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1. Could you briefly Introduce yourself?

Trước khi giới thiệu về bản thân mình, em/tôi xin gửi lời cảm ơn chân thành tới anh/chị khi
đã tạo cơ hội cho em/tôi để được trao đổi về vị trí ứng tuyển của quý công ty. Em chào anh/
chị, tên em là Mai, họ tên đầy đủ của em là Trịnh Thị Tuyết Mai. Em là sinh viên mới ra
trường của Trường đại học X, trong thời gian làm sinh viên em đã từng tham gia một số
công việc bán thời gian nhưng không thật sự ấn tượng, vì các công việc em làm khá đơn
giản, tuy vậy thông qua chúng em học được tính kiên nhẫn và tỉ mỉ. Thông qua các hoạt
động này, em có kinh nghiệm hơn trong việc nắm bắt tâm lý người khác, có thêm những kỹ
năng như quan sát, có khả năng chịu áp lực cao. Và em tin những điều này sẽ có ích đối với
vị trí này. Qua tìm hiểu kỹ về vị trí công việc và môi trường làm việc bên mình cũng như
những kinh nghiệm và sở trường em đang có, em thực sự mong muốn được có cơ hội được
làm việc cùng anh chị tại công ty Y với vị trí nhân viên tư vấn khách hàng."

As you can see from my CV,

Tên , tuổi, đang học năm , bj tốt nghiệp
Hiện tại đang cty abc về nghành lĩnh vực gì
Bạn làm ở vị trí . công việc hằng ngày
I am about to graduate in the end of this year.
I am an intern in Abc company.
I have more 4 -month experience about handling … ,
I also have some certificates / qualification of …
And so on if you want more information you can read from
my cv.
I believe that with my experience and my interpersonal skills I
could comple all task required.
I believe that I can prove my self through taks completions and
. I hope that I can have a chance to work with your company in
the future.
For me, I really want to have the opportunity to work with you at
company Y as a field operator . "
1.Can you briefly describe the work you have done? What
was the main tasks at your most recent job?

I am currently studying and working at the same time.

My main duty at TPC vina compay is ..researching and
analysing about factory manufactoring,and then I will
coorperate with related department to give some excellent
solutions for solving incidents/ accdent happening in factory.
And I also take responsibilities for researching new methods
in order to enhace the productivity and efficiency.
In my opinion, my current company is also about petrol
chemicals therefore there are not much difference from my
major so that I find my job quite helpful and give me chances
to develop my skills.
In 2 months, I spent many hours to
research about …

…thành tựu gì ?

What achievements in your job are you most

proud of? What acitivities do you do at school?

About my school life, I am an active person and

quite easy to make friends, so that I am joining
many kinds of activities and clubs such as sport
club , english club and charity clubs. For your
information, I am a leader of we can clubs which
is a charity club that have 20 volunteers. And
some of them are also working for your
company. We often gather together to join sport
games. From all of these activities I think they
help to form my ability and my personality a lot.
Thank to my university, I could induge myself in
a variety opportunities to develop myself.

What was the toughest job situation you've

ever encountered?

At first , I applied for this company with my

high GPA, I thought that I could have
chance to work at a pratical company but
due to the covid we turn to work online. This
suddently became one of the most difficult
obstacles for me.
, I cannot develop my whole skills, i may
not learn correctly company’s culture and
understand how the whole system
operating. Moreover,The instructor hardly
can embark all knowledge for students and
I could not absorb them because of the lack
of interaction. Therefore I could not have a
perfect and realistic view about working
environment. And You know that how
important of teamwork in finishing tasks,
but when working online we barely find it
hard to build a good relationship with your
How do you solve that difficult problem?

What qualities / skills do you think you have

that are right for this job?
Tính cách cá nhân

Trung thưc, honesty, meticulous , active,


In my view, I think I am an honest person I

find it hard to tell lies, and I am super active
that I can join many activities in a group.
In working, I always complete all my tasks
on time, and I am keen on challenging
myself in new position and new
environment. I always try my best to bring
more value and benefits for my own
About the skills, after attending many
school activities , I sharpen and expand my
soft skills such as computer skills and
communication skills , problem- solving
skills and so on. I think interperson skills as
well as specialized knowledge would be a
hard foundation for each worker to achieve
their career prospects.
What skills do you have?
I am good at solving problems I used to
spend less time to find solutions for
problems in my company.
And more than that I have great skills in
team-work and leader skill. I can support
and lead my team members to right target.
And You know that how important of
teamwork in finishing tasks, I can show my
good commucationskills while working.
However besides soft skills, specialized
knowledge also play an important role in
working progress.
Why do we need to hire?
As an intern, I know that what I'm lacking is career
experience. However, the qualifications  I can speak
to the qualifications that make me the best fit for this
position. I promise that I can bring value and benefits
for the company that I work for. More than that , I
believe that with my experience and knowledge about
manurfactory and morniter factory
 make me
the best match for this position.
With all my qualities , I feel that I have enough
abilities to complete this job. I look forward to this position.
work at this position.

I am willing to learn more about

Learning . inquisitive spirit
I am down to … research.

What are your salary expectations?

The first reason I applied for the job that is because I am
seeking for a professional working environment to develop
my working experience and skills. However, this salary will
support me in my daily life but it is not my utmost goal at the
moment. But, I will accept the salary level which is equivalent
to my ability and my affort and my contribution in working.

Why do you choose to apply for this positon.?

What are your weaknesses and strengths ?

Leader skills
Thanks to my experience of working for charity club, I
gained excellent communication skills and leader skills.
I find it easy to work with a team and instruct everyone to
the mutual goal. More than that I have a strong will that I can
adapt to many different working environment.
Giỏi về cái gì nữa.
Giỏi thể thao have strong health deal with a heavy
workflow and long working hours.

1. My weaknesses is that I am sensitive with negative

criticism and can become obsessed with perfecting my work after
receiving notes from a supervisor. But with Constructive
comments I find it helpful to develop myself .While I
appreciate the guidance, I think I can learn to be less harsh on
English skills is one of my weaknesses, but I try my best to study
everyday to enhance my skills, I practice speaking english and
wriing and reading because I know with english skills I could
have a better job in the future.

Would you please to work in different shifts?

Even night shifts.
Well , I will accept working for a night shift if it is possible. I
want to try my best to complete my work. I have a strong will
so that I can adapt to many different working environment.
Once I take responsibility for any jobs I will contribute to it with
all my guts without caring about time.
However, if I can choose , I still prefer working day shift
that I can have more time to spend with my family.
Have you ever led a team that was behind schedule?
I used to lead a team which was late for a deadline, however ,
we tried our beest to solve the problems and tasks on time for
the best benefits. It was hard at first but with our high spirit ,
and work under a high pressure, we finally did it.
What is your management style?
My management styles is depending on the
situations and employees. I will observe the
company’s cultures and employees’s behaviours
before I give my own management styles. But mostly
I spend time to get to know well my co-workers and
my teammate in order to achieve the high level of

As a Production operator , do you feel you have the

right skills to communicate well with your suppliers?
I have strong partnerships and a large
network of suppliers and I can depend on that for
support, I will be in constant contact with them
until completing the project.

If your manager asked you to do something that

you disagree with, what would you do?
I will think carefully again and decide whether it
is a good or bad idea for the profits of the company.
In case this ideas will not carry any benefits for my
company I would negotiate again with my manager
to find out another better solutions. However if it is
the right option I will definetely follow my boss and
generate more profits.

Do you think you have good ability to work

independently or as a team? Can you share a
specific case?
"I think both ways of doing things work for me
when completing a given task. When I work
independently, I focus better and during teamwork, I
work together and achieve successful quickly.

Under what circumstances are you stressed? What is

the way to get over it?
I usually feel stress about my english skills, even I try
my best to improve it. And I know that when I have a
decent english I can have more opportunities to improve
my future.
How can you deal with it?
In social life, When I am under pressure , I often have
conversations with my family, coz my parents are good
In work life, I slow down and start prioritizing work. I
will divide my work into many small parts. Then I will
finished job in that order.i will focus on one task with
highest priority and complete one task at a time to avoid

Under what circumstances are you stressed?

What is the way to get over it?
6. Do you work well under pressure?  (Bạn có làm việc tốt
dưới áp lực không?)

The pressure of work such as having a lot of jobs to handle, or an upcoming deadline,
will help motivate me to be more productive. Of course, sometimes too much pressure
leads to stress. But I am confident that I can balance my responsibilities with different
projects and get my work done on time, helping me not to stress too often.
7. Why are you leaving your job? (Tại sao bạn rời bỏ
công việc?)
4. What are your short term goals? (Các mục tiêu ngắn
hạn của bạn là gì)
A decent salary

First is graduate from my university with flying colors it would help me have a ….

My short term goal is to find a position where I can use the knowledge and strengths
that I have. I want to partake in the growth and success of the company I work for.

5. What are your long term goals? (Mục tiêu dài hạn của
bạn là gì?)
5 , 10

In the next 5 years, I want to be a DCS engineer for a international company. . I want to
make a difference and I’m willing to work hard to achieve this goal. I don’t want a
regular career, I want a special career that I can be proud of.

Have a decent salary take care of my family  settle down around 30  develop my
career in this field.

10. What do you know about us?  (Bạn biết gì về công ty

chúng tôi?)

The project is being developed with an estimated investment

of $5.4 billion by Long Son Petrochemicals, a company
formed by Siam Cement Group (SCG).
A groundbreaking ceremony at the petrochemical
complex was conducted in February 2018, while commercial
operations are scheduled to begin in the first half of 2023.
The integrated petrochemical complex will produce more
than two million tonnes per annum (Mtpa) of essential plastic
materials such as polyethylene, polypropylene and other
The petrochemicals plant is expected to produce 1.65 million tonnes of olefins, 1.45 million
tonnes of poly-olefins, and 280,000 tonnes of chloralkali per year.

100% invested by the leading industrial group in Southeast Asia SCG - Thailand with a total
investment of up to USD 5.4 billion.

SCG Chemicals or SCGC is one of the largest integrated petrochemical companies in Asia and a
key industry leader. We manufacture and supply a full range of petrochemical products
ranging from upstream monomers to downstream polymers including polyethylene, polypropylene,
polyvinyl chloride and finished products.

Đưng thứ mấy trong thứ mấy

Contractor in the field,



under control of thailand company

Vinamilk is now one of the leading corporations in all aspects, significantly

contributing to the development of the country and its people. I know that
our company has almost 40 years of development that leaves a deep
impression of Vietnamese people about a firm that always satisfy and be
responsible for consumers’ needs by diversifying products and services,
assuring quality, food safety with competitive price, respecting the business
ethics and complying with laws. My experience in working for a commercial
law firm is well aligned with the role you are offering, which is what
generated my interest in speaking with your company…
When you are working in company, and there will be another company invite you with
higher salary? What would you do?

The first thing if my contract is still on date, I will definitely finish and complete the
work with the deal, due to the fact that I am a responsible person so I will work with
my high responsibility.

The second thing if the current company cannot provide me a suitable Working
environment that I can develop my self and cannot have the good benefits for
employees. I think I will consider about the chance to seek for another job. No one
want to work in a poor conditions without career prospects and low salary. I myself I
mostly seek for chances to develop my future and interpersonal skills, and specialized

12 – Do You Manage Your Time Well?

I manage my time well by planning out what I have to do for the whole week.
It keeps me on track and even helps me to be more efficient.

When I deal with heavy work flow,..

I am a responsible and punctual person so I always fisnish work before due


Late  khó chịu

13 – Tell Me About A Time You Made A Mistake?

I was given a project to complete in a week. I understood the project which
research about…….but I misinterpreted one section. After completing the
project, I was told by the professor that it was done incorrectly. I really don’t
understand why I made a mistake, but after that I found out that when we
work in group we need to discuss all the things together to have the best
result. I learned from this mistake that team-work plays an important role in
the final success.
What are the duties & responsibilities of a Field Operator?
A Field operator ensures that oil or natural gas production moves continuously from the wellhead
"downstream", i.e., to the oil battery, gas plant or processing facility. Field operators typically
move from well to well and are responsible for optimizing production of the gas or oil wells that
are on their "field run".
Duties will vary based on the size of the field, whether it produces oil or gas (as well as natural
gas liquids, or a mix), and the types of equipment required. Field operators generally start up and
stop equipment, take pressure and flow readings, compute and record data, adjust
valves/pressures, and examine and repair equipment

What have you done to improve your knowledge for Field Operator Position in the Last Year?

Do you have any questions for us?

Hello sir, nice to meet u, cúi chào

Let me think, let me see

I don’t understand the question well, nhưng tôi có thể nói bằng tiếng việt

Thak you for staing time intẻview me, I hope that I have a chance…………

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