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Time: 1 hour 30 minutes

Use TEXT ON-LINE to send your answers.
You must complete the exam within the time limit.
There are 7 subjects which are graded as follows: 1p: I, IV, VI, VII; 2p: II, III, V
There are no granted points.
Do not change the format! For I, II and V, insert your answer after each subject.

I. Discuss briefly on the use of Simple Present Tense for past and future time reference.
The Present tense Simple for future reference
a) Planned future actions, timetable
We start classes at 8 oʾ clock.
b) In temporal and conditional clauses
We shall be late if you don’t hurry. ( Vom intarzia daca nu te vei grabi.)
The Present tense Simple for Past time reference:
a) Historical events
The Union takes place on January 24, 1859 .
b) Headlines
The coronavirus pandemic is over.
c) With communication verbs
He tells me that you have missed the classes.

II. Look at this news report. Comment on the contextual uses of the tenses written in
There has been a serious accident on the M6. It happened at ten o'clock this morning near
Preston when a lorry went out of control and collided with a car...
has been (Present Perfect) indefinite event, happened at an unknown time in the past
It happened (Past Tense) event completed in the past at a definite time
Went,collided (Past Tense ) narrative use
III. Write out the sentences, using the most logical tense or form of the verbs in
a. By the time I (complete)complete my studies next month, I (live) will be living in London
for nearly a year. I do not think I (stay) will have been staying any longer after that.
b. It was morning when Bill (creep) crept home. He had a plan to go straight up to school,
hoping no one (notice) had noticed him coming and going that way. But his plan went wrong
because his elder sister (spy) had been spying on him for several weeks.
c. I (play) have been playing chess for twenty years and (win) have been winning for as
long a time. In fact, I (start) started playing when I turned 15.
d. John had just received (receive) a parcel from the postman when his wife (enter) entered
the house and announced him that they (have) would have guests for dinner. He (try) tries to
tell her that he will not be able (not/be able) to attend because he has already made
(already/make) plans with his friends for dinner.

IV. Choose the correct answer by bolding A, B, C or D:

1. When you …………… your letter, give it to me to post it.
A. written B. had written C. having written D. have written
2. The new inspector …………. next week.
A. arrived B. is supposed to be arrived C. is arriving D. will be arrived
3. His growing anxiety………… to prevent him from doing his job.
A. is starting B. starts C. is started D. were starting

V. Discuss the difference in meaning between the following pairs of sentences:

1a. They have been separated for two weeks. / 1b. They separated two weeks ago.
1a.Sunt separați de două săptămâni. / 1b. S-au separat acum două săptămâni.
1a arata perioada de timp de cand sunt separati- durata
2b. arata momentul cand s-au separate-inceputul actiunii
2a. I have been chewing gum for an hour already. / 2b. I chewed gum for an hour.
2a. Am mestecat gumă de o oră deja. / 2b. Am mestecat guma o oră.
2a. indica momentul inceperii actiunii -de o ora
2b. indica o perioada de timp-o ora
VI. Finish each sentence in such a way that it means exactly the same as the sentence
above it:
1. John has built twenty houses and is keen on building another one before he retires.
By the time he retires, John still wants to build a house.
2. The minute they entered the room, they started arguing.
No sooner they entered the room , they started arguing .
3. I haven’t tasted this kind of delicacies in ages.
It’s ages since I haven’t tasted this kind of delicacies.
4. She passed away before I managed to send her my book.
By the time I send her my book, she passed away.

VII. Translate into English:

A spus că nu şi-a făcut niciodată duşmani, fiindcă e bun cu toţi oamenii care-i cer sfatul şi le
împrumută întotdeauna orice-i cer.
He said he had never made enemies, because he is good to all people who ask for his advice
and he always lend them whatever they ask.

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