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Professional Communication – HS8581

St. Joseph’s College of Engineering

Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering
Non-Technical Report

Reg No – 312319105094

Roll No – 19EE203

Class & Section – EEE -B

It's a branch of space science which Apply the laws
of physics and chemistry to explain the birth life and death of stars,
planets, galaxies, nebulae, & another object in the universe It is
further divided into Three sub domains:
* Astronomy Deals with study of space.
*Cosmology deals with steady of birth of universe.

Observational Astrophysics:
It is a division of the Astronomical science that is
concerned with recording and Interpreting data in contrast with the
theoretical Astrophysics. It is mainly observed objects by using
telescopes and other Apparatus most observations are made using
electromagnetic spectrum such as,
* Radio waves
*Infrared Red waves
* Optical waves
* UV rays, x-rays, and Gamma rays.
Based on the wavelength of Reflection recorded using EM-spectrum
used to know whether which element is present.

Theoretical Astrophysics:
It Involves wide variety of tools for analysing theoretically by using
computational numerical simulation and analytical model.
*Analytical model is used for what is going on to predict.
* Numerical simulations are used to create an Artificial environment
to predict.
It is the study of birth of stars, planets and universe in this we
are going to see about the theories that predict how the universe has been
created or origin of universe.
Big Bang theory:
According to the big bang theory all matter in the universe was
concentrated as a single extremely dense and hot fire ball. An
explosion occurred about 20 billion years ago and the matter was
broken into pieces, thrown off in all directions in the form of
galaxies. Due to continuous movement more and more galaxies will
go beyond the boundary and will be lost. Consequently, the number
of galaxies per unit volume will go on decreasing and ultimately, we
will have an empty universe.

Pulsating theory:
Some astronomers believe that if the total mass of the universe is more than a
certain value, the expansion of the galaxies would be stopped by the
gravitational pull. Then the universe may again contract. After it has contracted
to a certain critical size, an explosion again occurs. The expansion and
contraction repeat after every eight billion years. Thus, we may have alternate
expansion and contraction giving rise to a pulsating universe.
Steady state theory:
According to this theory, new galaxies are continuously created out
of empty space to fill up the gap caused by the galaxies which escape
from the observable part of the universe. This theory, therefore
suggests that the universe has always appeared as it does today and
the rate of expansion has been the same in the past and will remain
the same in future. So, a steady state has been achieved so that the
total number of galaxies in the universe remains constant.

Black Holes:
*A Black hole is a region of space time where gravity is so strong
which tends to infinity even light cannot pass through.
*They are Created when a planet explodes their whole energy is
concentrated into a small space.
*Some theory suggests that there is an existence of white hole which
is another side of Black hole.
* Time tends to slows down in the black hole which suggests the
existence of Time travel.
*Finally, a picture of Black hole was taken in April 2017 by radio
frequency signals they have received across over the various part of

Dark Matter and Dark Energy:

*We Cannot see it or visible light and cannot be observed too it is an
unknown phenomenon.
*In the universe 67% of Dark energy 28% Dark matter and only 5% is
the rest of universe including all things.
*On researching a Coma galaxy Cluster in the year 1930 by Fritz
realizing the mass is that 400 times greater than the mass of things
which gives the idea of some unknown matter present which gives
the idea about dark matter.
*The expansion of universe doesn’t stop and accelerating which says
that it is due to an unknown energy called dark energy.

*Future space technology will heavily on robotics and AI to assist
human teams of Astronauts.
*Researchers hope that robots will be able to perform maintenance
and repair an existing space station.
*We will hope that future technology will be able to analyse all the
myth and facts of space.

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