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Information Systems Research

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What’s in a “Username”? The Effect of Perceived

Anonymity on Herding in Crowdfunding
Yang Jiang, Yi-Chun (Chad) Ho, Xiangbin Yan, Yong Tan

To cite this article:

Yang Jiang, Yi-Chun (Chad) Ho, Xiangbin Yan, Yong Tan (2021) What’s in a “Username”? The Effect of Perceived Anonymity on
Herding in Crowdfunding. Information Systems Research

Published online in Articles in Advance 29 Nov 2021


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Articles in Advance, pp. 1–17 ISSN 1047-7047 (print), ISSN 1526-5536 (online)

What’s in a “Username”? The Effect of Perceived Anonymity on

Herding in Crowdfunding
Yang Jiang,a Yi-Chun (Chad) Ho,b Xiangbin Yan,c,* Yong Tand
School of Business, Nanjing University, Nanjing, 210093 Jiangsu, China; b School of Business, George Washington University, Washington,
District of Columbia 20052; c School of Economics and Management, University of Science and Technology Beijing, 100083 Beijing, China;
Michael G. Foster School of Business, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington 98195-3226
*Corresponding author
Contact:, (YJ);,
(Y-C(C)H);, (XY);,

Received: March 7, 2018 Abstract. This research examines the role of perceived anonymity in shaping herding be-
Revised: April 3, 2019; February 2, 2020; havior in online crowdfunding markets. Drawing on theories from social psychology liter-
March 8, 2021; June 1, 2021 ature, we argue that a lender forms different credibility perceptions toward preceding
Accepted: July 1, 2021 peers based on their perceived anonymity state; the lender then uses such perceptions to
Published Online in Articles in Advance: adjust the lender’s herding momentum toward them. Using data collected from a leading
November 29, 2021
debt-based crowdfunding platform, we classify an individual’s username as either anony-
mous or real-seeming, with the latter referring to as a user identification that seems to re- veal one’s real name. The results show that successors demonstrate weaker herding
momentum toward predecessors who are presented with real-seeming usernames than
Copyright: © 2021 INFORMS
anonymous ones. This finding, which we attribute to a lower extent of perceived credibility
derived from a nonconforming behavior, challenges the conventional wisdom that consid-
ers anonymity a negative factor for source credibility. We further show that the uncovered
positive effect of perceived anonymity on herding is accentuated in the early stage of the
fundraising period; nevertheless, we find no such discrepancies between listings that are
assigned with high-risk and low-risk credit grades. Our study contributes to the literatures
dealing with anonymity and herding in online environments.

History: Xiaoquan (Michael) Zhang, Senior Editor; Khim Yong Goh, Associate Editor.
Funding: This work was supported in part by the National Natural Science Foundation of China [Grants
72025101, 72001103, and 71729001].
Supplemental Material: The online appendix is available at

Keywords: crowdfunding • herding • observational learning • anonymity • privacy • source credibility

1. Introduction observational learning, a mechanism under which pred-

Debt-based crowdfunding is a collective process ecessors’ lending decisions are treated as signals that
where the crowd pool together and lend money to un- carry useful information in successors’ eyes.
known borrowers for interest earnings (Lin and Vis- Then, are these individual signals perceived as
wanathan 2016). Information asymmetry inherent in equally credible? Prior research suggests that indi-
this market poses a tough challenge to individual viduals tend to attach uneven weights to informa-
lenders; they must evaluate the potential risk of each tion sources that have different attributes, such as
loan listing with very little information about the bor- network ties and expertise (Lee et al. 2015, Kim and
rower (Burtch et al. 2016). To facilitate decision mak- Viswanathan 2019). The cognitive process underly-
ing, they resort to observe and follow the decisions ing this differentiation behavior is that, upon receiv-
made by preceding peers, giving rise to herding behav- ing signals, individuals first assess source credibility
ior (Zhang and Liu 2012, Xiao et al. 2021). The ratio- based on some observable personal cues (Petty et al.
nale is that the crowd is uncertain about the potential 1983). They then use such perceived source credibili-
risk of a listing; nonetheless, each individual may ty to moderate the value of the information, which,
hold some private knowledge about it, perhaps in turn, impacts their subsequent decision making.
through the individual’s previous experience with Following this notion, we anticipate that lenders are
similar listings or through personal connections likely to incorporate a similar differentiation process
with the borrower (Agrawal et al. 2015). Consequent- into their observational learning. If they indeed dis-
ly, lenders can infer a listing’s potential risk through tinguish the informational value of previous lending

Jiang et al.: The Effect of Perceived Anonymity on Herding
2 Information Systems Research, Articles in Advance, pp. 1–17, © 2021 INFORMS

transactions (i.e., signals), we should observe succes- behavioral standard in such an investment-oriented
sors demonstrating different herding momentum to- context (Pritchard 2020), the behavior of keeping a
ward distinct types of predecessors (i.e., information high profile by voluntarily revealing one’s identity in
sources). a username is likely to arouse disapproval and skepti-
In online environments, a username is a unique and cism from the beholders (Van Kleef et al. 2015), atten-
persistent personal cue that is presented to and per- uating the magnitude of the herding effect. Bearing
ceived by others (e.g., Ma and Agarwal 2007, Forman the competing arguments presented earlier, we leave
et al. 2008, Burtch et al. 2016). This role of usernames whether perceived anonymity has a positive or nega-
could be particularly salient in contexts where other tive effect on lender herding as an empirical question
personal information is hidden for privacy preserva- worth academic examination.
tion (as in debt-based crowdfunding markets). Indeed, To study our research questions, we collect data
empirical research has documented that usernames from a leading debt-based crowdfunding platform in
can carry informational value that affects a beholder’s Asia. Our data record crowdfunding activities on this
perception in e-commerce settings (Silva et al. 2017, platform, including characteristics at the listing, bor-
Silva and Topolinski 2018). Along this line, conceal- rower, and transaction level. The platform provides
ment of usernames is further shown to discourage an ideal setting for answering the posed question for
subsequent crowdfunding activities, because an ab- two reasons. First, the platform conceals all personal
sence of identity information about others triggers a information about all lenders for privacy preservation
sense of unease from a socially normative perspective purposes, leaving usernames the only salient identity
(Burtch et al. 2016). cue that can affect a beholder’s perception of source
Although it has been recognized that usernames, credibility. This contextual feature allows us to isolate
albeit evaluated in various dimensions, can affect a the role of usernames in impacting herding behavior,
beholder’s perception, little is known about their im- after controlling for other listing attributes observable
plication in shaping observational learning behavior, to subsequent lenders. Second, unlike some platforms
which manifests as herding. To fill this gap, we inves- where transactional information is partially disclosed
tigate whether and how predecessors’ usernames—as (e.g., the context studied by Burtch et al. 2016),
evaluated from a perspective of perceived anonymity— prospective lenders in our context observe detailed
affect successors’ herding momentum through the information about all previous funding activities in a
varying extent of perceived source credibility. More- salient fashion. With this complete transaction log, we
over, as the main purpose of lenders engaging in ob- can recover the cumulative lending amount a listing
servational learning is to infer investment risk (Zhang has received at a given point of time. With this key
and Liu 2012), a natural follow-up question to ask is measure for the herd volume, we can quantify the
whether lenders would adjust their reliance on obser- herding effect, allowing us to empirically investigate
vational learning when dealing with different levels whether successors exhibit different herding magni-
of perceived risk. Thus, we are also interested in tudes toward predecessors presented with different
examining whether and how the effect of perceived types of usernames.
anonymity on herding is moderated by listing charac- Our preliminary result confirms the existence of
teristics that could signal a listing’s potential risk. herding, as reflected by a positive correlation between
We conceptualize perceived anonymity as the be- lending amounts funded by precedent and subse-
holder perception that arises from observing prede- quent lenders. To investigate the role of perceived an-
cessors who present themselves with an anonymous onymity, we first classify each individual’s username
username. Conventional wisdom suggests that ano- as either anonymous or real-seeming, with the latter
nymity provides no personal cue about information referring to as a user identification that seems to re-
sources, which lowers the perceived source credibility veal one’s real name. We then construct our herding
and reduces the informational value of the signal measure (i.e., cumulative lending amount a listing has
(Hass 1981, Kruglanski et al. 2006, Wagenknecht et al. received at a given time) and decompose it into two
2016). Intuitively, a prospective lender is likely to per- based on the classification result. The empirical results
ceive predecessors presented with an anonymous suggest that successors demonstrate weaker herding
username as less credible, and accordingly exhibit a momentum toward predecessors who are presented
weaker herding momentum toward them. Recent with real-seeming usernames than anonymous ones.
work on online anonymity, however, implies that an This finding, which we attribute to a lower extent of
opposite effect may emerge as well. Debt-based perceived credibility derives from a nonconforming
crowdfunding is an online community (Burtch et al. behavior (i.e., deviating from others by presenting
2016) wherein members have little incentive to reveal oneself with a real-seeming username), challenges the
identity cues (e.g., real names) to others. As remaining conventional wisdom that considers anonymity a neg-
anonymous to “lie low” emerges as an agreed ative factor for source credibility. Further, in
Jiang et al.: The Effect of Perceived Anonymity on Herding
Information Systems Research, Articles in Advance, pp. 1–17, © 2021 INFORMS 3

examining the moderating role of risk-related attrib- positive association between backers’ decision to con-
utes, we find that the effect of perceived anonymity ceal identity cues (i.e., usernames), citing social norms
on herding is more pronounced in the early stage of as the driving mechanism. However, we investigate
the fundraising period. Nonetheless, no such systemic the sequential correlation in lenders’ lending amount,
difference is found between listings that differ in cred- arguing herding arises as a result of observational
it grades assigned by the platform. learning. Our extended analysis suggests that listing
The current research makes several contributions to characteristics that may signal a listing’s risk level can
the literature. First, our study extends prior work moderate herding, confirming observational learning,
dealing with anonymity in the information systems rather than simply mimicking or socially normative
literature. Unlike past work that takes a socially nor- behavior, being the mechanism that underlies lenders’
mative perspective and therefore considers perceived decision making. Second, the main findings are oppo-
anonymity a factor that undermines source credibility site. Their work finds that early peers’ decision to re-
(e.g., Forman et al. 2008, Jiang et al. 2013, Burtch et al. main anonymous has a negative influence on later
2016), we argue observational learning as a distinct backers’ contributions, which pertains to the “I’ve got
mechanism under which the effect of perceived ano- nothing to hide” argument from the law literature (So-
nymity can manifest in either direction. Our empirical love 2007). By contrast, our results suggest that prede-
analyses demonstrate that perceived anonymity inten- cessors presented with an anonymous username in-
sifies herding in the debt-based crowdfunding market. duce a stronger herding effect, in that such privacy-
Though seemingly surprising, our main finding is not preservation behavior is subject to fewer disapprovals
uncommon. In this regard, we add to the emerging re- in an online investment community. Finally, their
search stream that underscores the bright side of ano- work leverages backers’ choice of information control
nymity in a variety of online settings, such as product at the transaction level as a unique contextual feature
reviews (Hong and Li 2017) and user-generated con- and helps understand how the effect of identity hid-
tent (Lee et al. 2014). Second, prior credibility litera- ing manifests within a crowdfunding project. Differ-
ture (e.g., Sternthal et al. 1978, Harmon and Coney ent from that, our research explores the variation in
1982, Wagenknecht et al. 2016) has largely focused on perceived anonymity at the lender level, allowing us
the effect of source credibility on persuasive commu-
to uncover the broader impact of usernames as a per-
nication (direct, initiated by information sources). Our
sistent personal cue, in a more general, online envi-
work adds to this literature by showing the possibility
ronment. Taken together, these conceptual and con-
that source credibility can also play a role in observa-
textual differentiations help explain why the
tional learning (indirect, information receivers are
uncovered effects of perceived anonymity are quite
proactive). Furthermore, our work also contributes to
different between the two studies.
the literature stream focusing on the identification of
herding, specifically in online crowdfunding markets
(e.g., Zhang and Liu 2012, Jiang et al. 2018). Our find- 2. Theoretical Background and Hypotheses
ings provide a nuanced yet important understanding 2.1. Herding
of the mechanism that underlies herding behavior. In- Herding, defined as the tendency for an individual to
stead of mimicking precedent transactions in a ho- follow the actions of preceding peers (Banerjee 1992;
mogenous manner, successors first form different Bikhchandani et al. 1992, 1998), has drawn growing
credibility perceptions toward predecessors based on research attention in online environments. One of the
observable personal cues (De Vries and Pruyn 2007); most prominent behavioral mechanisms behind herd-
they then use such perceptions to adjust the informa- ing is observational learning which describes situa-
tional value derived from observational learning ac- tions in which people draw inference from mere ob-
cordingly. Results from our extended analysis help servations of others’ actions (Zhang 2010). For
better understand that the observed behavior of dif- example, Cai et al. (2009) examine the effect of obser-
ferentiated herding can vary with some risk-related vational learning on diners’ dish choices in a restau-
characteristics that can potentially convey the invest- rant setting. They find that when diners are presented
ment risk associated with a listing. with information about popular dishes ordered by
Our study is closely related to Burtch et al. (2016), others, the demand for these dishes increases. Using
who also analyze backers’ behavior on a reward- data from a field experiment, Tucker and Zhang
based crowdfunding site. In their study context, indi- (2011) study how the popularity information affects
vidual backers can decide whether to conceal their consumers’ choices on a website that lists wedding
usernames or not at the transaction level. Despite service vendors. They show that narrow-appeal ven-
some similarities, our research differs from theirs in dors attract more visits than their broad-appeal coun-
three major aspects. First, the two studies explore dis- terparts after the introduction of popularity informa-
tinct social dynamics. Burtch et al. (2016) observe a tion. Zhang and Liu (2012) investigate whether the
Jiang et al.: The Effect of Perceived Anonymity on Herding
4 Information Systems Research, Articles in Advance, pp. 1–17, © 2021 INFORMS

observed herding behavior is rational or irrational in we do not use anonymity as a term to describe a
microloan markets. Their empirical results reveal status of whether one’s offline identity (i.e., real name)
that the magnitude of herding is accentuated by unfa- being known (or unknown) to others. Instead, we con-
vorable listing characteristics but attenuated by favor- ceptualize anonymity, or perceived anonymity to be
able ones, providing evidence of rational observation- more exact, as the beholder perception that arises
al learning. upon observing other individuals presenting them-
Drawing on observational learning theory, we selves with a username that seems (or doesn’t seem)
argue that lenders are observational learners who re- to reflect their real name. This conceptualization is
gard predecessors’ lending transactions as informa- consistent with much prior work that considers per-
tive signals reflecting the collective assessment of a ceived anonymity dichotomous (e.g., Postmes and
listing. Having little to no information about a bor- Spears 1998, Hite et al. 2014). Specifically, we consider
rower, each individual lender observes the cumulative a username either anonymous (associated with a high
amount collectively funded by preceding peers, and state of perceived anonymity) or real-seeming (associ-
uses this information to draw an inference of the list- ated with a low state of perceived anonymity). In
ing’s potential risk. As such, we expect that lenders what follows, we first propose a link between the per-
would exhibit a tendency to make a larger lending ceived anonymity state of a username and the per-
amount to a listing that has received more funds. ceived credibility of the information source. We then
There is a stream of literature that examines the role use the proposed link to rationalize the role of per-
of early decision makers’ attributes in influencing ceived anonymity in shaping herding behavior in
follow-up user activities in various online communi- debt-based crowdfunding markets.
ties. Research in this stream conveys a same message: Marx (1999) argues that we live in a culture where
predecessors (and their actions) are not perceived as the norm is that one must be identified, and names an-
equal by successors. For example, Lee et al. (2015) ex- chor us in the world as a “little detail in which big so-
amine users’ reviewing behavior in response to previ- cial meanings may reside.” Refusing to disclose such
ously posted ratings on a social movie site. They find information disregards our culture and makes it diffi-
that moviegoers value ratings posted by their online cult for others to assess the credibility of the source
friends more than those by the crowd. Kim and (Hovland et al. 1953, Kruglanski et al. 2006). Early
Viswanathan (2019) find a similar differentiation work has shown that a high anonymity state under-
behavior on a crowdfunding platform for mobile ap- mines the perceived trustworthiness, lowering the
plications. For apps in the prerelease stage, investors perceived credibility of information sources (Hass
value preceding peers with app development experi- 1981, Kruglanski et al. 2006). More recent research
ence more than those with investment experience; suggests that the same cognitive process exists in on-
however, they behave conversely for apps that are line environments as well. For example, information
already being sold in the market. An important contributed by anonymous (Forman et al. 2008) or un-
cognitive process that rationalizes such differentiation identified (Racherla and Friske 2012, Wagenknecht
behavior is that individuals tend to gauge first the et al. 2016) sources is perceived as less trustful by
credibility of an information source based on some ob- shoppers in e-commerce settings. Individuals are also
servable personal and identity cues (Petty et al. 1983); found more hesitant to transact when the information-
they then use the perceived credibility to adjust the al cues about preceding peers are missing, as an
value of the information obtained from the source absence of personal information results in negative at-
(Hovland et al. 1953, Ohanian 1990). titudes, such as skepticism (Gneezy et al. 2012) and
uncertainty (Burtch et al. 2016). Applying this cogni-
2.2. The Role of Perceived Anonymity tive process to our context, we argue that a high state
Prior literature has documented that the anonymity of perceived anonymity is likely to result in a lower
state of information sources may influence a behold- extent of perceived credibility, which in turn attenu-
er’s perception of source credibility (Rains 2007a, b). ates the magnitude of the herding effect.
In most online settings, individuals can freely choose Perhaps more interestingly, sources presented
a username, which serves as a unique and persistent with a low state of perceived anonymity may not nec-
personal cue presented to others (e.g., Ma and Agar- essarily be viewed as more credible either. Before we
wal 2007, Forman et al. 2008, Burtch et al. 2016). This proceed to discuss the reasoning, it is useful to under-
role of a username would be even more salient when score the feature that distinguishes our study context
other identity-related information is unobservable to from others. In many online settings, such as social
beholders. Such freedom of username choice grants media and knowledge-sharing sites, users are moti-
individuals a means to present themselves, which, in vated, either intrinsically or extrinsically, to present
turn, would determine how they are perceived by and establish themselves by revealing some identity
others in the same community. In our framework, cues (e.g., using their real names as part of the
Jiang et al.: The Effect of Perceived Anonymity on Herding
Information Systems Research, Articles in Advance, pp. 1–17, © 2021 INFORMS 5

usernames). On a debt-based crowdfunding platform, reviews) casts serious doubt on the perceived credibility
by contrast, individual lenders have relatively less in- of user-generated information (Ho et al. 2017), resulting
centive to do so. To increase the transparency of the in distrust toward information sources presented with
crowdfunding process, most platforms publicize all a high state of anonymity. In an investment-oriented
funding activities (Burtch et al. 2015) at the expense of context, however, the contents of peer-generated signals
lender privacy. The high visibility and traceability of a (i.e., actual lending amount) are more objective (as op-
lender’s past transactions may give rise to a worry of posed to online reviews that tend to be more subjective)
being watched by an unauthorized third-party entity, and less likely subject to manipulations. This contextual
or even a fear of receiving unwanted solicitations nature diminishes lenders’ reliance on perceived ano-
(from either friends or strangers) should one’s identity nymity as a means of assessing source credibility. Bear-
is exposed. Such concerns attribute to a real-world ob- ing this reasoning this mind, we anticipate that the posi-
servation that most lenders have a strong desire for tive effect of perceived anonymity on herding is likely
privacy preservation and accordingly prefer to pre- to outweigh its negative effect. Formally, we propose
sent themselves with a high state of anonymity (i.e., the following hypothesis.
through using an anonymous username).1 As remain-
ing anonymous to lie low emerges as an accepted Hypothesis 1. The positive relationship between predeces-
standard in an investment-oriented community (Xu sors’ cumulative lending amount and successors’ lending
et al. 2008, Bansal et al. 2016, Pritchard 2020), the be- amount toward a listing is stronger for predecessors pre-
havior of keeping a high profile—by voluntarily re- sented with an anonymous username than those with a
vealing one’s real name in a username2—is likely to real-seeming one.
be perceived as nonconforming, arousing disapprov-
als and skepticism from other community members 2.3. The Moderating Role of Risk-Related Factors
even when no actual harm has occurred (Helweg- To facilitate decision making with little information,
Larsen and LoMonaco 2008, Van Kleef et al. 2015). lenders observe and learn from the decisions made by
These unfavorable attitudes undermine the perceived preceding peers. As we previously argued, during
credibility of predecessors who are presented with a this process, lenders tend to demonstrate dissimilar
low state of perceived anonymity, dampening succes- herding momentum toward predecessors who are
sors’ herding momentum toward them. presented with different states of perceived anonymi-
The previous discussion proposes that the perceived ty. Given the main purpose of engaging in observa-
anonymity of predecessors could pose two opposite ef- tional learning is to better evaluate a listing’s potential
fects on source credibility perceived by successors, and risk, it is anticipated that lenders may further adjust
which effect prevails may depend on the nature of the such a differentiation behavior as the perceived risk
context. In determining source credibility, we argue level varies across listings. In this subsection, we
that the negative effect of perceived anonymity plays a hypothesize that the predicted effect of perceived ano-
predominant role in a general, consumption-oriented nymity on herding (Hypothesis 1) is likely to be mod-
context, whereas the positive effect of perceived ano- erated by two listing characteristics that could signal
nymity manifests as a critical determinant in a more the investment risk to potential lenders: fundraising
specialized, investment-oriented context. The reason- stage and listing credit grade.
ing is twofold. First, in a consumption-oriented context In our context, a listing can materialize into a loan
such as an e-commerce site, users voluntarily contrib- only when the requested amount is reached. Under
ute to the community (e.g., writing reviews to share this mechanism, a listing situated in the early stage
product experiences) with motives like altruism and of its fundraising period is likely to be regarded
helping the company (Hennig-Thurau et al. 2004). As as less certain with respect to loan materialization
individuals have an innate need to be appreciated or (Burtch et al. 2018, Kuppuswamy and Bayus 2018),
recognized for their contribution (Ma and Agarwal compared with the other otherwise identical listing
2007), they may have an incentive to present them- situated in its late fundraising stage. When dealing
selves with a low state of anonymity such that their with such a listing, a prospective lender may tend to
identity can be associated with the good reputation rely more on observational learning, making the pre-
they have established. However, this is less unlikely dicted positive effect of perceived anonymity (Hy-
to occur in an investment-oriented context wherein in- pothesis 1) more pronounced. Consistent with this
dividuals’ core task is to make profits. Since online in- logic, prior literature on online reviews holds that
vestors have strong privacy concerns (Xu et al. 2008, the uncertainty of a product is related to its life cycle,
Bansal et al. 2016, Pritchard 2020), they are in general which then affects the value of the credibility signal
more inclined to present themselves with a high state conveyed by reviewers (e.g., Yazdani et al. 2018). In
of anonymity. Second, in a consumption-oriented con- addition, a listing in its early fundraising stage re-
text, the concern of content manipulations (e.g., fake ceives fewer transactions such that a prospective
Jiang et al.: The Effect of Perceived Anonymity on Herding
6 Information Systems Research, Articles in Advance, pp. 1–17, © 2021 INFORMS

lender can differentiate predecessors per their ano- To participate in any activity on the platform, an in-
nymity state in a relatively manageable manner. dividual first needs to register for an account and
However, as the listing progresses into its late fund- choose a username. The platform imposes nearly no
raising stage, the uncertainty of loan materialization di- naming restriction such that a new user can freely use
minishes and the number of total transactions increases, a combination of Chinese characters, English letters,
together weakening lenders’ motivation of engaging in and numbers as a username. The lending process
observational learning. Therefore, we expect that the starts with a borrower submitting a loan application,
differentiated herding behavior toward distinct prede- in which the borrower is required to provide informa-
cessor groups would diminish in the late stage of a list- tion such as the requested amount, the loan duration,
ing’s fundraising process. the fixed interest rate the borrower would like to offer,
the borrower’s age, as well as the listing title. The
Hypothesis 2 (a). The predicted positive effect of predeces- borrower could also voluntarily disclose additional
sors’ perceived anonymity on herding is weaker in the late personal information such as education, marriage,
fundraising stage than in the early fundraising stage. employment, and income. Loan applications ap-
To help mitigate information asymmetry, the plat- proved by the platform would turn into listings for
form derives and assigns a credit grade to each list- prospective lenders’ browsing. For an interested list-
ing based on various listing attributes as well as the ing, a prospective lender can observe the listing- and
financial status of the borrower (Iyer et al. 2015). borrower-specific characteristics in the top section of
Such an aggregate measure is found to have the abil- the listing’s main page. In the bottom section of the
ity to predict loan default (Herzenstein et al. 2008, same page, the lender can view detailed information
Zhang and Liu 2012) and thus can signal the poten- about all previous lending transactions, including the
tial risk of a listing. As such, a prospective lender preceding lender’s username, the lending amount,
may regard a listing that has a low credit grade as and the timestamp of each transaction.3 Unlike other
riskier with respect to the likelihood of default, cete- crowdfunding sites on which the transactional infor-
ris paribus. Given that anonymous predecessors are mation is partially available (e.g., the context studied
perceived as more credible in assessing a listing’s in Burtch et al. 2016), the entire transaction log is dis-
potential risk under our theoretical framework (Hy- played on a single page for easy browsing. This con-
pothesis 1), lenders (as observational learners) are textual feature provides us an ideal setting to quantify
likely to pay more attention to their lending deci- how a successor’s lending amount is associated with
sions when dealing with a listing that might ulti- the cumulative lending amount collectively made by
mately turn into delinquency or default. By contrast, predecessors.
for a listing that has a high credit grade, prospective
lenders would reduce their dependence on the sig- 3.2. Data Description
nal originated from different predecessor groups We collect data from all listings that were posted on
due to reduced concern on the investment risk. the platform from March to August in 2015.4 To make
Therefore, we anticipate that the predicted positive our sample comparable to those posted on other ma-
relationship between predecessor anonymity and jor sites (e.g., LendingClub and Prosper), we restrict
our attention to listings that were requested online
herding magnitudes would be stronger on listings
and were not guaranteed by offline institutions.5 We
that receive low credit grades.
also restrict our sample to listings that received at
Hypothesis 2 (b). The predicted positive effect of predeces- least two transactions. The resulting data set for our
sors’ perceived anonymity on herding is stronger on list- main analysis contains 3,504 listings, which attracted
ings with high-risk credit grades than those with low-risk a total of 64,925 transactions from 17,816 distinct
credit grades. lenders. We construct our panel data at the transaction
level. For each transaction, we observe characteristics
at the listing, the borrower, and the transaction level.
3. Methods and Data Listing characteristics include the requested amount,
3.1. Empirical Context the interest rate, the loan duration, and the credit
Our research context is one of the leading debt-based grade. Borrower characteristics include each bor-
crowdfunding platforms in Asia. As of August 2019, rower’s username, demographic information, and the
the platform has been in operation for nine years, fa- lending history on the platform. Transaction charac-
cilitating nearly 1.67 million transactions. In what fol- teristics include the lender’s username, the lending
lows, we provide the details about the lending process amount, the sequential index of the transaction associ-
and the relevant information from a prospective lend- ated with a given loan, and the channel through
er’s perspective. which the transaction is made (desktop vs. mobile).
Jiang et al.: The Effect of Perceived Anonymity on Herding
Information Systems Research, Articles in Advance, pp. 1–17, © 2021 INFORMS 7

Next, we discuss how perceived anonymity is exists, we should expect to see a positive correlation
operationalized and how it affects the perception of between (1) the lending amount of a given transaction
beholders. In the spirit of prior work on online and (2) the cumulative lending amount the listing re-
anonymity (Nissenbaum 1999, Qian and Scott 2007, ceived prior to that transaction. Such examination of
Tsikerdekis 2012), we ask research assistants to transaction-level dynamics based on the sequential or-
label all usernames appearing in our data as either der is commonly used in studying herding (Banerjee
real-seeming or anonymous.6 Based on the theoretical 1992, Bikhchandani et al. 1992, Zhang 2010). Leverag-
background provided in Section 2, we argue that dis- ing the detailed transaction log, we can observe the se-
tinct types of usernames may carry dissimilar infor- quential order of all transactions and construct our
mational values, which may lead to heterogeneous herding measure—the cumulative lending amount
perceptions held by beholders (Hite et al. 2014)—the made to the same listing up to any given point of
primary focus of this research. time.
It is imperative for us to emphasize that the objec- We next specify our amount model. Let i denote the
tive of this research is to explore the informational lender and j denote the listing. The logarithm of the
role of perceived anonymity in shaping the perceived lending amount of the tth transaction made to listing j
source credibility from a subsequent lender’s perspec- by lender i, yijt, is modeled as:
tive. Although it is likely for a user to choose a real- yijt  α + βYj,t−1 + Xjt γ1 + Zj γ2 + Wi γ3 + λw + εijt , (1)
seeming username that doesn’t match the user’s real
name, such a scenario is less of a concern in our re- where t  2, . . . , T and T is the total number of trans-
search framework. Since the platform discloses no actions for listing j, and Yj, t−1 denotes the logarithm of
identity cue about a lender, there is no way for other the cumulative lending amount listing j has received
users to discern whether a real-seeming username in- prior to the arrival of its tth transaction. The parame-
deed reflects the focal lender’s real name. As such, a ter of interest is β, which captures the magnitude of
subsequent lender is likely to regard predecessors herding. A positive and significant estimate of β will
who are presented with real-seeming usernames as indicate that subsequent lenders’ lending amount is
the same kind, and consequently forms the same atti- increasing in the cumulative lending amount made to
tude toward them. To see if lenders demonstrate such the same listing, confirming the existence of herding.
differentiation behavior in our data, we calculate the The time-variant listing characteristics Xjt include
partial correlation between the lending amount of a the cumulative number of transactions prior to the
transaction and the cumulative lending amount made current transaction (Lag Num of Transactions, prior to
by different predecessor groups given the percentage t), the time gap between two consecutive transactions
of the unfunded amount. The correlation is positive (Time Interval), and whether the transaction is made
and significant for the all-predecessor group (0.052, through a desktop (Lender Device). To control for the
p < 0.001). If we split all predecessors based on their payoff externality effect at the listing level, we include
username types, we see correlations deviating to some the percentage of the unfunded amount prior to the
extent, with 0.043 for the anonymous group (p < 0.001) current transaction (Lag Percent Needed) in Xjt. A
and 0.023 for the real-seeming group (p < 0.001). dummy variable is also included to indicate whether
We report the definition and summary statistics of a listing is situated in its late fundraising stage if the
our main variables in Table 1. An average listing re- percentage of the unfunded amount is less than 50%
quests $3,521 with an interest rate of 11.8% for a peri- (Late Fundraising Stage  1). Time-invariant listing and
od of 14 months and receives an amount of $161 per borrower characteristics Zj includes Amount Requested,
transaction. The dummy variable for credit risk takes Interest Rate, Loan Duration, Credit Risky, Paid Loans,
a value of 1 if a listing is assigned with a low credit Overdue Loans, Age, Education, Marriage, Employment
grade by the platform (i.e., HR), and 0 otherwise (i.e., Length, Monthly Income, and a dummy variable indi-
AA, A, B, C, D, or E).7 The age of borrowers ranges cating the borrower perceived anonymity (Real Sm
from 22 to 56, with an average value of 31.8. About Borrower). We include in Wi a dummy variable that in-
78.2% of the borrowers hold a bachelor’s degree or dicates the lender perceived anonymity (Real Sm Lend-
higher, 58.5% are married, 45.8% have worked for er). We also insert week fixed effects λw, which helps
more than three years, and 29.3% have a monthly in- capture potential unobserved temporal dynamics be-
come greater than $3,072. Among all borrowers, yond the listing level. The error term is εijt.
12.3% of them present themselves with a real-seeming To further differentiate the heterogeneous herding
username, whereas the number is 9.6% for lenders. effects induced by different groups of predecessors,
a r
we decompose Yj,t−1 and use Yj,t−1 and Yj,t−1 to denote
3.3. Model Specification and Estimation the logarithm of the cumulative lending amount made
A straightforward test of herding is to look for the se- by predecessors who present themselves with anony-
quential correlation in the lending amount. If herding mous and real-seeming usernames, respectively.
Jiang et al.: The Effect of Perceived Anonymity on Herding
8 Information Systems Research, Articles in Advance, pp. 1–17, © 2021 INFORMS

Table 1. Variable Description and Summary

Variable Description Mean Standard deviation Min Max

Listing-level characteristics
Amount Requested Listed amount of a listing ($) 3,521 2,827 461 30,704
Interest Rate Interest rate provided by the borrower (%) 11.801 1.067 7 13
Loan Duration Number of months the borrower makes payments 14.078 7.348 3 36
Title Length Number of characters in the title of a listing 8.218 3.593 2 29
Credit Risky 1 if a listing’s credit grade is HR, 0 otherwise 0.422 0.494 0 1
Paid Loans Number of paid loans made by the borrower 0.774 1.706 0 38
Overdue Loans Number of overdue loans made by the borrower 1.429 2.201 0 18
Num of Transactions Total number of transactions a listing receives 20.926 15.851 2 230
Borrower-level characteristics
Real Sm Borrower 1 if a borrower presented with a real-seeming username, 0 otherwise 0.123 0.329 0 1
Age Age of the borrower at the time of posting the listing 31.820 6.288 22 56
Education Unreported (base) 0.046 0.210 0 1
A borrower has a high school diploma or lower (low) 0.172 0.377 0 1
A borrower has a college diploma or higher (high) 0.782 0.413 0 1
Marriage Unreported (base) 0.010 0.102 0 1
A borrower is married (married) 0.585 0.493 0 1
A borrower is single, divorced, or widowed (others) 0.405 0.491 0 1
Employment Length Unreported (base) 0.131 0.337 0 1
Length of employment is less than three years (short) 0.411 0.492 0 1
Length of employment is more than three years (long) 0.458 0.498 0 1
Monthly Income Unreported (base) 0.124 0.330 0 1
Monthly income is less than ¥ 20,000 (~$3,072) (low) 0.583 0.493 0 1
Monthly income is more than ¥ 20,000 (high) 0.293 0.455 0 1
Transaction-level characteristics
Percent Needed Percentage of unfunded amount (%) 51.860 33.140 0 100
Late Fundraising Stage 1 if percentage of unfunded amount is less than 50%, 0 otherwise 0.519 0.500 0 1
Amount Invested Amount of a transaction ($) 161 383 8 13,817
Real Sm Lender 1 if a lender presented with a real-seeming username, 0 otherwise 0.096 0.295 0 1
Lender Device 1 if a transaction is made via desktop, 0 via mobile 0.429 0.495 0 1
Note. 1 USD  6.51 CNY, (accessed January 10, 2018).

Accordingly, we can enhance (1) as: deal with this concern, we use a cross-classified
multilevel modeling approach (Gelman and Hill
yijt  α + βa Yj,t−1
+ βr Yj,t−1
+ Xjt γ1 + Zj γ2 + Wi γ3 + λw 2006, Rasbash and Browne 2008). In our data set,
+ εijt , (2) we observe transactions made to different listings
from distinct lenders. Thus, transactions can be
where βa and βr measure the subsequent lender’s viewed as lowest-level units nested within two
herding momentum toward preceding peers who higher levels: listings and lenders. Listings and
are presented with anonymous and real-seeming lenders are not nested within each other (i.e., cross-
usernames, respectively. The relative magnitude of classified), because neither all transactions made by a
these two coefficients will inform us of the role of given lender are made to the same listing, nor do all
perceived anonymity in lenders’ observational learn- transactions made to a given listing come from the same
ing process. lender. Accordingly, we enhance (1) and (2) by inserting
Multiple Sources of Unobserved Heterogeneity. Our lender-specific intercepts (ηi) and listing-specific inter-
amount model so far explores herding at the trans- cepts (ηj) to better control for unobserved heterogeneity
action level. However, the variation in lending at the lender and listing level, respectively.
amounts could be further attributed to some Participation Decisions of Lenders. Another concern is
higher-level sources of variation where each trans- that our analysis of lending amount does not consider
action resides. For example, there could be unob- individuals who do not participate in lending ($0). Po-
served heterogeneity beyond the observable listing tential selection bias may arise if factors that affect a
characteristics we have controlled for. Similarly, lender’s choice of which listing to participate also af-
lenders with different characteristics may demon- fect the lender’s decision of how much to lend. The
strate different funding behavior. Ignoring these following steps are taken to address this concern.
unobserved heterogeneities could lead to an incon- First, for each lender who made at least one transac-
sistent estimation and misleading inference. To tion on a given day, we construct the lender’s
Jiang et al.: The Effect of Perceived Anonymity on Herding
Information Systems Research, Articles in Advance, pp. 1–17, © 2021 INFORMS 9

consideration set using all listings that were active on Table 2. Results of Participation Decision
that day.8 Then, we adopt a two-stage estimation pro-
Variable Coefficient (Std. err.)
cedure (Heckman 1979) to correct the potential selec-
tion bias. In the first stage, we model an individual log Amount Requested 0.2981*** (0.0032)
lender’s decision of whether to participate in a listing Interest Rate −0.0569*** (0.0041)
Loan Duration 0.0065*** (0.0006)
(in the lender’s consideration set) using a standard
Title Length 0.0016*** (0.0005)
probit specification. We refer to this specification as Max Title Length −0.0071** (0.0030)
the participation model. The dependent variable here is Credit Risky −0.0284** (0.0138)
a vector of dummy variables indicating whether a Paid Loans −0.0015 (0.0012)
lender participates in a listing, and the independent Overdue Loans 0.0010 (0.0008)
Real Sm Borrower (1  yes) −0.0100* (0.0056)
variables include corresponding listing and lender Age 0.0623* (0.0326)
characteristics. To satisfy the exclusion restriction, we Education (low) 0.0036 (0.0102)
include the maximum title length of other listings, Education (high) −0.0303*** (0.0091)
that is, all except the focal listing, in a lender’s consid- Marriage (married) −0.0009 (0.0198)
eration set (Max Title Length). This variable choice can Marriage (others) 0.0107 (0.0198)
Employment Length (short) 0.0004 (0.0068)
be justified by lenders’ decision-making processes. Employment Length (long) 0.0101 (0.0068)
When a prospective lender chooses which listing to Monthly Income (low) 0.0091 (0.0070)
participate, the lender is likely to evaluate all listings Monthly Income (high) −0.0067 (0.0073)
in the consideration set in an exploratory manner Real Sm Lender (1  yes) 0.0207*** (0.0058)
(akin to online shoppers’ behavior discussed by Janis- Intercept −2.1042*** (0.1492)
Number of observations 1,909,057
zewski 1998). At this stage, useful soft information Log-likelihood −272,726.6
can be inferred from listing titles to help grasp a gen- Akaike Information Criterion (AIC) 545,715.2
eral impression about a specific listing, and to also al- Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC) 547,347.7
low a quick comparison with plausible alternatives of Note. Standard errors are reported in parentheses.
which the listing with the maximum title length is *p < 0.1; **p < 0.05; ***p < 0.01.
likely a good representative. When proceeding to the
next stage to determine a lending amount, the lender parameters that reflect the degree of heterogeneity at
will evaluate a focal listing’s attributes in a more de- the lender and listing level, respectively.
liberate manner, focusing on detailed information Correspondingly, the full model for testing the role
posted on that listing’s main page. The information of perceived anonymity can be expressed as:
about other listings, though not directly displayed, is
not expected to play a significant role in this decision. yijt  α + βa Yj,t−1
+ βr Yj,t−1
+ Xjt γ1 + Zj γ2 + Wi γ3
Hence, the maximum title length of alternative listings + γ4 λ̂ ij + ηi + ηj + λw + εijt : (4)
only indirectly affects the lending amount through the
participation decision. To further justify our variable To empirically test Hypotheses 2(a) and 2(b), we en-
choice from a statistical perspective, we follow the hance (4) by allowing our herding measures to inter-
strategy of Kumar et al. (2018) and include Max Title act with Late Fundraising Stage and Credit Risky.
Length in our models to test the previous justification.
The results indicate that the exclusion restriction is
4. Results
well satisfied: the maximum title length of alternative
The estimation results from the participation model
listings has good explanatory power in the participation
are presented in Table 2. The results show that lenders
model (reported in Table 2) but turns insignificant in
are more likely to choose listings that request a larger
the amount model (reported in Table A1 of the online
amount and pay back over a longer period, and are
appendix). Finally, we compute the inverse Mill’s ratios
submitted by a senior borrower. We also find that
(λ̂ ij ) at the lender-listing level and include them as an
lenders’ participation decisions are negatively associ-
additional variable in the amount model for the second-
stage estimation. ated with interest rates and credit riskiness, providing
Based on the previous discussion, we can rewrite evidence that lenders draw rational inferences based
the full model for our herding analysis as: on various observable cues. As expected, the effect of
Title Length is positive and significant, whereas Max
yijt  α + βYj,t−1 + Xjt γ1 + Zj γ2 + Wi γ3 + γ4 λ̂ ij + ηi + ηj Title Length of alternative listings negatively affects
the selection of the focal listing.
+ λw + εijt , (3)
Table 3 presents the estimation results from the
where ηi ~ N(0, σ2ηi ) and ηi ~ N(0, σ2ηj ). The means for amount model. We first look at whether herding be-
both parameters are zeros as any nonzero mean will havior exists in our context. Column (1) of Table 3 re-
be absorbed into α. σ2ηi and σ2ηj are the variance ports the parameter estimates specified in (3). The
Jiang et al.: The Effect of Perceived Anonymity on Herding
10 Information Systems Research, Articles in Advance, pp. 1–17, © 2021 INFORMS

estimated coefficient of Y is positive and significant, The results for testing our second set of hypotheses
confirming the existence of herding among lenders. are presented in column (3) of Table 3. We find that
We proceed to test our hypothesis about the role of the estimated coefficients of the terms interacting
perceived anonymity in herding (Hypothesis 1). Col- with Late Fundraising Stage are both negative and sta-
umn (2) of Table 3 reports parameter estimates from tistically significant. A quick calculation on estimated
(4). The estimated coefficients of Ya and Yr are both coefficients reveals that the difference in herding
positive and statistically significant. Specifically, magnitude toward two distinct predecessor groups is
subsequent lenders demonstrate a stronger herding further attenuated in the late stage. These results lend
magnitude (βa  0.0393) toward predecessors who are empirical support to our prediction that observational
presented with an anonymous username, compared learning bears less informational value and hence
with those presented with a real-seeming one (βr  turns less impactful in the late stage of the fundraising
0.0138). To verify whether the two estimates are statis- process (Hypothesis 2(a) is supported). Nonetheless,
tically different from each other, we test a null hy- we do not observe lenders demonstrating any system-
pothesis: βa  βr. The result rejects the null hypothesis atic differences when dealing with listings that differ
(p < 0.001), lending empirical support to our predic- in credit grades (Hypothesis 2(b) is not supported).
tion that perceived anonymity intensifies herding, This result, with the insignificant main effect of Credit
Therefore, Hypothesis 1 is supported. Risky, together imply that lenders tend to pay little

Table 3. Main Results

Variable (1) Herding (2) Perceived anonymity (3) Risk-related factors

Y: All Predecessors 0.0462*** (0.0035)

Ya: Anonymous Predecessors 0.0393*** (0.0033) 0.0373*** (0.0034)
Yr: Real-seeming Predecessors 0.0138*** (0.0021) 0.0188*** (0.0030)
Lag Percent Needed 0.0101*** (0.0004) 0.0103*** (0.0004) 0.0103*** (0.0004)
Lag Num of Transactions 0.0006 (0.0004) 0.0002 (0.0004) 0.0011** (0.0004)
Late Fundraising Stage 0.2422*** (0.0187) 0.2389*** (0.0187) 0.4945*** (0.0726)
Time Interval −0.0065*** (0.0018) −0.0061*** (0.0018) −0.0059*** (0.0018)
Real Sm Lender (1  yes) 0.0546* (0.0331) 0.0599* (0.0331) 0.0583* (0.0331)
Lender Device 0.1183*** (0.0144) 0.1185*** (0.0144) 0.1181*** (0.0144)
log Amount Requested 0.0296** (0.0133) 0.0327** (0.0134) 0.0229 (0.0140)
Interest Rate 0.0474*** (0.0118) 0.0481*** (0.0119) 0.0499*** (0.0121)
Loan Duration −0.0076*** (0.0016) −0.0076*** (0.0017) −0.0077*** (0.0017)
Title Length −0.0015 (0.0014) −0.0016 (0.0014) −0.0017 (0.0014)
Credit Risky −0.0619 (0.0397) −0.0574 (0.0399) −0.0585 (0.0407)
Paid Loans −0.0005 (0.0037) −0.0001 (0.0037) −0.0005 (0.0038)
Overdue Loans −0.0014 (0.0023) −0.0013 (0.0023) −0.00004 (0.0036)
Real Sm Borrower (1  yes) −0.0081 (0.0156) −0.0077 (0.0157) −0.0074 (0.0159)
Age 0.0797 (0.0906) 0.0806 (0.0911) 0.0766 (0.0925)
Education (low) 0.0384 (0.0284) 0.0396 (0.0285) 0.0391 (0.0290)
Education (high) 0.0434* (0.0255) 0.0456* (0.0256) 0.0467* (0.0260)
Marriage (married) 0.0789 (0.0549) 0.0708 (0.0552) 0.0748 (0.0559)
Marriage (others) 0.0677 (0.0549) 0.0599 (0.0551) 0.0633 (0.0558)
Employment Length (short) 0.0041 (0.0187) 0.0052 (0.0188) 0.0048 (0.0190)
Employment Length (long) −0.0072 (0.0184) −0.0063 (0.0185) −0.0071 (0.0188)
Monthly Income (low) −0.0068 (0.0191) −0.0080 (0.0192) −0.0088 (0.0195)
Monthly Income (high) −0.0048 (0.0200) −0.0057 (0.0201) −0.0055 (0.0204)
Ya × Late Fundraising Stage −0.0277*** (0.0094)
Yr × Late Fundraising Stage −0.0127*** (0.0038)
Ya × Credit Risky −0.0004 (0.0038)
Yr × Credit Risky −0.0021 (0.0048)
Intercept 3.2925*** (0.2827) 3.3155*** (0.2835) 3.2175*** (0.2877)
λ̂: Heckman correction term −0.2505*** (0.0344) −0.2549*** (0.0345) −0.2561*** (0.0350)
σ2ηi : Lender-level variation 1.2151 1.2152 1.2143
σ2ηj : Listing-level variation 0.0208 0.0215 0.0237
Week fixed effects Yes Yes Yes
Number of observations 64,925 64,925 64,925
Log-likelihood −101,572.5 −101,571.8 −101,561.1
AIC 203,250.9 203,251.6 203,238.2
BIC 203,732.2 203,742.0 203,764.9
Note. Standard errors are reported in parentheses.
*p < 0.1; **p < 0.05; ***p < 0.01.
Jiang et al.: The Effect of Perceived Anonymity on Herding
Information Systems Research, Articles in Advance, pp. 1–17, © 2021 INFORMS 11

attention to credit grades assigned by the studied plat- 4.1.2. Alternative Listing Sample. As previously dis-
form when making the decision of how much to lend. cussed in Section 3.2, we restrict our sample to listings
Our finding challenges the conventional wisdom that are comparable to those available on other major
concerning how anonymity is perceived in the eye of platforms. In this robustness check, we re-estimate
beholders. A predominant notion that has long been our models using the whole sample, which contains
used to justify the negative effect of anonymity is that all listings posted during our sample period (i.e., in-
one must be identified (Marx 1999). Extensive litera- cluding listings that are requested offline and guaran-
ture has documented that anonymity provides few teed by offline institutions). The results, reported in
cues about the information source and therefore column (2) of Table 4, are largely consistent with our
would undermine the trustworthiness perceived by main analysis.
others (Postmes et al. 2001, Jiang et al. 2013). In con-
trast to this point of view, our results lend empirical 4.1.3. First-Order Autoregression. So far, we assume
support to a competing argument in which anonymity that there is no serial correlation among error terms. If
poses a positive impact on source credibility. As we this assumption is violated, error terms would be cor-
previously argued, this seemingly counterintuitive related with lagged independent variables, introduc-
finding is quite reasonable due to lenders’ strong de- ing bias into the estimation. To address this potential
sire for privacy in an investment-oriented context (Xu issue, we fit multilevel models that allow for first-
et al. 2008, Bansal et al. 2016, Pritchard 2020) like debt- order autoregressive correlation structure for resid-
based crowdfunding. Our finding complements an uals at the listing level. As reported in column (1) of
emerging stream of research that uncovers the posi- Table 5, despite changes in magnitude, the coefficients
tive role of perceived anonymity in various online set- of our key independent variables continue to support
tings, such as the trustworthiness of online reviews our main findings.
(Hong and Li 2017), quality of online posts (Lee et al.
2014), and online charity giving (Peacey and Sanders 4.1.4. Multilevel GMM. If the random intercepts in our
2014). Moreover, we show that the effect of perceived multilevel models are correlated with the herding
anonymity on herding is further moderated by risk- measure, our estimation could be biased due to the
related characteristics of various listings. This finding endogeneity stemming from such correlations. To ad-
supports the established notion that lenders are ratio- dress this concern, we fit models using the multilevel
nal observational learners who use observable attrib- generalized method of moments (GMM) estimators
utes to moderate their perception of preceding peers’ (Kim and Frees 2007). The results are robust, as re-
credibility (Zhang and Liu 2012), endorsing observa- ported in column (2) of Table 5.
tional learning as the behavioral mechanism that
drives herding. 4.1.5. Reflection Problem. The reflection problem
(Manski 1993) describes that the observed social
4.1. Robustness Checks interactions can arise from three sources: endogenous
In this section, we perform a series of robustness effects, exogenous (contextual) effects, and correlated
checks. Specifically, we use an alternative measure for effects. To identify social influence (such as herding in
herding, include additional listing sample, account for our study) that arises from endogenous effects, re-
serial correlation at the listing level, employ general- searchers must account for the other two sources, that
ized method of moments (GMM) estimators, and esti- is, exogenous and correlated effects. Failure to control
mate fixed-effects models. The consistent parameter those two effects could lead to endogenous group for-
estimates demonstrate the robustness of our main mation due to homophily (Kim and Viswanathan 2019).
findings. Put in our research framework, exogenous (contex-
tual) effects could arise when the observed herding is
4.1.1. Alternative Herding Measure. In our main anal- caused by the shared characteristics at the listing level.
ysis, we use the logarithm of the cumulative lending For example, the correlated behavior between a pre-
amount made to a listing as our herding measure. To decessor and a successor may be driven by some un-
rule out the possibility that the uncovered heteroge- observed listing characteristics, such as project type.
neous herding effects are attributed to a potential In this case, the inclusion of listing fixed effects can
change in the base of two predecessor groups, we use help control for homophily driven by listing-related
the logarithm of the average lending amount of previ- factors (Kim and Viswanathan 2019). On the other
ous transactions in this robustness check. Following a hand, correlated effects could also arise when the ob-
similar procedure, we decompose this alternative served correlated behavior is caused by similarity
herding measure according to the group membership. among lenders. For example, the correlated behavior
As column (1) of Table 4 presents, the new results cor- between a predecessor and a successor may be driven
roborate our main findings. by some unobserved lender characteristics, such as
Jiang et al.: The Effect of Perceived Anonymity on Herding
12 Information Systems Research, Articles in Advance, pp. 1–17, © 2021 INFORMS

Table 4. Alternative Herding Measure and Listing Sample

(1) Alternative herding measure (2) Alternative listing sample

Variable Perceived anonymity Risk-related factors Perceived anonymity Risk-related factors

Ya: Anonymous Predecessors 0.0462*** (0.0040) 0.0439*** (0.0041) 0.0534*** (0.0030) 0.0471*** (0.0031)
Yr: Real-seeming Predecessors 0.0170*** (0.0023) 0.0224*** (0.0030) 0.0222*** (0.0020) 0.0321*** (0.0027)
Lag Percent Needed 0.0097*** (0.0003) 0.0098*** (0.0003) 0.0145*** (0.0003) 0.0145*** (0.0003)
Lag Num of Transactions 0.0013*** (0.0004) 0.0023*** (0.0004) 0.0046*** (0.0004) 0.0063*** (0.0004)
Late Fundraising Stage 0.2308*** (0.0186) 0.4896*** (0.0724) 0.2772*** (0.0161) 0.7447*** (0.0708)
Time Interval −0.0066*** (0.0018) −0.0065*** (0.0018) −0.0003 (0.0017) −0.0007 (0.0017)
Real Sm Lender (1  yes) 0.0608* (0.0331) 0.0588* (0.0331) 0.0403 (0.0328) 0.0369 (0.0328)
Lender Device 0.1192*** (0.0144) 0.1186*** (0.0144) 0.1142*** (0.0136) 0.1136*** (0.0136)
log Amount Requested 0.0235* (0.0130) 0.0142 (0.0136) 0.0259** (0.0127) 0.0212 (0.0132)
Interest Rate 0.0461*** (0.0116) 0.0478*** (0.0118) 0.0807*** (0.0135) 0.0830*** (0.0138)
Loan Duration −0.0073*** (0.0016) −0.0075*** (0.0016) −0.0099*** (0.0019) −0.0101*** (0.0019)
Title Length −0.0016 (0.0014) −0.0017 (0.0014) −0.0011 (0.0016) −0.0011 (0.0016)
Credit Risky −0.0596 (0.0386) −0.0613 (0.0394) −0.0100 (0.0452) −0.0076 (0.0460)
Paid Loans −0.0004 (0.0036) −0.0007 (0.0037) 0.0014 (0.0038) 0.0006 (0.0039)
Overdue Loans −0.0015 (0.0023) −0.0007 (0.0035) −0.0022 (0.0026) −0.0009 (0.0039)
Real Sm Borrower (1  yes) −0.0079 (0.0153) −0.0075 (0.0155) −0.0055 (0.0174) −0.0061 (0.0177)
Age 0.0836 (0.0886) 0.0804 (0.0901) 0.0662 (0.0980) 0.0766 (0.0996)
Education (low) 0.0396 (0.0278) 0.0394 (0.0282) 0.0484* (0.0285) 0.0465 (0.0289)
Education (high) 0.0459* (0.0250) 0.0472* (0.0254) 0.0624*** (0.0231) 0.0638*** (0.0234)
Marriage (married) 0.0722 (0.0539) 0.0769 (0.0546) 0.0330 (0.0241) 0.0352 (0.0244)
Marriage (others) 0.0619 (0.0539) 0.0660 (0.0546) 0.0213 (0.0264) 0.0220 (0.0268)
Employment Length (short) 0.0064 (0.0183) 0.0059 (0.0186) 0.0021 (0.0214) 0.0001 (0.0217)
Employment Length (long) −0.0049 (0.0181) −0.0059 (0.0183) −0.0272* (0.0157) −0.0297* (0.0159)
Monthly Income (low) −0.0104 (0.0187) −0.0112 (0.0190) −0.0173 (0.0227) −0.0182 (0.0230)
Monthly Income (high) −0.0065 (0.0195) −0.0064 (0.0198) −0.0286 (0.0232) −0.0293 (0.0235)
Ya × Late Fundraising Stage −0.0276*** (0.0093) −0.0247*** (0.0092)
Yr × Late Fundraising Stage −0.0135*** (0.0036) −0.0115*** (0.0033)
Ya × Credit Risky 0.0004 (0.0037) 0.0003 (0.0038)
Yr × Credit Risky −0.0027 (0.0048) −0.0022 (0.0044)
Intercept 3.3082*** (0.2789) 3.2103*** (0.2832) 2.6309*** (0.3032) 2.4457*** (0.3085)
λ̂: Heckman correction term −0.2506*** (0.0337) −0.2519*** (0.0342) −0.1917*** (0.0464) −0.1909*** (0.0471)
σ2ηi : Lender-level variation 1.2159 1.2150 1.2068 1.2053
σ2ηj : Listing-level variation 0.0177 0.0199 0.0517 0.0548
Week fixed effects Yes Yes Yes Yes
Number of observations 64,925 64,925 86,662 86,662
Log-likelihood −101,571.4 −101,559.3 −134,934.1 −134,886.0
AIC 203,250.8 203,234.6 269,976.2 269,888.0
BIC 203,741.1 203,761.3 270,483.1 270,432.5
Note. Standard errors are reported in parentheses.
*p < 0.1; **p < 0.05; ***p < 0.01.

disposable income. In this case, adding lender fixed lender’s investment history during our observation
effects can help control for homophily driven by period.
lender-related factors (Burtch et al. 2016). Following
the strategy employed by Kim and Viswanathan 4.2.1. Primacy or Recency Effects. Prior literature
(2019) and Burtch et al. (2016), we conducted a robust- suggests that individuals tend to remember informa-
ness check by including fixed effects at both the listing tion that is presented at the beginning (primacy) and
and lender level. As shown in Table 6, the observed end (recency) of a list (e.g., Haugtvedt and Wegener
differentiated herding behavior toward distinct prede- 1994, Murphy et al. 2017). In our context, if the prima-
cessor groups continues to prevail. cy effect or the recency effect exists, lenders may rely
more on the easiest or the most recent transactions ap-
4.2. Additional Analyses pearing in the transaction log. To account for this pos-
We conduct additional analyses that may help re- sibility, we re-estimate (4) by investigating the role of
searchers further understand or expand our study.9 the (five or 10) earliest transactions (reported in Table
Specifically, we differentiate the herding effect from A3 of the online appendix) and the (five or 10) most
earlier or recent predecessors, account for the sentiment recent preceding transactions prior to a given lender
contained in usernames, and consider a subsequent funding activity (reported in Table A4 of the online
Jiang et al.: The Effect of Perceived Anonymity on Herding
Information Systems Research, Articles in Advance, pp. 1–17, © 2021 INFORMS 13

Table 5. Alternative Model Specifications

(1) First-order autoregression (2) GMM

Variable Perceived anonymity Risk-related factors Perceived anonymity Risk-related factors

Ya: Anonymous Predecessors 0.0795*** (0.0045) 0.0761*** (0.0047) 0.0761*** (0.0045) 0.0731*** (0.0047)
Yr: Real-seeming Predecessors 0.0252*** (0.0029) 0.0322*** (0.0040) 0.0240*** (0.0029) 0.0301*** (0.0040)
Lag Percent Needed 0.0150*** (0.0005) 0.0152*** (0.0005) 0.0142*** (0.0005) 0.0143*** (0.0005)
Lag Num of Transactions 0.0029*** (0.0005) 0.0047*** (0.0005) 0.0014*** (0.0005) 0.0024*** (0.0005)
Late Fundraising Stage 0.3024*** (0.0251) 0.7488*** (0.0983) 0.2975*** (0.0255) 0.5921*** (0.0980)
Time Interval −0.0036 (0.0024) −0.0034 (0.0024) −0.0044* (0.0024) −0.0043* (0.0024)
Real Sm Lender (1  yes) 0.0898*** (0.0183) 0.0880*** (0.0183) 0.0914*** (0.0186) 0.0901*** (0.0186)
Lender Device 0.1160*** (0.0117) 0.1156*** (0.0117) 0.1146*** (0.0119) 0.1139*** (0.0119)
log Amount Requested 0.0094 (0.0180) 0.0074 (0.0191) 0.0038 (0.0172) 0.0078 (0.0180)
Interest Rate 0.0759*** (0.0158) 0.0782*** (0.0163) 0.0861*** (0.0148) 0.0878*** (0.0150)
Loan Duration −0.0142*** (0.0022) −0.0144*** (0.0022) −0.0154*** (0.0020) −0.0155*** (0.0021)
Title Length −0.0029 (0.0019) −0.0030 (0.0020) −0.0028 (0.0018) −0.0028 (0.0018)
Credit Risky −0.0353 (0.0536) −0.0353 (0.0555) −0.0528 (0.0478) −0.0525 (0.0485)
Paid Loans −0.0044 (0.0050) −0.0045 (0.0051) −0.0049 (0.0043) −0.0052 (0.0044)
Overdue Loans −0.0046 (0.0032) −0.0073 (0.0050) −0.0030 (0.0030) −0.0044 (0.0046)
Real Sm Borrower (1  yes) −0.0107 (0.0214) −0.0111 (0.0219) −0.0111 (0.0201) −0.0115 (0.0203)
Age 0.0278 (0.1244) 0.0203 (0.1277) 0.0100 (0.1171) 0.0055 (0.1183)
Education (low) 0.0394 (0.0389) 0.0403 (0.0399) 0.0321 (0.0367) 0.0328 (0.0371)
Education (high) 0.0533 (0.0349) 0.0570 (0.0359) 0.0484 (0.0330) 0.0513 (0.0333)
Marriage (married) 0.0580 (0.0751) 0.0630 (0.0768) 0.0372 (0.0715) 0.0417 (0.0721)
Marriage (others) 0.0481 (0.0751) 0.0520 (0.0768) 0.0284 (0.0714) 0.0322 (0.0721)
Employment Length (short) 0.0093 (0.0256) 0.0074 (0.0262) 0.0074 (0.0242) 0.0065 (0.0244)
Employment Length (long) −0.0118 (0.0252) −0.0140 (0.0259) −0.0087 (0.0239) −0.0099 (0.0241)
Monthly Income (low) −0.0108 (0.0262) −0.0128 (0.0269) −0.0106 (0.0248) −0.0124 (0.0250)
Monthly Income (high) −0.0158 (0.0273) −0.0164 (0.0280) −0.0136 (0.0256) −0.0139 (0.0259)
Ya × Late Fundraising Stage −0.0491*** (0.0127) −0.0308** (0.0126)
Yr × Late Fundraising Stage −0.0207*** (0.0051) −0.0169*** (0.0051)
Ya × Credit Risky 0.0011 (0.0052) 0.0004 (0.0049)
Yr × Credit Risky −0.0035 (0.0066) −0.0022 (0.0065)
Intercept 1.6428*** (0.3802) 1.4729*** (0.3885) 1.6597*** (0.2563) 1.5379*** (0.2625)
λ̂: Heckman correction term −0.1181*** (0.0457) −0.1193** (0.0469) −0.1298** (0.0426) −0.1312*** (0.0430)
Week fixed effects Yes Yes Yes Yes
Number of observations 64,925 64,925 64,925 64,925
Log-likelihood −115,663.6 −115,663.9 −115,600.7 −115,614.0
AIC 231,435.1 231,443.7 231,483.4 231,550.0
BIC 231,925.5 231,970.3 232,763.8 233,012.1
Note. Standard errors are reported in parentheses.
*p < 0.1; **p < 0.05; ***p < 0.01.

appendix). The results support our main findings that appendix. The estimated coefficient of Frac Positive is
successors exhibit a stronger herding behavior toward positive and significant, suggesting that subsequent
predecessors presented with an anonymous username lenders tend to invest a larger amount when a large
than those with a real-seeming one. proportion of predecessors are presented with user-
names that convey positive meanings. However, we
4.2.2. Sentiment in Usernames. A username takes a find no evidence that these sentiment measures signif-
textual form that may contain positive, neutral, or icantly moderate the effect of perceived anonymity
negative meanings, and the sentiment embedded in a on herding.
username is likely to affect lenders’ herding behavior.
To capture the overall sentiment in predecessors’ 4.2.3. Previous Investment Records. We also consider
usernames, we calculate the fraction of preceding the potential impact of a lender’s short-term invest-
peers who are presented with usernames that convey ment history. We calculate the logarithm of a lender’s
positive (Frac Positive), neutral (Frac Neutral), and neg- cumulative number of transactions prior to the lend-
ative (Frac Negative) sentiment as recognized by re- er’s current transaction during our observation period
search assistants. We then include Frac Positive and (Lender Records) and include it as a moderator. Col-
Frac Negative as moderators in (4). Frac Neutral is umn (2) of Table A5 in the online appendix provides
dropped because of multicollinearity. The results are the results. We find that one’s short-term investment
reported in column (1) of Table A5 of the online history is negatively associated with one’s lending
Jiang et al.: The Effect of Perceived Anonymity on Herding
14 Information Systems Research, Articles in Advance, pp. 1–17, © 2021 INFORMS

Table 6. Results from the Fixed-Effect Models

Variable (1) Lender fixed effects (2) Listing fixed effects (3) Lender and listing fixed effects

Ya: Anonymous Predecessors 0.0288*** (0.0034) 0.1117*** (0.0047) 0.0431*** (0.0036)

Yr: Real-seeming Predecessors 0.0091*** (0.0021) 0.0520*** (0.0041) 0.0204*** (0.0032)
Lag Percent Needed 0.0079*** (0.0004) 0.0222*** (0.0005) 0.0126*** (0.0004)
Lag Num of Transactions 0.0026*** (0.0004) 0.0159*** (0.0006) 0.0066*** (0.0005)
Late Fundraising Stage 0.2055*** (0.0196) 0.3285*** (0.0261) 0.2307*** (0.0208)
Time Interval −0.0082*** (0.0019) −0.0022 (0.0026) −0.0006 (0.0020)
Real Sm Lender (1  yes) 0.0454 (0.7383) 0.4123 (0.6761) 0.0938 (0.9171)
Lender Device 0.1235*** (0.0196) 0.1261*** (0.0122) 0.1416*** (0.0203)
log Amount Requested 0.0255** (0.0121)
Interest Rate 0.0407*** (0.0103)
Loan Duration −0.0047*** (0.0014)
Title Length −0.0011 (0.0012)
Credit Risky −0.0626* (0.0327)
Paid Loans 0.0025 (0.0033)
Overdue Loans 0.00004 (0.0020)
Real Sm Borrower (1  yes) −0.0149 (0.0138)
Age 0.0918 (0.0783)
Education (low) 0.0396 (0.0248)
Education (high) 0.0459** (0.0222)
Marriage (married) 0.1022** (0.0495)
Marriage (others) 0.0876* (0.0495)
Employment Length (short) 0.0042 (0.0166)
Employment Length (long) −0.0041 (0.0163)
Monthly Income (low) −0.0113 (0.0169)
Monthly Income (high) −0.0069 (0.0174)
λ̂: Heckman correction term −0.2825*** (0.0304) −65.7518 (89.3102) 30.5200 (71.6562)
Week fixed effects Yes Yes Yes
Number of observations 64,925 64,925 64,925
Log-likelihood −78,513.3 −112,799.8 −74,935.8
AIC 192,758.6 232,673.5 192,573.6
BIC 354,996.8 264,792.5 386,458.5
Note. Standard errors are reported in parentheses.
*p < 0.1; **p < 0.05; ***p < 0.01.

amount, whereas it does not significantly moderate the Our findings complement prior research on herding.
observed effect of perceived anonymity on herding. Recent work finds empirical evidence of herding in
various contexts, such as dish choices from diners, kid-
ney refusals from patients, and lending activities from
5. Conclusion lenders (Cai et al. 2009, Zhang 2010, Herzenstein et al.
Online crowdfunding provides researchers an oppor- 2011). Some research further identifies factors that may
tunity to gain new insights into the role of perceived affect the magnitude of herding, such as network ties
anonymity in herding. This research pursues such an (Lee et al. 2015), listing attributes (Zhang and Liu
inquiry based on the data collected from a leading 2012), platform attributes, and government-imposed
debt-based crowdfunding platform. We find that regulations (Jiang et al. 2018). We show that subse-
subsequent lenders demonstrate stronger herding mo- quent lenders may exhibit dissimilar extents of herd-
mentum toward preceding peers who present them- ing behavior toward predecessors who are presented
selves with an anonymous username than those with with different states of perceived anonymity. Such a
a real-seeming one. This finding, which we attribute difference is more prominent under high-risk circum-
to a lower extent of perceived credibility resulting stances, such as the early stage of the fundraising peri-
from a nonconforming behavior, challenges the con- od. Besides, our findings also complement the emerg-
ventional wisdom that considers anonymity a nega- ing stream of literature that identifies the positive role
tive factor for source credibility. An extended analysis of perceived anonymity in a variety of settings, such as
further reveals that the positive effect of perceived an- trustworthiness of online reviews (Hong and Li 2017),
onymity on herding is accentuated in the early fund- quality of online posts (Lee et al. 2014), and so on.
raising stage. Nonetheless, we find no differentiated Our main findings lead to actionable recommenda-
herding effect between listings that have high-risk tions for managers of debt-based crowdfunding plat-
and low-risk grades. forms. For example, the role of the uncovered user
Jiang et al.: The Effect of Perceived Anonymity on Herding
Information Systems Research, Articles in Advance, pp. 1–17, © 2021 INFORMS 15

heterogeneity with respect to perceived credibility within a fixed time period (e.g., one day). Future re-
(manifested in observable personal cues such as user- search may leverage data on lenders’ browsing histo-
names) in herding should be better utilized to facili- ry to accurately recover their consideration set at the
tate lenders’ decision making. To illustrate, we show time of choice, accounting for lenders’ selection of list-
that predecessors who are presented with anonymous ings in a more precise manner. To mitigate the con-
usernames in our case are perceived as more credible cern about the reflection problem, we carry out fixed-
and hence induce a stronger herding magnitude from effects models as an alternative specification (similar
their successors. Accordingly, to encourage subse- to Kim and Viswanathan 2019 and Burtch et al. 2016)
quent lending activities (in amount), web designers and confirm that our results are robust. This strategy
can consider displaying previous transactions made can largely account for the correlated behavior in
by those lenders in a more salient fashion (e.g., listing crowdfunding settings like ours, where investors re-
them on the top of the transaction log), rather than list lease little personal information and have little room
all prior transactions in chronological order as is cur- for direct communication or information sharing (as
rently done. This new design feature is also likely to discussed by Kim and Viswanathan 2019). When de-
be useful in mitigating information overload on the mographic and geographic data are accessible in other
lenders’ side, particularly when they face listings that settings, researchers may also account for the potential
have received a large number of transactions. More- correlation among lenders according to other model
over, we find that the previous heterogeneity is specifications (e.g., a spatial autoregressive form).10
contingent on the fundraising stage. During the fund- Further, in addition to the perceived anonymity that
raising period, a prospective lender may face varying is present in our setting, perceived expertise may also
degrees of risk, and hence may have different needs play a role in forming the perceptions about source
for peer-generated lending information (find signals) credibility (Hovland et al. 1953, Ohanian 1990) in oth-
and peer differentiation (find credible signals). er online environments (e.g., Kim and Viswanathan
Crowdfunding platforms should be cognizant of such 2019). Researchers may explore whether and to what
needs and develop information-disclosure strategies extent observation learning is induced by source cred-
that provide useful risk-related information to facili- ibility stemming from peer expertise based on de-
tate lenders’ decision making. For example, though tailed information on peers’ knowledge and skills
the measure of fundraising progress is usually con- (self-reported or platform-generated).
structed as the percentage of the requested amount To conclude, our work is among the first empirical
that is funded, platforms could develop an alternative studies to investigate the effect of online anonymity
measure by incorporating additional information such on subsequent lenders’ herding behavior in a debt-
as the number of days left. Meanwhile, in designing based crowdfunding platform. Our finding regarding
the fundraising progress bar, platforms could use dif- online anonymity challenges the common wisdom
ferent colors to highlight different fundraising stages that considers anonymity a negative factor for source
(e.g., a dark color for early and late fundraising credibility. This finding would seem to be particularly
stages). Such a design may enable lenders to quickly relevant in similar investment-oriented contexts, such
get the fundraising progress information. as social lending. Because individuals face great risks
Empirical results from this work also have important in such contexts, they may actively engage in sophisti-
implications for borrowers who desire to seek money cated cognitive processing of peer anonymity. Per-
from the crowd. For example, we find that lenders are haps more broadly, however our work highlights the
less prone to participate in listings that offer high inter- significance of understanding online anonymity
est rates, perhaps because they rationally associate a through the lens of observational learning. Observa-
high return to a high level of risk. As such, borrowers tional learning has become increasingly important in
who are in urgent need of money should refrain from individual decision making in online environments
overcommitting to interest rates that are much higher due to improved visibility and traceability. Consider-
than market prices as this strategic move is likely to ing this trend, our work may inspire further interest
backfire in the end. To encourage participation from the in understanding the role of online anonymity and
crowd, borrowers instead should exert effort in provid- uncovering interesting behavioral mechanisms in oth-
ing more information about their listings, at least in the er settings where a similar observational learning
length of listing title as our empirical results suggest. mechanism has a strong presence, such as online re-
This work has some limitations that can point direc- views, online health, or online education.
tions for future research. As with most empirical stud-
ies of crowdfunding, we have limited information Acknowledgments
about individual lenders. For example, in controlling The authors thank the senior editor, the associate editor,
for lenders’ choice of listings, we construct lenders’ and the anonymous reviewers for constructive comments
consideration sets based on their transaction records throughout the review process.
Jiang et al.: The Effect of Perceived Anonymity on Herding
16 Information Systems Research, Articles in Advance, pp. 1–17, © 2021 INFORMS

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In addition to listings that were comparable to those available on 141–172.
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