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Aim, Introduction, materials and 2,3

Procedure, Result 4,5

Discussion 6,7

Conclusion 7

Question 8,9

Reference 10

Title: Seed germination

Aim: To determine the factors that influence seed germination


Seeds are the reproductive units of flowering plants that can grow and grow
into new plants. The seeds are derived from fertilized ovule (Hailmi, 2014). In the
seeds, there is a developing embryo. In addition, seeds contain food deposits for
embryo that covered by a hard layer called testa (seed skin). Food deposits of a
seed is stored in cotyledon. Plants are divided into two types, monocotyledon plant
and dicotyledon. There are some plants which have 1 cotyledon, like corn. However,
there are also have some plants which have 2 cotyledon such as green beans.

Seed germination is the process by which the dormant embryo in a seed

resumes growth. The process is characterised by the emergence of the radicle

through the testa, followed by the growth of the young shoot or plumule (Lee &

Arunasalam, 2018). Germination will begin when the seed has made it to a new

location and is covered with soil. (Amanda, 2018). But, most of the seeds remain

dormant and do not germinate immediately. Period of dormancy means that the seed

will not germinate when conditions are not suitable for growth. During this period,

seeds are do not die but cannot act to grow. For example, seeds remain dormant

during the winter as temperature environment is too low but it will germinate after

temperatures begin to rise during the spring. Therefore, seeds can remain dormant

for a long period of time and can survive, it can only germinate under suitable


There are many factors that influence seed germination including presence of
sunlight, oxygen, water and suitable temperature. When all the requirements above
are achieved, seeds will “wake up” and germinate. Initially, the testa which protect
seed will start to break from the bottom. The purpose is to allow the roots to go out to
find water and food for the embryo. After obtaining water and food, water will activate
biochemical reaction in embryo. The activated embryo secretes the enzyme and
produce heat energy. The heat energy is used to break testa so that the plumule
exits the testa and rises to the top. During seed germination, the embryo produces a
new root called radicle. Radicle will release a new shoot called plumule. Then,
cotyledon will become smaller as food sources are taken from it. When the trees
start to grow new leaves, it can no longer rely on cotyledon as it can produce their
own food through photosynthesis process. In this experiment, we have plant green
bean seeds in test tube and the factor that influence seed germination has been
determined from observation.

Materials and apparatus: text tube, green beam, water, oil, cotton, distilled water,
label paper, test tube rack, refrigerator, dropper


1) Four test tubes were labelled A, B, C and D

2) Cottons were put into all of the test tubes except test tube C.
3) Three green beans seed were put into test tube A and watered it.
4) Then, three green bean seeds were put into test tube B.
5) Three green bean seeds were put into test tube C, watered it and put oil on
the air layer.
6) Three green bean seeds were put into test tube D, watered it and placed
inside refrigerator.
7) Test tube A, B and C were placed on the table that near the sunlight.
8) Results had been obtained after five days and record it by taking photo.


Test tube Presence of Seed

Water Oxygen Suitable (Germinate /
temperature not germinate)

A √ √ √ Germinate

B √ √ Not germinate

C √ √ Not germinate

D √ √ Not germinate


From the result of observation, we found that the test tube A had germinated
and grew into plant with root and radicle. So, we can conclude that the seeds will
only germinate when the presence of water, oxygen and in room temperature which
is the suitable temperature for seed germination occur.  Seeds generally germinate
when soil moisture and temperature conditions are correct for them to grow
(Miles and Brown 2007). Therefore, water is important to seed germination. Before
seeds can germinate, seeds must imbibe water. This is because, water cause the
seed coat breaks out by absorption of water. Meanwhile, the water taken by seeds
also make seeds have enough oxygen to release energy for respiration process.
Besides, room temperature is the suitable temperature for seeds germination
because it is the optimum temperature to trigger the green bean seed starting

For text tube B, seed germination does not occur. This is because there is not
any presence of water inside the test tube B. The green bean seeds lack of water
result in the testa of seeds cannot be break as there is no any absorption of water.
Therefore, lack of water causes the embryo cannot growth up. It has shown that
germination of seed in test tube B is fail.

The germination of green bean seeds in test tube C also fail but the testa of
seed has been break. This is due to the test tube C only oxygen is absence. The oil
on the air layer had prevent entry of oxygen. The testa of seed will break as the

water is present in test tube B. The presence of water makes the embryo swell and
allows the seat coat of green bean seeds to break by absorption water. So, it is
obviously shown that seed germination does not occur as the green beam seed in
test tube C is swollen. Besides, the radicle and root does not grow out from embryo
due to the absence of oxygen. Lack of oxygen result in embryo cannot grow as there
is no enough energy for seed to undergo process metabolism.

In test tube D, there is no any changes in the test tube. Although the water
and oxygen are present, the green bean seeds also do not experience germination.
This is because test tube D in a cold environment, the seed is in period of dormant.
Dormant state causes the green bean seed cannot act to grow and cannot been
triggered by presence of water and oxygen. Therefore, suitable temperature is very
important in seed germination.

There are many precautions should be taken in this experiment. Firstly, we

must water the green bean seed with a right amount of water. This is because
overwatering the seed will not have enough oxygen to grow. Besides, we must insert
the cotton wool in the test tube as cotton wool will act as the soil to supply the water
to green bean seed. Furthermore, we must make sure that all of the test tubes are in
a good humidity environment except test tube D as seed will germinate successfully
when it in a good humidity environment.


In conclusion, germination requirements such as water, oxygen and temperature are

essential for seed germination while less light is required for this process. If one of
the requirements such as water, oxygen and temperature requirements is
insufficient, then seed germination will not occur.

1. Explain why seed germination needs water, oxygen and appropriate
- The presence of water is important for seed germination. It is important to
ensure a sustainable source of water; Lack of water can kill seeds because
seeds have not been able to retain water like adult tree. Besides, low
temperatures slow down enzyme activity and slow seed germination while too
high temperatures can cause denaturation of proteins essential for germination
occurs and inhibit seed germination. Moreover, oxygen is needed to activate the
metabolic process that converts the food source into the seeds to energy.

2. Explain the stages of seed germination.

- The first stage of seed germination is imbibition. Imbibition enable seed
takes in large amount of water through the micropyle and testa, results in swelling
of the seed. After the seed become swell, the coat of seat will break and enablr
radicle to come out. After that, imbibition of water causes the resumption of
metabolic activity in the rehydrated seed. Initially, anaerobic respiration will
involve due to the energy provided by glycolysis. After a while, it becomes
aerobic when oxygen entering the seed. Then, the process of seed germination
will become obviously. First, root of the seed will grow to access water
underground. Next, the shoots will appear above the ground. Leaves will grow
and size of leaves become bigger day by day. Phenomena photomorphogenesis
occur as leaves grow towards the direction of sunlight.

3. Describe the types of seed germination.

- Seed germination divided into 2 types. The first one is Epigeal germination.
Epigeal germination can be seen in many dicotyledon seeds such as bean,
sunflower and castor. In epigeal germination, the cotyledons are brought to the
ground. The hypocotyl will extend, bend and continue to pull and release a cotyledon
that protects the plumule above the soil surface. The cotyledon opens up to expose
the plumule which then grows to the apex. Cotyledon can conduct photosynthesis
process at an early stage for use in shoot growth. Eventually, the loosened seed
coat will shrink and fall down.
Hypogeal germination also a type of seed germination. In this germination,
cotyledons are always remained in the soil as the rapid elongation of epicotyl. The
hypocotyl does not extend long but the epicotyl extends and penetrates the soil and
carries the plumule to surface of the soil. However, there are some types of
monocots that do not last long. Most of the hypogeal types, the cotyledon remains
below the soil surface. Coleoptile is a temporary coating that protects the plumule
surface while penetrating the soil surface. Commonly, hypogeal germination is found
in monocotyledonous seeds and some of the dicotyledonous seeds

3. Suggest how proper storage to keep the seeds in good condition.

-Firstly, we must make sure the seeds are always in a dry condition. It is in
order to avoid the seeds sprouting accidentally. Besides, we should put
the seed at a place where temperature is low and refrigerator is the best


Amanda Robb. (2018). Retrieved on 25 February 2020 from

Hailmi, C. (2014). Percambahan Biji Benih.

Retrieved on 25 February 2020 from

Lee Ching & J. Arunasalam. (2018). Pre-U Text STPM Biology. Sasbadi Sdn. Bhd.

Miles, A., and M. Brown. (2007). Teaching Organic Farming and Gardening:
Resources for Instructors. Santa Cruz: University of California Farm and

Seed. (n.d.). Retrieved on 25 February 2020 from


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