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Senior High School



Community action plan. Source: BARTLE (2008)

Community Engagement, Solidarity and Citizenship – Grade 12

Quarter 2 – Module 4: Methodologies in Community Action
First Edition, 2020

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Published by the Department of Education

Secretary: Leonor Magtolis Briones
Undersecretary: Diosdado M. San Antonio

Development Team of the Module

EVELYN L. REMORERAS, Ramon Duterte National High School
Alice Ganar, PSDS – ND8, Senior High School Coordinator, OIC
Edwin Perino, J.D. Apas National High School
Allan Pancho, PSDS ND2

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Solidarity and

Quarter 2 – Module 4:
MODULE 4 - Week 4

Content Standard : The learners will be able to demonstrate

understanding of integration of social science
perspective and community action initiative.
Performance Standard : The learners will be able to synthesize the
integrative experience of implementing
community-action initiatives applying social
sciences’ ideas and methods.
Competency : Explain the methodologies and approaches in
community action.

Learning Outcomes :1. Describe the characteristics of a

community action.
2. Identify methods and approaches of a
community action.
3. Discuss functions or roles of the
methodologies in relation to community

What I Know

Instructions: Read each statement intelligently. Choose your answers from the
given choices. Write your answers on a separate sheet of a paper.

1. It is an active participation for the good of the community.

A. Acculturation C. Association
B. Assimilation D. Collaboration

2. These are the things or situations to be assessed so that solutions will be made.
A. Community Resources C. Community Needs
B. Community Wants D. Community Funds

3. In conducting a query on the problem in the community, it is necessary to start

with a _______________.
A. Research C. Planning
B. Survey D. Evaluating

4. Partnership has something to do with following, EXCEPT ____________.

A. cooperation C. familiarity
B. collaboration D. support
5. These are the ways or processes to come up with a solution for a particular
community need.
A. Researches C. Methodologies
B. Surveys D. Interviews

6. Which of the following must be considered as successful steps in conducting

community engagement and mobilization?
A. Hold community assembly meetings to elect local representatives.
B. Start off with a transparent community selection process and share
C. Map community priorities and identify community leaders through
community assessments.
D. All the above.

7. Partnership with local and national establishments or organizations develops

A. community building C. stronger LGU
B. political party D. solid education

8. Which of the following can truly develop community action among people?
A. love C. wealth
B. collaboration D. friendship

9. As a young member in the community, which of the following you can do to

achieve community action?
A. following the rules C. throwing garbage anywhere
B. giving food to anyone D. assisting the elderly at home

10. Which among the following methodologies can generate a community action?
A. giving time to listen C. using an assessment need tool
B. asking Solicitation D. interviewing people

11. Resource mobilization is critical to any organization for the following

reasons, EXCEPT ___.
A. It supports organizational sustainability.
B. It creates faction among residents in the community.
C. It ensures the continuation of your organization’s service provision
to clients
D. It allows for improvement and scale-up of products and services the
organization currently provides.

12. It is a road map for implementing community change by clarifying what will
be done, who will do it, and how it will be done. Which of the following speaks
truth about this statement?
A. People give donations to those they want to receive.
B. People create groups to identify their interests.
C. People live their own lives without sharing with others.
D. People identify the needs, work together, and find ways to solve it.

13. The involvement of people develops relationship and trust through_____.

A. development of camaraderie among people.
B. the promotion of the rights of the people.
C. maintenance of social distancing always.
D. the accomplishment of the goals and objectives of the plan
14. Which among the following best describes the benefits of community action?
A. recognizes the individual needs of the people in the barangay.
B. earns support from other communities.
C. gives understanding and overcoming problems to rebuild the people's
lives rather than just physical development such as building houses,
providing clean water or toilet facilities.
D. All of the above

15. _________ is an effective way of gathering information about the diversity of a

community and the potential stakeholders that may otherwise not be recorded.
A. Research C. Memorandum
B. Profile Data D. Solicitation letter

What I Need to Know

The people in the barangay know the needs that should be focused at
this time. As a young member of the community, this lesson will give you a deeper
understanding about your community. This time, you will identify community partners
that will give help or assistance in solving the needs of the community. There are
processes and methodologies to be used for the proper conduct of a community action.

After the discussion, you are expected to:

1. Identify approaches/methods of a community action.

2. Describe the characteristics of a community action.
3. Discuss the functions or roles of methodologies in making a
community action.

What’s In

Community action includes a broad range of activities and is sometimes described

as ‘social action' or ‘community engagement'. Community action is any activity that
increases the understanding, engagement and empowerment of people in the
communities in the design and delivery of local services. The role the community plays
can include community consultation, joint planning, joint design, joint delivery ,
and community-led activities.

Are methodologies necessary to make a community action feasible or workable? Do

methodologies include processes as to how a plan, an idea, or concept can be put into
real action? Now, methodologies refer to systems of methods used in a particular area
of study or activity. Research methodology is the specific procedures or techniques used
to identify, select, process, and analyze information about a topic. In a research paper,
the methodology section allows the reader to critically evaluate a study's overall validity
and reliability.

If residents of your community want to rid of the foully odor of garbage, what
methods, actions, and viable solutions will they possibly adopt?


Instructions: Rank the following Processes of Community Actions by writing

numbers 1-15 on the first column according to your order of preference. After
completing the task, answer the reflection questions below. Write your answers on a
separate sheet of paper.




Partnership with people

Evaluation tool


Needs Assessment Tool

Community Resources


Feasibility Study



Stakeholders Profiling

Asking Donations


How did you come up with your ranking? Why you need to know the processes in
conducting a barangay community action?
What’s New

A Community Action should be well planned so that it will achieve the vision of
the community. The needs of the people are already identified through the Needs
Assessment which serves as a guide to what should be done. The first activity gave you
the methodologies that you need so that you can conduct with a community action.
Before you could implement it, you should determine first what are the characteristics
of a community action.


Instructions: Write on the Second Column the words YES if you agree, and NO if you
disagree as responses to the Characteristics of a Community Action mentioned in
each number on the First Column. On the Third Column, indicate the reasons for
agreeing or disagreeing.

Each number will be graded based on the argument you provided for or against each of
the characteristics of the community action of five (5) points. This activity is worth forty-
five (45) points. Use a separate sheet of paper for your answer.


1. It is a collaborative work of the
2. The profiling was made for the
community need.
3. It should be based on a hearsay.
4. It satisfies the needs of the
barangay officials.
5. It addresses the needs of the
6. It gives solutions to community
7. It gives extra pocket money for
the organizers.
8. It will make connection to
stakeholders of the barangay.
9.It will foster camaraderie among
the barangay officials and the
What Is It


“A healthy community is a form of living democracy: people working together to address

what matters to them”.

I. Definitions of Community Action

A. Community action is any activity that increases the understanding, engagement
and empowerment of communities in the design and delivery of local services.

B. Community action includes a broad range of activities and is sometimes described

as ‘social action' or ‘community engagement'. These activities can vary in their
objective, the role the community plays, the types of activities involved, their
scale and their integration within the council. What they have in common is that
they all involve greater engagement of local citizens in the planning, design and
delivery of local services.

C. Community action refers to such activities which vary in their objectives, the
roles the community plays, the types of activities involved, their scale and their
integration within which the barangay council can back up through the passage
of an ordinance.

D. Community actions, in whatever forms, have in common the supposed

involvement of local citizens in the planning, design, and the delivery of local

II. Importance of Community Action

Community action is about putting communities at the heart of their own local services.
Involving communities in the design and delivery of services can help achieve a number
of objectives, including:
A. Building community and social capacity – helping the community to share
knowledge, skills and ideas.
B. Community resilience – helping the community to support itself.
C. Prevention – a focus on early access to services or support, engagement in design,
cross-sector collaboration and partnerships.
D. Maintaining and creating wealth – for example helping people into employment
or developing community enterprises.

III. The Need of Methodologies in Making Community Action

Methodologies are ways or processes that should be done to come up with a result or
solution to a particular problem or need. Partnership is a collaboration with local groups
that can assist the community to address its needs or concerns and develop community

Partnership and collaboration are two things that work hand in hand to effectively
identify the needs of the community and the actual ways to help in achieving the
expected result or solution. There should be methodologies in dealing with the conduct
of the community action plan study. Since there will be people involved, appropriate
approach highly matters.
In presenting the action plan, local groups in the community can greatly contribute.
They are the support groups. They can extend financial, social, and moral support.

Coalitions are broad groups that bring together people and organizations from
throughout the community, including many groups that may not normally work
together. For example, a coalition working to increase AIDS awareness in the
community might bring together officials from the health department, representatives
from the faith community, young people, business leaders, and members of the GLBT
(gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender) community – group.


1. PARTNERSHIP BUILDING deals for possible scouting of partners in the

realization of planned-community actions.

Like for example, a Grade 12 student, as a pre-requisite to graduate, one must

undergo immersion with school’s industry partners. In the same manner, a barangay
can seek partnerships with non-governmental organizations that can provide dump
trucks in the collection of garbage.

Stakeholder Engagement & Partnership Building

What is a Stakeholder?

Stakeholders are persons or organizations that are impacted, positively or

negatively, by the actions, attitudes, and intentions of your organization. Engaging
stakeholders is an important business management tool that can help you make better
decisions, deliver better products and services, improve your operations, and increase
your value in your community and network.
Stakeholders can be internal or external.
Internal stakeholders are your employees, management, executives, shareholders,
boards and committees. You can engage these groups in your business and strategic
planning exercises; change management planning; professional development planning;
and continuous improvement activities. Internal stakeholders can provide intimate
feedback on business processes, internal relationships, staff morale, organizational
weaknesses and strengths, and opportunities for improvement.
External stakeholders are your clients & customers, civic leaders & politicians, other
businesses, your professional network, and community members. Engaging these
groups can help you gather feedback on your products & services; build better
relationships between network members; obtain a third-person perspective on your
organization’s reputation and external appearance; and extract critical information to
shape your business and strategic planning.

2. COMMUNITY PROFILING is a data sheet that records information on a broad

range of factors (such as environmental/natural features and management,
sociodemographic characteristics, political and economic structures, local institutions,
economic activities and livelihoods, basic household and community facilities, and
social organization).

What can it be used for?

It provides basic information (where little is known) before starting to work in an
area understanding the context of a community so that specific areas, issues, and
linkages can be identified and analyzed

1.A profile is an effective way of gathering information about the diversity of a
community and the potential stakeholders that may otherwise not be recorded.
2.Profiles can highlight the gaps in our understanding of a community or different
stakeholders and therefore guide future research.
3. Profiles can encourage broader thinking about ‘who’ a community is and ‘who’ is
involved in a project and ‘how’.
4.Profiles can help determine who is likely to be influenced by change or affected by
a project.
5.Developing a profile can be used as a means to develop relationships in a
community/stakeholder group as the understanding is researched and developed
6.The process of profiling can in itself raise awareness, interest and build the
capacity of members in the community.
7.Profiles are a means to gather community intelligence over time as projects
develop and therefore this info can be easily passed on.

3. NEEDS ASSESSMENT is a method used to identify the strengths and resources

available in the community to meet the needs of children, youth, and families.
The assessment focuses on the capabilities of the community, including its citizens,
agencies, and organizations. This has been extensively discussed in the previous
module. Needs Assessment is used to assess the GAP between the present
performance and the targeted performance through PEST and SOT Analyses.
PARTICIPATORY ACTION PLANNING this entails the collaboration of, let us say,
the barangay’s personnel on its environmental sanitation, NGOs, local community
leaders discussing the action plan in a meeting held for a purpose.

Mobilization consists of preparatory work and operations necessary for the
movement of personnel, equipment, supplies, and incidentals to the project site; for the
establishment of offices, buildings, and other facilities necessary for the work; for
premiums on bond and insurance for the work; and for other operations.

What is resource mobilization?

Resource mobilization refers to all activities involved in securing new and
additional resources for your organization. It also involves making better use of, and
maximizing, existing resources.

Why is resource mobilization so important?

Resource mobilization is critical to any organization for the following reasons:

1. Ensures the continuation of your organization’s service provision to clients

2. Supports organizational sustainability
3. Allows for improvement and scale-up of products and services the
organization currently provides
4. Organizations, both in the public and private sector, must be in the business of
generating new business to stay in business.

6. SOCIAL ACTION is about people coming together to help improve their lives
and solve the problems that are important in their communities. It involves
people giving their time and other resources for the common good, in a range of
forms – from volunteering and community-owned services to community
organizing or simple neighborly acts. Whilst many of these activities occur
without the support of the public sector (in which case the role of public servants
is to ensure that the right conditions are in place for social action to thrive), some
require more specific support from the public sector.
There are several reasons why social action is often the appropriate choice:

• It can empower and energize populations that have traditionally been powerless,
or haven’t understood their potential for exercising power. The experience of
participating in an action – especially if it’s successful – can be uplifting for people
who’ve never thought they could influence the course of events. It can change
the way they look at themselves, and give them a different perspective on what’s
possible. And it can prepare and sustain them for a long struggle to achieve far-
reaching goals.

• It can unify communities. Collective Action brings people together in the way that
many collaborative activities do. It creates a spirit of shared effort and shared
passion, and binds individuals into a community of shared purpose.
• It can demonstrate to the larger community that the organized group is a force
to be reckoned with. People have to respect and deal with its needs and interests,
even if they don’t agree with them.

• It can lead to long-term positive social change. Social action, like other forms of
community organizing, generally has long-term as well as short-term goals. While
the purpose of a particular action might be narrowly defined, the long-term goals
of most organizing are greater equity and social and economic justice. A well-
managed social action campaign that maintains its momentum over the long
haul can result in a truly democratic society, where everyone’s voice counts. Once
again, the prime example in our time was the Civil Rights movement, which,
through action that demonstrated its moral force, moved the whole country to
demand an end to segregation and racism.

7. EVALUATION. There are two primary goals of evaluation:

a. Understanding what is going on; and
b. Empowering communities to take care of themselves.

Why Evaluate?
There are many good reasons for a community group to evaluate its efforts. When done
properly, evaluation can improve efforts to promote health and development at any level
-- from a small local nonprofit group to a statewide or even national effort. Evaluation
offers the following advantages for groups of almost any size:

• Collecting information about how things are done and the results help us
understand how community initiatives develop, offering lessons other groups can
profit from.
• Providing ongoing feedback can improve community work by encouraging
continuous adjustments of programs, policies, and other interventions.
• By involving community members, people who haven't had a voice may gain the
opportunity to better understand and improve local efforts.
• Finally, evaluation can help hold groups accountable to the community and to
the grant makers who provide funding. It can also help hold grant makers
accountable to the communities that they serve.

What’s More

Activity 3: TRUE OR FALSE

Instructions: Write TRUE if the statement expresses a method of a community action,

and FALSE if it does not. Write your answers on a separate sheet of paper.

_______ 1. Organize your community profiling.

_______ 2. Collaboration of community residents is necessary.
______ 3. Give donations for the street children.
_ _____4. Make a survey for prospective partners from your area.
______ 5. Be vigilant on community thieves.
______ 6. Send letters for support and needs assistance to some local groups.
______ 7. Be an active member of the community.
_____ _8. Organize rally for community issues and problems.
_______9. Conduct a needs assessment survey of the community.
__ _____10. Coordinate with the barangay for community resources and budget.


Instructions: Write at least five (5) possible Barangay Community Actions on the
First Column, and their corresponding Prospective Stakeholders /partners (national
or local) on the Second Column. Lastly on the Third Column, list down the different
ways on How They Can Help or support the community actions.

This activity is worth twenty (20) points where each number is graded with five (5) based
on the sufficiency of data provided. Number one is done for your guidance. Write your
answers on a separate sheet of paper.

Community Partner- How They Can Help

Actions Organizations/Stakeholders
1. Garbage collection Clean and Green Philippines- • conduct seminars on
and disposal Cebu City Chapter (NGO) ways and means of
proper segregation of
• educate residents on
the benefits of a
• inform them on
environmental laws
that punish residents
for non-compliance.





Instructions: Choose one (1) Community Action inside the box you wish to do. After
choosing, comply the template below. On the First Column, write the appropriate
methodologies to achieve the identified Community Action. Indicate the target date or
time frame on the Second Column and lastly the person(s) responsible from the
inception down to the realization of the action on the last column. This activity is worth
thirty (30) points the sufficiency of data provided. Write your answers on a separate
sheet of paper.



Community Action For: _Greening The Barangay

Community Activity’s Date or Time Frame People Responsible

Methods or Approaches
Community Profiling March 14 - 30, 2021 My self, friends, and civic
(Identify publicly owned oriented individuals
areas that have to be
planted with tress or
ornamental plants)

What I Have Learned


Instructions: Fill out words to complete the thoughts of the following phrases. Each
number is graded based on the substance of ideas of three (3) points, and the
organization of thoughts of two (2) points. Write your answers on a separate sheet of a

1. Methodologies are _________________________________________________________

2. Methodologies are important because ______________________________________
3. It is important to know the characteristics in building partnership for community
action because ______________________________________________________
4. I believe that community profiling is necessary because ______________________
5.Evaluation is necessary because ___________________________________________

What I Can Do



Instructions: Describe each of the six (6) methods as to how a community action can
be best achieved by writing their functions on the second column. You will be graded
based on the substance of your ideas provided for each method. Number one (1) is done
for your guidance. Write your answers on a separate sheet of paper.

Methodologies Function/s
Partnership building Can help you make better decisions,
deliver better services, improve your
operations, and increase your value in
your community activity.
Community profiling
Needs assessment
Working with core groups
Resource mobilization
Social action


Instructions: Read the following statements and write the letter that best corresponds
to your answer. Write your answers on a separate sheet of paper.

1. Which of the following can truly develop community action among people?
A. Love C. Wealth
B. Collaboration D. Friendship
2. The following are modes of support provided by a partner organization in a
community action EXCEPT ______.
A. giving funds C. asking for donations
B. providing materials D. giving support and assistance

3. As a young member in the community, which of the following you can do to

achieve community action?
A. Following the rules C. Throwing garbage anywhere
B. Giving food to anyone D. Attending to the elderly at home

4. Which among of the following methodologies can generate a community action?

A. Giving time to listen C. Using an assessment need tool
B. Asking Solicitation D. Interviewing people

5. It is an active participation for the good of the community.

A. Acculturation C. Association
B. Assimilation D. Collaboration

6. ______________ it is about people coming together to help improve their lives and
solve the problems that are important in their communities.
A. Communication C. Camaraderie
B. Social Action D. Mobilization

7. ______________ are broad groups that bring together people and organizations from
throughout the community, including many groups that may not normally work
A. Rallyist C. Coalitions
B. Organizations D. Associations

8. It is a road map for implementing community change by clarifying what will be done,
who will do it, and how it will be done. Which of the following speaks truth about this
A. People give donations to those they want to.
B. People create groups to identify their interests.
C. People live their own lives without sharing with others.
D. People identify the needs, work together, and find ways to solve it.

9. Which among the following phrases best describes the benefits of community action?
A. Recognize the individual needs of the people in the barangay.
B. Earns support from other communities.
C. Gives understanding and overcoming problems to rebuild the
people's lives rather than just physical development such as
building houses, providing clean water or toilet facilities.
D. All of the above

10. The involvement of people develops good relations and trust through the ___.
A. development of camaraderie among people.
B. the exercise of the rights of the people.
C. maintenance of social distancing always.
D. accomplishment of the goals and objectives of the plan

11. It is the financial resources necessary to develop and carry out a community action.
A. Community Resources C. Community Budget
B. Community Funds D. Community Taxes

12. When can you say that a community action is achievable?

A. When people know what is the need and can accomplish it.
B. When people are working on their own
C. When people share foods together
D. When people are not in talking terms

13. ________ are ways or processes that should be done to come up with a result or
solution to a particular problem or need.
A. Community Plan C. Process
B. Methodologies D. Association

14. The following are parts in making a community action EXCEPT _____
A. objectives C. budget
B. gossips D. strategies

15. _________ is an effective way of gathering information about the diversity of a

community and the potential stakeholders that may otherwise not be recorded.
A. Research C. Memorandum
B. Profile Data D. Solicitation letter

Additional Activities

Instructions: Assume that you are an invited guest speaker in a seminar of a

community action involving the barangay residents’ conduct of environmental
sanitation. Write in at least one hundred (100) words the content of your message on
environmental sanitation. You will be graded based on the organization of thoughts of
thirty (30) points, and substance of thoughts of twenty points (20) points. Write your
answers on a separate sheet of paper.

My message on environmental sanitation:

__________________________________________________________________________ .
Answer Key


Instructions: Rank the following by writing on the first column below number one until
the last as your order of preference of the community actions on the second column that
should deserve priorities in the conduct of your methodologies. Write your answers on a
separate sheet of a paper.
Note: Teacher-facilitator’s sound discretion in grading student’s answers is advised


Instructions: Write YES if you agree, and NO if you disagree on the second column and
your reasons for agreeing or disagreeing on the third column in response to the
characteristics mentioned on the first column. Each number will be graded based on the
argument you provided for or against each of the characteristics of the community action
of five (5) points. This activity is worth forty-five (45) points. Use a separate sheet of paper
for your answer.
Note: Teacher-facilitator’s sound discretion in grading student’s answers is advised


1. It is a collaborative work Yes
of the people.
2. The profiling was made Yes
for the community need.
3. It should be based on a No
4. It satisfies the needs of No
the barangay officials.
5. It addresses the needs Yes
of the people.
6. It gives solutions to Yes
community concerns.
7. It gives extra pocket No
money for the organizers.
8. It will make connection Yes
to stakeholders of the
9.It will foster camaraderie Yes
among the barangay
officials and the people.
Activity 3: TRUE OR FALSE
Instructions: Write TRUE if the statement expresses a method of a community action, and
FALSE if it does not. Write your answers on a separate sheet of paper.
___True____ 1. Organize community profiling.
___True____ 2. Collaboration of community residents.
__False____3. Give donations for the street children.
_ True_____4. Survey for prospective partners from your area.
__False____5. Be vigilant for community thieves.
__True____ 6. Send letters for support and needs assistance to some local groups.
__False_____7. Be an active member of the community.
__False____ 8. Organize rally for community issues and problems.
__True_____9. Conduct a needs assessment survey of the community.
__ True_____10. Coordinate with the barangay for community resources and budget.
Note: Teacher-facilitator’s sound discretion in grading student’s answers is


Instructions: Write at least five (5) possible barangay (community) actions on the first
column, and your prospective five (5) stakeholders/partners, national or local, which you
think can help your community action by writing them on the second column, the
community action you envision to be realized, and ways which these
stakeholders/partners can help or support the activity on the last column. This activity is
worth twenty-five (25) points where each number is graded with five (5) based on the
sufficiency of data provided. Number one is done for your guidance. Write your answers
on a separate sheet of paper
Note: Teacher-facilitator’s sound discretion in grading student’s answers is advised


Instructions: From the choices inside the parenthesis below, choose one (1) community
action and write it on the first column, the methodologies this action necessitate on the
second column, the date or time frame on the third column, and the person/ responsible
from the inception down to the realization of the action on the last column. This activity is
worth thirty (30) points the sufficiency of data provided. Write your answers on a separate
sheet of paper.
Note: Teacher-facilitator’s sound discretion in grading student’s answers is advised


Instructions: Fill out words to complete the thoughts of the following phrases. Each
number is graded based on the substance of ideas of three (3) points, and the organization
of thoughts of two (2) points. Write your answers on a separate sheet of a paper.
Note: Teacher-facilitator’s sound discretion in grading student’s answers is advised



Instructions: Describe each of the six (6) methods as to how a community action can be
best achieved by writing their functions on the second column. You will be graded based
on the substance of your ideas provided for each method. Number one (1) is done for your
guidance. Write your answers on a separate sheet of paper.
Note: Teacher-facilitator’s sound discretion in grading student’s answers is advised


Instructions: Assume that you are an invited guest speaker in a seminar of a community
action involving the barangay residents’ conduct of environmental sanitation. Write in at
least one hundred (100) words the content of your message on environmental sanitation.
You will be graded based on the organization of thoughts of thirty (30) points, and
substance of thoughts of twenty points (20) points. Write your answers on a separate sheet
of paper.
Note: Teacher-facilitator’s sound discretion in grading student’s answers is advised


Online Sources:

Community Tool Box. Community Assessment, 02 – 07 – 21

Community Tool Box. Community Change and Evaluation. 02 – 08 -21
Department of Media and Culture. A Description of Social Action, 02 – 07 – 21
Doran, J. Community Engagement and Building Partnership, 02 – 07 – 21
Module 3: “Doing the Community Profile.” 02 – 07 – 21

Nagy. J. Assessment and Strategies, 1 – 29 – 21
New Business Development. Resource Mobilization, 02 – 08 – 21

Seltzer, J. (2014). Management Sciences for Health, 02 – 07 - 21

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