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ASURYANI DETACHMENT ABILITIES An Asumvamt Detachment ts ob that ony Inches models with he ABgartam keyword (excloding modes with the UaausemeD keyword) + nsauram Detachment gzin the Leaders of the ‘Warhast ably + units on Asumvami Pictachenents gain the ‘Craftworkd Attributes ablity (ps #4) + Troops sis in Adit Detachancots gain the Objextine Secured ability (hia ability ix described in the Warhammer £0,000 Core Mook), LEADERS OF THE WARHOST + You can include a marimum of ome Autamen model in each ‘Auuarasi Detachesend in your army TRAVELLING PLAYERS your ary i Rattle forged, one Hamcaounns Patrol Detachment in your arery can have ths ably. A Detachment ‘ith this ability is ignored for any mission pack rules that ‘equine every unit in yor army behave at east one Pasion eyed in common (e.g the Eternal War mission pack). Thi means that you sa, for example inelide one Hameamuuns Parl Detachmers as part ofan AURA or Onubeae ar sanyo nts vin ch Detach ee edad DP every unit ie your aemy has a certain keyed ot abulity Rar erample, sch tts do net prewent other ASURNA ‘unis from your army from using rules such as Strands cof Fate (pg 143). and do nt prevent ther BRUKMARI ‘unis from your array froes using rules such as Power rom Pain (see Coxtex: Drier). Likewine, such ‘units do not peevent you from using Asuryasi ot Drathani Chapter Approved Itules (eg. secondary objective), provided all other units in your army have the appropriate keyword, sehen determining your Army Faction, and when determining DATASHEETS ‘This section contains the datasheets that you will need to fight battles with your Aeldar miniatures, a ‘well as an explanation of the selectable keywords found on those datasheets and details of army-specitic blities. You can find out how to use datasheets in the Warhammer 40,000 Core Book. ASURYANI DATASHEETS The lowing des ibe the Leyword wargeu aa abilities end on many AbemYant datacenter the toon THE KEYWORD ‘Many datasheets in thi seth have the Caarrwomua> keyword ‘This keyword tha you can sce for pours a denribed inthe Warhammer 40.80 Cone Hook, with the guidance etal lon, Many Aawarant unis are drawn fom one ofthe sraftwetas or the Year When you inde aati Ue a a Crattwor for (of fromthe Year), then replace the eEaaprwpnue> heyword in cvery intance co ts databet wht name of ost cane erated wth the Tuam Keyword). Ths could he cae of the craftworkds detain a Warhammer 00 publication. tune of your ow deg. xample: you nl a Autamen model our army and 8, decd from the Bi Tam Cfo ts heyword bres Beau and is Pith of Command alt reads White «frend eeu Come sot is wthin 6 ofthis mode ech te a lb that ant makes atc, re-rl ht ral of Some datasets already specify which crdtwoekd 4 it ifm (ip Euomao Vara bas the ato keyword, and 0 from ‘Craword Unt. your army atthe forge. yn cannot clade ust fr more than ove craftworl in ne sme Detachment. You ca find ‘Got more about Bathe forged arc nthe Warhammer 80,0 (Core Book Designers Note: The Yar are drown from many cram, (a eas fom the rank of the Paagus aa even the Duta (ef Commaragh For the sae of spr. and 19 erare south serachoms bets th aes feet thes Mao et Phe Yionri sf they were crafted for ras purse. with he adie covets presented om page 92 WARGEAR & WEAPON LISTS ‘The weapon profes found on unit dataset dex be te peanacy weapons that mols an that wit can be gasp wt Some weapont are cay rieremce 00 4 databer: pots oe these and al ther weapons, canbe found on pages 190-193, ABILITIES ‘Avani datasheet wll lit all the allie has. Certain ar ony referenced BATTLE FOCUS: Whee the warriors of the Adar go 0 wu, they enter a sae of sere trance oma hee ata th ppoent psa: mone away Rojan etrbun can be brag to ew + "This uit i igh to shoot in a tar in which it Advance, but ifit does so then nt the end ofthe phase, mos i this tnt can oy make stacks with Asal ce td weapon they are equipped with, and when reacting hone attacks this wit tetrad as hang Remained Seatenary + Te your Shouting phise afer this ant has ished mag it mach, unde Fel Back or Advance this tur, this unit can make a Hate Focus move. When it doe 0 rll one Ds cach model in tis can make & Normal Mame ofp tw adatance in inches eal the rel, i were your Mavemers phase A unit that makes a Bathe Focus move cannot cmbaak within a Tatront mode the end of tat rene and weil the end of the tr sac avant is ma ape to declare a charge. A unit cannot make a Battle Focus move if ir arnved as Retorcements his tars onda unt cannot make more un ose Bate Foxe mune per oR FAVOURED OF KHAINE The Phorm Lords re legoaary reir he came Wo he ad ofthe Adar in rms of need. They are formate opponents i (ate, and gh om imposible to ik + This model has a 4 invulnerable save + this model can ony bse a maxima of 3 wound i cach hase + This model can never have a Relic oe Washed Trait TENT ‘STRANDS OF FATE "he Aeldari lv onthe rink of extinction. As such their Farsers have become adept at reading tur evens sting the many strands of fae aad ofthe people aad the consequences of folowing each one. Token atthe right ime a simple action can ‘avoid calamisos outcomes, ag he Aer in their contnued Srl for survival every unit from your army has the Asunvaw keyword nd i dann rom the same craftword erchiding model withthe ‘atari or UuLieneD keywords), then athe start of ach battle round, you can male» Strands of Fate rl. To dos, rll ses, Yoo can then retain a number of thee dice depending ‘om the sie of battle you are playing, as shown below Pa (Ea Ineunion a Crs 5 Keep these retained dice to one sda reminder oftheir rents make «note of them Each instance ofa dice rest allows you to manipulate a different type of roll once dng this battle ound, as shown below. Pr Do Cage Paycictst er Savingeon Before making roll ofan of the types shown above for unit swith the Strand of Fate ability f any of your retained dice have 2 result corresponding with that ype of ol (as shown above) ind have not been used to manipulate allthis batt roun, you can manipulate that ol. If you dos + If type of rll involves one D6 (eq hit roi), donot rll se atl eae dua mt ll ot + Tht type of all vaves more than one DS (eg Pychic tea) treat one of those dice as an unmodified rol f 6 (do not roll that dice) then roll anyother dice and add up the esl ‘norma Examples Wess playing Al the start ofthe bore rund, he ake a Strands of Fate rl by rong x DS, Te dice ree ae I, 2,2, 45, 5 Because hei playing a Strike Force bottle, Wes then chooses four ofthese resus 10 retain, deciding he selected to reals of 2, on up 1160 cations daring that bt round, before making a charge ol Wer ca chose fr one ofthe dic of that charge rl o be treated 151 unmolfed roll of Because he alco selected two result of up fo te acasions during that tl round, before making ‘a wound ol, Wes can choos fo hat wound ll te read as ‘an unmodified rol of 6 Re) OTe Sy he lowing silts, which ae used during deployment ESO eee ed op this tit, every eter byron a venrnepiet aero ar peett ee een er Rem ppeer reer eeT mem Seer ver ars er ee ye rset pray ho veer preety a eer eee eee) PN TA ay the following ability common to mam Peer onee errs Se aay aoe waren the thickest armour ae were paper Se eee See tee ee peeing rere pane ieee me pry acim eee eee ener stos PES re net] STRATAGEMS your army is atleforged and inches ay Abana ce Manczouees Detachments(exchding Auxiliary Support Detachment), you have aces othe Saag sho on the folowing pose ‘Adldari ~ Battle Tactic Strategerm ‘The Ohaws God Slane is reve bythe Aekdar, whe despise ts folwers with a forecins sthing, (Use this Stratager ithe ight phase, when an ASURTAR, Manasouees Peas it rom your ary ete fight Unt the end of the phase, cach une « model that wit makes ‘a melce stack that targets & StAMMESH ut, you cam eral the hit ri and the wound rol Adldari - Battie Tactic Stratagerm Grace in bate and mercies efceney are priced virtues in rafter armen Like Oh shoromeing Bade of Kha, he ‘Asura carve trough the ranks of ct enemies (oe this Stratagr in your Shooting pase when an Asam ‘unt foe your army makes a Battie Focus move (pg, 142). Do ot rl ee Di determine the tance that en can mane instead, at the end of toe phase. that unit can move wp to 6 —— ‘The Aekdart cam process buted events at hafing speed, making cr tae para mln em ‘Use this Stratage in your oppoosts Shooting pase or the Fight phase. when an Abert MARLEDUINS or Taman nt rors ‘your are (excluding Mewsten unt i sclected othe tart ‘an attack Unt the end ofthe pase, ec time an tack i made agus that unit subtract | foe that attack’ hit roll. Acldart ~ Battle Yate Stratagem The wel nad Aer able ay dow ha of fire fromthe arn weap thar er refexe allow ng ‘hem 0 rack even th mas adden movement nd plat eery she pecs ‘Use this Strtage inthe Shooting phase hen an AsuRraa of Manasouens weit foo your army i cect Wo shoot. Ut tbe ‘end ofthe phase, each time a model in that nit makes a attack ‘wath a sburthen weapon (pg 143), an unmodksed i rol of 6 ‘scores | aitooal bs Ackdari~ Battle Tactc Stratager ven declan populations of the rowers dom armour when the cal 2 war gos out Des ot being profesional saber. thas warns have experienc of bute bey that of may trained ois of othe racer, Use thie trata on our Shown phase othe Fight phase, srhons Gaanouns ct rom your ary be alected 0 shoot oF (gh Ul the cr the ase. ea ne model that unt makes an attack, r-rel hit roll of 1 FIRE AN ‘Aeldari~ Bate Tactic Stratager Acldart Rangers are experts at moving hr dense tern, Jorn pnp hots from thes wep bene meng ‘now positon. PES sc this Strata who af OUEST un rom your army makes Battle Focus move (pg 142) ad any of ts models wish tor mowe over ay part ofan Aes Terri fate That wnt can moe the fill tance rll (do nt subtract) Aeldari~ Bate Tactic Sratager ive Avengers and ther weapons share an mont yb look. ee etapa capt of ses ther wieder ash and emishing her target appropriate, ‘se this Strtagem atthe end of yor Shooting phase Select one Dime AvemGens it from your army that i low ms Searing Strength that wit cam aboot agai, CaS ‘Aekdari- Epic Deed Stratagem The tree dyson ofthe Acar mh them amos the ‘ont forma pyhers nthe play. cc ‘Use this Stratagen at the start of your Prychic ube. Set ae Famseen. Seapowseem Faint Tet YEAR se! oe our army That unt can aicpt to marie one ational paychae poner this phase a Adkdari~ Fpic Deed Seratagem ‘The minds of Acar payers func at terrifying spec, ening hem to perk sever tsk meemsiy ‘se this trata in yur Paps phan afer atoning to perform a payhsc aioe with «FaRseen, Seusowsten ‘oc Yomane roel from your army. Ut unit can acnpt to ‘manic one pschsc power ths phase Te ‘Acldar - Epic Deed Stratagene 1s fatedthat he Phos Lvs wil met ct fal dor the ‘hers Bandra th final pvt hale pans Chas Url that tim they are cera reborn. ring ih gun. “Use this Statagen when Pada Lame moe! rom your army ‘n destroyed. You can chose to rll ane Dv at the en the ‘Phase instead of using ay rales that ae triggered when that ‘models destroyed. It you do, then on a4, set that model back ‘upon the butted a lose as pole to where they were “Setroyed and not within Engagement Range of amy ene=ny ‘modele with D3 words remaining. Ths Stratager caniot be ‘ted to act the same model back up more than ance per battle Seer rea ‘Aeldari ~ Epic Deed Stratagerm ‘Tae Avater of Kaine s@ rowrng manifestation of ale rage. single-minded the destrti fs emer Even mortal bows ‘mat prevent frm aking its tht for bate Use this Srtager nthe Fight pase, when an vata Raa snl foe oar that ha nt lead bens! {eg this phase Seton. Dh treme that dl fen ‘ay 2 wo that ly Antacks characteristic an can fg alee the atacking model nha nie making tacks. Mer reetng the deste me aks then removed Mare E ‘Adldart - pic Deed Stratagem Warlocks in concave are able fo pit ther attention, some ofthe nub aang he fers opting th aes we the ‘remainder concentrate on bream down he hes. ‘Use this Stratapern whe 4 Wamueens unt fram your army that unt ‘rom your army whi 12a rey CRAFTWORLD> FARSEER model That unit can shoot af were your ‘Shooting phase butts model can oly target «ingle eligible ‘enemy ort tht was cop ax Reinforcersents this rm and that Iswitin 1 of dcr unit when ding 0. EG ‘Adllar ~ Strategic Ploy Stratagem ‘Spit somes are sa arma frm he tears wept hy the “ges Ui when ake ws sander frome her morta cre, (End ts bev that she incervene Bs prevent her detract. ‘Use tis Sratageen in yout Commune phase Select one “ Wnatn Const sol {ous your ary That “ode! regains upto 1 Tot wanda He chet model | ia ‘Adldari ~ Stateple Ploy Stratagers "he Aer are maser tng han ru tac, empaging eae sis of ee te ily mere ete ‘Use this Stratagem in your Shooting phase. fier making sacacks with an ASURVAM, MaRLEOUM 0° YoAAB! unit (excading Juncaart uns) from your army That unit can imei ‘make a Normal Move of upto 7. Unless that unit a ‘am.eoeees unit it cannot embark with « TRamsPORr model a the end ofthis move. Until the end ofthe turn that units not digs to declare a charge. Unis withthe Bate Focus bity {pg 142) cannot make a Battle Focus move in 3 turn in which they are sect or this Stage Fay ‘Adldari~ Strategic Ploy Stratagers The Adklar are masters of marathon, aa hey emp alo erwctrs and poh Phantasm oo emery wot ‘Use th Strata che tart ofthe it te rnd, os the it turn Begins. Select up to thre Abuimam, MamLeGuNS ‘or maa uit (exhding Tami unt) frm your army at ‘repo them. I the miss uses the Sates Reserves fab, ‘ary of those units canbe placed into Stratep Reserves without Iheving to apc any addtional CP repanicw of we may ‘units are already in Strategic Reserves. I beth players have sdhdaies that redeploy dot rol the winact ches who ‘redeploy thew units ant You can coly se this Stratagem once Le elder Sratelc Ploy Siratgem The Farscers of he Arwryan ae capable of generating vat poche ‘sors that cas toss hea armoured troops around tke ears ‘Use this Stratagem in your Command phase, ia Fanseen ‘model from your army ison the teil Select one pot om the bated within 2 of «Passat mod fom your army sod place a musker cn that point. In your nest Paychic phase. Fanstan moses from your army that are within 2 of tat ‘marker can perform the fslonng paychic aon: [Empower Storm (Paychic Acton ~ Warp Charge 8): Ay ‘numberof Famseen models fom your ary cn atiempt 0 pert this pci tion. At the art of your next Shooting phase rol one D6 foe ‘ach ort witan 6” othe centre ofthe marker you placed, subtracting 2 the uni bing rolled fran Inraaty ‘Cuamacren unit. On 2, that anit suters D3 mortal wounds ‘sedan additional! mortal wound for ech tne the Fi ‘Storm parce action was succesfully completed ths turn That ‘marker is then removed. You can only wie this Stratapem once meee Serene en ASURYANI WARLORD TRAITS Paras} permed thir kin tobe Te ee per eee peer epee ares Peryenasrey panne anny peaeenaeres toy Pea OL reenter ear Ceres rail one wound rll or one damage rol Perret 3. FALCON’S SWIFTNESS ay otront tee Serer rene et erry rer i cee nt erreienio pets NAMED CHARACTERS AND WARLORD TRAITS aad ear ere = Pe Ua Ca Pare Tecinar seine rer err rote Panes St cero pene ponte ore per ivsabaianene yt Pea ad VECTOR ron ne Named Character ue UES BY Pet aes) Sa EUs eee) Ere oer perpen serene aren Levene ene eet ten nanan or ae eres Te Pag ae] a paneer ts ner ery eee en peri pores tener) Errer ree See Raat re Saito epteeey Warlord Trait r? = RE Urhs RELICS your army ed bya Atuavam or Mamuxouins Wan youcan, when mastering you aren. pve one ofthe lowing Trearores ofthe Acar Relics to an Atuvant or Mantouie, ‘uamucrem mee! from your army Akernaivel, you can give ‘ap to two Aspect Shrine Relics (pg 118) ~ that io Relic dnt fatePaarch model only’ ~ to models im your ary that have {he woed Pausch in thet pote (eg ‘Dire Avenger Faarch Fach Aapet Sine Rei an ody be cated once Nosed racer cannot be given any ofthe following Rs. [Note that some Reis replace one of the mol csi terme cof wargar. Where tis the cate, you must f you are wing [ota value, stil pay the com ofthe wargea that being replace Wr down any Rect your meds have om your sy rome KURNOUS' BOW This piel was created honour of Karns, who mould fashion a aro unig Bo dah prey he ants pycho spat ‘arumrition react to he vubnrates the urge tha should have mercy nnd mv aly No savant sharin postal ony Thin Rely pha sharin ped ard hat the homing pete WEAPON RANGE _TYPE wo Kunows Bow Pts S ‘Aas: Sdn (pg 143) Each ove ap aach mas wh is ‘weapon iat tice sess wmunds te rye ifs mera wound en he tage ana th ack secuenes ene THE PHOENIX GEM At the height ofthe War in Hear, Isha drew dow the het of 8 Funded ars a gletering get ave Aya ath the Penis Gent se ony arviving fragment of thi amit stone, ards retans power #9 rete ie 9 the fallen ‘Asuna ose! ony ist ime the bearer is Sestroyed ‘ne Dion a2, eep ite one side A the end ofthe curent hae sct the hearer hack pager at clon a pose Previous poition and not withon Fngagement Range of ar ce ones wth DS nuns remaining, ‘SHARO OF ANARIS When Kaine was sated in battle with Shuanah, the Me mary was peed the rages ofboth weap 3d ‘welder coma So ret within the rated ‘Asuna model equipped with Bans bade or star awe ony ‘Ths Rec replaces a Banshce bide or tar gave and has the following pre: WEAPON FUMGE TPE SP Suudstiow Mee Meme ot Aa: ache te bearer es, makes 01-3 wctona! ssc a tia weapon FAOLCHU'S WING The rot flo Fach up the death of Eldan, gif song golden po foe fo ir. Legend els tha artefact 1 that are tke fi. hated dow though generations of Aad, a arvving even the tal of te Fal Asonramarantay snc oly + Thebearer has a Move character of Fev heywe + Atthe end of your Movement phase, select one enemy tit the bearer moved across uring that pase and vel ane Di ona 2» that wnt sales D3 mortal one FIRESABRE Many legends speak of Drocch-rr the great dake whove wrk serongth toppled he prs ofthe Tempe of Ike Rpt {hos rr wat forge from Dacron fang in eb (f Uthanashs cry I burns with a ary tt com never be ‘enchadad sre ore a rng thing ‘suman mode wits Baasdoc blade or tar gave only hie Relic replaces» Raste bac or sar ave am has the Sotowing pote: (WEAPON RANGE TYE SPO fesse Mice Meee}? aimee E2ch ne an atch made wth hs weap, o> ‘emesties itr of 6 rei Emer wowed on targets ‘sadn ay rere omoge SUNSTORM Tes amid hat te outbreak ofthe Var Hever. Anuryn rode {for seven rights ars the stars to bring warning ts elo gods This ee, named afer Avuryu ied. hes a spec wmmached, ft rer rig aro the bail Shea aig ar ‘suman etx me oy + “The bearer huss Move characeratic of 20 + "Thebearer bas the Objective Secured ability (se the ‘Warhammer 40,000 Core Book) AEGIS OF ELDANESH This maj sat of wratibome armour date from the east ‘dey of he Achar ai se ob eft from shard of dames own armour Tow Faves alm bate agus the ‘lod Harded i as dive rade pers tro he fora of te etancn ost ony The bearer ha Save charactritic of 2s, {Fach time an stack allocated tthe bearer, abtract 1 form that artack’s Damage character (oa minionam of 1). THE WEEPING STONES, Carr from powhactve rae. thee run somes resemble the read of bd hat dip from the ard of Kin. nb, tse ones rarangethemaches reveling cement of he ute ‘Asuna Prvean mex ny. Whi the bearer som the ‘atid cach time you make Stands of Fat all (9g 143), you can rl ce additional Ta SR eGrhy Threw comers the sone fan ance Parc whe we nn agony fer big tera bythe of the Dak Ki ach rite wh he Made wine hfe Perch fry oe searing tf de emer [Dire Avenger Exarch model with drerword only. This Relic ‘replaces a deswoed an has the fllowing pote WEAPON waNGE TE SAPO Trehvengingtince Mowe Moke 2 ‘Antreae Een toe as amach rc meh ha weapon 4 et sack secesshdly wounds he tet Ninf morta wound om the ‘arpetand he mack sequance ens DRAGON'S FURY Ibecrpoaned to orate warns hese Rael rect ae Capa of cetng on arent wal of mein rm, sniping charg ft he racks. ise Dragon Ezarch moede nly Each time the bearers its ‘seed ws the target ofa charge, subtract? rom the charge fll ‘SHADOWSTING “Tas ang bade sad by nme tobe he seo Inrmathd he mighty weap of he Poems Led Karama. 2 dea tech hte hc oe with hry a wher. String Scurpece Fixer mol wth ting Hae ony tho efi replaces iting Hace a! asthe filoming profi WEAPON RANGE TYPES APO ‘Shidowstng Woe Meee 0322 Abas: Each sve ne bearer tyes, makes 2 actions aacks “ets weapon ‘CRONESCREAM ‘ea mera command this mek seh Mat of the [Preboempi en tra rm he near ere. Ranabec Faarch moe nly Once pet bate, a the start ofthe Fight phase, you can select one enemy unit within FEngagersent Range ofthe beares and roll owe Deon a2, tat ‘encoun stfers D3 marta wounds, and an adétional 1 ‘moral wound foreach charge move the bearer has made daring the bute ‘THE PHOENIX PLUME “hs ange feather worn yn the Pari hes tae for chain wr es asa et th utes jem tosh prem males peer ‘swooping Hawk Exarch mode only. + The bearer has a 4 knerble save. + Fach hme a model in the bearer unit would we 4 wend, rel one D6: on $4, that wound is nt ot. ‘THE SPIDER’S BITE ‘Thee Hades ita mcoopc pores fled with the vena fhe east ht ole th crafts simsy carat Athan ‘hat feds th hte low tamed in mae wraione Warp Spiker Franch ml with pomerblen oly Th Ral replaces powerbades nd has the folloeing peo: WEAPON PUNGE TYPE SAPO TreSpldersBte Meee ewe 2? Aina: ch me a smacks mace wh Ws wean, on “an motited woud we 6 Yu wach ha 9 Darnage chanceenste of. KHAINE'S LANCE "Ths orate jhe mse prec pen ene fel ts sp me ener defo, ‘Shining Spear Exarch model only. Each time the Bearer finishes 4 bars snes sent une sem unt within Engager! Range ‘ofthe Beare and rll one DS. On a + That ememy unit matfers D3 mortal wounds + That enemy unit not eagle 10 fight is phase un afer all litle units rom your army have done so ‘SHRINE SKULL Wher one thee soph is bron orth the hearer beens the manifesto of Rhames wiles rode Be deta? Dark Reaper Farch model with Reaper lunch ony, Wan “encay ent hat any models dstroyed by an atack mae by ‘heen, wnt the end ofthe tra, weract | fram Coes _Aremion tet taken Hor hat enemy Smt ES OF FATE 1. GUIDE “he per wits the strand of dey tte wil picking out Aare frm con the wiring cc of bat a uig te ‘ha of healer her mh themes harm Bessng: Gide ha a warp charge value of 6 H manieted, selec oe riers «Camartwoacs> Asurtaw Cont ‘Caurrwon.n> Asuream Cuanseven wt within LF ofthis Pom. Uni the start of your next Paychic phase cach ie a ‘model in that unit makes a attack you can eri the bit rll he rest of the Prychic tet was 100 more you can select ‘ne incrdy Asonran COME ce ANDAR (Cont or Asortam Cond st “eCaAPrwon.t> AsueaM CHARACYER et within 1 ofthis Pama. Uni the start of your next Prychic phase cach time a ‘model in that uit woud hove « wound ol ene D6 08 a 5, that woud snot lot the result of the Pays test ‘mare, you can eect one frieny AswTAN CORE ‘or cCaurrwon.s> Asomvant Cuaaacrem eit within 2 of ths Poms insead 4, EXECUTIONER ‘he phe samen a ata. a wlohe it pon the foe Tas vegelappurtan caret path through the cer ras cach hl uring ows rips prt flesh hae of pec energy: ‘Witchfres Fecatomer has a warp charge value of 7.1f mapileded, select one enesey und (esl CHARACTER ut ‘ith Wounds characteristic of ot lem) within IR ofthis Pavaen. That enemy wnt sfers D3 mortal wounds. fy enemy model are destroyed at el of those mortal wns that enemy ani sues an addtional D3 mortal wound the result of the Paychic test was 10 or more, you cam select cone enemy ut (xclang CARACTE uns with «Wounds characerti of 9 es ethan Mf Pave sad 5. WILL OF ASURYAN ‘Sensing on approwhirg crux of destiny, the pr summons the certwnty an confidence ancient days Dew ard few ae ‘athe from er mind ad thve maar fn rim Pes frm the prykers mdomabi aura leasing: Wil of Assy has a vearp charge waboe of 6.1 manifesto. select one tiem ABUATAM Come ‘or eCrarrwon.a> Asunvan CoamAcTE® it within of thie Poman. Until the sar of your net Pyychic pase: + That uni gin the Objective Secured ay (sce the ‘Warhammer 40,000 Core Book). «+ Tach time a Morale test tae for that wei, is rutomancally passed + If that unt is performing am action, it can stil make atachs ‘with anged weapons without tha action failing ee res ofthe Pryce test was 8 or more, you can select ‘one icra ASgnram Condor Asuavani Camacten nt within 12" ofthis ‘Pevan. Unt the start of our next Prychic phase, add 210 Charge rolls made fr that wit 4. CRUSHING ORB “The ppkercaptares thee fe ima phere of kinetic emery then crater et rman with a geste. ‘Withee Crushing Or has a warp chars va of 6.16 munis. sect cme ney unt within 1 fan visble {otis Pag and ll hve adding 210 each rsa if ‘hat ence it a MELE or MOETER wt FH anti ‘or more model For each 4 that enemy nit ser 1 sora mod. ‘5. FOCUS WILL “Th ppker chanel thes mn oid low scrim wiki herr mental might and resring te ere f enemy a0cerere Blessings cas Will as a warp charge wale off manifested, ‘cles ome friendly ASURVaM PRVEER oni wth 24 of this Pavan. Unt the start of your next Pryce pls. ‘add 210 Pychic teats and Deny the Witch tests taken for that unit 6. IMPAIR SENSES “Th paper dies the fo seen, alg this mals wath same mage em puters Matedic thom: mpusr Sony ha wary charge vale of 6H manifest. slet ome cocmy unit within IN” of and visible ‘oth Psvage Until the start of your neat Prychic phase. that ‘ney Sait canon be alxte by Uh ara absties of wits rom your opposents aren. REVENANT DISCIPLINE 41, GAZE OF YNNEAD. “The peer: eyes bce with ire ws ey chanel the pomer of Yea, the Whispering Cid Witehtire: Gaze of Yea has « warp charge vabae of IF maniested, select one enemy anit within 18° his PER sd rel one Di, suberactng 2 from the rsa if hat unit had Starting Strength of 1.0m 41 les tha nit silers 1 metal wound. On 42-5. tha wnt wifers D3 mortal wounds. Om a 6 that unit srs Dé mortal wounds. 2, STORM OF WHISPERS. ‘The pyher voce oi with hae of the ded to drive the foe tery oane, Whtchiire: Storm of Whispers ha «warp charge vale of 6.18 manifested ro tree IM ee cach encry uit waa ¥ of i Parann. or each 4 the enemy unit being rolled fr sates 1 ‘mortal wound ‘3. WORD OF THE PHOENIX he vd cals wp the ervenant emery of he mythical _phoentst rato the Me force of falen morons ‘Blwsing: Word ofthe Poon has a warp charge vale of 6H smanested. select one fremily Yuma hana unit (exci rear Comsrmact us) within 6” ofthis PSMgR, One otha, unit destroyed models (or D9 of destroyed modes if that tudt haste Troops Bale Role) can be added hack wo that ‘uit with Kall wourcs remnaning. ese rode an any beset up wethin Lngagement Range of enemy ants that are already sothia Enpagemcet Range f the unit they are being ade tack. 4, UNBINO SOULS {he pyher roaches outwith thew mind t weaken the bond etwwen sul end beady dang the neo. Maledition: Unbind Souls has a warp change vale of 6 1f manievted select one enemy anit within 18° of this PEMMER, Each time sYaaaas model from your army makes «melee zack that tages that enceny unit, an uamoded hi ral of 6 ‘automatically wounds the target. 5. SHIELD OF YNNEAD The per mans «dof prt ener aroun thet le sheng the dees Yonead Blowsing Shuck of Vance has a warp charge wah of ‘manifested scl one fhemdly Yama uni eaclading Tram ‘ait) within 1° of this PIOUER Ul the start of you next Pryehic phase. models im that unit have «(+ vulnerable ave. 6. ANCESTORS’ GRACE Drawing up the rests tha the gnc py. [aare the pryer btn few Blewsing: esters Grace has a wary charge val of7- 1 ‘manifest oe hemlyYwmARD uni wii LF ofthis ‘Parazn. Uti the start of your next Psychic pase, cach time a ‘monel i that unit macs mele attack, a Bt tha attack ‘woud rll rors ON ak La oe eee Path ofthe Warrior. Ther sills honed ever counts decades of CRIMSON HUNTERS eet eee eer tee eee eee ee ee eer rel lethality of he vary ayer ae meyer ean ee een ee eee Pema ernie nee ered eee Let ey et wees ek ee eee eine Eerste] Lapeiirreterrae ee enter er Leer eer ere seen ate ete Beetseerer arene rsa Se ae en ey snd upgrade that model to bean Exarch. When you 409, select St ee eee etd EYES OF KHAINE cee This march i an expert ging thal aircon ts runs aint their airborne foc. Again thi aerobatic en ee ee Proven ven the oof enemies sem com Power Rating increased by 1-H you are playing « matched peer ert in are ete) Each time this model makes an attack that target an iter eee er nretnee ur open ent em un that cam FU, Rt atach atoatcaly its the tales on pages 105-109, Make a note on oe eevee tee ee erwin ated cach rit can omly have one Exarch Power STRAFING ASSAULT eee ed eaeioy veneer mia nomi ach ime this model maa ranged aac, the age 1 BOMB ccs nt recive the neti of cove against ha tack ‘SWOOPING EVASION omc ail eremlyiperaepl (perme Sing Scapa How ing Spar Way Spd Each 981s Wha model has «5+ inmaerae sve Sete ere aera Seed eee ee een enet ery Poe en teint eres) eee ae tater ine Exarch Powers ~ to gain these abilities, you must purchase the as eae ete cee Pana PERT CEDyEe uet] 5 ¥ SHINING SPEARS A HOWLING BANSHEES GRACEFUL AVOIDANCE EXPERT LANCERS hose wh fry i HEARTSTRIKE UGHTMING ATTACKS a Saag Spars PIERCING STRIKES 4 DIRE AVENGERS 4 WARP SPIDERS SPIDER’S LAIR STRIKING DARK REAPERS x SCORPIONS 3 . isms | eset Ambush CRUSHING BLOWS DEADLY AMBUSH REAPER’S REACH BEET Eee) eg eS ALAITOC CRN mT! Adddari- Strategic Ploy Stratagerm ae it ofthis harahne br of the Alito marhost emgage he foe. smal forces ther people ret he Path gee a Aergiyion altel ak gene cota bce ATTRIBUTE: FIELOCRAFT CEE Tovah combination of eal sapien tting thi Stage in the Rilrcements step of your om th eed moving elo arnad thr cy fe. ponte bathe Slect ne Aurea wnt fom your ‘my that iether onthe battled or in Strategic Reserves. Hach time a ranged attack is made against unit with this atrbut, the stacker more than 1F sway. the unit with + If that RawBens unit in Stag Reserves set this tribe is reste a having the bento Light Cover” anywhere onthe butte within 19° ofthat oery wi ne ies ih (oe the Warbaremer 40,000 Core Bow ee ay aed + Fach ime ranged attack ls made opaet an sunverce + tthe end ofthe phase tha Raman unit can shoe as iit ‘ibe that eri o oe within & were sur Shooting pase, bt ul tbe cdf the pase that was jut et wp the gible tarp). terrain featur, ifthe attacker i more thas LZ" wey then Za ony are the enemy the ent with tis attr sshaving the benclts of bated (and em if that enemy wit i Bas coset So yh vate ee «You can ignore any oral odie to the More pus wth thn rb, an yo car rll moder to Advance WARLORD TRAIT: MASTER OF AMBUSH Ths warlords opt ot directing the ectviies of mary wari lowing some ofthe mater 0 acpi complex tasks whe their fills provide sosring + In your Command phase, you can welt one ALAMO ase? Cone unit within 9 of ths Wann. Unt he endo the tar {€ hat was pefrming an action, can sil make attacks + Ate start of te fit te round, bef on the btlel. you ca select P0¢ Ramee ust he bath tn the batleld that tm fi the winner chocaes who redeplrs thelr units rst) RELIC: SHIFTSHROUD OF ALANSSAIR md al bt sappear from plain sight. At one tine, sme den ach Sifroade ‘ral be found prrer (one remain, the other Alas here need of ths powered ai they wil withdrew irom ‘he word sp eres al ‘aro pater mol only Whi the beatr i receiving the [benefits of cove, cannot be scected ws the target of a ranged tac ales ts the clones clgible urge or that stack ae the attaching monde wih 12 ULTHWE Crafold Uw lies close tthe Fy of Teron, remaining ever ‘eatchfil over that hrf warp storm, Uw i renowned for ‘he number and il of ts pyhers ATTRIBUTE: FORESIGHT OF THE DAMNED 4 Al Adler re phytic ni res than ths of Ott. Perhaps tated the lng rit the eof Dare fe feet ree eal pes “the Rhana Dandra. The end of our race How tor have we said 1s inevitable? ‘very prophecy points to its culmination Yer can it no be posiponcal? And sour fatalistic acceptance of our destruction fhe very thing that wil brie it about?” + Hach time unit with this at ut Is selected to shoot oF Fight, you can r-rll oe woud roll when resolving that si aac, Each time you take a Psychic test fora PsvaeR unit with this steibts its tho fst Peychic tet taken for that unt this turn, ad oth rest = Theuriaof Ute + Models with this attebute havea 6+ invulnerable sve ach time a mode with thie bute wold les woand ae sensi ofamoral wound, ol one D6: ona 5s, tht wound isnot ot, Sree em) WARLORD TRAIT: FATE READER Using thr prescienes to diver the enemy commanders intentions this warlord can rect before the fo plas even come After you make a Srands of Fate roll (pg. 143), this WamuaRo is ‘on the battlefield, you can choote to retain one additonal dice RELIC: THE GHOSTHELM OF ALISHAZIER "The lena old FarserAlshacier of Uithw harboured «deep terror that she would one day join the ranks of her erased predecesor Unable to acct sich a fate, she nested her piyche tnt the cruitry network of her ghost, 2 that her sprit _might forever keep others of her Path safe from harm. crue Pevxen mode only + "Te bearer knows one adlitional pychic power from the Runes of Fortune discipline (pg 123. ach tinea Poychic test istaken forth bearer, on an ‘unmodified result of, that payee power or psychic action cannot be denied. DERE ae ‘Aeldari~ Battle Tactic Stratagem The Black Guardions of Uthw! are profesional solders that have 4 dscipline and sel exceeding that of thelr civlian counterparts fn ther raion (Use this Stratagem ia you Shooting phase or the Fight phase, when youslet an UTHWE GUAROIAKS unit o shoot or Hight Until the end ofthe phase, each ime a model in that wit rakes sa task od to hat attack hit rol See a SAIM-HANN Renowned for tei lov of spe, the people of Sain-Han are deeply tribal a traditional and thei erafworld was one of the {rt to flee the decaying ldar empire, ATTRIBUTE: WILD HOST Each member of a Saim-Nan Wild Host longs to be the fs into the it, the one to win al he glory: nothing wil stand betwee phe ge pera WARLORD TRAIT: WILD RIDER CHIEFTAIN ‘To the bravest goes the glory a they aay aboard Saint Hann, + Add 1 to this Wantono’s Attacks characteristic + This WarLono is eligible to perform a Heroic Intervention fit is within 6” horizontally and 5" vertically of any enemy unit instead of 8 horizontally and 5" vertically. Each time tis Warono makes a Heroic Intervention mov, itean mave up 06" instead of 3, ll other rules fr Heroic Interventions sill apply. RELIC: TALISMAN OF TIONCHAR Marking the wearer axa former champion ofthe clan challenge Jknown as Tionchar, his warrior ia supertaive fighter, demonstrating matchless i, agility and determination. SCM RtED) eee mek se ‘SaiHann mode ony + Bach time the beater makes a melee aac, ifthe bearer made a charge move or HeroicllyIntervened this turn, add othe Strength and Damage characteristics of that attack and improve the Armour Penetration characteristic of that aitack by. Tansee ACP, ‘Acldari - Battle Tactic tratagem Like the bloody spear of Khang, the Wild Rider clans strike {from above, thir riders plots screaming war cris into the raging winds Use this Stratagem atthe start of your Charge phase. Select ‘one Sau-Hawn Bike in from your army. Until the end of the phase, that unit is cigble to declare a charge even ift Advanced this turn ial IYANDEN Once the: formers having sured me outmoded ma ATTRIBUTE: STOIC ENDURANCE craft has susered met the sprit ef bath srg and with Yu fe dead remain ambowed demi A just as the Anch that even Mona-They herself + Fach time » Combat Atrtioe tet taken for ani with thi fuy sstribue, add to that Crm Ar fa ach time an attack allocated to « mo lf hat attack has a Armour Penetration characteristic of 1 Prince Viel of gander, ater the resarrecton of Roboate G attack by 1 (eg AP -2 beconnes Ai = WARLORD TRAIT: ENDURING RESOLVE Resse in id and bod, this wore’ wl BE BRED Ee ae) Bach time this WanLone woul! lose 3 woud ol one DM 0 Se, hat wound fot RELIC: PSYTRONOME OF IYANDEN I ee re tte ce Growing and chap eatthbone oth art and uence, and fire and needs tae th be removed oath fo atl. Very mach « weapon Dulss when actrted, rm bation chs te te artefact know asthe Py tality wraatore tar wnprwinrted bas of energy. te wr ‘few cracking open bet sch it wthin 9 ofthe bearer Un the wart of mao phase +A t the Attacks characertic of models that wit {that unt Wearmeaane sbity (Pe GIN 2 ‘Adlar\» Srategic Poy Stratogem When the erie of Crafted Prem marc bet, thet host wurnor ave at the centre Aros these wrath comer Sul the Sprucers he mands brdpng the gp bere the rel orld nthe sprit rai i gi the Bate Focus {Use thi Stratagem in your Shooting phase othe Fight phase Select coe Mamoem Srmrs4en med rom your army and one {iscndly toe rom Hos une. Unt the endo the pac that Sum Og una 4 cematered oe wii range tha Srmrsans modes Sprit Mark buy BIEL-TAN The Asay of Pi regain thee cmp " ch pling of bod, many of thm fol aie that the Aart wil ome dy sll the Pash ATTRIBUTE: SWORDWIND el Tan wirhons encaprulae the deadly Seondtad, striking with power, seed and prin + Each ime unt with thas attribute Advances or makes roof 1-208 stent ted to thot ‘eseking that WARLORD TRAIT: NATURAL LEADER Tactical acumen and the ne of targeting matrices ar ond nature to this bate seasoned warlord In your Command phase, you ca alet ene fricadly ret: [Cont uni within 6” ef this Wanton. Until the end ofthe turn. ech ine a mode in that nid makes an attach. you can reroll the hat rll. RELIC; THE SPIRIT STONE OF ANATH'LAN AnatTan wus once one of Cratworld Bi died domi mand hone Aeon Say from the cre that edo bis wm agree eri Hass shoe ofan bod and to tha day guides oer Asayama (it Tan PEER esol ene + The bearer knows one additions pychic power from thee chosen dincgdine + Once per Pajchic pase you can re-rll ane Pychi et taken forthe bearer Ca i Ackdari- Battle Tactic Sratagem Since the frac of Bie Tar info ce tw the crafters Aapest Shrine fight al he aero seta veldg eet laeas this tratagem in you Sbouting paseo the Fight phe schon « Waa ASPHEY MARR Uni rom Four army selected 1 shoot o ight Until the end ofthe pbs cach mea rok! that ant maken am atch, sri hi roll of 6 scones | additions Vv, “There is mo art move hoautifl and deverae than the art of Psat contr of Biel-Tan PER Pro re et) CRAFTWORLDS FAR-FLUNG CRAFTWORLDS your chosen crattwotht does mot hare an asovated Craltwork Attribute on pages 5-89, yo mast intend teat Ue Celtel [tribute by selecting Tatung CraftwceAttdote rae the lis hee Unlen therwise stated. pour cralworh has wo Far tng Cratworkd Aedes fren the fling ae IN THE FOOTSTEPS OF THE ANCIENTS Some Anerpan are rfges howe ow crewed has een lat, ‘and ho hv hen taken fn by anther word esa. Others sek fe emulate the ccs of the mor active craft saply oid toms rma Bother mn wel Amen Seen You cannot select this Far-fang Cratwo Ata f yo have selected any caer ar hang Crafted Atte sd yo elect this Far hung Ceatworld ARribute you cannen sect « secood. Select one of the flowing caftwor: Ute, Altos, [et Tan yanden, Sai ann. + Use the Crftword Attribute of the cratwoeld you selected, as lied on pages 1:89 ‘+ a Counaeres mode! with this tribe gai « Warlord Tra. they can haw a Cratwoeld Warhond Trat aot ith the craftwoeld you selected, stent of Warlord Teast from page 119-4 ChanacTen roel has vuch a Warlord ‘Tra replac ll istances ofthe heywved on that Warloed Trait (eg amoen) of any. with the nae uf the rater that thos CuaAeVEN made fre + Uniear the only nits wth this tribute are part of an ‘Ausilary Suppect. Super bewry Auilary anda Foribation Network Detachment you sil yarn acces tthe Crafwork! Seratagersanexited withthe crafewoeld you west When uring uh a Sitatayer. replace al nance of he -eGrarrwomia> keyword on that Sratager (eg amaem) with the crcl tha the waits woth this sribte hee CHILDREN OF KHAINE “his cutee holds special reorence for Khan, an ‘warrior ar rath i te exrome, Fach time a model with thi atiate makes mle attack, ‘onan enmodied wound rll of alt the Damage characteristic of that tach. CHILOREN OF MORAI-HEG ‘The sory of Mors ig teaches hat w dom case come witht rife, andthe ven in dre cocmatances legends ca be ba ach time a model with hatte maken a attach Ua ‘models write bekow ts Starting Sremgsh, ad! to tat atch Intell CHILDREN OF PROPHECY This ufo may ser hr how hes We the dangers of hove hat hanger the stern ‘Each time a Pychic test o¢ Deny the Witch testis taken fo & PPovgn unt with ths wirbate, you cance ni any o all ie realist 12. CHILDREN OF THE OPEN SKIES The wot maing dienes of ths rater ae perfect for horeng ‘the lof ther Windrirs ara other rif warriors + Add "4 the Move characteristic of model with thi ateribte 2 mode with this tibue can Pa, ao ts Mae characteritciatead of 1. + Each time an Advance els made fora unit with thi atte, eat ice roll of 1-2 a 3 nad DIVINERS OF FATE the barcers of ths rato stay the ss of ate seri ‘tho hm from tatu tha ht eherai ee them i Bach ee you mac «Strands of Fate rll (pg 143) every wit ‘in your arey has this asrsbute (ensuing AGEs re ARB, annarnt snd DaaLonee units), you can rll oe additonal DS ELITE CITIZENRY ‘Mary cfr a ve Ua ondary ery be the same Sdeere ate profes older of ther ret 1+ Ad othe Leadership charaterintc of mals with thot ach ime a uni with this trate seed to Sight, you ca ‘eral one trl when revolving that unas aftaks. EXPERT CRAFTERS Thee cathodes depay a heed foty for eating seruthbane mt Beat acadpeues and potent weapons ae Each te «una with this tribute sbeced to shoot or fight. you can re rll one wound rll when resolving that sts attach GRIM The rues thes ratmer have bern 8 he fren pee ofthe play and raphe pares many hor, For them ‘the dares hole far, for Wey hv face rach ci tio, fre em emerged victorin Fach ne 4 Combat Artie teat lab for a un astibote, add Ito that Combat Atriton te HAIL OF DOOM When gathered im large marehers the foci sharin fre of he Asari fas upon he foc Uke rain of Made Even the tought ‘pate ca hase bons by ths ao daly poset i th ‘Each tne a model wth thi atebute mesa tack wah ‘a shuriken weapon (pg 143), a8 unmodified hit ol of 6 wounds the target (and seated 4s a unmenfed ‘wound rile 6). HEADSTRONG When the cal f ei set out and the fry of Kaine pars ‘hough thew ven these Acar cam rey conto the eed te geen with ther fees a destroy Pe ‘ou cam eral Advance ols and charge rolls rae for ants th this attr HUNTERS OF ANCIENT RELICS ‘Since the Fl. many ric of the Adar oro ps have bee a ud there are Some wh se these resures asthe hey 0 dir rah survival and wil fight ol the harder to recover them. ‘While a unit with this rhe eperformig an action, that sas a shot witha that mt aig MASTERFUL SHOTS Tras Asura he masta warfare dens eran, and ned only the mere ghipse of are! make a al ach time a mode wah this atrbute makes a ranged stack the target docs not rece the benefit of Light Cover again hat antck (sce the Warhamenct 100 Core Book) MASTERS OF CONCEALMENT Terran the talent te preservation the warcraft rajteorid ute complex camouflage feds 1 conceal hemes ach time a ranged attack sma gait awit with this areribte the stacker ls move than 17" away, then the unit ith this attribute w treated as having the benefit of Light Cover agua hat tac. MOBILE FIGHTERS In the nk of a ee, ti crafter anspor descend, ‘agorng deadly warios before the snne fo a react ach time a mode wath this arbute makes an attack, at monet wnt dicmbarhed from «Tausremt mode thi tors ‘68 1 to that attacks wound rll SAVAGE BLADES Whale many crafters do not emcurage thet warriors 1 put Chemuctres harm ater ont encurage sem 1 dry ther enemies nde Bde ach time a mendel wth this atbte makes a mele attach, Penetration characters tha atch by | SWIFT STRIKES The mhabstamt of ths crofton ae ae 9 maintain a saperb sun, even fle moving a igh sees {a yoar Shooting phase each tin aunt with dis tribute is scleted to shoo, uals hat unt Fel Back this ture. ust the ‘nd of the pane counts at having Remind Staonsey STUDENTS OF VAUL Some cratword atin wraitone ehie Al mf with sudan empatve crus When attack the plot can divert orton of the comciouanes 10 repairing and rgrowing the mest rie damage aliwing thr gt ot pak fiioey long ach time an attack witha Damage character of 1 sllocated wo a Vomcur mode! wh tha attribute ad 11 ay Srmour saving thrones made agai hat atic SUPERIOR SHURIKENS Unite more aerdsramicehurkens, ripen game celeron potent trajectory calor. the wurst Crafter able to pret sharihens er «reer dance. ‘Add 5 tothe Range character of shuren weapons (pg, 1463) modes aunt with this tebe ae equipped with VENGEFUL The Avaya lok down upon tho Dy seas the laser races, and ave ite such eveatres perish They regard uh adveraries a terior aa ptr ad rel thei saghier Each mea mode wth thn attbate mask an tack with melee weapon an uamodsied het re @ sees tional bi WARDING RUNES hese marron decorate the armour and wager with ance Adar mes of warding Maing ener hat would sy them tare mtr turned ade Models with ths arte havea 6 sruerable sve, Fach time model wih thi aru would Tose woud rel of moctal wound, rol one Df: 8 aS, hat wound isnot ot WEBWAY WARRIORS ‘The mario ofthis raftword ow many ofthe scret paths of he web and cam use thew 9 Lan devsttang mashes their fos When 4 Renforcement un with Uh atta set wp om the Ite forthe rat ne, ntl the end ofthe sar. each time {model nth unit makes an aftack. an unmodiied ht rol of ‘cores | ditional hit WRATH OF THE DEAD Mort Aelia find he woe of ghar marry be dts, But Sometimes the essence fhe fale Become ress. andar eager fo vent her fry atthe ring, (wnarre Comer units (cacuding AMERAP unt) with this srtibte are eligi to perform Heroic Intervention a they swore a CMARACTER ut Seen re met

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