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Cement & Concrete Composites 46 (2014) 65–72

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Compressive stress–strain behavior of steel fiber reinforced-recycled

aggregate concrete
Jodilson Amorim Carneiro a, Paulo Roberto Lopes Lima a,⇑, Mônica Batista Leite a, Romildo Dias Toledo Filho b
Post-graduate Program of Civil e Environmental Engineering, Department of Technology, State University of Feira de Santana, Av. Transnordestina, SN, Novo Horizonte, ZIP
44036-900, Feira de Santana, Bahia, Brazil
Civil Engineering Department, PEC/COPPE, Universidade Federal Rio de Janeiro, P.O. Box 68506, 21945-970 Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The use of recycled aggregate from construction and demolition waste (CDW) as replacement of fine and
Received 5 July 2011 coarse natural aggregate has increased in recent years in order to reduce the high consumption of natural
Received in revised form 11 October 2013 resources by the civil construction sector. In this work, an experimental investigation was carried out to
Accepted 20 November 2013
investigate the influence of steel fiber reinforcement on the stress–strain behavior of concrete made with
Available online 27 November 2013
CDW aggregates. In addition, the flexural strength and splitting tensile strength of the mixtures were also
determined. Natural coarse and fine aggregates were replaced by recycled coarse aggregate (RCA) and
recycled fine aggregate (RFA) at two levels, 0% and 25%, by volume. Hooked end steel fibers with
Stress–strain behavior
Steel fiber concrete
35 mm of length and aspect ratio of 65 were used as reinforcement in a volume fraction of 0.75%. The
Construction and demolition waste (CDW) research results show that the addition of steel fiber and recycled aggregate increased the mechanical
Recycled concrete strength and modified the fracture process relative to that of the reference concrete. The stress–strain
behavior of recycled aggregate concrete was affected by the recycled aggregate and presented a more
brittle behavior than the reference one. With the addition of steel fiber the toughness, measured by
the slope of the descending branch of the stress–strain curve, of the recycled concretes was increased
and their behavior under compression becomes similar to that of the fiber-reinforced natural aggregate
Ó 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction [4–6] as well as the use of recycled aggregates to replace the nat-
ural aggregates [7–9].
Over the past several decades, steel fiber reinforced concrete Although the use of construction and demolition waste (CDW)
has been used in many applications such as concrete pavements, as recycled aggregate in substitution of natural aggregate has been
overlays, patching repair of hydraulic structures, thin shells and proved to be a good solution to minimize consumption of natural
precast products [1]. Nowadays, it is well established that the resources [10,11], the structural behavior of the CDW-concrete is
incorporation of steel fibers improves engineering performance not yet fully understood and its use in structural applications is
of structural and nonstructural concrete, including better crack limited by European and Japanese standards [12,13] and not
resistance, increase in ductility and toughness as well as enhance- authorized by Brazilian the standard [14].
ment in resistance to fatigue and impact [2]. Regarding the properties of CDW-concrete, it has been reported
From the viewpoint of sustainability if on the one hand the use that the amount of recycled aggregates influences several proper-
of steel fiber reinforced concrete may increase the environmental ties of this concrete type [15–17]. In particular, it was reported that
impact of the plain concrete due to energy consumption and CO2 under compression loads the CDW-concrete presented an increase
emissions related to the production and shipping of the fibers, on in peak strain and a decrease in the Young’s modulus in compari-
the other hand its use can extend the maintenance free life of son with those of the natural aggregate mixtures [15,16].
the structures and thus reduce the overall environmental impact Although it has been demonstrated that the mechanical proper-
of the construction [3]. To improve the environmental performance ties of steel fiber reinforced concrete depends on the aggregate
of the steel fiber reinforced concrete, studies have been conducted type and matrix strength [18,19], there is a lack of information
regarding the use of metal waste recycled fibers as reinforcement regarding the mechanical behavior of steel fiber reinforced CDW-
concrete. The main objective of this study is, therefore, to investi-
⇑ Corresponding author. Tel.: +55 75 3161 8310; fax: +55 75 3161 8117. gate the influence of the addition of steel fiber on the compressive
E-mail addresses: (J.A. Carneiro), (P.R.L. stress–strain behavior of recycled aggregate concrete. In addition
Lima), (M.B. Leite), (R.D. Toledo Filho). the bending and splitting strength were also determined. Natural

0958-9465/$ - see front matter Ó 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
66 J.A. Carneiro et al. / Cement & Concrete Composites 46 (2014) 65–72

aggregate was replaced by recycled coarse aggregate (RCA) or recy- workability, measured by the slump test, was kept in the range
cled fine aggregate (RFA) at two levels, 0% and 25%, by volume. of 110 ± 20 mm. For the steel fiber reinforced concrete mixtures
Hooked end steel fibers were used as reinforcement in a volume the superplasticizer content was increased to, respectively, 1.7,
fraction of 0.75%. The effect of the aggregate amount and fiber rein- 5.0, 5.9 and 8.2 kg/m3 to the mixtures REF (NA-concrete), RFA,
forcement was evaluated for peak stress and strain, elastic modu- RCA and RFCA (CDW-concrete mixtures).
lus, Poisson ratio, flexural strength and by the Brazilian test Concrete mixtures were produced using a 320 dm3 mechanical
method for splitting tensile strength. The cracking mechanism mixer. The following sequence of mixing was observed: (i) addition
was investigated by the analysis of the axial, lateral and volumetric of the coarse aggregate; (ii) addition of 70% of the water; (iii) addi-
stress–strain curves. tion of the cement; (iv) addition of the remaining water and (v)
addition of the fine aggregate. A mixing time of 10 min was used
2. Experimental program to guarantee the homogeneity of the concrete. When steel fibers
were used, they were dispersed manually during this period.
2.1. Materials External vibration was using during casting. After removing the
specimens from the molds they were cured in a fog chamber at
2.1.1. Cement and water 23 ± 2 °C and 100% relative humidity until the age of the tests.
The physical and chemical properties of the used Portland ce-
ment (CP V ARI – ASTM Type III) are presented in Table 1. Tap 2.3. Test procedures
water was used in all mixtures.
Compressive tests were carried out in cylindrical specimens of
2.1.2. Aggregates dimensions 100 mm in diameter and 200 mm in height, after
The construction and demolition waste (CDW) used in this 28 days of cure. Three specimens were tested on a 1000 kN Shima-
study were initially crushed using a jaw crusher and then sieved dzu testing machine at a rate of axial displacement of 0.05 mm/
to produce the recycled fine aggregate (RFA) and recycled coarse min. The lateral and axial strain were measured using three electri-
aggregate (RCA) (see Fig. 1). Visual observations indicate the rough cal transducers (LVDT), as shown in Fig. 3, and were continuously
surface texture of recycled aggregates that was composed by recorded, together with the corresponding loads, using a 32-bit
approximately 55% of mortar, 20% of concrete and 25% of brick. data acquisition system taking four readings per second.
Fine quartz sand was used as natural fine aggregate (NFA) Volumetric strains were calculated as [20]:
whereas the natural coarse aggregate (NCA) was a granite type em ¼ ea þ 2eL ð1Þ
stone. The physical properties of the aggregates are shown in
Table 2. The particle distribution curves of the aggregates and ce- where ea = axial strain and eL = lateral.
ment are shown in Fig. 2. Compressive strength (fc), corresponding to peak stress, was
Hooked end steel fibers in a volume fraction of 0.75% (corre- obtained directly of the stress–strain curves. The elastic modulus
sponding to a dosage of 60 kg/m3) with 35 and 0.55 mm of length (Ec) and Poisson coefficient (m) were calculated using Eqs. (2) and
and diameter, respectively, were used as reinforcement. (3), respectively:
rc2  rc1
2.2. Mixture proportion and production Ec ¼ ð2Þ
ea2  0:000050
The mixtures were divided into two groups: plain concrete and eL2  eL1
steel fiber concrete. In each group four concretes were produced
m¼ ð3Þ
ea2  0:000050
and the mix proportion are shown in Table 3. The natural aggre-
were rc2 is the stress corresponding to the 40% of the peak stress;
gates were replaced by 25% of RFA, by 25% of RCA or by 50% of
mixed recycled aggregate (25% of RFA + 25% of RCA). The water/ce-
rc1 is the stress corresponding to a strain of 0.00005; ea2 is the strain
at the stress level rc2; eL2 is the lateral strain at the stress level rc1;
ment ratio was kept constant for all mixtures. Minor adjustments
eL2 is the lateral strain at the stress level rc2.
in the weight proportions of the aggregates were made to compen-
Four points bending tests were carried out according to the Bra-
sate for the differences in the densities of the natural and recycled
zilian standard NBR 12142/94 using three prismatic specimens of
aggregates. As the water absorption of the recycled aggregate is
dimensions 150  150  750 mm. The tests were executed in a
larger than that of the natural aggregate (see Table 2), superplast-
1000 kN testing machine at a rate of axial loading of 200 N/s (see
icizer was added to the CDW-mixtures (see Table 3) to avoid
the test setup in Fig. 3b).
modification in the water/cement ratio of the mixes. The
Splitting tensile test were carried out according to the Brazilian
standard NBR 7222/94 using three cylindrical specimens of dimen-
Table 1 sions 100 mm in diameter and 200 mm in height (see test setup in
Physical and chemical properties of the Portland cement. Fig. 3c). The specimens were tested using a 2000 kN testing ma-
Initial set time 2 h 40 min chine at a rate of axial loading of 500 N/s and using a load cell of
Final set time 3 h 30 min 50 kN.
Compressive strength (MPa) 1 days 20.0 The statistical analysis of the obtained results was carried out
3 days 33.4
using Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) to define the significance of
7 days 35.1
28 days 47.3 control variables (RFA, RCA and Steel Fibers) and of the interaction
Chemical composition (%) CaO 66.4 between them.
SiO2 15.5
SO3 5.7
Al2O3 4.0
3. Experimental results and discussion
Fe2O3 3.7
MgO 3.1 3.1. Mechanical properties
K2O 1.1
Others 0.5
Table 4 presents the mean values (with the coefficient of varia-
Specific gravity (g/cm3) 3.1
tion in parentheses) of the compressive strength (fc), elastic
J.A. Carneiro et al. / Cement & Concrete Composites 46 (2014) 65–72 67

Fig. 1. (a) Coarse and (b) fine recycled aggregate.

Table 2 Observing the results of the ANOVA (see Table 5) it can be seen
Properties of the natural and recycled aggregates. that for all isolated factors the calculated F-values are higher than
Properties Fine aggregates Coarse aggregates the corresponding tabulated F-values at a confidence level of 95%.
This indicates that all variables affect the compressive strength of
the reference mix. The utilization of fine recycled aggregate (RFA)
Maximum size aggregate (mm) 2.4 4.8 25.0 19.0
Fineness 2.32 2.34 7.16 6.54
has, however, a higher effect than the use of coarse recycled aggre-
Specific gravity (kg/dm3) 2.54 2.44 2.81 2.50 gate (RCA) and steel fiber (FIBER). It is also verified that the inter-
Bulk density (kg/dm3) 1.45 1.33 1.49 1.12 actions AC and BC, between each type of recycled aggregate and
Water absorption rate (%) 0.76 13.32 0.35 6.6 steel fiber, significantly affect the compressive strength of the ref-
Particles smaller than 150 lm(%) 0.8 8.6 0.7 2.2
erence mixtures.
Both increase and decrease in the strength of CDW-concrete
have been reported in the technical literature and the extent of this
variation is related to the type of aggregate used, natural aggregate
replacement ratio, water/cement ratio and moisture condition of
the recycled aggregate. For example, Cabral et al. [21] found that
the CDW-concrete containing recycled aggregate from ceramic
bricks has higher compressive strength than the reference mixture
and this was associated to possible pozzolanic reactions. Xiao et al.
[15] studied the use of recycled coarse aggregate in replacement
ratios ranging from 30% to 100% and found that up to a replace-
ment level of 30% the reduction in the compressive strength of
the natural aggregate concrete is not significant. Regarding to the
influence of the water/cement ratio on the strength of CDW-con-
crete, studies conducted by Chen et al. [22] indicate that although
the presence of CDW affects the mechanical performance of the
concrete, the effect is more obvious at lower water/cement ratio.
Fig. 2. Granulometric distribution curves of the aggregates and Portland cement.
Choi and Yun [23] verified that the use of both coarse and fine
recycled aggregate results in increment of the compressive
Table 3
strength of CDW-concrete when compared with the strength of
Mix proportions for the reference (NA-concrete) and CDW-concrete. the concrete containing natural aggregate. The authors attributed
this behavior to the high bonding strength between the coarse
Materials Plain concrete (kg/m3)
recycled aggregate and the surrounding paste. The increase in
REF RFA RCA RFCA the bond between grains and paste was explained by the angular-
Cement 399 399 399 399 ity of the coarse aggregate particles and the residual cementation
NFA 882 663 882 663 on the surface of the recycled aggregate particles [24]. According
RFA 216 216
to [25] the rough surface texture of aggregate permits a good
NCA 858 858 647 647
RCA 192 192 mechanical interlocking between the two materials due to some
Water 216 216 216 216 penetration of cement paste into the open surface pores in the
Superplasticizer (%) 2.6 2.5 5.2 coarse aggregate particles. The described mechanisms may explain
the superior mechanical behavior observed in the present study for
the recycled concretes. In addition, as in the present study the
workability of the CDW-concrete was guaranteed by the use of
modulus (E), Poisson ratio (m), splitting tensile strength (ftd) and superplasticizer, the higher absorption capacity of the recycled
flexural strength (ftf) for the studied mixtures. Tables 5 and 6 pres- aggregates resulted in an early age reduction in the w/c ratio
ent the results of the statistical analysis. around the grains. In a later stage this water may have been rea-
The results indicate that the compressive strength and the ten- lised back to the mixture contributing to an overall increment in
sile and flexural strength increased with the addition of the recy- the mechanical performance of the CDW concrete.
cled aggregate to the reference mixture. The maximum The addition of steel fiber to the NA-concrete improved its
increment (of about 25%) was observed in the compressive mechanical performance (compressive, tensile and bending
strength of the mixture containing both types of recycled aggre- strength) due to the greater resistance to sliding of pre-existing
gates (mix RFCA). microcracks and by reduction of wing-cracks growth rate due to
68 J.A. Carneiro et al. / Cement & Concrete Composites 46 (2014) 65–72

Fig. 3. Test setup: (a) compression; (b) bending and (c) splitting tensile test.

Table 4 no significant influence of each type of recycled aggregate (RFA

Mechanical properties of the studied mixtures (coefficient of variation (%) in and RCA) is observed (see Table 6). The elastic modulus did not
show any significant change for the studied variables. Similar re-
Mix Compressive test Indirect tensile test sponse was reported by Gonzalez-Fonteboa et al. [27] that have
fc (MPa) E (GPa) m ftd (MPa) ftf (MPa) found little reduction (<5%) in the elastic modulus of CDW-con-
Plain concrete
crete containing 20% of recycled aggregate. Ramakrishnan et al.
REF 29.9 (0) 31.1 (3) 0.17 (12) 3.21 (7) 3.62 (12) [28] also verified that the addition of low content of steel fiber to
RCA 32.6 (7) 32.1 (2) 0.16 (2) 3.17 (10) 3.34 (13) concrete did not influence its elastic properties.
RFA 34.1 (4) 31.0 (5) 0.18 (28) 3.28 (17) 3.92 (12) The presence of steel fiber, on the other hand, show significant
RFCA 37.7 (5) 29.2 (3) 0.18 (9) 3.53 (8) 4.09 (12)
influence on the splitting and flexural strength of the studied mix-
Steel Fiber (SF) reinforced concrete tures. For example, the splitting and flexural strength of the CDW-
SF-REF 34.3 (0) 30.9 (3) 0.19 (1) 3.96 (10) 3.92 (1)
concrete were increased by about 20–26% and 8–36%, respectively,
SF- RCA 36.9 (2) 28.5 (5) 0.20 (7) 3.87 (13) 4.62 (7)
SF-RFA 40.5 (1) 30.2 (9) 0.18 (1) 3.91 (11) 4.21 (3) with the fiber addition to the mixtures.
SF-RFCA 41.5 (7) 32.1 (6) 0.18 (14) 4.48 (5) 5.57 (1)

3.2. Stress–strain behavior of the CDW-concrete and SF CDW-concrete

Table 5
Analysis of variance (ANOVA) for the compressive strength test results. Typical examples of stress–strain curves are presented in Figs. 4
and 5. As can be seen a work softening behavior is observed for the
Factor Degree of Mean Calculated F Tabulated Significance
freedom squares F (at 95%
compressive failure of the NA and CDW-concrete mixtures. Com-
(df) (MS) probability) paring the shape of the curves it can be noted that although the
A – RFA 1 62.017 50.95 4.49 Yes
constitutive relationships are not identical, they have a similar pat-
B – RCA 1 5.782 4.75 4.49 Yes tern at pre-peak zone.
C – FIBER 1 13.530 11.11 4.49 Yes Four stages of cracking can be identified in the pre-peak zone of
AB 1 0.432 0.36 4.49 No stress–strain curve of plain concrete in compression [27,29,30], as
AC 1 8.906 7.32 4.49 Yes
shown in Fig. 6. In stage I, despite of the presence of pores and
BC 1 21.244 17.45 4.49 Yes
ABC 1 2.926 2.40 4.49 No internal microcracks between aggregates and matrix before load-
ERROR 16 1.220 ing, at relative low loads the microcracks will not propagate and
the microstructure can be stationary. The concrete can be assumed
as linear elastic in this stage. The point A, which is referred as the
Table 6 onset of localized cracking, is the point where the stress–strain
Significance of factors affecting the elastic modulus, Poisson ratio and tensile and curve deviates from linearity. The internal microcracks start to
bending strength. open at this level of stress (first-crack strength – rA). The interfa-
Factor E m ftd ftf cial microcracks propagate at point B, which is referred as crack
A – RFA No No No No
initiation stress (rB) and corresponds to the point where the volu-
B – RCA No No No No metric strain curve deviates from linearity (end of stage II). At stage
C – FIBER No No Yes Yes III there is instability of the microcracks initiated at the paste-
AB No No No No aggregate interface and they propagate in different directions into
AC No No No No
the concrete and coalesce as a single or several major cracks at
BC No No No Yes
ABC Yes No No No Point C referred as critical stress (rC) and correspond to the point
where the volumetric strain achieve its maximum value. At stage
IV the major cracks propagate stably until one of them reach its
critical length at point D. As a result, the specimen exhibits its peak
wing-crack bridging [26]. The addition of steel fiber to the CDW- compressive strength (Point D). After the peak stress, the major
concrete benefitted its mechanical performance in a similar way. cracks automatically propagate even though the applied load de-
For example, the compressive strength of the RCA, RFA and RFCA creases. The post-peak deformation is called work softening. It is
mixtures was increased by about 10–19% with the addition of characterized by the descendent branch of the stress–strain curve,
the steel fiber to the mixtures. which has a negative tangential stiffness kt (see Fig. 9) that can be
Regarding to the effect of the recycled aggregate on the elastic used as a measure of brittleness of the material [31].
modulus, Poisson ratio, splitting and bending strength of the NA- In Table 7 it is presented the stresses corresponding to the
concrete, the results obtained in the present study indicate that points A, B and C whereas the values corresponding to point D
J.A. Carneiro et al. / Cement & Concrete Composites 46 (2014) 65–72 69

Fig. 4. Typical stress–strain curves for plain CDW-concrete under compression load.

Fig. 5. Typical stress–strain curves for SF CDW-concrete under compression load.

Fig. 6. Cracking stages of concrete in compression.

were presented in Table 4. The relationship between the first crack through the aggregate due to the presence of grains with lower
strength, crack initiation stress and critical stress and the peak strength and stiffness. In these aggregates, tensile stresses occur-
stress (fc) are shown in Fig. 7. ring at the tip of the aggregate and the high levels of tangential
The results show that the addition of coarse, fine and mixed stresses that may occur in the matrix close to the interface and
recycled aggregate to the reference mixture led to both slight in- aggregate surface may affect the fracture process of the concrete
creases and decreases in the ratio rA/fc. The same trend was ob- [32]. Observing the surface failure of the specimens subjected to
served for the ratio rB/fc. The ratio rC/fc, on the other hand, axial compression and splitting tensile test (see Fig. 8) it can be
presented some reduction (from 0.86 to 0.81–0.85) with the pres- seen the rupture of few grains of recycled aggregate. Another factor
ence of the recycled aggregate. Unlike natural aggregate concrete, that may have affected the cracking pattern of the studied CDW-
which propagation of cracking occurs through the cement paste, concretes is the modification in the transition zone that may be-
in concrete with recycled aggregate the crack can also propagate come stronger due to rough and porous surfaces and the more
70 J.A. Carneiro et al. / Cement & Concrete Composites 46 (2014) 65–72

Table 7
Cracking stresses and tangent stiffness of the descending branch of the stress–strain curves.

Mix Pre-peak stresses level (MPa) Tangent stiffness of the post-peak zone (GPa)
rA rB rC kt (see Fig. 9)
Plain concrete
REF 14.3 (1) 20.8 (1) 25.7 (5) 3.2
RCA 17.4 (16) 22.7 (21) 26.3 (14) 4.7
RFA 16.0 (16) 20.2 (3) 29.0 (1) 4.2
RFCA 13.5 (6) 18.0 (7) 34.3 (3) 4.4
Steel fiber reinforced concrete
SF-REF 16.8 (5) 18.9 (3) 27.4 (3) 1.8
SF-RCA 15.4 (7) 25.0 (9) 29.9 (2) 2.7
SF-RFA 19.7 (14) 24.1 (16) 33.6 (1) 1.1
SF-RFCA 20.6 (3) 26.3 (1) 35.0 (4) 1.8

Fig. 7. Influence of steel fiber on the normalized cracking stresses of CDW-concretes. Stress level A, B and C are indicated in Fig. 6.

Fig. 8. Failure surfaces of CDW-concrete under tensile and compressive loads.

compatible strength and elastic properties of the coarse recycled strength to the ultimate strength, and reduces the stress-strength
aggregate and surrounding mortar. Similar behavior was also re- ratio at the initiation point and at critical stress. Similar results
ported by [33] with respect to lightweight concrete. were obtained by Mangat and Azari [34] for NA-steel fiber rein-
The influence of steel fiber on the first-crack strength (rA), crack forced concrete.
initiation stress (rB) and critical stress (rC) of natural and recycled An increase of the rA/fc is also observed to steel fiber recycled
concrete is shown in Fig. 7. It is verified that, to the NA-concrete concrete containing fine recycled aggregate (RFA and RFCA
(REF), the presence of fiber increases the ratio of first-crack mixtures) and it can be explained by considering that at low
J.A. Carneiro et al. / Cement & Concrete Composites 46 (2014) 65–72 71

The influence of steel fiber and recycled aggregate on the post

peak behavior of concrete can be observed from the stress–strain
curves presented in Fig. 9 (see the toughness index kt presented
in Table 7). The sudden failure under compression is a result of
the tensile splitting loads in planes perpendicular to the direction
of the principal tensile strain and to the reduced possibility to
redistributing the stresses in the matrix. A steeper descending
branch can be observed in the stress–strain curves of the CDW-
concrete indicating the lower toughness of this concrete family
in comparison to the NA-concrete.
For normal, lightweight or high-performance concretes it is
verified that a decrease in the slope of the descending branch of
the stress–strain curve is obtained by the addition of fibrous rein-
forcement [33,35–38]. In this work, the addition of discontinuous
steel fibers to the CDW-concrete reduced the unstable propagation
of macrocracks and allowed a ductile post-peak behavior as a re-
sult of crack bridging. Observe that the post-peak behavior of
CDW-concrete become quite similar to that of the NA-concrete
which indicate a very most important contribution of fiber addi-
tion to this concrete family.
Fig. 9. Effect of CDW-aggregate and fiber addition on the descending branch of the
stress–strain curves of NA-concrete (REF).
3.3. Modeling the stress–strain behavior of the steel fiber reinforced

compressive stress levels, such as the first crack strength the ten- The stress–strain behavior of the steel fiber reinforced CDW-
sile and shear stresses induced in the material during the compres- concrete was modeled using the following analytical expressions
sion test are sufficiently small for the fiber–matrix bond strength proposed by Ezeldin and Balagaru [38]:
to be adequate in arresting the growth of cracks. For these fc b eecoc
mixtures (RFA and RFCA mixtures) it is verified that the presence ¼ ð4Þ
fcf b  1 þ ð ec Þb
of fibers increased the ratio rB/r with respect to mixtures without eco
fibers. Thus, the presence of fiber had a positive effect to restore
the level of crack initiation stress of recycled concrete, equating b ¼ 1:093 þ 0:7132ðRIÞ0:926 ð5Þ
it to the concrete with natural aggregate.

Fig. 10. Analytical versus experimental stress–strain curves for fiber reinforced CDW-concrete.
72 J.A. Carneiro et al. / Cement & Concrete Composites 46 (2014) 65–72

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