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Food and Beverage Services NC II
Learning Activity Sheet
Quarter 4 – Week 4
Banquet and Catering Services


TVL-SHS HE – Grade 11/12
Learning Activity Sheet (LAS 5)
First Edition, 2021

Published in the Philippines

By the Department of Education
Region 6 – Western Visayas

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This Learning Activity Sheet is developed by DepEd Region 6 – Western


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reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic or mechanical
without written permission from the DepEd Regional Office 6 – Western Visayas.

Development Team of TLE/TVL-SHS HE (Food and Beverage Services) Activity


Writer: Remedios M. Pacabis

Language Editor: Thea M. Tecson
Schools Division Quality Assurance Team: Jeanalyn L. Jamison
Ana Lee C. Bartolo
Division of La Carlota City Management Team:
Neri Anne M. Alibuyog EdD, CESO V
Bernie L. Libo-on PhD.
Melgar B. Coronel
Jeanalyn L. Jamison
Ana Lee C. Bartolo
Regional Management Team :
Ramir B. Uytico EdD., CESO IV
Pedro T.Escobarte,Jr.PhD., CESO V
Elena P. Gonzaga
Donald T. Genine
Introductory Message
Welcome to TLE/TVL-SHS (Food and Beverage Services) Grade 11/12

The Learning Activity Sheet is a product of the collaborative efforts of the

Schools Division of La Carlota and DepEd Regional Office VI - Western Visayas
through the Curriculum and Learning Management Division (CLMD). This is
developed to guide the learning facilitators (teachers, parents and responsible
adults) in helping the learners meet the standards set by the K to 12 Basic Education

The Learning Activity Sheet is self-directed instructional materials aimed to

guide the learners in accomplishing activities at their own pace and time using the
contextualized resources in the community. This will also assist the learners in
acquiring the lifelong learning skills, knowledge and attitudes for productivity and

For learning facilitator:

The TLE/TVL-HE Food and Beverage Services Activity Sheet will help you
facilitate the leaching-learning activities specified in each Most Essential Learning
Competency (MELC) with minimal or no face-to-face encounter between you and
learner. This will be made available to the learners with the references/links to ease
the independent learning.

For the learner:

The TLE/TVL-HE Food and Beverage Services Activity Sheet is developed

to help you continue learning even if you are not in school. This learning material
provides you with meaningful and engaging activities for independent learning. Being
an active learner, carefully read and understand the instructions then perform the
activities and answer the assessments. This will be returned to your facilitator on the
agreed schedule.
Quarter 4, Week 4

LAS 4 for Food and Beverage Services NC II

Name of Learner: __________________________________________________

Grade and Section: _______________________________Date: _____________

Banquet and Catering Services

I. Learning Competency
LO 3. Perform banquet and catering services (MELC 5)
3.1 Set-up tables and chairs in accordance with the event requirements.
3.2 Develop an understanding on serving food according to general service

II. Background Information for Learners

What are your plans for your debut? A party with catering services or a banquet
style of service? What is your idea when you hear the word catering or banquet?
BANQUET - happens in recognition of some event or achievement in which a meal is
held and is usually done for big events and occasions.
CATERING – is a service that provides requested supply of food usually happens at
some party or in different celebrations

Decorum /Form on Banquet Floor

* Equipment Care – carelessness and damage could result in a decrease in the

number of available equipment. All equipment must be kept spotlessly clean and in
good working condition at all times
* Cleanliness and Sanitation – All banquet and catering service personnel should
consistently practice a Clean-As-You-Go (CLAYGO) Policy.
* Guest Relations and Requests – the restaurant staff should greet guests by their
names in a formal and polite manner.
* Celebrities and VIPs – must secure that celebrities and VIP guests are not disturbed
by any autograph seekers, reporters, or photographers.


Two main types of catering:

1. On-premise Catering – also called “on-site catering” is any function - banquet,
reception or other event held on the physical premises of the establishment or
facility organizing or sponsoring the function.
Examples are hotels, convention centers, conference centers, restaurants,
etc. It usually has the advantage of offering many services under one roof and can
guarantee sufficient space to house the entire event. It also can usually guarantee
adequate parking.

2. Off-premise Catering – also called “off-site catering”, takes place in a remote
location, such as a client’s home, museum, park, natural attractions or even parking
lots. This kind of service includes producing food at a central kitchen with delivery
and service provided at the client’s location. Other parts of the food product may be
executed or finished at the location of the event.

Catering can also be classified as:

1. Social Catering – includes weddings, reunions, birthday parties, and charity events.
2. Business Catering – this kind of catering service includes events like association
conventions and meetings, civic meetings, corporate sales or stockholder meetings,
recognition banquets, product launches, educational training sessions, service awards
banquets, and entertaining in hospitality suites.

General Banquet Guidelines

1. All tray jacks should only be placed around the perimeter of the room.
2. You must remove all trays from the room before the meal begins. Do not return or
bring it back until clearing is required or meal service has ended.
3. You remain on the floor while guests are eating.
4. Do not leave the floor while guests are eating.
5. Keep quietly focused on diners, when inside the room. Making huddles or chatting
with fellow servers is not allowed.
6. Constantly monitor the carpet for items that need to be picked up and removed.
7. Carry no more than three (3) entries at a time from the service stand to the table.
8. Always warn guests when serving hot plates, beverages, and others.
9. All items must be handled quietly as much as possible around guests and try to keep
noise to a minimum in areas adjacent to the dining room.

42” round 48” round

Table Capacity 36” round 5 people 5 people
4 people
 30” round seats 2 to 3 people
 36” round seats 4 people
 42” round seats 5 people
 48” round seats 6 people
 54” round seats 7 to 8 people
 60” round seats 8 people
 72” round seats 10 people

54” round 60” round 72” round

6 people 8 people 10 people

 18 x 72 seminar seats 3 (one sided)
 18 x 96 seminar seats 4 (one sided) 30” x 72” 30” x 96”
 30 x 48-inch rectangle seats 4 people 6 people 8 people
 30 x 72-inch rectangle seats 6 people
 30 x 96-inch rectangle seats 8 people

*Standard Banquet Table Height and Width (for rectangular tables) is 29” – 30”.

Table Spacing

Points to remember when fixing out the layout of tables for a banquet or on some
occasions are:
 For a comfortable seating arrangement,
you need to allot 18 inches from the edge
of the table to the back of the chair.
 Arrange square tables diagonally, to
save floor space.
 A minimum of 42 inches between square
tables, with chairs back-to-back, gives a Service
person about 6 inches to push out their aisle
chair, but in space for service to pass
 To have a service aisle, a minimum of 60
inches between square tables is needed,
with the chairs back-to-back, providing
around 26 inches for the service aisle.

When setting up in small areas, a minimum

of 24 inches may be placed between
corners of diagonal tables to allow
customer access, though without a service

If a service aisle is needed together with

customer access, a minimum of 30 inches
is needed between corners of diagonal tables.

Banquet Table Set-Up Styles

Herringbone Style Banquet Room Set-Up

A kind of setup for dinners

that will involve a speaker. The
table arrangement or setup allows
most guests to be comfortable
while facing the speaker. The
tables are facing at an angle
toward the speaker’s table. The
chairs are placed on both sides of
the table.

Classic Banquet Room Set-Up

A kind of banquet setup that

consists of long rows of rectangle
banquet tables with seats on both
sides. This kind of placement will
allow for the most seats in a room.
Notice that an extra person is
added at the joint of each table. A
head table is placed at the front of
the room for this setup.

U-Shape Banquet Set-Up

A kind of setup that works

well for presentations where there
will be an interaction between the
guests, and the speaker. The
speaker/host can walk up and
down the hollow box inside the U
interacting with the audience. This
kind of placement can be used for
meetings, dinners, or watching
films. A video projector is usually
placed at the front of the hollow
part of the U for this purpose.
Classroom Style Banquet Set-Up 4

This style of setup is great for

orientations or any other
presentation when the guests will
need to be writing or eating while
observing. These setup Seminar
tables are most suitable for saving
space with this setup.

Theater Style Banquet Set-Up

The most space-saving

design. If the event is a speech or
lecture, this is the recommended
setup. This setup may administer
for watching films or performances
such as, Banquet films or live
singing performances. Provided
banquet chairs are faced towards
the head table in front of the room.

III. Accompanying DepEd Textbook and Educational Sites

Department of Education Technical-Vocational Livelihood Food and

Beverage Services Manual (2017) pages 210 – 224 Pasig City, Philippines

A Concise Guide in Food and Beverage Service Procedures (second

edition) Daryl Ace V. Cornell and Ephraimuel Jose L. Abella
IV. Activity Proper

Exercise No. 1:
Direction: Identify what is being described in the following sentences. Choose your
answer inside the box being provided. Write your answer in a separate sheet of paper.
Classroom style Social Catering Banquet
Celebrities and VIP Theater style

1. The most space-saving banquet design where the chairs are faced towards the
head table in front of the room. THEATER STYLE
2. A large public meal or feast with many courses and desserts and is usually done
for big events and occasions. BANQUET
3. During banquet service, you must ensure that ________ and ______ guests are
not disturbed by any autograph seekers, reporters, or photographers.
4. A set up that is suited for orientations or any other presentation when the guests
can write or eat while observing. CLASSROOM STYLE
5. A catering that includes weddings, reunions, birthday parties and even charity

Exercise No. 2:
Direction: Identify each banquet set up style that is being described in the sentences
below. Some letters are given as clue to lead you to the correct answer. Write your
answers in a separate sheet of paper.

1. A set up that works well for presentations where there will be interaction between
guests and speaker.
__ S __ __ P __ B __ __ __ U __ __ S __ __ U __
2. This set up allows most seats in a room, consisting a long rows of rectangle
banquet tables with seats on both sides.
__ L A __ __ __ C B __ __ Q __ __ T R__ O __ __ S E __ __ P
3. This is set up is great for orientation when guests need to write or eat while
C __ A S __ __ __ __ M S __ Y __ __
4. This kind of set up allows most guests to be comfortable while facing the
__ E __ R __ __ __ B __ __ E S T __ __ __
5. The most space saving design that is good for watching films.
T __ E __ T __ __ S __ Y __ __
C . Activity No. I
Direction: You are asked by your cousin to cater her debut party that will be held on a
beach. She will invite relatives and friends for about 25 - 35 people. What kind of
banquet table set up will you prepare that you think is best for your cousin’s 18 th
birthday party? Draw the kind of set up that you prefer and explain why it is best suited
for the celebration.

Set Up Style: -----------------------------------------



Rubric for Scoring your work

Criteria 5 3 1
CONTENT Clear, detailed Appropriate Unsupported
facts facts facts
UNDERSTANDING Strong Adequate Little/few
understanding understanding understanding
IDEAS Present related Related ideas are Related ideas are
ideas in an too general vague/unclear
original manner
V. Reflection

As a caterer, why it needs to make sure that the tables and chairs are
set in accordance with the event requirements like the type of event, number of
guests and kind of requested food to be serve?


VI. Answer Key

Exercises 1

1. Theater Style
2. Banquet
3. Celebrities and VIP’s
4. Classroom style
5. Social Catering

Exercises 2
1. U shape Banquet Style
2. Classic Banquet Room Set Up
3. Classroom Style
4. Herringbone Style
5. Theater Style

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