Week 9 Lesson On Mentsrual Cycle, Implantatiom and Development of Embryo, Placenta Etc

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Week 9

Form 6S1/B1
MODULE 3: REPRODUCTIVE BIOLOGY (Sexual Reproduction in Humans)
-Discuss the importance of hormones in the control of the menstrual cycle (include principles of
negative feedback mechanisms)
- Describe how and where fertilization and implantation normally occur
-Describe implantation as it relates to reproduction and the menstrual cycle
-Describe the development of the embryo
- Explain the structure and functions of the placenta;
- Discuss the functions of the amnion;
- Discuss the possible effects of maternal behaviour on foetal development
- Discuss how knowledge of human reproductive anatomy and physiology has been applied to
the development of contraceptive methods

Importance of hormones in the control of the menstrual cycle (include principles of

negative feedback mechanisms)
Refer to pages 733 -734 in the BS text
*Ensure you know the following phases of ovarian and uterine cycle
June 2016 Ques 6 (b) – three main phases of uterine cycle

Summary of Hormones in male and female reproduction

i) Fertilization
ii) Implantation
iii) Development of the embryo
Refer to pages 735-738 in BS text And
Pages 236 -238 in Myda Ramesar
Learn everything from the BS in detail from pages 735- 738 . Where information is in
paragraphs , make your own notes in point form as ALL info is valuable .
Ensure you know the following diagrams well : Be able to identify structures and what they
become etc ., esp extra-embryonic membranes
-Fig 21.47 – pg 737
- Fig 21.48 – pg 738
- Fig 21.49 – pg 737
Using notes on page 735 describe the process of Capacitation

The structure and functions of the placenta

For structure of the placenta learn diagrams and labels from :
Figure 12.18 – page 239 in Myda Ramesar text AND
Figure 21.51 on page 741 in BS txt
Mechanisms of uptake across the placenta – Refer to page 741- 742 in BS

Functions of the placenta : See page 742 in BS text And Pages 239- 240 in Myda Ramesar

Hormones produce by the placenta – Refer to table 21.5 , page 742 in BS

The functions of the amnion
The possible effects of maternal behaviour on foetal development
Refer to pages 240 -245 in Myda Ramesar AND
Pages 742- 744 in BS text
Below taken from CXC CAPE study Guide
How knowledge of human reproductive anatomy and physiology has been applied to the
development of contraceptive methods (Birth Control and Methods of Contraception and
Ethical issues )
Contraception is the prevention of conception , that is preventing the fusion of the male
and female gamete. There are both natural and artificial methods.
Birth control however includes contraception but also includes any measures taken after
fertilization which are designed to prevent birth .
Refer to pages 245 -249 in Myda Ramesar FOR DETAILS ON Methods
Refer to page 749 in BS for ALL methods and the details of advantages and disadvantages
See page751 for more common methods of abortion
See page 750 for ethical issues

How the morning after pill may work

Above taken from Cape CXC Study guide

Past paper questions on some objectives :
June 2021 – Hormones in menstrual cycle, graph , functions, development of oocyte,
process of implantation
June 2017 Ques 3 – (b) identification and function of parts of placenta , umbilical cord ,
role of amnion, placenta

June 2015 – Ques 6 Part b- Outline process of fertilization in humans

June 2016 Ques 3 (b) – diagram of placenta , func of placenta , amnion

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