offered. an assistant basketball coach at based on the student's career goals
J Along with our new semester Gannon. He has an extensive
schedules comes a new course of- Eventually, Kubiak added, "a to match the student with an organi- I Hvezdaffeels that career serv-
employment record rangingfroma zation who has offered a co-op or ices and the Cooperative Education
fered to Mercyhurst students. In Polish exchange student] program counselor at Gannondale, a resi- internship. After the student is Office has unlimited potential for
Winter term, Basic Polish I is being might be in the works." That pro- dence for adolescent girls with placed within i an organization, growth. He would like to see Mer-
taught by Barbara Moskwa, a lan- gram would include Mercyhurst problems, to a production supervi- Hvezda coordinates phone, work cyhurst students co-op not only in
guage professor from Alliance students and faculty! visiting| Po- sor for a Fortune 500 Company, to site, and employer evaluations of the Erie area, but all over the coun-
College. ^ & land, as well as Polish students vis- working with mentally handi- the student during the co-op. try. I i t f
Approximately 20-25% of iting the' Hurst ? i m
capped children. He has also taught '' After that (matching the student to
Mercyhurst students come from a high school Social Studies. an organization) is all established,
Polish background. The interest of With registration underway, and the student is placed, I guess, Mercyhurst added Hvezda to its
this language has increased through now is a good time to think about & Hvezda felt his * "heart really
belonged to working at a college* * yes, we do watch over the student as staff when Jim Infantino left "his
Dick Kubiak, Professor of History, taking a new course in our system. a big brother." The co-op student is position as Co-op Coordinator and
Larry Kozlowski, Student Union so he took a position at The Univer-
Along with learning what would be sity of Scranton as a Career Con- required ^to turn in logs of their Hvezda seems happy to be here.
Director and also the Director of a native language for many of you, progress, attend seminar sessions, "The college community, it's the
4 sul tan t/Pre-Professional advisor.
* Kujawiaki,'' Mercy hurst's Polish you can also learn your heritage. It He was also in charge of the gradu- and submit a research paper at the most exciting place, I think, that
Folk Ensemble, and Moskwa, who doesn't!matter whatjdescent you ate program. In October, Hvezda end of his co-op. there could be to work." Hvezda
originatesfromPoland. are, the Polish studies program is said, "I think what I've found here
enriching and you will gain more brought his experience; here to The advantages of co-ops and at Mercyhurst is something that I
Kubiak said the Polish I course Mercyhurst
will be followed by many other than just* '3 credits"- youwillalso internships are numerous. The stu- want to be in for a while."
gain understanding and knowledge "When I came to town four dent gains * * hands-on experience'',
Polish-related courses after Winter weeks ago, people said to me,
term. In Spring term, Intermediate of the language.* proper business behavior, and pro- Any student interested in co-
'Where is your loyalty going to fessionalism. This makes for a more operative education or an internship
be?"' Hvezda said, "My loyalty well-rounded student "By making should attend an; informational
before I came to Mercyhurst was at the student a little bit more well meeting usually held prior to the
the University of Scranton, and I'm rounded, it-gives them a little bit beginning of each term.


Y o u r creativity can w i n y o u $ 1 5 1st or $ 7 . 5 0 2ndjprize!!!!

C a m p u s M i n i s t r y a n n o u n c e s its L o g o Contest, ac o m p e t i t i o n o p e n to the entire c o m m u n i t y , w h o s e a i m

find a n e w i d e n t i f y i n g s y m b o l w h i c h w i l l r e p r e s e n t t h e p u r p o s e a n d s p i r i t o f C M
W o r k should not be signed, but identified byjthe contestant's social security n u m b e r onjthe back
O n aseparate sheet of paper, in aclosed envelope, the contestant's n a m e and social security n u m b e r as
as an explanation of the L o g o (optional) must be submitted
Entries should b e submitted to: R o g e r Clark 2 1 1 O l d M a i n
•All entries m u s t be in by N o v e m b e r 2 0
m u s t be original ^^ ^ ^
winner, to b e a n n o u n c e d after Thanksgiving, will b e a w a r d e d $15. T h e runner-up will b e a w a r d e d $ 7
Thej winner's n a m e will be posted on the C a m p u s Ministry notice board, andjwill be published
[The Merciad M ^ — ^^^
T h e style a n d d e s i g n o f the L o g o is u p to y o u . T h e w o r d s M E R C Y H U R S T C A M P U S I M I N I S T R Y
m u s t $ e incorporated into the desig
L o g o m u s t b e i n b l a c k s a n d w h i t e o n u n l i n e d 8 l / 2 " x 1 1 " p a p e r . T h e finished d e s i g n w i l l b e p l a c e d
space 4 l/2"x 23/4" horizontally
information, please contact Campus Ministry, ext 429. Allrightstothe chosen design will be reserved
NOVEMBERS 1987 The Merciad

America's Outlook
On Sports Has
Changed Forever
FLU VACCINES| | [ CHARGE. For additional informa- The citizens of San Francisco observable shift in attitude; a slow anyone who cares to read what is
Flu vaccines are available now tion, call the school of music at 825- voted no to a new baseball stadium break with the past The public - and plainly being written. The voters at
through the end of November in the 0394. |J last Tuesday. the players themselves - are no the polls, the players in court, the
Health Services office, 101 Preston. The premier < concert* of the The people of New Jersey re- longer disposed to treat the sports internecine warfare in the NFL, the
There is no charge for the vaccine. PERCUSION ENSEMBLE pf the jected a $ 185 million bond issue for world like the private sanctuary of USFL appeal, all point the way to
D'Angelo School of music under a baseball stadium last Tuesday. the owners and operators. The change. I
MODELING the direction of Mark Marchan t will The Federal? Trade public is no longer willing to toler- And the . significance of this
All males and females interested be given on Tuesday, Nov. 17 at Commission's investigation into ate such an attitude. To automati- must not be lost Our attitude, our
in modeling are invited to attend a 8:00 p.m. in thje auditorium of the possible collusion between the net- cally side with owners and manage- obsession with sports in America
modeling convention at the Quality St Mark's Seminary. fBoth tradi- works, ESPN and the NFL regard- ment To watch their cities and tells us about ourselves. It supplies
tional and non-traditional music
Plaza Hotel Nov. 13, 14, and 15. will be featured. For more informa- ing television contracts continues. states pay out huge monies, just to us with mythologies about winners
The conventionjwill provide the tion call 825-0394. % In Washington, hearings began watch the owners, in turn, move and losers, heroes and goats, war
opportunity for local models to again in the House of Representa- their teams to other cities, other and peace. For decades we've told
meet with and perform for many tives on the sport of boxing. states. ourselves that sports is the one place
dignitaries of the modeling indus- CIRCLE K In the 8th District in Minnesota, The change has been a long time where all men and women are equal,
try. A competition will also be a part Every Thursday the Circle K the NFL Players Union filed an coming. But it is here, finally, in where ability [is displayed and
of the weekend. Some of the mod- Club, a service oriented group, antitrust action against the league. various manifestations. All of the amply rewarded. Where color and
eling agencies that will be repre- meets in 205 Main at 5:00 p.m. New Now we await the forthcoming trial above tie together, even if the con- class and wealth and education
sented are FACES AGENCY, members are welcome to join. and decision. nections may seem tenuous at first don't matter, you're judged solely
NYC; *BIG ' B E A U T E S / L I T T L E In New Jersey, the NBA Players All attack the unfettered control of by your performance. That it is the
WOMEN, NYC; and A-PLUS Association filed an antitrust suit professional sports by a small cote- one area of our life where the rules
TALENT AGENCY CORP., CHI- RECRUITERS ON CAMPUS against the NBA, asking for an end rie of people who own and operate always apply, where chaos is con-
CAGO. The convention is open to to the draft, elimination of the right teams, and an even smaller group trolled, where good triumphs and
The following recriuters will be evil is vanquished. We have never
all interested of any age. If you are on campus this month: Nov. 13, of first refusal and an end to salary who buy and promote and televise
interested in showcasing your tal- U.S. Marine Corp.-for all majors. caps.j gxgT,. k $• $ sporting events. | told ourselves the truth.
ent,-please call the Great Lakes Students interested in interviewing In California, the baseball play- The change is welcome and long And the truth is that sports is not
Modeling Convention at 452-4561 with any of these recruiters should ers won a major decision against the overdue. But to be fair, one must say separate from real life. That sports is
for more information. come to the Career Services Office, owners when an arbitrator found the that too much optimism would be every bit as complex, chaotic and
204 Main, to sign up for an appoint- owners guilty of conspiring to de- foolhardy. For instance,5the FTC ugly as life everywhere else. That
YEARBOOKS ] ment 'r I stroy free agency. The remedy is yet investigation is an important*one virtue is not always rewarded. That
Any student who did notpick up to be determined. and a well-intentioned one. How- good does not always triumph. That
their yearbook from last: year can FOOTBALL GAME Still forthcoming, in New ever, because the attorney general sports is not a little oasis or safe
York's federal appeals court, the of the United States, Edwin Meese, haven where you,can find refuge
pick one up in the Student Union Vans for the football on Sat will apparendy supports antitrust' ex- from daily life. Now the truth is
during regular union hours. Please leave Baldwin Hall at 12:30 P.M. decision on the: USFL's antitrust
suit against the NFL, a decision emptions for all sports,! one can emerging, and the public, slowly, is
pick yours up as soon as possible.
which is taking - an inordinate safely kwonder just how much the acknowledging it, absorbing it and
amount of time in the Second Cir- FTC will be able to accomplish finally coming to grips with it It's a
DANCE DEPT. cuit, which usually decides appeals working in that kind of climate. As process slowly begun that will take
MOVIE i J cases within two months. for boxing hearings on the Hill, years to accompli shiThcn, America
Mercyhurst College Dance J: This week's movie is r 'Club
Department presents Dance Kalei- In Los Angeles, the NFL has just while they are also well-inten- will find a new set of mythologies,
doscope, choreographed to the Paradise''. It will be shown at 7 and paid $ 19.6 million in damages to the tioned, they will turn out to be a perhaps a better set, where owners
music of Mahler, Schubert, Scri- 9 p.m. in the Video Room in the Coliseum as a result of the waste of time. Any possible action are not given halos, players called
abin, and Rachmaninoff. Tickets Union. -< Coliseum's antitrust suit against the to be taken against the corrupt and heroes and die business of sports
are$4.00foradults,$1.50forsenior NFL. And the amount of damages is lethal sport of boxing already has dism issed or ignored because sports
been defeated by the unholy alli- is only "games." ^|
citizens and students. Performances yet to be determined if the Raiders ance of TV, boxing, and boxing
areNov.12,13,and Mat 8:15p.m. antitrust and eminent domain victo-
FINALS : | ries against the NFL in the city of writers who diligently support the Perhaps once there was a time
and Nov. 15 at 2:30 p.m. huZurn sport This country is a long Way for Babe Ruth legends, and pater-
Recital Hall on the Mercyhurst % S.A.C.willprovideFOODFOR Oakland. %
FINALS on Mon., Nov. 23, at 9 What does all this mean? It from banning boxing, or even exert- nalistic owners, and naive belief in
campus. Tickets are available at the ing significant controls over it That the spiritually cleansingritualsof
door. For reservations or more in- p.m. in the Union. means professional sports are under
assault in this country. It means kind of change is far in the future. sport Those times are'past And
formation call 825-0258. America is finally realizing it I
business as usual - business as con- But the big signs are there, for
ducted for decades in professional
sports - is having its last hurrah. The
MUSIC people of one city and the citizens of
The D'Angelo School of Music, one
to fund baseball.
unionized and
Tired Of Playing By Yourself?
at Mercyhurst College will present taken their bosses to court in mas- . .Satin Steel is seeking a rhythm guitarist.
THE MERCYHURST COLLEGE sive antitrust suits. Government is
WIND ENSEMBLE, directed by eyeing the owners and operators
For more information, contact Matt Clark at
Robert Dolwick, in concert on Sun., and broadcasters. Judges and juries 825-0376 l i J i r
Nov. 15 at 7:30 p.m. The concert are having their say. Yes, it's an
^ 4 » f - _ _

will be held in the Zurn Recital Hall or send tape and resume to 8181 Stafford Dr.
located on the Mercyhurst Campus. assault on sports. * <: JTLXS. d-

And this assault represents a Watfsburg, PA - V

The public is cordially invited to

attend this cdncer^ FREE OF distinct change for this country. An
PAGES The Mcrciad NOVEMBER 12,1987

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Rostek Leads Lakers


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Of The

Over Canisius m
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By My cal C. Casey The;, Lakers scored the game ^ -V: w ^ N A w w ftvw

Merciad sports writer winner with an impressive 75-yard, BES

13-play drive, using over four min- m:- m

With last Saturday's hectic 21- utes of precious game time. Once

17 win over Canisius at Buffalo's again, Rostek led the charges, hook- m
m *f

ing up with Jeff Andrejchak twice


War Memorial Stadium, the Lakers

won their second straight and are on completions of 14 and six yards,
now just one win away from fulfill- Bill Daugherty for 13 yards and
ing their goal of winning their last Craig Galovich for 11 yards. Once

aK m
three games of the season. Senior again, it was Rostek capping the •

drive with a one-yard plunge over


quarterback Brian Rostek put on a vJv&i

one-man show, accounting for all the top for his tenth touchdown A Mercy hurst hockeyimember breaks into the open ice as several
three 'Hurst scores while setting rushing, and then scaled the game 9vC*Jvk T r t y f f l f t V . v W
Orangemen give chase. *
several records to ruin the ECAC when heghu Andrejchak with the
Brian Rost;Ic earned a pair of
play-off hopes * ofI the Griffins.
Mercy hurst grabbed a 6-0 lead late
two-point conversion.
honors in leading the Laker football Lakers Squeeze Orangemen, 16-1, 9-3
When all was said and done, the team to a 21 -17 victory at Canisius.
in tlie? first quarter?when Rostek Lakers compiled 420 yards of total Rostek, quarterback, earned a spot
hooked up with senior Greg Mitch- offense'to just 287 for Canisius: By Sherry Kuhar I ersfoutshot Syracuse 66-34, with
on the ECAC Honor Roll and is also Gary Bowles stopping 33 shots/ -
ell en a 23-yard strike. Rick Yarosz' Rostek was responsible for 350 of the Mercy hurst/1 thlete ofthe Week Student Assistant to S.I.D.
extra point attempt failed! | those yards, rushing for 93 yards on H Seth Greenburg led the way in
for November 2 to 8. The Mercyhurst hockey team the second game, scoring two goals
In the drive, Rostek accounted 24 counters, while passing for 257 The Laker quarterback com-
for all 69 yards, completing four of yards. He completed a school-rec- ran its winning streak to three games and assisting twice. Seven other
pleted a school-record 21 passes in with a pair of easy victories over Lakers scored lone goal apiece.
four passes for 51 yards while rush- ord 21 passes in 32 attempts. 32 attempts, good for 257 yards,
ing for an additional 18 yards. Syracuse. |The Lakers prevailed in Chris Rees had 21 saves for the
.Senior Scott Gorring had 6 re- adding 93 yards rushing on 24 car- the first contest, 16-1, then came Lakers. I m s
Canisius then went on a 10 point ries. He accounted for 350 of the
surge and led 10-6 at the half. But ceptions for 59 yards, giving him back with a 9-3 win over the Or- Coach Fred Lane commented,
new school standards with 42 re- Lakers' 420 yards, scored on runs angemen. ^M - i | 'That he was happy with the overall
the Lakers weren't done yet of four and one yards and passed for
The Blue and Green took the ceptions for 785 yards. Mitchell Freshman Matt Sciarrino led a performance, but disappointed with
flagged five catches for 61 yards. a 21-yard touchdown and a two- group off eleven scorers in the the lack of intensity in the second
second half kickoff and drove 74 point conversion. Congratulations
yards in just eight plays to take the opener with three goals and an as- game." Mercyhurst faces a strong
"It was a team win," noted Brian Rostek! sist, Rick Gignac and Dave Godwin Buffalo State Team, currently 8-1-
lead again, at 13-10. Rostek capped DeMeo. "Every player contrib-
the drive, sweepingrightfor a four- added two goals and two assists, 1, on Saturday, then hosts Niagara
uted. The defense played very well. with Sean Hennessy chipping in on Sunday. \ The Lakers:hope to
yard touchdown. He passed for 38 Holding McCarthy (the Griffs rec-
yards and ran for 20 in the drive. two goals and one assist TheLak- improve on their 3-1 record.
ord-setting QB) to 152 yards pass-
The Lakers hurt themselves ing is a great accomplishment"
again with their number one enemy
this year, the turnover. Following a The Lakers will end their season Soccer Ends Season With Streak Of 10 Wins
Laker fumble, the Griffs took ad- this ^Saturday at home when they
vantage and drove 52 yards in eight play host to a strong Salisbury State to recruit 4 or 5 new players for the
goal. | |
plays to take a 17-13 lead to end the team. Last season, Salisbury State By Connie Bisbe The leading goal scorers for the 1988 season. I i
third quarter. The Laker defenses was 13-1, advancing to the national Merciad Sports Editor season were Carlsen Thomson with
tightened at this point, stopping championship game before losing The?men's soccer team ended ten, Chris Mohr with eight, Peter ^ Two players will be finishing
Canisius the rest of the way, includ- to Augustana 30-3. The Sea Gulls their season positively as they Nielsen with eight The leaders in their soccer careers. Bernie Valento
ing three times in Laker territory late carry a 6-2 card into Erie this week- streaked to ten straight wins to close assists were Bernie Valento with and Tom Bade were both team co-
in the game. end. their campaign. The final statistics six, Dave Delzell with six, Blair captains and four year starters for
for this year's Laker hooters begin Thomson with six, Carlsen Thom- Rick Burns (one year at St Marys,
with their record 15-5-1, ranked son with six. I MN) and three at Mercyhurst They
sixth in the central region. Coach Bums has great expectations for were 53-18-5 in four years.
THIS COUPON GOOD FOR A Burns commented, "I'm pleased next season; nine seniors and nine
SINGLE Vt lb.* HAMBURGER with the year overall. We played a starters will be returning next year.
much tougher schedule than ever The team will be playing at least five The Merciad would like to con-
before. \ The booters scored a total teams currently ranked in the top 20 gratulate the men's soccer team for
(16 oz.) SOFT DRINK of 48 goals and only allowed 18 in of Division II. Coach Burns intends their excellent season!
FOR ONLY $1.49
Good at all participating Wendy's Not valid with
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ordering. One coupon per customer visit. Bacon,
Cheese and Tax extra. *Net weight before
cooking. Saturday is the last Laker football game!
Come out and see the Lakers at Erie
OFFER EXPIRES NOVEMBER 29. 1987 Veterans Memorial Stadium.

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